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随着教育改革的深入,特别是课程教材改革的推进和学校规模的扩大,学校教育面临着变革和转型。而作为中层组织之一的教研组,成为当代学校变革与转型的重心,并且正在成为新的研究热点。  相似文献   

随着信息社会的发展,各地正在建设高水平的教育现代化学校。面对新的挑战,作为学校发展的领军人物,校长身份的特殊性直接影响学校各项工作的开展,应以更强的领导能力考虑和应对新的形势和问题。其中,校长自身的信息化理念和信息素养水平的高低是至关重要的因素,直接影响着校长的信息化领导力,影响着学校的决策和发展。教育部的一项调查显示,  相似文献   

人类正在走向信息化社会,信息与能源和材料已成为现代社会的三大支柱。在这场伟大的信息革命中,教育将面临着新的挑战和机遇。学校要想跟上时代的步伐,克服困难,利用机遇,提高教育质量,更好地为经济发展和社会进步服务,就必须加强教育信息工作。一、学校教育信息的含义与工作内容教育信息就是从事教育的人通过感觉器官与外界交换的教育方面的内容。交换的目的是为了更好地做好工作。学校教育信息就是教育者为了更好地进行教育通过感觉器官与外界交换的有关学校教育方面的内容。具体表现在以下几个方面:(1)来自社会发展方面的信息。例如,国家…  相似文献   

我国社会转型期的发展带来了学校教育的不断交革,尤其是信息社会的到来和社会改革的深入,使得我国学校教育已开始向现代型转换。伴随着学校转型,学校组织文化也面临着建设重任,即要从传统型向交互型转变。这种学校组织文化转型要求学校改革者更深层次地改变学校成员的价值观和信念等,真正建立起新型的学校组织文化。  相似文献   

当代中国社会的转型推动了教育转型.当前,学校教育面临办学理念、发展路径、育人模式和教育管理等方面的转型.学校教育转型给治理体系和治理能力带来了挑战.“名校带多校”规模化发展的边际效益递减、教师工作边界扩大而激励手段相对不足、顶层设计对改革的引领乏力等,都成为学校教育必须面对的问题.基层学校应对学校教育转型,要倡导主动创新、实事求是和独立思考的精神,建立立足于校本改革方案的思维方式.北京市第一○一中学秉持守正出新的指导思想,围绕自我教育的特色建设目标,着力在教师培训、学生工作和课堂教学等方面推进教育创新.  相似文献   

练至高 《文教资料》2007,(11):126-128
新的世纪,在国际工业社会和信息社会极速发展,国内社会经济转型加速,社会阶层分化加剧,文化价值观多元化逐步形成的背景下,学校教育必须创新。学校教育创新是指以创新为主导,为了培养创新人才,通过优化、调整学校教育内容及结构以促进学校发展的学校教育活动。  相似文献   

<正>以信患技术为代表的新一轮产业转型升级带来整个社会经济的转型,引发技能人才市场的需求变化,中等职业教育人才培养面临新的挑战与机遇。基于此,笔者认为,中等职业学校计算机专业教学改革势在必行。一、重塑人才培养目标笔者通过对学校所在的浙江省义乌市涉及计算机应用专业的企业、中职学校毕业生、教师开展问卷调查、座谈和深度访谈,收集相关数据和信息,尝试深入了解产业转型  相似文献   

当前,学校处于一场深刻的变革之中,这是与当前社会正在发生着的转型性变革密切联系着的。社会转型与学校教育转型内在关联的最本质方面是“人”的问题,学校教育在社会转型背景下也在发生着转型,并且在以自身的转型促进着社会的转型。目前教  相似文献   

以教育数字化支撑引领教育现代化,推动教育的高质量发展成为教育改革的时代命题。在教育数字化转型中,首席信息官的作用不可忽视。然而,首席信息官却存在着“价值与意义认识不足”“角色认知存在偏差”等问题,使其职能难以发挥实效。如何明确首席信息官的职能定位,发挥其能动作用,引领教育数字化转型,成为亟待解决的问题。针对此问题,文章采用国际比较与本土建构相结合的方法,立足教育数字化转型背景分析首席信息官面临的挑战、反思首席信息官职能,并提出:首席信息官应整合相关职能,发挥在教育数字化转型中的引领作用;把握转型理念,引领教育数字化转型的创新实践;变革管理机构,丰富教育数字化转型的组织形式;优化人机关系,体现教育数字化转型的人本导向。最后,文章对首席信息官提出以下实践建议:从教育数字化转型视角审视职能,面向实践赋予新内涵;构建教育数字化转型实践共同体,以数字化转型助推教育创新发展;面向学校发展需求,因地制宜探索教育数字化转型的机制创新;引导师生形成丰富多元的人机关系,提升教育数字化转型的育人效果。  相似文献   

