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周伟庆 《教师》2014,(26):122-123
新课程的改革推动了教学的发展,对教师也提出了更高的要求。说课是教师实施教学前的教学设想活动,是教师进行教学活动必须具备的一项技能,在教学改革中教师的说课能力也越来越受到重视。通过提高说课技能不但有利于提高化学教师的教育理论素养,而且能减少化学教师在教学中的失误以提高其教学水平。就此,本文针对高职化学教师说课能力的训练提出了一些方法。  相似文献   

说课是目前在校师范生专业技能训练的重要环节。缺乏一线教学经历的缺陷是影响师范生提高说课质量的一大障碍,这一缺陷直接导致了以下问题:学生在说课中对整节课缺乏统筹安排、设计的教学方法重形式不重内涵、采用的教学手段脱离实际等。把师范生专业技能训练的基地从大学向中学转移,高师院校教师端正对师范生专业技能训练的片面看法,在专业课教学中及早开展包括说课在内的技能训练,是加强师范生对真实课堂体验、提高说课质量、促进其专业能力全面提高的重要策略。  相似文献   

说课是对教育活动设计和组织的一个语言表述过程。在广大教师积极参与过程中,说课可以对教师进行全面了解,并进行综合评价,从而促进了教师素质的提高,大面积提高教学质量。本文以高职教学中《环境监测》这门课程的说课为例进行阐述。  相似文献   

“说课”是目前大多数幼儿园采用的教学研究方式。但幼儿教师.尤其是新入职的幼儿教师“说课”水平不容乐观。作者对幼儿园新入职教师及部分高职院校学前教育专业学生的说课训练现状进行了调查。发现“说课”受到了幼儿园和高职学前教育专业越来越多的重视,但当前新入职教师“说课”训练中普遍存在“说课内容”和“说课实践”两方面问题。只有充分认识这些问题,注重问题的解决,幼师的“说课”能力和水平才能得到切实提高。  相似文献   

说课训练对提高未来的人民教师的整体素质具有重要意义。加强说课训练,提高师范生执教素质可分四步走:一、理论指导训练伊始,先给学生介绍说课基本理论,让学生了解说课的具体内容,掌握说课讲稿的写法,明确说课应注意的问题,并结合范例进行分析、评议;重温教育学、心理学等教育教学理论知识,研究怎样按学生心理  相似文献   

在阅读教学中对学生进行语言表达的训练,已成为广大小学语文教师的共识.没有语言表达训练的阅读教学课可以说几乎是没有的.那么如何让学生语言的表达训练更有实效,仍是阅读教学中需要探讨的问题. 下面是二年级语文阅读教学中的一个教学案例,这是教师在教完课文《送给盲婆婆的蝈蝈》(苏教版《语文》(二下)的第三小节后,对学生进行语言表达训练的一个教学片段.  相似文献   

微格说课"是一种新的教研活动,它将说课过程分为若干步骤,每个步骤着重训练某一项技能(如教学目标制定、教材知识结构分析、重难点问题处理等),在训练中充分利用录像等视听技术,认真研究教师的说课录像,提出改进意见,以期迅速提高其说课水平。 一、逐格培训,分步达标 教研组应作出具体的工作部署,利用每周业务活动时间开展微格说课培训。教研组人员首先应深入课堂听课,观看教学录像,对每一位教师先要有一个基本的估计和了解,然后针对每人的弱格,给以指导帮助。如有的教师在"选择教法"上是弱格,教研组就安排这些教师精读有关…  相似文献   

说课是一种教学研究和教师基本功训练的活动形式。对于师范生来说,说课不失为一种促进理论与实践相结合、提高教学水平和教研能力的好办法。那么,如何进行说课呢﹖所谓说课,就是教师在备课的基础上,向同行、专家解说自己对具体课程的理解,阐述自己的教学观点,表述自己的教学设想、方法、策略及其理论依据等,再由听者评议、交流、研讨的一种教研形式。一般的说课,主要包括说教材,说教学目标,说教法,说学法,说教学过程。在说课训练中,师范生要做好“三研”:1.研究课程标准、教材和教学用书。课程标准是指导教学的纲领性文件,只有探入钻研,弄清…  相似文献   

论高师院校师范类学生说课技能的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说课不仅是广大教师的一项基本技能,也是高师院校师范类学生的必修技能之一。加强和改进师范生说课技能的训练,不仅有利于加强师范生和中小学教育教学的联系,也有利于师范生整体素质的提高,从而提高其就业能力和适应社会的能力。文章从说课的概念、类型、内容及提高说课技能训练的意义入手,着重论述了如何提高师范生说课技能,以期为改进和加强高师院校师范类学生素质训练提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

在阅读教学中对学生进行语言表达的训练,已成为广大小学语文教师的共识。但如何让学生语言的表达训练更有实效,仍是阅读教学中需要探讨的问题。下面一个教学案例,是教师在教完课文《送给盲婆婆的蝈蝈》的第3小节后,对学生进行语言表达训练的一个教学片段。师:咯咯,咯咯,蝈蝈为盲婆婆唱着歌。歌声还会领着盲婆婆走到哪儿?盲婆婆又会看到什么?学着书上的句子,能试着说说吗?  相似文献   

