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This paper reviews the possibilities and limitations of programs aimed at promoting early investment in child development programs and early childhood education as a strategy for reducing poverty. It sets modern theories of intellectual development within a broader Eriksonian conception of the whole child. This highlights the links between the cognitive and the affective. Sternberg's “triadic model of intelligence” serves as the organizing framework for this discussion. Having made this case, the paper examines a series of hypotheses regarding essential components of early intervention and educational programs designed to succeed with poor, high risk, underclass families. The results of this review are sobering, and make it clear that superficial efforts and other business-as-usual approaches will not meet with success. Nonetheless, it is also clear that the social and economic costs of the underclass for the community as a whole as well as for those caught within its cycles of poverty and social pathology can justify expensive interventions and still be cost effective and cost efficient. “Succeeding with those who cost the most saves the most in the long run” becomes a principle to complement the well established principle that “those who have the most, gain the most.”  相似文献   

外语学习中出现的错误除了由母语的干扰引起的以外,相当一部分是由认知策略使用不当造成的。类推是外语学习者常用的一种认知策略,它的使用有时会导致语言错误的出现,但是又不能否定它自身存在的可行性。因此,在外语学习的过程中,要辨证地看待类推问题,现就此问题进行论述。  相似文献   

河北省贫困区域分布广、发生率高、程度深,并存在一些特殊困难。打胜河北扶贫攻坚战要从突破区域、突破方向、突破瓶颈、突破途径和突破机制五个方面来寻找突破口。  相似文献   

This special issue is dedicated to recentdevelopments within cognitive load theory (CLT)and identifies some instructional implicationsof the interaction between informationstructures and cognitive architecture. Thepresent article discusses the different studiesin this special issue. An important conclusionis that recent CLT research recognizes thelearners' level of expertise as an importantfactor mediating the relation between cognitivearchitecture, information structures, andlearning outcomes. In this context, we discussthe role of expertise in CLT research and therole of CLT in expertise research. Based onthis discussion, the use of CLT as a tool todevelop expertise is identified as a verypromising approach.  相似文献   

During periods of uncertainty or psychological distress, a supervisee may encounter or develop rigid or unhelpful thinking patterns that could delay development by promoting discouraging realities and experiences. Such cognitive experiences often are so subtle that they occur outside of the supervisee's immediate awareness. This article explores how the cognitive model of counseling could be used in supervision as a guide to help the supervisor and supervisee discover and modify negative thought processes.  相似文献   

近十多年来,儿童早期健康、营养、社会保障、入学公平以及有质量的保育和教育逐渐受到全球的关注。儿童早期保育与教育已经纳入2030可持续发展目标之中。政府为幼儿制定全面的政策、为家长提供有质量的服务、提供必要的公共资金逐渐成为发展的紧迫要求。本文基于世界不同国家、不同政治经济和社会文化背景的实证依据,呈现对处境不利儿童及早干预的重要性,早期投资对个体和经济社会发展的益处,以及不同早期干预措施的影响力。进一步比较了当前儿童早期发展实际的和最佳的投资模式特征,介绍了近年来发展中国家儿童早期发展的实践项目及其干预研究结果。强调政府需要重视并衡量儿童早期保育与教育的质量,参照国际经验开展政策的制定工作。由于儿童早期发展项目的实施涉及到公共和私营部门的诸多利益相关方,需要建立支持儿童早期发展的制度架构,建立协调机制,促进政策的设计、制定、实施和评估。  相似文献   

和平发展是21世纪中华民族伟大复兴的大战略。为了实现和平发展,需要积极调整教育战略。近年来,体系重建论在教育界相当流行,它以去现代化、反现代化为特征,主张推倒重建教育体系,这是一种难以适应和平发展新需要的不合时宜的教育战略。发展提高论主张积极适应和平发展的新形势,改进、完善和壮大中国现代教育体系,这是新时期应自觉坚持的教育战略。其中,发展完善中国现代教育体系的关键是:抓住国家和平发展所创造的重大机遇,尝试探索建设适应和平发展战略需求的大国教育体系。  相似文献   

风险投资业作为一种新型的投资形式,在我国尚处于成长时期.努力培养风险投资业所需的市场环境,促进风险投资业的快速发展,对推动我国科技产业化和国民经济的发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

学前教育贫困表现出资源普遍不足和质量普遍不高的特点。学前教育脱贫攻坚需要有全局的视野与眼光,从统领整个学前教育事业发展的高度制定扶贫规划和策略。基于学前教育事业的现实诉求和发展需要,在学前教育脱贫攻坚过程中需采取普惠扶贫战略,通过普惠资金、普惠园所和普惠师资等普惠性资源建设,并以特惠作为普惠战略的必要补充,以便实现学前教育脱贫攻坚的目标,促进公平而有质量的学前教育公共服务体系的建设。  相似文献   

