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There are many reasons to develop closer links between research and teaching. To do this, we argue the need to move beyond university rhetoric that fractures the engagement of teaching with research and instead focus on the development of what is necessary to bring these two core academic activities closer together. Opening with a review of the current literature on research‐led teaching, the paper then highlights the various debates about whether or not the divide between research and teaching can be broached. We then explore a number of often contradictory myths that we argue universities subscribe to in their efforts to bring teaching and research together as they simultaneously create structures to separate them. The paper seeks to better ‘marry’ research and teaching activities in higher education settings, concluding with a set of principles that could be used by university leaders to guide the implementation of research‐led teaching.  相似文献   

20世纪前期,海外学者(主要是欧美及日本学者)研究中国神话传说的论著开始进入国人视野,对中国神话传说研究产生了直接影响。在海外研究方法的影响下,20世纪前期中国神话传说的研究与国外先进的研究保持了较为一致的步调,这也是中国神话传说学进入世界学术轨道的标志之一。  相似文献   

We suggest that special education could die among common myths about it. That is, special education could cease to exist, at least as we know it, because its true nature and requirements for its functioning are misunderstood. We discuss only 12 common myths about special education, recognizing that there are many more myths and that the ones we write about could be stated differently. We conclude with comments about how the long roots of the idea that special education could become unnecessary might be traced to a publication by Evelyn Deno in 1970 and express our hope that special education will continue as a separate entity.  相似文献   

对周作人女性观的研究中,存在着相似因果性和单线因果性的典型范式。它们并非材料上或逻辑上的错误,而是与因果诠释图式上的目的性、同质性、非整体性等具有紧密的表征关联。审视周作人女性观研究的方法论,有助于辨析一些较为普遍认可的学术神话,更好地还原周作人女性观的本质观念。  相似文献   

商伯(阏伯)本为中国上古神话帝俊的儿子,因发祥于商,所以称为商伯.商伯神话被历史化之后,商伯也变成了历史人物,但商伯盗火神话与传说却流传于今天的河南省商丘地区.商伯神话的学术价值在于它不仅填补了中国火神话的空白,同时对中国古代神话具有反证作用,并且为中国上古史的研究提供了一些佐证.  相似文献   

伏羲神话和九隆神话都是我国著名的神话,伏羲神话一般被视为是汉族的神话,但在我国的许多少数民族地区,仍然流传着诸多关于伏羲的神话。需要强调的是,文中所指的伏羲神话是所有和伏羲有关的神话,而不是特指某一个关于伏羲的神话。九隆神话则是我国西南地区的一个神话,通过对比分析,我们可以发现这两个神话具有很多的相似之处。拟从情节内容和文化内涵两方面出发,对两个神话的相似之处进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

Based on the review of student ratings myths by Aleamoni (1987, 1999), a survey research design was used to analyse differences between college students' (n = 968) and faculty's (n = 34) perceptions. Generally, students held stronger beliefs in these myths, in that they believed faculty with excellent publication records were better qualified to evaluate teaching and that student ratings on single general items are accurate measures of teaching effectiveness. On the other hand, faculty believed that student ratings were invalid and unreliable. Further examination of student characteristics revealed that male students held stronger beliefs in these myths. Finally, students' beliefs in these myths were correlated with their actual ratings of nine dimensions of the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality. A discussion as well as suggestions for using student ratings is provided.  相似文献   

This paper argues that Northrop Frye's concept of academic freedom is based on an epistemological dualism that separates knowledge from experience. The former comprises a set of unchanging myths that the critic must apprehend by attuning himself to the objective laws of his discipline. The latter constantly changes and has no bearing on knowledge whatsoever. This distinction severely limits Frye's account of academic freedom by excluding the following fundamental aspects of knowledge: experience, value judgments, teacher-student dialogue, rational argument, interdisciplinary inquiry, and any critical interrogation of his own scheme of understanding. As a result, Frye unduly limits the academic freedom of both faculty and students. His account is inadequate and should be rejected.Once you're inside a mythological framework, you can't break outside of it. We have no choice about teaching mythology; we have only the choice between teaching genuine and perverted kinds of it.  相似文献   