The study focused on the interpretations of eight “good” or effective Secondary One teachers. It suggests that the teachers interpreted the “text” (consisting of 12 elements) on the basis of their practical knowledge. The teachers tended to describe the literal meaning of the content. This, however, is a rather restricted form of interpretation which ignores the role of both the reader and the plurality of meanings in the message(s) of the text. To be receptive to the text, the teachers need to reflect on their often taken-for-granted knowledge and practices. The repertory grid was used to elicit such tacit knowledge. Like a mirror, the grid reflected to the teacher his or her own frame of reference for his or her consideration. This is a vital first step in the transformation of both the teacher and his or her interpretation of the text.  相似文献   

历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。本文试从刘长卿诗歌中运用最多的象征性意象——“白云”入手,对其象征义进行解读,并简要探讨刘诗中惯用象征性意象的原因。  相似文献   

以精神分析学的相关理论审视阿Q,笔者发现阿Q的无意识很值得挖掘.本文以作品材料为据.从阿Q的食色本能与醉梦状态两方面对之进行阐析,以求对加深理解这一典型人物和作家高超的写作技巧有所帮助。  相似文献   

随着研究生教育大众化与国际化的不断发展,研究生教育质量政策的价值取向呈现出几个阶段性演进迭代的变化趋势,并对应价值倡导、规范限定、资源配置与信息公开等四类相应的政策工具。在此过程中,研究生教育质量从统一理念走向多元内涵,在政府、市场、高校、高校师生及理论界等多元主体的互动中,研究生培养质量逐渐被视为研究生教育质量的关键内容,成为高校研究生教育自主发展的核心价值诉求,这也是成长中的研究生教育学学科理论话语体系中的一个核心概念。  相似文献   

This article is based on one of the several case studies of recent graduates of a teacher education programme that is founded upon inquiry-based, field-oriented and learner-focussed principles and practices and that is centrally concerned with shaping teachers who can enact strong inquiry-based practices in Kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms. The analysis draws on interviews with one graduate, and on video data collected in his multi-aged Grade 1/2 classroom, to explore some of the ways in which this new teacher enacted inquiry-based teaching approaches in his first year of teaching and to consider his capacity to communicate his understanding of inquiry. This article presents implications for beginning teachers’ collaborative practices, for the assessment of new teachers and for practices in preservice teacher education.  相似文献   

The present article presents a rubric we developed for assessing the quality of scientific explanations by science graduate students. The rubric was developed from a qualitative analysis of science graduate students’ abilities to explain their own research to an audience of non‐scientists. Our intention is that use of the rubric to characterise explanations of science by scientists, some of whom become professors, would lead to better teaching of science at the university level. This would, in turn, improve retention of qualified and diverse scientists, some of whom may elect to become science teachers. Our rubric is useful as an instrument to help evaluate scientific explanations because it distinguishes between the content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge of scientists, as well as a scientist’s ability to integrate the two in the service of a clear and coherent explanation of his or her research. It is also generally useful in evaluating, or self‐evaluating, science explanations by science professors and researchers, graduate students preparing to be scientists, science teachers and pre‐service teachers, as well as students who are explaining science as part of learning.  相似文献   

苏霍姆林斯基在逝世前一年发表了重要文章《人是最高价值》,阐述了关于"人学"的基本观点:学校为学生而存在,教师不可"目中无人";学校的培养目标是"真正的人";不断改进教育教学,增强教育魅力;从培养"平民人格"做起,逐步提高育人水平。  相似文献   

It is often assumed that graduate students will develop as teacher educators simply by participating in a doctoral program. However, research has shown that doctoral students find the shift from teaching K-12 to preparing teachers to be a difficult transition. Within the context of a doctoral program community of practice established specifically for the purpose of examining this transition through self-study research, we sought to understand the shift in identity of a novice teacher educator working as an early field experience instructor with elementary science and mathematics preservice teachers. Our findings indicate that the process of self-study research, when supported within a community of practice, offered Jared the opportunity to recognize different aspects of his shifting professional identity, the dominance of particular aspects of his identity in certain situations, and the impact this was having on his students’ development as teachers. Developing this awareness of his adapting professional teaching identity from a classroom teacher to a teacher educator should help as he continues to develop his knowledge and skills working with teachers in different contexts and at different grade levels. Implications for how teacher education programs could better support the professional identity development of novice teacher educators through the use of a self-study focused community of practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A graduate student in early childhood education discusses observations of his children during and after Hurricanes Rita and Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. He relates his use of responsive parenting and provides examples of his children's learning and play that emerged after the storms. He reflects upon how aspects of developmentally appropriate practice are applicable to parenting and how teachers may support reciprocal relationships with families.  相似文献   

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