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In the summer of 1928, the arrest on a disorder charge of a young woman in north London who gave her name as Helene Adele led to a press sensation after she claimed that the officers had falsely accused her in order to discredit her claim that one of them had sexually assaulted her. The constables were ultimately prosecuted, convicted and discharged from the Metropolitan Police. This article considers the Adele case in the context of intense concerns about the possible abuse of police powers—particularly in cases involving women—in the late 1920s. Adele was catapulted onto the front pages of Britain's sensationalist press: her serialised memoir appeared in a newspaper and was reprinted in a women's magazine. However, her case was more than just a tabloid spectacle. Contributing to historians' reconsideration of the sensationalist inter-war press, this article shows how the coverage of the case fit into the press's interest in young working-class women's lifestyles and sexuality, highlighting how ‘human interest’ journalism could be intermixed with social critique.  相似文献   

Kay Chadwick 《Media History》2015,21(4):426-442
This article focuses on representations of Britain to occupied France by the BBC French Service via its flagship programme Les Français parlent aux Français [The French speak to the French]. It first examines the establishment of the service and the formulation of a British propaganda strategy on occupied France. It then explores the service's efforts to foster French belief in Britain as France's friend and ally, and to rationalise key issues and incidents which challenged that narrative. Simultaneously, it positions French Service endeavours alongside the propaganda delivered on French national radio, known as Radio Vichy, in order to explore the exchanges about Britain between French propagandists who spoke on behalf of different Frances. In so doing, the article provides a close reading of the original French Service broadcasts which covers a larger corpus of material than has hitherto been documented in published collections, and which extends existing knowledge on the topic.  相似文献   

This article explains the Quebec Commission's work in protecting personal data in the public sector. The Commission is an administrative tribunal, a regulatory agency, and an advisory body. The article examines its three most important oversight tools: the judicial revision of agencies' refusals to let a person access his/her personal data, the analysis of the declarations of personal data systems agencies are obliged to file, and the Commission's use of compliance audits.  相似文献   

This study extended research on women's surname choices and terms of address. Account of unmarried women and men were examined to identify factors and dialectical tensions in their reasoning about married women's surnames. Preferences for and meanings of women's titles, surname preferences for children, and perceptions concerning commitment and love were ascertained. Sex differences were found in the rationales for surname choice. Men and women preferred women and children to adopt male surnames and preferred married women use the title of Mrs. Men and women associated differing meanings with titles of Mrs. and Ms. Finally, men were more likely than women to associate a woman's surname choice with her love for, and commitment to, her partner.  相似文献   

This article is only the second in the Dissertations into Practice series to highlight the role of public libraries in health information. It is the result of an investigation into the provision of health information in East Sussex Library and Information Service, which formed the basis of Anneliese Ingham's dissertation for her MA in Information Studies at the University of Brighton. At the time Anneliese was doing her research, the service was experimenting with different ways of providing healthcare information at one of its main libraries, and they were interested in the impact of this. The provision of health information to the public is one of my own research interests, and I was Anneliese's dissertation supervisor. I thought she produced a very good piece of work, and the results she highlights in this article are applicable to all public library authorities. Anneliese graduated with an MA in 2012 and worked for East Sussex Library and Information Service, which she joined whilst she was still studying. AM  相似文献   


Eighty English‐Canadian subjects listened to a taped persuasive communication attributed to either an English‐Canadian or a French‐Canadian source and read with either an English‐Canadian or a French‐Canadian dialect. Both the speaker's dialect and the source's ethnicity affected the audience's reaction to the message. French‐Canadian subjects responded more favourably to a communication read with an English‐Canadian dialect than one read with a French‐Canadian dialect and responded more favourably to a communication attributed to an English‐Canadian source than one attributed to a French‐Canadian source. Furthermore, French‐Canadian sources were evaluated less stereotypically when communications attributed to them were read with an English‐Canadian dialect than when read with a French‐Canadian dialect. Methodological and theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article traces the development of the British press narrative from the launching of Sputnik in October 1957 to the Soviets' second satellite, containing a dog, in early November. It argues that there was an initial outpouring of surprise, combined with celebration of humankind's achievement. There was also a sense of loss of national prestige, due to Britain's lack of an equivalent space programme and the decline of her empire. The launch of the dog prompted widespread condemnation, mixed with frivolous popular coverage. The article provides an insight into how this moment impacted on British society and understanding of national identity in the 1950s with imperial superiority, religion and perceived decline being recurring themes.  相似文献   

The article presents a survey on usage statistics management in academic libraries in France. The objective is to provide empirical evidence on real methods and processes, best practices and problems experienced by librarians. The survey adapted Baker and Read's methodology to the French context. One‐third of French academic libraries answered the survey. Results show that usage statistics are crucial for librarians' daily work. COUNTER reports are mostly used, specifically the JR1 format. Two‐thirds of the libraries enhance the usage statistics with other data. Librarians face three major difficulties: lack of time, lack of usage data produced by French vendors, and the need for customized tools. The article contains a short literature review and ends with recommendations for further studies. It is the first published survey on usage data management in France and allows for comparison with results from other countries.  相似文献   

This article summarises the research conducted for a dissertation which addressed the needs of students and academic staff of the Bachelor of Nursing International programme at St. Angela's College, Ireland. Aoife Murray completed an MSc Econ Information and Library Studies in 2015 from Aberystwyth University via distance learning. She gained a distinction for her work and has co‐written the article with Hugh Preston, her dissertation supervisor. Aoife highlights the recommendations she made as a result of her research and the programme put in place to deliver those recommendations. She also reports on some early evaluations of the new programme. AM  相似文献   

