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In many countries today, public higher education operates within some form of market framework, typically a government‐regulated quasi‐market. However, having created a market environment, how should the government agencies involved act when they wish to use higher education to achieve a particular policy goal? This paper considers the impact on the English higher education market of an initiative by the national funding agency to expand Chinese studies. It is argued that, in an already competitive market, this intervention led to the misallocation of resources because it encouraged universities to expand provision in ways that they would not otherwise have done. As a result, although some effective new provision resulted, excess capacity was created overall. It can be argued that the collective understanding of the universities about this specific market was more accurate than that of an expert committee advising on national provision. The paper suggests how intervention might have been more effectively arranged.  相似文献   

在市场经济和高等教育大众化条件下,高等教育资源的配置是政府调控、市场调节、高校自主三支力量相互制衡、博弈的结果,三者之间彼此互动,此消彼长:政府在高等教育资源配置中的管控力量逐步消减,市场介入高等教育资源配置的领域和力量日益扩大,高校作为政府力量的执行者、教育资源的消费者和市场力量的承受者,通过大学自治、学术自由、学生自主已经成为资源配置中不可忽视的第三支力量。高等教育资源配置原有的政府—市场二元模式随之被政府—市场—高校"三位一体"模式所取代。  相似文献   

论转型时期高等教育发展中的政府责任   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和完善以及高等教育由精英向大众化转型的背景下,政府必须转变其高等教育管理职能,但转变并不意味着放弃,政府在高等教育发展中将承担着越来越重要的责任。承担高等教育发展的主要财政,培育高等教育竞争市场,发展教育中介组织,构建教育法律体系,均衡高等教育区域发展,引导高等教育价值观念,是政府必须承担的主要高等教育责任。  相似文献   

俄罗斯"叫停"部分高校分校的动因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然俄罗斯政府将教育定义为"商品",使教育产业市场化发展的空间越来越大,但俄罗斯政府决策层却认为国立和私立大学的一些分校的办学条件差,教育质量得不到保证,会影响俄罗斯未来社会的发展.俄罗斯教育产业市场的相关经济数据表明,转型后的俄罗斯是一个充满矛盾的集合体,俄罗斯教育产业的快速市场化就孕育发展在这个充满矛盾的集合体中,"叫停"部分高校分校是一种必然.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the relevance of harmonising higher education and innovation strategies in the context of fostering economic growth, illustrated by the particular weak point in the case of Canada. The present-day market for highly-skilled labour is global and therefore increasingly porous. A government that wishes to avoid losing its highly-skilled workers to countries that can provide more attractive conditions must aim at investing simultaneously in tertiary education and science and engineering infrastructure. Ideally, supply (higher education) and demand side (innovation) policies would interact in a balanced way. Canada is located at the two extreme ends of investment in higher education and innovation and will be compared to other OECD countries. The paper concludes that seeking policy convergence in innovation and higher education with leading countries is not sufficient to reach growth and can produce disappointing results for talented people whose career expectations may remain unfulfilled. It is therefore crucial for a country to develop higher education and innovation 'in harmony' with the global context and also to achieve harmony between other policies and institutions in its own national context.  相似文献   

