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本文在分析DC/DC开关变换器滑模控制方法的基础上,针对以往开关变换器滑模控制器抖振现象严重的不足,通过引入趋近律的方法,以Buck变换器为例,给出了一种适合PWM控制方式的时不变滑模控制器的设计方法,并易于推广到其他类型变换器上。仿真结果表明,该控制方案可以减少系统超调,动、静态特性较好,并能有效削弱滑模运动的抖振现象。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONConsiderableattentionhasbeenfocusedonthecontrolproblemofuncertaindynamicalnon linearsystemssubjecttoexternaldisturba  相似文献   

An adaptive terminal sliding mode control (SMC) technique is proposed to deal with the tracking problem for a class of high-order nonlinear dynamic systems. It is shown that a function augmented sliding hyperplane can be used to develop a new terminal sliding mode for high-order nonlinear systems. A terminal SMC controller based on Lyapunov theory is designed to force the state variables of the closed-loop system to reach and remain on the terminal sliding mode, so that the output tracking error then converges to zero in finite time which can be set arbitrarily. An adaptive mechanism is introduced to estimate the unknown parameters of the upper bounds of system uncertainties. The estimates are then used as controller parameters so that the effects of uncertain dynamics can be eliminated. It is also shown that the stability of the closed-loop system can be guaranteed with the proposed control strategy. The simulation of a numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of the new method. Project supported by the National Outstanding Youth Science Foundation of China (NSFC:69725005) and the Zhejiang, Provincial Natural Science Key Foundation of China (ZD9905)  相似文献   

An adaptive backstepping sliding mode control is proposed for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with input saturation.A command filtered approach is used to prevent input saturation from destroying the adaptive capabilities of neural networks (NNs).The control law and adaptive updating laws of NNs are derived in the sense of Lyapunov function,so the stability can be guaranteed even under the input saturation.The proposed control law is robust against the disturbance,and it can also eliminate the impact of input saturation.Simulation results indicate that the proposed controller has a good performance.  相似文献   

本文研究了一类具有状态时滞且模型中具有时变参数不确定性网络控制系统的鲁棒控制问题,基于Lya-punov稳定性理论,设计了系统的状态反馈控制器,并以线性矩阵不等式形式给出了系统的渐进稳定的充分条件,可以通过Matlab工具十分方便的求解。  相似文献   

非线性不确定系统鲁棒自适应动态面控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文针对具有未知参数不确定和干扰的严格反馈型的非线性系统鲁棒自适应控制提出了一种新的设计方法 ,即动态面控制 .传统的递推算法要求对建模的非线性反复多次微分 .本文方法由于加入了n个低通滤波器使得算法不用对模型非线性进行多次微分 ,因而避免了因“微分项的爆炸”引起的算法复杂性从而简化了算法 .理论分析证明了所设计的鲁棒自适应动态面控制器保证了闭环系统的半全局渐近稳定并且使得输出跟踪期望轨迹 .仿真结果表明了所设计的控制器的有效性和可行性 .  相似文献   

针对AC伺服电机系统,在转矩及转动惯量变化情况下,对比反推自适应控制和滑膜控制两种方法在系统参数变化和阻力扰动的鲁棒性。仿真情况包括理想模型、摩擦力扰动、执行器饱和等。仿真结果表明反推自适应控制对系统变化具有很强鲁棒性,但是更容易受到执行器饱和影响;滑模控制方法更容易实现,但是在摩擦扰动存在情况下,振动式冲击难以消除。  相似文献   

针对一类具有函数控制增益的非线性相似组合大系统,基于一种修改的李亚普诺夫函数并利用Ⅱ型模糊系统的通用逼近能力,提出了一种稳定自适应分散模糊控制器设计的新方案。该方案能够避免现有的一些模糊控制器设计中对控制增益一阶导数上界的要求。通过理论分析,证明了闭环分散模糊控制系统是全局稳定的,跟踪误差收敛到零。  相似文献   

基于拉格朗日函数法建立了机器人的动力模型,并基于滑模控制方法设计了机器人的鲁棒控制器,实现了机器人的平衡、转向和行走等控制任务。滑模控制器是一种鲁棒控制方法,当进入滑模态后,控制能够保证机器人在外力干扰和参数变化等情况下依旧保持控制性能。通过MATLAB和ADAMS联合仿真环境,控制器的控制效果得到了验证,证明了所设计的控制方法是可行的,能够达到所要求的控制性能。  相似文献   