In France, publishing education has developed through the efforts of industry, labor, the universities, technical schools, and government agencies. This article reviews the history of publishing education and describes current postgraduate programs. The bibliography lists the basic French periodicals that cover publishing. Nadia Laham received an M.A. in French Studies from Carleton University. She continued her studies at the Information and Communication Sciences Institute at the University of Bordeaux III, where she completed her doctoral thesis on the evolution of book production as an indicator of sociocultural mentality. She currently works for the Department of Communications, Canada, in the area of book publishing policy.  相似文献   

This article seeks to reappraise two popular yet neglected examples of variety programming, which appeared on French television during the 1960s: Discorama and Age tendre et tête de bois. While the former has been situated within a realist televisual aesthetic and regarded as a launch-pad for French singer-songwriters, the latter has been represented as a youth-oriented vehicle for rock ‘n’ roll and yé-yé pop music. Although such interpretations are to a large extent valid, this article will argue that both programmes should also be viewed as symptomatic of Charles de Gaulle's statist broadcasting strategy, which placed great emphasis on creating social cohesion via programmes designed to appeal to the widest possible audience.  相似文献   


The success of Marabel Morgan's Total Woman indicate its rhetorical effectiveness despite its substantive flaws. This article argues that the book's strong appeal to readers stems from: (1) its promise of fulfillment if woman expiate the guilt they bear for marital discord by self sacrifice; (2) its reinforcement of readers perceptions of themselves and their husbands; and (3) its emphasis on the power of “Total Women”; and its encouragement of sexual fantasy and play. These strategies produce a persuasive message which plays on readers’ concerns for their marriages, offers an alternative to the self consciousness urged by feminists and permits women to fulfill comfortable stereotypes yet experience the power and sexual freedom promised by liberationists. For readers with troubled marriages Morgan provides an alluringly simple, emotionally attractive answer to complex questions. Her message is rhetorically effective even if intellectually weak and psychologically misleading.  相似文献   


Rhetors have long used the letter form to overcome difficult situations. This essay considers the difficulties inherent in the form when used by a female rhetor. During her career as an abolitionist, Sarah Grimke attempted to use the apostolic letter to appeal to divergent audiences yet discovered, that the form and its attendant persona limited her audience appeal. In her work as a woman's rights activist, she reformulated the private letter and developed a persona that allowed her to empower herself as well as her audience.  相似文献   


Since 1994, undergraduate students at Rutgers University have had the opportunity to explore broad issues in the history of women's higher education by examining issues surrounding single-sex and coeducation at their own institution, with specific concentration on social issues and student culture. Four distinct seminars and projects, two of which incorporate oral history, and all four involving historical research in archival sources, have contributed to the historical literature and have added valuable documentation on the history of women at Rutgers University. This article presents an overview of these specific courses. It further provides an assessment from the particular perspective of a university archivist who attempts to document the history of the institution, promote the use of that documentary record by a diverse audience of users, including undergraduate students, and who has had the opportunity to teach two seminars on the history of women's higher education, using Rutgers as a case study. The courses to be discussed are: “Rutgers Women: A Living History” (1993-1995), a research seminar incorporating oral history of the first women students to enter the previously all-male Rutgers College in 1972; the Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II (1994 to present), an ongoing project recording the memories of Rutgers men and women and their wartime experiences; the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on psychobiography (1998), a seminar which explored the life of Mary Clara Kangler, a 1938 graduate of the New Jersey College for Women whose tragic life ended in suicide; and the Douglass College Scholar's Program seminar on the history of the Douglass College and its role in the history of women's higher education in the United States (1999-2002), a research seminar based on archival research which explored the experiences of women and the controversial issues surrounding women's education at Rutgers.  相似文献   

Tonia Graves, the electronic resources librarian at Old Dominion University, described her library's discovery environment using Marshall Breeding's 2010 article “The State of the Art in Library Discovery” as a framework for her discussion. She discussed the library website redesign, the creation of a mobile website, the audit and reconsideration of the role of the integrated library system (ILS), and the implementation of WorldCat Local. The objective of the presentation was to highlight the challenges of revamping the art of discovery in the library and the application of usage data to evaluate the success of the program.  相似文献   

During World War II, the U.S. military faced a shortage of personnel that forced the services to enlist women. All branches of the armed forces eventually created women's corps, and more than 275,000 women served in these organizations. This article offers an annotated bibliography of U.S. government publications relating to these pioneering women. It serves as a documentary history of World War II's military women as well as a resource for further study. A wide range of print and electronic materials is covered, from official and commemorative histories, to primary source materials such as congressional hearings and recruiting brochures and posters.  相似文献   

This article reports on ongoing studies of political satire in the seriocomedy genre produced by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and its French language counterpart, la Société Radio‐Canada (SRC). We compare and contrast examples of each network's way of imagining its respective society as well as each other's society. We situate the definition of seriocomedy in a discussion of the contrasting role of private and public broadcasting in the North American context. Then we present examples from programs produced in two historical periods. The definition of seriocomedy and the analysis of texts follows the dialogical theory of discourse developed by the Russian thinker, Mikhail Bakhtin. In the conclusion, we discuss how these examples of dialogical criticism help demonstrate the complex process in which the seriocomedy genre expands and reinstitutes the normative boundaries of what can be said or represented in public culture.  相似文献   

This study examines the theoretical bases for Anita Bryant's recent opposition to activism by the Gay Liberation Alliance. Treating Bryant's Save Our Children organization (now called Protect America's Children) as a counter‐movement to the GLA, the study comprises an analysis and evaluation of the rhetorical arguments and strategies employed by the Bryant forces. The author contends (1) that Bryant's strategy of linking child exploitation to homosexuality belies her fundamentalist reasoning and (2) that her presumption of the inherent moral supremacy of fundamentalist doctrine contradicts the First Amendment.  相似文献   

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