高等教育资源配置转换过程是学术、市场、政府三种配置力量不断调整与选择的过程。“三种配置力量制衡”模型可用来描述在三种配置力量的作用下能够实现资源相对优化配置的约束条件。对改革开放以来我国高等教育资源配置制度转换过程的考察表明,确立在法律框架下的产权主体和产权制度,确立政府在新的市场经济与法制框架下的行为“重构”,是实现资源配置相对优化的基本条件,也是约束条件。大学组织治理模式深受社会制度的约束,我们应该研究它的不同组织治理模式与市场、政府、学术三种力量制衡背后的制度关系,从中把握某种规律和变迁趋势。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of gender and ‘race’ on young people's perceptions of the educational and labour market opportunities available to them after they complete their compulsory schooling in England. Its findings are based on a study of the views of girls and boys about the government‐supported ‘Apprenticeships’ programme, which, because it reflects labour market conditions, is highly gendered and also segregated by ethnicity. The research shows that young people receive very little practical information and guidance about the consequences of pursuing particular occupational pathways, and are not engaged in any formal opportunities to debate gender and ethnic stereotyping as related to the labour market. This is particularly worrying for females, who populate apprenticeships in sectors with lower completion rates and levels of pay, and which create less opportunity for progression. In addition, the research reveals that young people from non‐White backgrounds are more reliant on ‘official’ sources of guidance (as opposed to friends and families) for their labour market knowledge. The article argues that, because good‐quality apprenticeships can provide a strong platform for lifelong learning and career progression, young people need much more detailed information about how to compare a work‐based pathway with full‐time education. At the same time, they also need to understand that apprenticeships (and jobs more generally) in some sectors may result in very limited opportunities for career advancement.  相似文献   

The relationship between governments and higher education institutions has been changing in Europe over the last few decades. The mechanisms of steering and regulation have moved away from the model of centralised control by allowing more institutional autonomy. Even if the government has been using an increasing array of market and market-like mechanisms instead of more traditional regulation mechanisms, the state has not really stepped back in favour of the market, and this has led to a hybrid situation where increased institutional autonomy is still facing significant government regulation — the Janus Head effect. It is our opinion that the regulation of higher education cannot be left in the sole hands of the market, and for this reason hybridism can play a very important role.  相似文献   

市场扭曲与高等教育学费定价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育学费在一定程度上已经具有价格的某些功能,发挥着价格机制对教育资源的配置作用。但由于高等教育的巨大外部性,往往导致其市场扭曲,高等教育的学费定价不能完全按照等价交换原则来进行。高等教育收益的不可分割及其风险性、高等教育资源的稀缺及其垄断性、高等教育供需矛盾以及教育信息不对称等对学费定价有着不同的影响。规范政府和学校定价行为,改革政府学费规制是学费政策的现实选择。  相似文献   

按照我国构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,高等教育和谐发展应包括目标性和谐、结构性和谐与机制性和谐。为实现高等教育和谐发展,政府应发挥积极作用,因为高等教育市场是一个不完全竞争的市场,政府要在维护社会的公平角度促进高等教育机会均等。这就需要政府在高等教育发展战略与规划领域、结构调整领域、机制协调领域发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

对21世纪的高等教育来说,全球化既是其外部生存条件无法避免的特征,也是用以分析其与市场、政府关系的一个关键词。在主权国家条件下,政府对高等教育的作用无疑是非常关键的,与市场一起构成了传统的权力矩阵模型。但在日益呈现无边界特征的全球高等教育服务市场中,政府与高等教育之间的关系因为市场力量的强大而变得复杂,政府的角色需要重新定义,三者之间的权力矩阵关系也需要在无边界的背景下重新梳理。  相似文献   

高职教育起步晚、底子薄,主要靠政府扶植维持发展,在计划经济起主导作用的时代,政府的扶持对高职教育发展起到了积极作用,但是随着社会主义市场经济的壮大,政府逐渐成为高职教育发展的阻力。十八届三中全会为高职教育发展带来了机遇,同时也带来挑战。政府简政放权为高职教育提供了自由发展的空间,市场竞争的加剧使落伍的高职院校随时面临被淘汰的危险。面对机遇与挑战,高职院校脱离政府,创新高职教育发展理念,加强学校软实力建设是关键。  相似文献   

Until the recent radical transformations got underway in the former Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, the USSR as a whole was making important strides in favour of the facilitating of scientific and research‐oriented careers for women. Because the economic dislocation of the current period has induced male scientists in particular to leave the academic world for commercial enterprises or to emigrate to foreign countries, the feminization of higher education and higher education‐related research seems to be all the more increased. The Russian government, so far as it is specifically concerned, is committed to improving the working and professional conditions of scientific workers of both sexes.  相似文献   