The design problem of delay-dependent robust control For uncertain discrete singular systems with time-varying delay is addressed in this paper. The uncertainty is assumed to be norm-bounded. By establishing a finite sum inequality based on quadratic terms, a new delay-dependent robust stability condition is derived and expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). A suitable robust state feedback control law is presented, which guarantees that the resultant closed-loop system is regular, causal and stable for all admissible uncertainties. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In recent years, research on nonlinear model predictive control has attracted significant attention because most practical processes are nonlinear. In industry process control, model predictive controllers based on linear models (LMPC) are often used to control nonlinear systems. When the operating con- ditions undergo significant changes, the performance of LMPC can deteriorate drastically. Under such conditions, predictive control based on nonlinear models (NMPC) shoul…  相似文献   

针对线性离散系统,研究了开环动态迭代学习控制律的设计问题.首先给出了闭环系统的收敛充分条件,然后把迭代控制转化为H∞设计问题,最后利用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法求解迭代学习控制器.通过仿真实例表明了设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

lintroductionItisquitecommoninstochasticcontrolproblemstohaveperformanceobjectivesthatareexpressedasupperboundsonthevariancesofthesystemstates.Cull.entcontroldesigntechniques,suchasLoG,HadorLIdesign,dohotseemtogiveadirectsolutiontothepreviousmultipleobjec…  相似文献   

基于永磁同步电动机精确的数学模型,针对永磁同步电动机绕组相电流和转速强耦合特性,依据中继切换控制机制和有限时间收敛的终端滑动模态控制机制,考虑了永磁同步电动机的有限时间跟踪问题。给出了其终端滑模控制器的设计方案。在所设计的控制作用下,闭环系统将在有限时间内达到平衡状态。并且保证了闭环系统所有信号的有界性和平衡点的全局稳定性,以及系统在有限时间内精确地跟踪给定的参考信号。最后对一具体的永磁同步电动机模型进行了数值仿真,仿真结果表明在所设计的终端滑模控制器作用下,系统的跟踪误差在有限时间内达到零,验证了所提算法的正确有效性。  相似文献   

考虑了一类永磁同步电动机的终端滑模控制器设计问题.在控制器设计中利用中继切换控制使系统在给定的当前控制律的作用下运行到某一特定状态(或某一特定区域)后,控制律被切换到有限时间收敛的终端滑模控制器,使得系统在有限时间内达到平衡状态.终端滑模控制器的设计保证了闭环系统所有信号的有界性和平衡点的全局稳定性,以及系统在有限时间内精确地跟踪给定的参考信号.最后,通过一个数值仿真验证了所提算法的正确有效性.  相似文献   

A novel genetic algorithm (NGA) is proposed, which possesses micro-regulation and renascence operation. The optimized variable searching interval is regulated gradually according to the sub-group of excellent individuals. The NGA is used to optimize the parameters of the variable structure control (VSC), which satisfies the new reaching law and sliding mode. It is used in robot control systems. Simulation results are given.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWiththedevelopmentofscienceandtech-nology,thestructuresofcontrolsystemsaregettingmoreandmorecomplicated.Thiskindofsystemhasthecharacteristicoflargedimension,andin-terconnectionamongsubsystems.Generally,thiskindofsystemiscalledinterconnectedlargesystem.Thestudyofinterconnectedsystemsismotivatedbyquiteanumberofpracticalapplicationsrangingfrompowernetworks,transportation,aerospace,economics,management,andsoon.Thestrategiestocontrolinterconnectedsystemsaredividedintotwokinds:centr…  相似文献   

A great deal of stabilization criteria has been obtained from study of stabilizing interconnected systems. The results obtained are usually based on continuous systems by state feedback. In this paper, decentralized impulsive control is presented to stabilize a class of uncertain interconnected systems based on Lyapunov theory. The system under consideration involves parameter uncertainties and unknown nonlinear interactions among subsystems. Some new criteria of stabilization under impulsive control are established. Two numerical examples are offered to prove the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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