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Group work can be used to encourage deeper learning, promote student autonomy by transferring some of the responsibility for teaching and learning to students and simultaneously reduce academic time in feedback and marking. While these aims can also be achieved with peer assessment of student output (Williams, 1992; Hughes & Large, 1993; Somervell, 1993), its usage is often limited to assessing the contribution or input of each member to a group project (Goldfinch, 1994). This paper reports the results of a peer assessment experiment with 210 final-year undergraduate business students. Students formed 41 groups or teams, whose membership was constant for the duration of the subject, to complete two of the four assessable tasks. One of the team tasks was an oral class presentation worth 25% of a student's overall grade. Teams of peers rated the quality of the presentation, using a 22-point guide, in terms of content and presentation. Their mark was compared with a staff score also rating the presentation as a team. While there is no significant difference in the student and staff averages, there is a significant difference in the standard deviations which suggests that the two populations are different. However students scores were significantly closer to staff scores in the second half of the semester at least in terms of the presentation component. Although the peer-assessed marks are not significantly different from those assigned by staff, the correlation between them is only moderate.  相似文献   

One vision for Ontario schools is that the use of information and communication technology (ICT) will profoundly change both teaching and learning. Given the diversity of school settings, however, system-wide ICT integration and implementation must necessarily be defined in multiple ways. This paper presents a decision-making framework for guiding the infusion of ICT into different school settings. First, sustainability of the ICT initiative is the identified as the key goal. Next, multiple contextual variables are distilled into five essential qualities. Then, sustainability and the essential elements are combined. The result is a dynamic framework that can be used to identify specific priorities for implementation and strategies for evaluation of ICT initiatives. Finally, it is illustrated how the framework can be used to guide the successful infusion of ICT in any situation, regardless of a school's previous experience with ICT.  相似文献   

曲岩 《通化师范学院学报》2002,23(6):104-105,109
“三个代表”重要思想是我党在新时期加强党的建设的根本指导思想。高校基层党组织只有按照“三个代表”的重要思想,加强基层党组织建设,并用“三个代表”的重要思想指导高校基层党组织的实际工作,方能在新时期出色地完成党赋予的教育工作任务。  相似文献   

创业能力是知识经济时代大学生应具备的关键能力之一,也是一种可迁移到学习、生活和工作等方面的能力.欧盟2016年6月发布的《创业能力框架》界定了创业能力的3类领域:想法与机会、资源和行动,阐释了15种具体的创业能力,设计了8个层次的创业能力学习进阶模型,开发了60个创业能力观测点和442条创业能力学习结果指标.该框架具有综合性、科学性、灵活性和可操作性等特点.  相似文献   

台州教育集团在对台州职业技术学院的发展做出积极的贡献的同时,也面临着诸如增资扩股乏力、股权相异影响发展、未建立新机制以适应办学体制转换与校区合并的新情况等一系列的问题。在面临新机遇的背景下,必须明确产权,修订章程,在加大投入、兴办实业、丰富内涵等方面寻找推动台州教育集团与台州职业技术学院共同发展的突破口。  相似文献   

软件服务外包人才存量和增量不足限制了行业的发展。为满足软件人才培养的新要求,提出职业学校、培训机构和软件服务外包企业三位一体的培养模式。文章从职业学校的视角,分别论述职业学校的角色定位、实践思路、存在困难及解决路径等,以期对职业学校软件服务外包人才的培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

欧洲学习型城市质量分析框架是在欧洲终身学习计划的基础上形成的,旨在帮助学习型城市建设者更好地呈现取得的成果以及更加深入的分析其所面临的挑战。通过呈现所取城市附加值为其吸引更多的利益相关者,从而促进终身学习文化的营造。对此加以学习和借鉴,对我国学习型城市建设具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Research suggests that expert understanding is characterized by coherent mental representations featuring a high level of connectedness. This paper advances the idea...  相似文献   

加大人力资本投入对提高中原城市群的经济发展、产业升级和提升科技创新能力都非常重要。中原城市群的人力资本积累和科技创新能力相对比较薄弱,结合河南省人力资源和科技创新的现状,建议提升中原城市群的人力资本存量,提高科技创新能力,最终提升中原城市群的竞争力。  相似文献   

尽首张志勇主编的《创新教育书系》在写作风格上还不尽一致,有一些理论主张有待于继续接受实践的检验,但该书系不愧为目前国内立足实践研究,具有原创意义的、创新教育研究的奠基之作.  相似文献   

