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学校组织变革是当代各国教育管理学者关注的热点问题之一,开展了诸多的研究。这些研究从不同的视角对学校组织变革的内容、策略及过程和阶段进行了探究,本文力图在对其梳理和分析的基础上,揭示学校组织变革研究的现状和未来走向。  相似文献   

新课程与学校组织变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新课程是当前学校组织变革的主要驱动力。新课程对学校组织的工作任务、教职工、组织结构、教育技术四个变量提出了变革要求。为了应对新课程的挑战,学校组织变革应采取如下策略:建立扁平化的组织结构;使学校成为学习型组织;确立校本管理模式;变革学校领导方式;建立新型的合作教学文化;倡导行动研究。  相似文献   

赵桂鹤 《文教资料》2013,(14):93-95
学校是教师专业成长与发展的重要场所,是教师专业素质形成的重要环境,教师发展需要学校组织的支撑,需要学校创建发挥教师智慧和创造力的平台,需要学校为教师成长提供持续不断的动力支持。就当前情况而言,学校组织结构在一定程度上阻碍了教师的专业发展,教师发展与学校组织功能性冲突的消解,以及学校组织对于教师专业化发展促进作用的发挥,需要通过学校组织结构的整合来实现。  相似文献   

教师发展与学校组织变革创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学校组织特性表明,学校不仅是学生生命成长的地方,也是教师发展、教师生命价值实现的场所。"自我更新"、"主动发展"是教师发展的动力。教师发展是在学校组织中进行的,现行教师发展研究缺少对教师发展的外在保障机制——学校组织层面的深入研究。基础教育学校组织应当实现从价值标准到组织形式、运行机制的变革,以保证教师的发展,实现学校真正意义上的转型。  相似文献   

当前的学校组织存在着一些“病症”,影响了其发展,因此学校的组织变革势在必行。笔者提出了简约化、民主化、开放化等组织变革的价值取向,介绍了二级化、网络化、开放化等模式,阐述了推进学校组织变革的策略。  相似文献   

李希贵 《上海教育》2013,(36):25-31
学校组织变革像其他任何组织变革一样,都是事关组织发展的重要举措,几乎在任何一所学校都随时随地发生着,但却常常被大部分管理者所忽视,有的缺少系统思考,没有顶层设计;有的缺乏充分准备,改革匆匆上马,迅速陷入僵局;有的目标不明,甚至是就变革说变革,为改革而改革。如此种种,不但严重影响了学校发展,挫伤了老师们改革的积极性,甚至在许多老师心目中形成了变革恐惧症、焦躁症,对学校未来的改革也埋下了隐患。  相似文献   

扁平化的组织结构不足以支撑学校深入而持续的变革。变革型学校的经验表明,通过赋予教师专业决策权,成立小型化、彼此连接和支持、高度专业导向的网络组织,能够有效激发学校变革活力。在学校发展愿景及改革共识的整合下,网络组织不是以与传统科层组织对立的姿态出现,而是彼此融合,共同构成“双元驱动型”学校组织结构,共同服务于学校变革。这是以教师领导力为核心以及校长领导力转型并形成学校领导力后必然发生的组织结构变革。  相似文献   

学校变革中需要关注未被充分利用的资源——家长和社区的力量,因为这种力量的引入有助于确立良好的公共信心,有助于促成变革中良性压力的形成,有助于强化学校自身的知识基础。要突破目前家长、社区与学校合作关系发展的瓶颈则是建立本质上共生互惠的合作关系。家长和社区参与不仅仅只是为了实现学校变革,同时也是为了家长自身和社区的共同发展。  相似文献   

对于今天的学校组织来说,变革不仅仅是为了成功,更是为了在日益激烈的竞争环境中获得生存,及时地反思变革,是变革或者说是学校生存不可缺少的一个部分。深入反思现有变革的问题,可以发现变革的根本症结既存在于变革实践之中,还存在于指导变革的思维方式,更存有组织理论准备不足的先天缺陷。  相似文献   

协和小学的"协和",是指"协力和衷"之意.作为一种学校传统精神,"协力和衷"强调的是人的同心、人的合作,这与当今管理学所强调的人本管理在理念上具有内在的一致性.  相似文献   

A random sample of 213 school psychologists working in a school setting completed a survey on their schools' current anti‐bullying practices. Talking with bullies following bullying incidents, disciplinary consequences for bullies, and increasing adult supervision were the three most frequently used strategies. Peer juries/court, an anti‐bullying committee, and peer counselors were least frequently used, according to respondents. School‐wide positive behavior support, modifying space and schedule, and immediate responses to bullying incidents were perceived as most effective, whereas avoiding contact between bullies and victims, a zero‐tolerance policy with bullies, and a written anti‐bullying policy were least effective. Results and implications are discussed within the context of empirically supported practices. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

