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The incidence of romantic, same-sex friendships and CMSS-sex friendship dyads was examined in preschools and daycare centers. The objectives were to demonstrate the existence of preschool romances, to describe behavior patterns that characterize these relationships, and to compare the social skills of the three dyad groups using the Social Skills Rating Scale (Gresham & Elliott, 1990). No significant difference in social skills existed between the groups. The results suggest that preschool romances and cross-sex friendships are common occurrences and do not interfere with normal development of social skills.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Following the interaction enjoyment approach (Burleson &; Denton, 1992 Burleson , B. R. , &; Denton , W. H. ( 1992 ). A new look at similarity and attraction in marriage: Similarities in social-cognitive and communication skills as predictors of attraction and satisfaction . Communication Monographs , 59 , 268287 . doi: 10.1080/03637759209376269 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this investigation examined whether (a) romantic couples possess similar online communication attitudes and (b) such attitudes predict frequency of email, instant messaging, and social networking site communication between dyad members. Results indicated couples possessed similar attitudes toward online social connection but not online self-disclosure; moreover, couples' attitudes predicted media use in a communal pattern, with equivalent actor and partner effects. Attitude toward online social connection positively predicted all forms of online communication, with attitude toward online self-disclosure positively predicting social networking site communication and inversely predicting e-mail communication. One implication of these results is that relational context may moderate the extent to which individual attitudes predict media use patterns.  相似文献   

Behavioral observations and sociometric ratings were assessed in separate 3- and 4-year-old child care classes across a two year period. A cross sequential design included three cohorts. Cohort A was observed at age 4, Cohort B at ages 3 and 4 and Cohort C was observed at age 3 yielding two separate cross sectional comparisons and a longitudinal comparison across ages 3 and 4. Social network analyses were used to determine the relation between behavioral measures of social interactions and sociometric ratings, developmental changes in the degree of organization of the social networks in each class, and the degree to which gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of both age groups. In general, correspondence between the behavioral observations and sociometric ratings increased with age and the social structure showed greater cohesion in the 4-year-old class. Gender was an organizing principle in the social structure of the 4-year-old class and became more apparent across time in the 3-year-old class. Implications of the findings for the assessment of sociometric status and for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Proficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is important for both the health and the overall growth and development of young children. To identify factors that facilitate the development of FMS, the study provided preliminary data on the effect of videomodeling (VM) on the acquisition of FMS by typically developing young children. Participants were six conveniently selected typically developing preschool-age children from an early care and education center. A multiple-baseline-across-participants single-subject research design was used to evaluate VM effects. Motor skill acquisition was assessed with validated developmental sequences of the standing long jump and the overarm throw. The results demonstrated that the VM intervention improved participants’ FMS performance and the improvement was maintained even after the withdrawal of the VM, 2 weeks after the last VM session. Qualitative data collected via a self-report enjoyment scale and field notes with the instructors elicited four factors that might have affected participants’ performance: their attention and motivation to perform the task and the skill complexity and reproduction. The data suggest that VM may be an efficient strategy for teaching FMS to preschool-age children.  相似文献   

Social Networks and Mothers' Interactions with Their Preschool Children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The relation of mothers' personal and maternal networks to the quality of their play interactions was examined. Personal networks consisted of all persons the mother deemed important in her life at the present time; her maternal network consisted of those who were important in her role as a mother. 44 mothers were $$ extensively about their social networks and kept a logdiary for 1 week of their contacts with networks members. They were also observed during a play session with their 4-year-old child. Intercorrelations among network variables supported the conceptualization of social networks as multifaceted with major distinctions between personal and maternal networks and between structure and satisfaction. Mothers who were more satisfied with their personal networks and mothers with larger maternal networks demonstrated more optimal maternal behavior: they praised their children more and they were less intrusively controlling. Mothers with less cohesive networks also demonstrated this pattern.  相似文献   