由于中国职业技术教育学长期以来走入的种种误区,使学科发展缺乏独立性和鲜明特色,难以获得社会和市场认可,与经济社会和职业技术教育的发展越来越不相适应.因此,职业技术教育学必须走出学科发展的误区而准确定位,引入专业学位教育,形成学科特色;以市场为导向,培养满足市场需求的应用研究型人才;严格准入制度,着力解决生源和导师的专业背景问题而获得学科发展的生机,为经济社会和职业技术教育的发展发挥应有作用.  相似文献   

The theoretical and practical constraints of identity formation for lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) persons with developmental disabilities are explored. Firstly, disability and queer theory and conceptions of identification and community are presented. This is followed by a synopsis of some of the common societal myths about disability and about homosexuality. Thirdly, we trace how these myths affect and filter into caregiver attitudes, lesbian and gay communities and communities of persons with disabilities, including developmental disabilities. All these factors conspire to inhibit self-identification as LGB for persons with developmental disabilities. It is further argued that neither disability theorists nor queer theorists have adequately accounted for such complex identities, and that, perhaps, a fusion of disability theory and queer theory may provide a more comprehensive lens to capture these complexities. We conclude with tentative yet practical suggestions to begin to create community for LGB persons with a developmental disability.  相似文献   

While there has been widespread take‐up of the concept ‘flexible learning’ within various educational environments—and equally frequent references to the flexible ‘natures’ of the computer and communication technologies that often underpin flexible learning initiatives—the relationship between technologies and flexibility is not a simple one. In this paper we examine some of the more persistent myths about technologies that are intertwined with discourses of flexibility. We highlight some of the more common ‘muddles’ that these myths can lead us in to and argue that the ‘mess’ that so often results from well‐intentioned moves to ‘be more flexible’ is largely a result of the ways that CCTs, or indeed any new educational technology or strategy, is theorized. Drawing on a recent study of online teaching and learning in higher education, we outline a new framework for examining these and related issues as they apply to teacher education.  相似文献   


This paper examines the way mismatches occur between what lecturers believe students understand when technical concepts are used and what the students actually make of those concepts. A hard look is given at certain ‘academic myths’ which block educational exchange, among them the notion shared by many that learning entails mainly the verbal regurgitation of what has been taught. How can lecturers achieve the empathy requisite for genuine teaching and how can students adopt attitudes that make genuine learning more possible? The paper answers these questions by sketching a notion of higher education as a willingness to modify what one thinks by an openness before the challenges of other values and beliefs; and by suggesting that an approach more self‐critically aware of the pedagogic process, utilizing methods such as the keeping of reflexive notebooks, can facilitate a more effective mode of learning.  相似文献   


Older adults hold many misconceptions about health and wellness that reduce their health literacy. To counter these misconceptions, health educators commonly turn to educational interventions that include myth-busting—making explicit health-related myths and refuting those myths. Because of typical age-related changes in memory functioning, there is some question as to whether myth-busting is an effective technique for use with older adults. The present work assessed whether making older adults explicitly aware of common myths about osteoarthritis and refuting those myths would effectively debunk those myths and lead to correct beliefs about osteoarthritis. Older adults participated in two data collection sessions separated, on average, by 5 days. During the first session, participants read pamphlets about osteoarthritis that either employed myth-busting techniques or did not. Then after a brief delay, participants completed a quiz that measured adherence to the myths. Adherence to the myths was assessed again during the second data collection session. The analyses revealed that making myths salient significantly reduced adherence to myths immediately after the myth-busting presentation; however, as time passed, the corrective effects of myth-busting dissipated. Medical myth-busting appears to be an ineffective way to induce long-term corrections in older adults. Future research should focus on identifying methods by which health educators could leverage myth-busting’s short-term positive impact to affect long-lasting corrections. Until there is evidence that the positive impact of myth-busting can be maintained over time, health educators should be wary of using this technique with older adult patients.  相似文献   

徐旭生对考古学研究的理论贡献有三:一是“上古三大集团”理论;二是在古代国家形成的问题上,古代中国经历了氏族社会的解体——夏王国的建立——秦汉大帝国的形成;三是任何民族历史开始的时候都是传说和神话杂糅在一起的,掺杂神的传说同纯粹的神话有分别,可在传说中找出历史的核心。徐旭生考古学研究渊源除了深厚的国学功底及对古史研究的热情外,到西方留学经历使其接触到了西方先进的人类学理论和实践活动以及国内学者蒙文通、傅斯年对古代民族的划分理论都对其产生了重大影响。其理论对疑古学派的观点进行了有力反驳,推动了苏秉琦“区系类型说”的提出,为我们开创了一条通过研究神话传说来进行考古研究的新途径,推动了中国文明起源研究的进程。  相似文献   