做好高校毕业生困难群体的就业指导与服务工作是高校毕业生就业工作的重要组成部分。通过困难群体毕业生发挥其主体作用、高校提升就业主导职能、政府完善以人为本的就业保障机制建设和用人单位构建科学用人标准等一系列的就业服务与指导工作,来实现毕业生困难群体的充分就业。  相似文献   

数字科技的爆发式发展对公民应有的能力素养产生了革命性影响.欧盟为了从教育实践层面培养合格的数字公民,于2017年专门面向成员国教师发布了欧盟教师数字胜任力框架,期望通过此框架指导和提升教师的数字胜任力,以赋能学习者数字胜任力的发展,从而培养富有竞争力的数字公民.此框架由专业化参与域、数字化资源域、教学和学习域、评价域、赋能学习者域、促进学习者的数字胜任力域构成,共涵盖22项具体能力.值得提及的是,此框架还从胜任力发展的视角研制了教师数字胜任力进阶发展模型,以指导教师对其胜任力水平开展自主评价和个性化发展.该框架对我国教育信息化2.0阶段推进教师发展具有启示意义:应尽快开展教师数字胜任力研究、制定教师数字胜任力发展标准,以及从以人为本的发展视角持续推进教师发展实践.  相似文献   

《现代教师学导论》导学法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着开放教育试点的不断深入,需继续探索适合开放教育的教学模式。本文就现代远程开放教育《现代教师学导论》课程,教师在教学中应如何激发电大学生的学习主动性,真正做到变教师“教”为中心,为学生“学”为中心的现代教学模式转变,而提出自己的具体做法和观点。  相似文献   

新时期电大思想政治工作面临新的内外部环境。构建电大思想政治工作的新格局,要以与时俱进的精神,进行整体性和战略性的思考,坚持服从服务、全面融入、以人为本、积极建设、开拓进取的基本原则;在“灵魂工程”上兴起新高潮,在载体建设上拓展新路径,在基础建设上提升新水平,在机制建设上呈现新面貌。  相似文献   

Four decades of early childhood policy and program development indicate that evidence-based interventions can improve life outcomes, and dramatic advances in the biological and behavioral sciences now provide an opportunity to augment those impacts. The challenge of reducing the gap between what we know and what we do to promote the healthy development of young children is to view current best practices as a starting point and to leverage scientific concepts to inspire fresh thinking. This article offers an integrated, biodevelopmental framework to promote greater understanding of the antecedents and causal pathways that lead to disparities in health, learning, and behavior in order to inform the development of enhanced theories of change to drive innovation in policies and programs.  相似文献   

科学发展观不仅是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针,也是党建和思想政治工作所必须遵循的重要指导方针。以科学发展观为指导加强党建和思想政治工作是由我们党的执政地位所决定的,是由我们党的性质和宗旨所决定的。以科学发展观为指导全面加强北京教育学院党建和思想政治工作要着力做好用科学发展观武装全体教职工的头脑;建设高素质领导班子,打造过得硬的干部队伍;按照以人为本的核心理念,统筹兼顾、全面协调可持续发展的要求,用改革创新、与时俱进的精神加强和改进党建和思想政治工作;以社会主义核心价值体系为引领,建立全体教职工的核心价值追求,建设和谐学院文化;大力倡导求真务实的作风。加强反腐倡廉建设等七方面的工作。  相似文献   

在过去二十年中,语料库方法给翻译研究带来了巨大影响,起到了很大的推动作用。本文分析了翻译研究中范式的转变,从应用翻译研究、描写翻译研究以及理论翻译研究三方面,对基于语料库的翻译研究现状加以探讨,以期为翻译教学与研究提供新的理论框架。  相似文献   

Stymne, I. 1982. Directional Factors in Group Work. A Study of Two School Groups. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 26, 77‐94. A conceptual scheme of directional factors was sought in two work groups of teenage school children. The occurrence of exploratory sequences related to the different directional factors was also analysed. The two groups were videotaped, one while making a poster for a youth organization and the other while discussing the outline for a play. The utterances of each group were analysed and categorised into directional factors according to a simple model. Stimuli which initiated exploratory sequences were found for all directional factors when there was a problem to be solved or a decision to be made in relation to that factor. However, a good deal of behaviour could be seen as rule‐governed or routinised in relation to various directional factors rather than to exploratory sequences. The consequences of a lack of exploratory sequences in group work are briefly discussed.


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