试析美国研究型大学基层学术组织模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国研究型大学基层学术组织是以学科为基础的独立的、自主的学术组织。其组织规模主要根据教学科研任务的需要来决定。其内部管理以教授统治为主,采取的是少数服从多数的决策机制。总结和归纳美国研究型大学基层学术组织的现状与改革动向,对于探讨我国研究型大学未来的改革重点与方向具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Surveys were carried out to assess the UK government’s anti‐bullying pack Don’t suffer in silence in 1996 (after the first edition) and 2002 (after the second edition), to investigate what schools are doing about bullying, and the effect of anti‐bullying policies becoming a legal requirement. Schools in England were approached, randomly but within the constraint of having a spread across geographical regions. In 1996 109 schools and in 2002 148 schools were asked about school policy, interventions, and bullying frequency. Most schools moved from having a bullying policy as part of a broader policy on behaviour and discipline, to having a separate anti‐bullying policy. More schools attempted to survey the extent of bullying and there were changes in the use of particular interventions. Most interventions were rated as moderately useful. Some variations in use and satisfaction between different school levels were found. The implications of anti‐bullying work at schools and its success are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper tells a story about progressivism, schools and schools of education in twentieth‐century America. Depending on one's position in the politics of education, this story can assume the form of a tragedy or a romance, or perhaps even a comedy. The heart of the tale is the struggle for control of American education in the early twentieth century between two factions of the movement for progressive education. The administrative progressives won this struggle, and they reconstructed the organization and curriculum of American schools in a form that has lasted to the present day. Meanwhile the other group, the pedagogical progressives, who failed miserably in shaping what we do in schools, did at least succeed in shaping how we talk about schools. Professors in schools of education were caught in the middle of this dispute, and they ended up in an awkwardly compromised position. Their hands were busy—preparing teachers to work within the confines of the educational system established by the administrative progressives, and carrying out research to make this system work more efficiently. But their hearts were with the pedagogues. So they became the high priests of pedagogical progressivism, keeping this faith alive within the halls of the education school, and teaching the words of its credo to new generations of educators. Why is it that American education professors have such a longstanding, deeply rooted and widely shared rhetorical commitment to the progressive vision? The answer can be found in the convergence between the history of the education school and the history of the child‐centered strand of progressivism during the early twentieth century. Historical circumstances drew them together so strongly that they became inseparable. As a result, progressivism became the ideology of the education professor. Education schools have their own legend about how this happened, which is a stirring tale about a marriage made in heaven, between an ideal that would save education and a stalwart champion that would fight the forces of traditionalism to make this ideal a reality. As is the case with most legends, there is some truth in this account. But here a different story is told. In this story, the union between pedagogical progressivism and the education school is not the result of mutual attraction but of something more enduring: mutual need. It was not a marriage of the strong but a wedding of the weak. Both were losers in their respective arenas: child‐centered progressivism lost out in the struggle for control of American schools, and the education school lost out in the struggle for respect in American higher education. They needed each other, with one looking for a safe haven and the other looking for a righteous mission. As a result, education schools came to have a rhetorical commitment to progressivism that is so wide that, within these institutions, it is largely beyond challenge. At the same time, however, this progressive vision never came to dominate the practice of teaching and learning in schools—or even to reach deeply into the practice of teacher educators and researchers within education schools themselves.  相似文献   

当前,职业教育出现的问题很大程度上根源于职业学校的效能低下。其主要原因之一是职业学校组织结构不合理。因此,应该重视对职业学校组织结构的改革和建设,使其为提高职业学校效能服务。  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary collaboration is considered to be very important for the education of pupils with special educational needs and particularly those pupils with the most severe disabilities. This research adopts a multiple case‐study design in order to understand collaboration and the integration of services and the effectiveness of these among pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD) in Greece. The teams, choosing case studies in five special schools, considered 10 pupils and their parents. Reviews and analyses of the legislation; the use of diaries; participant observations and semi‐structured interviews were used for the collection of data. Two different models of service integration which provide different opportunities to the inclusion of pupils with PMLD were revealed since schools have different methods of integrating health and social professionals. In the first model, the school works with outside services, whereas in the second, services are within the school. In addition, roles and responsibilities differ within the different models. Service integration and collaboration were found to be more effective in schools where teachers and health and social professionals work under the same management. The study suggests the expansion of the second model of multidisciplinary collaboration with the integration in schools of health therapists, educational psychologists and social workers.  相似文献   

According to the ethos of the nineteenth century common school, all students are assigned the same tasks, and in all the same powers developed. Twentieth century innovations such as ability grouping are foreign to the common school's egalitarian ideal. Such innovations may reinforce connections between students' ascribed background characteristics and school achievement. Proponents of the common school sought to sever these connections. Coleman, Hoffer, and Kilgore, inHigh School Achievement (1982), argue that private schools are more in keeping with the common school tradition than public schools. In their view, private schools offer greater meritocratic justice than public schools; this is due to the fact that private schools minimize the impact of students' background characteristics, such as race and family income, on achievement. Our findings, however, are inconsistent with those of Coleman et al. We use a data set provided by the Educational Testing Service in which public and private subgroups are approximately equal with respect to measured background factors, and we employ a more adequate complement of independent variables, along with outcome measures which appear to be more curriculum sensitive than those employed by Coleman et al. Our regression results indicate that private secondary schools are no more effective than public schools at severing the connections between background characteristics and measured achievement in English, math, and American history.  相似文献   

In this paper, we draw on Bernstein's [1996. Pedagogy, symbolic control and identity: Theory, research, critique. London: Taylor and Francis] notion of framing of pedagogical communication to propose a framework for use in specific literacy contexts. Here, we illustrate how this framework has emerged from an examination of text response online discussions in the English/Language Arts curriculum in primary and secondary school contexts ostensibly concerned with the development of critical literacies. We focus on the selection of the literary texts and the prompts around those, the pacing and sequencing of the discussion, and the way in which responses are negotiated online. Using this framework in two specific contexts, we find that the more mediated, but less interactive framing in one institutional context tends to support the development of desired critical literacy practices, while the less mediated but more interactive framing of the online discussions in the second context is less supportive of such literacy practices. We suggest that this analytical framework could be adapted for use in a range of online contexts in order to make more visible the extent to which the intended forms of literacy are realised and which interactional affordances are exploited in the process.  相似文献   

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