There currently exists a dearth of research on the transmission and assimilation of myths. To overcome this limitation, we developed a novel scale that measures belief in science-related myths. A total of 363 participants completed this new scale along with measures of personality (the Big Five factors), anti-scientific attitudes, and New Age orientation. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the items of the belief in myths scale could be reduced to two factors concerning human-related and non-human-related myths. Both factors were internally reliable, were moderately inter-correlated, and were not rated significantly differently by women and men (although human-related myths were rated as significantly more believable than non-human-related myths). Further analysis showed that only human myths were significantly predicted by anti-scientific attitudes and the Big Five factor of Extraversion. These results are discussed in relation to the promotion of scientific literacy.  相似文献   

希腊神话是希腊美学的母体.希腊神话和希腊美学的关系表现为:希腊美学是对希腊神话的反思;希腊神话是希腊审美意识的萌芽;希腊神话对宇宙的描绘,使宇宙在希腊美学中占有重要地位.  相似文献   

从花木兰到女勇士——试析汤亭亭对中国故事的改写   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为华裔美国文学的杰出代表, 汤亭亭作品的普及程度在当代美国文坛几乎是无人比拟, 她的作品不仅受到普通读者的欢迎, 历年来居于畅销之列, 而且在学术界也占居一定地位。汤亭亭的文本的一个突出特征, 就是对中国材料的使用, 她大量移植、挪用、改写中国神话传说、历史故事以及文学典籍。以她在∀女勇士#中对中国花木兰故事改写为范例, 探讨作者在故事的移植变形中传达出的独特的个人的、族裔的经验, 以及这种移植在文学表现中也有其意义。  相似文献   

《淮南子》一书,对神话的搜罗相当丰富,中国古代著名的四大神话"共工怒触不周山"、"女娲补天"、"嫦娥奔月"、"后羿射日"都保存其中,是研究上古神话的珍贵资料。但因《淮南子》是部理论著作,它的目的是在为汉王朝提供一套以道家思想为核心的治国方略,这些神话在书中是作为论据使用的,这就使得《淮南子》一书中所保存下来的上古神话历史化倾向十分明显,就《淮南子》而言,神话的历史化主要体现在神话英雄与始祖神向人间圣王转变使神话成为历史;神话的伦理化和仙化话转换了神话故事的存在时空;通过凸显神话的尚德精神与政治色彩使神话发生质变等个方面。  相似文献   

The study discussed in this article examined the benefits of service-learning using both (a) pre- and postcourse questionnaire data and (b) answers to open-ended questions from 214 students across four semesters of an undergraduate adult development and aging class. Of these 214 students, 117 (55%) opted for service-learning. Although service-learning in this course did not seem to have an effect on questionnaire scales assessing personal social values, civic attitudes, or academic achievement, data from the open-ended questions revealed numerous benefits associated with service-learning. Advantages of service-learning included improving understanding of course concepts, dispelling myths about aging, and reinforcing career choices. The main disadvantage mentioned by students was the time commitment involved in participating in service-learning. Students believed they learned more in a course based on service-learning than in a traditional lecture-based course. Thus, when appropriately used this instructional method is an effective means of engaging students in the learning process, reducing myths about aging, and introducing students to careers in gerontology services.  相似文献   

For close to 170 years the general consensus from historians has been that Edmund Rice, who founded the Irish Christian Brothers in 1802, was an unenthusiastic applicant to the National Board of Education in Ireland in 1832 and later withdrew his schools because he believed his education was incompatible with the philosophy underpinning the conduct of Board schools. Three myths were created and have circulated over many years to uphold and sustain a pretence that this was the situation which prevailed. These myths are that the Christian Brothers were reluctant participants with the Board; that the Board’s system of education was inimical to the Brothers; and that the Christian Brothers left the Board as a matter of principle. This paper contests these myths and argues that they made virtue of an internal rift that dramatically divided the Christian Brothers politically for over a century. This was a rift that sidelined Edmund Rice and those who supported him.  相似文献   

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