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"Panorama of the Capital City" (Qing Ming Shang He Tu) of the Song Dynasty. "Five Ox" of the Tang Dynasties... So many invaluable and world famous paintings that have been often heard of but never seen now come close to the general public. From later last year to early this year, 72 painting masterpieces that are considered national treasures were selected from the Forbidden City, Shanghai Museum and Liaoning Museum to appear at an exhibition held in Shanghai Museum. Those exhibits attract visitors not only with their incalculable artistic value but also with incredible stories behind them.  相似文献   

Writing is one of the most remarkable skills of mankind. Human culture can be continued and preserved with writing.In the early 20th century, the fountain pen began to replace the brush which had been used by Chinese for more than one millennium. In 1928, the first home-made pen was produced in Shanghai. After new China was founded in 1949, the fountain pen became the most popular writing tool, thanks to its portability and convenience in writing and storage. A  相似文献   

The article analyzes the 2011 Supreme Court decision in which video games were granted full First Amendment protection. By comparing this case with earlier ones dealing with computer code, the article points to inconsistencies in how the courts are approaching digital media. These inconsistencies are symptomatic of a focus on the screen or the treatment of digital media as commodities. This status and the pervasive logic of commodity fetishism are what, in our current legal and economic environment, enabled the protection of games as pure speech. In actuality, the decision protected corporate rights and speech.  相似文献   

Chinese people began to fire bricks in kilns more than 2000 years ago when bricks weremade to build the Great Wall during the Qin Dynasty.In November 2002,some60ancient brick kiln sites were discovered in the remains ofthe ancient Great Wall at the foot of the Yanshan Mountain Range.  相似文献   

This article seeks primarily to call for a reappraisal of Richard Bulliet's well-known “curve of conversion” and of its interpretation, for it has been largely misinterpreted. It is argued, with particular reference to the Christian experience in al-Andalus, that reading the data as Bulliet intended could have a significant effect on how we view the historical process of conversion in the early Islamic world. Thus, since Bulliet's data do not support the prevailing view regarding Christianity's survival under Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula, it is proposed that the evidence available in the particularly weak historical record for this period and place is enough to warrant reconsideration of the nature and length of that survival.  相似文献   

Between national and state budget cuts in education and an ever increasing push toward the English Only movement, a rise in dropout rates for Hispanic students is imminent. National data show the percentage of Hispanic students who drop out of high school to be nearly 60% in some states including Michigan, South Dakota, West Virginia, Alabama, Connecticut, South Carolina, Nevada, and Ohio. While numerous studies have been conducted to find out why this is happening, the research findings indicate a complexity of issues surrounding Hispanic student achievement, ranging from a lack of linguistic ability in English to issues of self-esteem. While nearly 4.7 million students are being served in programs of language assistance, this article focuses on Hispanic students as an illustrative example of a larger phenomenon: Reproductive acculturation disguised as benevolence, carried out by linguistic hegemony.  相似文献   

挽棉  甄春亮 《世界文化》2006,(12):30-32
他们在繁华背后转身,终于看见寂寞之中的温暖。他们今生只能擦肩而过,等待下一个五百年的轮回。他抽Camel牌的香烟,姿势淡定而又模糊。有微蹙的眉头和一身利落的黑。常常隐在地铁站昏暗的角落中,不看人亦不看风景。烟雾包围住他那张棱角分明的脸,像是隔了一世的恩怨情仇。她每天买一纸杯纯牛奶,一口气喝完,像是一头缺水的小兽。银耳环在酒红的头发间忽隐忽现,如同她年轻而躁动的灵魂。一只泰迪熊被挂在书包后面,跟随她走过了无数的城市。漂泊,继续漂泊。他习惯了如此的生活,周而复始,等待地铁以及生命中的惊喜。偶尔去跳一夜的舞,喝少许的…  相似文献   

陈德富 《寻根》2003,(3):96-99
汉字是表词文字体系中的幸运儿,在世界上的几种古老的表词文字体系大都已经死亡的惨淡背景下,汉字却一枝独秀,其奥妙何在呢?苏联文字学家伊斯特林曾经从汉语特点的角度对这个问题作过回答。他认为,汉字长寿是基于汉字适应汉语特点的原因:一是汉语的词根孤立性的语法结构,二是汉语的通过单音节词组合的方式进行的构词法,三是汉语存在大量读音相近的词素,四是中国存在着极不相同的地区方言。近几年,人们又总结了汉字所独有的许多长处,这当然也是其长寿的原因。而当代文字学家张玉金先生则从文化的角度探讨了这一问题,给人耳目一新之感。他认为…  相似文献   

穆昭阳 《寻根》2010,(3):119-121
2009年一个炎炎的夏日,我们躲开了武汉的酷热,前往湖北省恩施州鹤峰县中营乡做社会调查,来到了一个从外迁入并定居于此的村落—三家台蒙古族村。这个村子是成吉思汗"黄金家族"后裔的一支,元末明初的时候,为躲避朱元璋的追杀,逃至湖北鹤峰地区,  相似文献   

Subcultures can appear in multicultural societies not only by the contact of existing cultures but also by cultures that remain constant while the larger society changes. A recent movie, Dark Waters, is an example of this process. Parasite and Joker, two other recent movies, both Academy Award winners, differ from the first in the ways they present the process of subcultural development. Dark Waters shows a marginal community getting effective assistance from an established law firm, while Parasite and Joker show marginal subcultures that develop their own illegitimate methods of responding to marginalization, with disastrous results. The people with legal help remain bitter and pessimistic, while the people resorting to deviant resistance become cheerful and amused, untroubled by the mass homicide their comic attitude brings.  相似文献   

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