本研究选取保定市186名4-7岁学前流动儿童为研究对象,采用《4-7岁儿童社会性发展量表》对其社会性发展水平进行调查,结果表明:与常模相比,学前流动儿童社会性发展总分符合常模正态分布;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分存在显著的性别差异,男孩总分高于女孩;学前流动儿童社会性发展总分随年龄增长、家庭定居市区时间的增长及母亲文化水平的提高而呈增长趋势。学前流动儿童家庭、社区、幼儿园应通力合作,采取相关干预措施,促进其社会性发展。  相似文献   

多元文化教育的全球化发展趋势已成为世界各国尤其是多民族国家必须直面的挑战.基于多元文化的学前儿童社会教育旨在以增进幼儿的社会性认知、激发幼儿的社会情感、引导幼儿的社会性行为为主要内容.  相似文献   

Emotional and Behavioral Predictors of Preschool Peer Ratings   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
It was predicted that social cognitive, behavioral, and affective aspects of young children's social development would predict stable peer ratings of their likability. Measures of likability, emotion knowledge, prosocial and aggressive behavior, peer competence, and expressed emotions (happy and angry) were obtained for 65 subjects (mean age = 44 months). Sociometric ratings, particularly negative, were stable over 1- and 9-month time periods. Correlational analyses showed that emotion knowledge and prosocial behavior were direct predictors of likability. Prosocial behavior mediated the relations of gender and expressed emotions with likability (i.e., gender and expressed emotions were each related to prosocial behavior, and prosocial behavior was related to likability, but neither gender nor expressed emotions were related to likability with prosocial behavior partialled out). Knowledge of emotional situations similarly mediated the age-likability relation. Results uphold the early development of stable peer reputations and the hypothesized centrality of emotion-related predictors of likability.  相似文献   

儿童的社会化发展即获得在社会中生产所必需的知识技能、行为规范和价值观念。游戏是儿童的天性和主要活动方式。玩沙游戏有助于儿童"去自我中心",提高儿童的社会交往能力,提高儿童的问题解决能力。笔者设计了支持儿童社会性发展的玩沙游戏设计模型,通过情景创设、主题引入、混龄组织、家园合作的形式支持儿童的社会性发展的实施,培养儿童优秀的社会性品质。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the motor skill performance of preschool children from low socioeconomic (SES) backgrounds to their age matched typically developing peers using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). Sixty-eight children (34 low SES and 34 typically developing; ages 3–5) performed the PDMS-2. Standard scores from each subtest (i.e., stationary, locomotion, object manipulation, grasping, and visual-motor integration) and three quotient scores were calculated for the children identified as low SES and typically developing children. A MANOVA was used to analyze the PDMS-2 standard score and quotient score differences between the children identified as low SES and the typically developing children. All preschool children identified as low SES scored at average or lower on total motor quotient scores. Specifically, 88.2 % of children identified as low SES were classified as average, and 11.8 % of children were in the below average performance category. The MANOVA analysis showed that children identified as low SES scored significantly lower than the typically developing children on the visual-motor integration subtest, F(1,64) = 7.232, p = .009; locomotion subtest, F(1,64) = 11.449, p = .001; and TMQ, F(1,64) = 4.732, p = .033. Children identified as low SES were significantly delayed in both fine and gross motor skill areas when compared to their typically developing age and gender matched peers. Researchers are recommended to provide comprehensive assessments for preschool children and to include motor tasks when designing early intervention programs.  相似文献   

本研究基于社会信息加工模型理论,运用问卷调查和个别访谈技术,对幼儿攻击行为的一般特征及其社会信息加工过程进行研究,以探讨身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿的社会信息加工特点。研究表明,3~6岁幼儿的攻击行为存在显著的性别差异,男孩的攻击行为多于女孩。身体攻击幼儿和关系攻击幼儿存在一定程度的社会信息加工缺陷。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between motor competence and BMI in Hispanic preschool children from low SES backgrounds. One hundred and forty-eight Hispanic low SES preschool children (male = 81, female = 67 participated in this study. All children were measured on gross and fine motor competence using the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales-2 (PDMS-2). Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated for all participants. A Pearson correlation was used to analyze the relationship between the preschool children’s BMI and PDMS-2 performance. A 2 (gender) × 3 (BMI) MANOVA was conducted to assess the gender and BMI differences on each PDMS-2 subtest. Nearly one-third of children in the study demonstrated gross and fine motor delays and slightly over one-third of the children were classified as overweight or obese. A significant negative correlation was found between BMI and visual motor integration scores. The MANOVA analysis showed that low SES Hispanic boys were significantly better in gross motor skill competence and girls were more advanced in fine motor performance. These findings will make a significant contribution to the literature in identifying relationship between motor competence and children’s body weight. This study is also beneficial to practitioners and educators in designing intervention and preschool curriculum to improve children identified with motor delays and to reduce BMI through physical activity.  相似文献   

