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Globalisation and the evolution of the knowledge-based economy have caused dramatic worldwide changes in the character and functions of education, particularly higher education. In the search for global competitiveness, many emerging economies have begun to expand their higher education systems, which has significantly affected the relationship between higher education and graduate employment. Recently, international comparative studies have suggested that increasing enrolment in higher education does not always promote upward social mobility, and can intensify inequality in education. This article critically examines the impact of the expansion of higher education in East Asia on graduate employment and social mobility in the context of an increasingly globalising economy and changing labour market needs. The article discusses emerging trends in the Greater China region, with a particular focus on Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Taipei, and argues that the massification of higher education has not necessarily led to more occupational opportunities for youth or opportunities for upward social movement, particularly since the significant changes in the global labour market after the 2008 global financial crisis. On the contrary, the intensification of ‘positional competition’ among college graduates seems to reflect growing social inequality.  相似文献   

我国高等教育的大众化阶段还在深入,这一阶段最基本的特征就是数量上的发展,即入学率的提高,它同时也意味着受教育机会的增加,但高等教育入学机会的增加是否建立在受教育人口的性别分布、阶层分布、地域分布、城乡分布公平的基础上已成为社会日益关注的问题。  相似文献   

我国高校扩招对毕业生就业影响的实证分析   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
关于高等教育规模扩展与毕业生就业的关系,存在着工资竞争理论、工作分层理论和工作竞争理论等不同理论观点的分歧。依据1998和2003年的调查数据对我国高校扩招与毕业生就业关系所做的实证分析表明,不同理论在我国都有一定的适用性,各种理论之间具有一定的内在一致性。这表明了高等教育规模与毕业生就业之间关系的复杂性,同时也为我们有效解决高校毕业生的就业问题提供了多种不同的思路。  相似文献   

关于当前高校就业教育的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育大众化使大学毕业生的就业矛盾日益突出。高校就业教育可以从大众教育与精英教育相结合,选修课设置与社会需要相结合,学生综合素质培养和就业指导相结合,拓宽就业门路与社会保障相结合等各个层面出发,提高学生的竞争力、就业力、职业素质,以增强社会的稳定因素,确保社会生活的动态平衡。  相似文献   

家庭背景对我国高等教育机会及毕业生就业的影响   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
本文以全国性高校毕业生调查为基础,以父亲的职业地位和受教育程度作为衡量家庭背景的指标,分析了家庭背景对子女高考成绩、就读院校、毕业去向、就业收入等的影响,发现我国不同家庭背景子女接受高等教育的机会及受教育结果均有明显差异。文章还进一步分析了这种影响发生的机制。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社会经济发展的多样化,对高等职业教育的培养模式和毕业生就业能力的培养提出了新的任务和要求。高职院校毕业生不仅应具备相应的职业岗位能力,更应具备个人可持续发展的能力。为此,要加强高职院校学生的能力培养,促进能力素质的可持续发展,培养其自主创业能力。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine social origin differences in employment patterns across different stages of higher education and compare these differences between vocational and academic fields of study. Using data from a large-scale German student survey, we study the development of inequality, according to social origins, in student employment from first-year to graduating students. We show that inequality in job quality exists and is partly attributable to the need for students from lower social origins to work in order to finance their studies. We hypothesise that initial inequalities decrease as students progress through higher education. While we find evidence for this hypothesis, we also show in multivariate models that the reduction of inequality in the student labour market is explained by prior differences between social origin groups.  相似文献   

This article examines the employment and placement in the working life of Finnish higher education graduates (i.e. graduates from universities and polytechnics), focusing on gender equality. It reports a study on gender segregation in higher education and working life, considered in relation to Nordic gender equality policies. The data were gathered via a questionnaire administered to graduates in business and administration (n?=?1067) and in technology (n?=?1087), three years after their graduation. The results showed that men were able to secure permanent and full-time employment more often than women, and men achieved better correspondence between their degree and their employment. However, gender divergence manifested differently in polytechnics and universities; thus a higher (Master’s) university degree seemed to have a compensating influence on the effect of gender. Despite Nordic equality policies, female and male graduates were placed in the labour market according to tendences of gender segregation.  相似文献   

调查对象为2012年高职专科护理专业毕业的学生,调查内容为工作性质、就业岗位(包括专升本)、工作地点、满意程度、收入状况、是否护理工作等六项,结果是学生以省市级医院及省市等大城市就业为主,大部分学生对自己的工作持满意态度,收入状况在1000-2000元为主,有超过1/3的学生没有从事护理工作。主要讨论护理教育层次对高职护理学生的冲击,高职护理专业就业存在的主要问题及高校护理教育存在的问题和改进方向。  相似文献   

本文试图通过分析日本高等职业技术教育机构毕业生就业成功经验,结合我国社会经济的发展状况与高职院校毕业生的实际情况进行比较,寻找差距和不足,以期获得借鉴。  相似文献   

高职高专院校必须从人才培养的目标和任务出发,充分认识就业思想教育的意义和作用,把握新形势下就业思想教育的主要内容,创新就业思想教育的理念和机制,有组织、有计划、有步骤地做好就业思想教育工作,帮助毕业生树立正确的就业思想,引导他们走上适合的工作岗位,成为社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