市场经济效应及其所引起的信息刺激,不但涌进校园,而且对师生的政治观、人生观、价值观产生了深刻的影响。一个时期以来,以至今后相当长的时期,高等学校就是在市场经济正负两种效应的磨砺中存在和发展着。这种积极的、消极的、过渡性的多种因素交互作用、错综复杂的状况,必然使学校的教育,特别是思想教育与思想工作面临着空前的挑战。 面对新的时期、新的环境和心态变幅较大的工作对象,学校思想教育与思想工作之所以必要,这不仅是社会主义办学方向的体现,而且也是大学生健康成长、做人立业的动力因素。一些远见卓识的学校和教育工作者,在这种挑战面前,总是坚定不移地把思想教育与思想工作作为办学育人的中心环节,列  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Alexander Sidorkin offers a conceptual critique of the human capital theory that makes erroneous assumptions about the nature of student work and the private cost of schooling. Specifically, human capital theorists underestimate the private cost of schooling by taking low-level manual labor as the basis for estimating students' forgone earnings. This does not take into consideration the nature of students' labor of learning. In the essay, Sidorkin describes student work as a form of labor, not an investment activity, and considers the implications such an understanding of student work has for school reform.  相似文献   

The English schooling context has seen radical and rapid reform in recent times with the processes of devolution or deconcentration of centralised school governance, on the one hand, and the instating of ever-increasing and rigid external accountabilities, on the other. These reforms driven as they are by neo-liberal and neoconservative ideologies have created a new kind of ‘system’ of schooling in England, one that is ‘heterarchical’ in governance, increasingly complex in its overlap, multiplicity and asymmetric power dynamics, but one that remains strongly tied to and regulated by the reductive and narrow measures of ‘success’ imposed by the state. Against this complex and changing backdrop, what constitutes quality and equitable schooling has been transformed. This special issue explores these concerns and, in particular, focuses on how the current demands of the English schooling context construct student achievement and identity, teachers' work, conceptualisations of knowledge and pedagogy, and school organisation and collaboration. The issue has a strong equity focus. Many of the papers to this end focus on how teachers and schools are navigating through the demands of current policy reform to mobilise spaces of possibility for equity and good schooling. In this paper, we provide a context and framework to set the scene for the subsequent papers in the issue.  相似文献   

This paper is primarily concerned with indigenous apprenticeship in the Yorubaland of Nigeria with particular reference to training in blacksmithing. First, it provides a background which considers the nature of apprenticeship and shows how it is different from schooling. Then it discusses the necessary and vital ground work that should be done before a candidate is admitted to apprenticeship. The article describes the various stages in the apprentice's training, their rationale and their implications. Finally, the implications of this indigenous approach to manpower development for schooling and out-of-school educational programmes are considered.  相似文献   

从建设汽车行业CRM系统入手,重点阐述了基于用户定制管理的CRM系统和PDM系统的数据集成的需求、内容和实现手段等问题,提出了利用信息资源规划的思路建立集成体系的新思路。  相似文献   

This article discusses two school‐based case studies of vocational education and training in the areas of information technology and hospitality from the perspective of the agendas of ‘lifelong learning’. Lifelong learning can be seen as both a policy goal leading to institutional and programme reforms and as a process which fosters in learners identities that enable them to thrive in the circumstances of contemporary life. These case studies suggest that current approaches to vocational education and training in schools are enacting the first but not the second of these agendas. Institutional barriers are being removed and work placements drawn in to schooling programmes. However, the pedagogy, assessment and curriculum of the programmes emphasizes short‐term (and conflicting) knowledge objectives rather than orientations to flexible lifelong learning. We argue that it is teachers rather than the students who are thrust most forcibly into adopting new learner‐worker identities consonant with the attributes of ‘lifelong learners’ and the demands of the contemporary workplace.  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分,而社会助学又是自学考试的重要组成部分,通过探析社会助学的性质和功能,有助于更好地明确社会助学的定位,更有效地开展助学工作。  相似文献   

论推进学历教育与非学历教育的沟通   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目前我国学历教育发展得比较完善,但非学历教育由于没有受到足够的重视,发展比较缓慢。随着社会对非学历教育的需求越来越多,推进学历教育与非学历教育已成为必然之势。学历教育与非学历教育的双向沟通既适应了求学者的需要,又提高了教育资源的利用率,是构建终身教育体系,形成学习型社会的有效途径。  相似文献   

Present primary public education in France originated in the école républicaine of the nineteenth century. Starting in the 1960s, the primary school has become integrated into a system of education, with virtually all children now attending pre-elementary and secondary education. These structural changes have led to important alterations in the curriculum of pre-elementary and elementary schools: their traditional pedagogical specificity has diminished in response to a relatively new requirement of curriculum continuity and the overall aim of preparing for future schooling. On the whole, however, this level of schooling is characterized by modernistic pedagogy, the importance it gives to children's harmonious growth and the psycho-affective nature of the teacher-pupil relationship. Although inequalities in socio-economic status between children have not disappeared, new directives aim to limit the inegalitarian mechanisms at work through decentralized compensatory measures and teamwork inside schools.  相似文献   

谈新形势下民办高校学生学籍档案数字化建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生学籍档案信息数字化,是高校档案工作适应社会信息化发展的必然趋势。对于民办高校,其建设更是迫在眉睫。学生学籍档案数字化建设是一个由信息资源数字化、数字化信息管理、传输和利用组成的有机体,它遵循着标准化、制度化、合理配备人才、实用性、效益性、准确性等原则。  相似文献   

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