社会文化因素是影响学前儿童心理行为问题的主要因素,主要包括体制混变、观念混变、多媒体文化泛滥、童年的消逝、儿童文化缺场等多种因子的相互作用。学前儿童常见心理行为问题不利于学前儿童身心和谐发展。从社会文化因素分析,应对学前儿童心理行为问题的策略为:打破城乡二元体制,加快社会转型;革新观念,为学前教育注入新的内涵;严控多媒体,尊重儿童游戏的价值;重构儿童文化,解放儿童。  相似文献   

Nafstad, H.E. 1982. Preschool Children: Inquiry into Interconnections between Social Class, Language and Training Programs. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 26, 121‐139. Over the last few years there has been an increasing interest in the development and education of preschool children. Especially, there has been great interest in the linguistic and conceptual development of those categories of children who are most likely to become losers at school. Various attempts at reaching future school losers at an early stage to give them a better start in life ‐ for instance, by means of special preschool training programs — have not been unequivocally successful, however. The present article undertakes a critical examination of the basic premises underlying linguistic and conceptual training programs for preschool children. It is shown how widely used preschool programs are based on inadequate assumptions concerning language, language use and communication.  相似文献   

孩子从家庭进入托幼集体生活,首先必须与教师与同样产生积极的互动,即社会性素质的发展。而对托班孩子来说,社会性素质发展的教育,关键是教师如何把教育的目的的要求转化为孩子自身内在的需要,即教育的语言艺术。  相似文献   

儿童是祖国的未来,儿童时期是人生成长的初期阶段,是身体和心理发展的重要时期。儿童社会技能的发展水平,对儿童有着短期乃至长期的影响,关系到儿童是否能够进行正常的社会交往,是否能够拥有良好的交往关系,能否得到比较全面的发展。文中将箱庭游戏引入对儿童社会技能的培养中,旨在提高儿童社会交往和适应社会生活的能力。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的高速发展,人们对教育的重视程度也在不断提升。学前儿童社会教育课程一直以来都是学前教育专业中的重要内容,其教学质量能够对学前教育专业学生的教学水平产生极大的影响。因此,加强对学前儿童社会教育课程实践性效果的研究是非常必要的。为此,本文主要对学前儿童社会教育课程教学中存在的问题以及强化教学实践性的方式进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

戏剧游戏作为促进幼儿全面发展的有效途径之一,其价值已被多项研究证实,戏剧游戏对于幼儿社会性发展的意义也被研究者肯定。幼儿在戏剧游戏过程中会产生哪些典型的社会性交往方式?如何运用戏剧游戏促进大班幼儿社会性的发展?文章将幼儿在戏剧游戏中产生的典型行为分为积极的交往行为与消极的交往行为两类,提出"以自主激发自尊、自信,以认识促进认同,以互动引发协作,以规则平衡自由"的支持幼儿社会性发展的策略。  相似文献   

The generality of a multilevel factorial model of social competence (SC) for preschool children was tested in a 5‐group, multinational sample (N = 1,540) using confirmatory factor analysis. The model fits the observed data well, and tests constraining paths for measured variables to their respective first‐order factors across samples also fit well. Equivalence of measurement models was found at sample and sex within‐sample levels but not for age within sample. In 2 groups, teachers’ ratings were examined as correlates of SC indicators. Composites of SC indicators were significantly associated with both positive and negative child attributes from the teachers’ ratings. The findings contribute to understanding of both methodological and substantive issues concerning SC in young children.  相似文献   

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