高等教育质量与高校毕业生就业竞争力存在相辅相成的关系,提高毕业生就业竞争力有助于提升高等教育质量。当前,高校办学理念和实践中存在重向上服务、轻向下服务;重管理、轻领导;重单干、轻联盟;重科研、轻教学;重实干、轻宣传的倾向,不利于毕业生就业竞争力和办学质量的提高,需要确立"以生为本"的理念,全面服务学生;推崇自我领导,强化自主意识;实施联盟战略,增加办学资本;加强宣传,扩大影响;统筹教学、科研和社会服务职能,提高毕业生就业竞争力,进而全面提升高等教育质量。  相似文献   

This paper reviews Chinese management research since its beginning more than thirty years ago. It then discusses the possible interplay between higher education scale and employment relationship, and suggests that it is time to take the road less traveled rather than to over-travel the more popular road. We conclude that the practice will prove the final judge on higher education reform and employment relationship, and the insights from this paper will help sharpen the understanding of the higher education challenges of China.  相似文献   

最有意义、对生活影响最大的技术可能是社交媒体,因为它们被融入商业、娱乐和教育活动中并扮演重要角色。一般认为这些工具应用于高等教育正式课程/专业中有诸多好处,本文对此进行概述,讨论其不足和挑战,重点分析这些工具使用上的便利和价值与(用户)失去对数据的控制之间的矛盾。我们很可能会继续看到自己出于公私目的使用社交媒体所产生的数据继续被使用的情况,包括经过授权和未经授权的使用。分析了人们为了应对这个挑战而提出和尝试的一些解决方法,并简要介绍其中两种。第一个方案强调由机构自身创建和管理自己的社交媒体,第二个则是一种新兴技术方案,允许用户控制自己的数据但同时又能在多种社交环境下享受分享和发展的好处。  相似文献   

硕士研究生教育的个人机会成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着研究生教育规模的逐步扩大,越来越多的应届本科生选择攻读硕士学位。由硕士研究生教育的非机会成本和机会成本分析得知,应届本科毕业生选择读研的机会成本较高。这对高校和学生个人均有一定的启示作用。一方面,学校要加强学生对考研的理性思考,加大管理改革力度;另一方面,硕士生要有成本意识,珍惜学习机会。  相似文献   

受高等教育者就业的经济学分析   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
实证研究发现:高等教育就业弹性与一般就业弹性密切相关,但是大于一般就业弹性;行业间高等教育"相对密集程度"的差异比地区之间的差异大;劳动力价格差异是造成受高等教育从业人员行业分布不均匀的重要原因。为促进大学生就业,应适当调整工资收入结构;促进高等教育就业弹性高、就业效应大的行业发展;鼓励和引导高校毕业生去生产领域,去中西部地区工作,同时放低沿海地区的就业门槛。  相似文献   

The characteristics, experiences and long-term prospects of young people outside the labour market and education have attracted widespread international attention in recent decades, and the specific category of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) has been a policy concern for the UK Government since 1997. This paper examines the analytical and empirical basis of our knowledge of NEET young people, in the light of more general conceptualisations of social exclusion and the individualisation of social risk. It relates the NEET category to a conception of social exclusion in which the central policy focus is on moving young people across a boundary between participation and non-participation, and inequalities within education and employment receive less attention. This focus, allied with discourses of individualisation, obscures the structural basis of inequality in education and training. However, the paper argues that the research evidence shows that individualised approaches based on personal and cultural characteristics of NEET young people are inadequate to understand this group and frame policy. The paper proposes that stronger versions of social exclusion need to be used in constructing solutions which acknowledge the basis of NEET issues in wider social inequalities.  相似文献   

教育机会从其提供者的情形来看,可以分为两类:社会提供的教育机会与非社会提供的教育机会。非社会提供的教育机会比较复杂,主要包括:天赋提供的教育机会、家庭提供的教育机会、运气提供的教育机会、个人努力提供的教育机会,等等。天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会,皆属私人权利,是教育机会享有者的个人权利。社会,主要通过政府提供的教育机会,则与天赋、家庭、运气、个人努力等提供的教育机会根本不同,它属于公共权利,是全社会人人均应享有的"人权和幸福"。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业难的成因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育持续扩招,高校招生规模和毕业生不断壮大。由于国家经济结构调整与优化、高校人才培养模式滞后、毕业生综合素质不高和用人制度的不合理原因等,高校毕业生就业难日益成为突出的社会问题。应当看到,高校毕业生就业难是社会进步中的一个发展问题,要通过强化政府及其职能部门的主体责任、提升自身综合素质与转变就业观念、创新和改革高校人才培养模式等途径,形成合力,共同促进高校毕业生就业。  相似文献   

我国近代高等教育的社会信任由科举信任、官本位型信任和职业获得型信任混合构成,并成为过去乃至现在人们信任和认同高等教育的习惯。这一习惯影响着人们对高等教育的认知图式和交往方式。  相似文献   

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