伯顿.克拉克的高等教育系统整合观点认为,高等教育工作组织及其伴随的信念产生各种权利关系,学科和院校单位通过国家、市场和学者的协调形成复杂的学术系统。这一观点对高等教育改革的启示在于:从各种权利关系及国家、市场和学者的协调出发解析高等教育系统,探求新型“大学、政府与市场”关系的冲突性及三者关系的调适。  相似文献   

高等教育的“准公共物品”属性是高等教育成本分担的理论基础,高等教育投资的筹措是指高等教育投资的来源,主要包括国家投资、社会投资和个人家庭投资三个部分。长期以来,我国对高等教育投入严重不足,现阶段大学生学费增长速度过快,而国内居民收入分配的差距却在不断扩大,由此将进一步导致收入分配、受教育机会两极分化的“叠加”效应,引发社会公平问题愈益严重。本文通过国际比较,提出合理推进我国社会主义市场经济条件下高等教育的成本分担,并探讨在加大政府对高等教育的投资力度的同时,如何进一步拓宽社会捐赠等非财政性经费来源渠道。  相似文献   

Mok  Ka-ho 《Higher Education》2005,50(1):57-88
This article sets out in the context of globalization to identify, examine and discuss issues related to structural adjustment and educational restructuring in China, with particular reference to university merging and changes in higher education governance models. While it is basically an historical and documentary analysis of policy change in Chinese higher education, this article focuses on restructuring strategies that the Chinese government has adopted to make its university systems more competitive and efficient in the global market context. University merging in China should not be simply understood as a pure higher education reform but rather a fundamental change in higher education governance model from an ‘interventionist state model’ to an ‘accelerationist state model’. Rather than globalization bringing about the decline of the nation state, this article shows transformations taking place in Chinese universities may not necessarily diminish the capacity of the state but instead make the Chinese government a more activist state in certain aspects.  相似文献   

应互联网技术的迅速发展而诞生的教育软件使人类的教育方式、学习方式和思维方式产生了巨大变化。教育软件的发展过程中政府参与少、商业气息浓郁,兼容性、扩展性、开放性等仍有局限,若能获得政府的支持,实现企业与高校的合作,我国教育软件市场的发展前景将无限广阔。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,越来越多的国家开始在高等教育系统中进行以市场为导向的政策试验,其目的是使国家高等教育系统带来的社会收益最大化。这些试验正在重塑高等教育的制度框架,与此相关的高等教育市场化的学术性研究也正在全世界展开。然而,实践中发现高等教育市场机制的运行依然离不开调控,尤其是离不开政府的调控,它需要政府规范高等学校的各种市场行为,为高等教育建立稳定的市场秩序。  相似文献   

The recent restructuring of higher education in Japan has been carried out in the context of neo‐liberalism with an emphasis on the unbridled workings of market forces. However, civic discourse on issues such as active citizenship and social inclusion/exclusion, which is significant to higher education as a democratic public sphere, has been left behind. Focusing on this omission, this article aims at a critical analysis of the government expansion policy initiative in Japan. It includes discussion of a wide‐ranging group of participants, in particular adults who are disadvantaged with regard to access to higher education in a knowledge‐based society, from the point of view of lifelong learning. It is a very important subject in Japan to encourage the active participation of adults in higher education. Regarding this aspect, the article discusses significant points for building new concepts and systems in higher education, instead of the established traditional concepts and systems, which have contributed to the exclusion of adults from higher education.  相似文献   

高教发展投资市场化运行模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快高教投资管理体制改革,优化教育资源配置,运用市场化运行模式,才能缓解高教资源的短缺矛盾。形成政府宏观调控、学校积极办学、社会广泛参与、市场推动引导的新型投资体系,有助于促进高教事业的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

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