Effects of Poverty and Maternal Depression on Early Child Development   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Researchers have renewed an interest in the harmful consequences of poverty on child development. This study builds on this work by focusing on one mechanism that links material hardship to child outcomes, namely the mediating effect of maternal depression. Using data from the National Maternal and Infant Health Survey, we found that maternal depression and poverty jeopardized the development of very young boys and girls, and to a certain extent, affluence buffered the deleterious consequences of depression. Results also showed that chronic maternal depression had severe implications for both boys and girls, whereas persistent poverty had a strong effect for the development of girls. The measures of poverty and maternal depression used in this study generally had a greater impact on measures of cognitive development than motor development.  相似文献   

从高等教育投资的性质和特点出发,研究高等教育投资的合理比例、主要指标,分析了确定高等教育投资的最佳比例的方法以及高等教育投资的来源和使用分类,研究了客观需求法和投资预测法在高等教育投资中的应用,对提高高等教育投资的效益具有指导意义。  相似文献   

This research explores relationships which exist between self-perception in science and cognitive development under two quantitatively different teaching strategies. These strategies, stressing the use or non-use of directions, praise, and rejection were used in five different elementary grades for one year. Student self-perception in science was found to vary by grade level, regardless of teaching strategy, with grades one and two tending to be more dependent than higher grades. Shifts from an independent to a dependent self-perception during the treatment period were found only in the more directive strategy. Students in a less directive strategy tended to become more independent or not to change self-perceptions at all. Cognitively, nonconservers were more likely to have a dependent perception of themselves in science than conservers. While self-perception in science seems to be closely related to maturation in the lower grades, a less directive teaching strategy appears to provide a more positive environment for developing an independent self-perception in science.  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,我国儿童步入从求生存到谋发展的新转型时期。儿童早期发展的内涵和外延在国际和国内都已形成共识,应在借鉴国外的儿童早期发展典型工作经验的基础上,立足我国的现实国情,分析儿童早期发展工作现状。中国儿童早期发展工作从政策法规、项目实施和体系构建等方面着手,取得了突出的阶段性成绩,高风险儿童数量快速下降,健康指标东西部差别不断减小。然而,城乡儿童发展不平衡的问题依然存在,特别是在贫困地区问题仍然严峻。我国儿童早期发展工作与国际发达地区相比依然不完善,特别是家庭养育环节的工作亟待改善。建议下一步应明确工作定位,构建工作体系,从部门协调、筹资机制、人员激励、信息化建设等方面有重点地开展工作。  相似文献   

A controversial issue in the field of language development is whether language emergence and growth is dependent solely on processes specifically tied to language or could also depend on basic cognitive processes that affect all aspects of cognitive competence (domain-general processes). The present article examines this issue using a large battery of infant information-processing measures of memory, representational competence, processing speed, and attention, many of which have been shown to predict general cognition in a cohort of full-terms and preterms. Results showed that various aspects of infant memory and representational competence (a) related to language at both 12 and 36 months, (b) predicted similarly for the two groups, and (c) predicted 36-month language, independently of birth status, 12-month language, and the 12-month Bayley Mental Development Index. Additionally, the results established predictive validity for the MacArthur 12-month language measure. These findings support a domain-general view of language.  相似文献   

家庭与儿童早期数学认知能力发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
数学认知能力在个体的发展中具有重要地位.已有的研究表明,家庭是影响儿童早期数学认知能力发展的重要因素之一.本文从近年来相关的实证研究出发,进一步证明家庭对儿童早期数学认知能力发展的影响是通过父母的教育观念、教养方式、为孩子提供和创造的物质环境、与孩子的互动以及对孩子正确的评价等方面直接或间接地显现出来的.本文最后从"家庭数学"的观念渗透、"家庭数学"非正式学习环境的创设和"家庭数学"的支持系统三个方面,提出了倡导和实施"家庭数学"的建议.  相似文献   

语言能力的获得是儿童早期发展阶段非常重要的一个组成部分。儿童早期的语言和认知发展对未来的学业表现、教育水平、工作表现及生理与心理健康、非认知能力等具有重要的作用。本研究使用来自中国西部贫困地区的调查数据对中国农村儿童早期语言发展的现状及影响因素进行了分析。此外,为了找到更为有效的衡量儿童早期语言发展水平的工具,本研究以《贝利婴幼儿发展量表(第3版)》为标准,与《汉语言沟通量表(短表)》及《年龄与发育进程问卷(第3版)》沟通部分进行了对比。本研究发现:我国贫困地区6-36个月样本婴幼儿普遍存在早期语言发展滞后风险问题,57%的样本婴幼儿存在语言发展滞后风险;农村地区婴幼儿与城市地区婴幼儿在语言发展水平上有显著差距;除性别、早产、家庭经济状况及户口等风险因素与儿童早期语言发展相关外,照养人的养育知识水平和养育行为都与儿童早期语言发展有显著的正相关关系。我们还发现,《汉语言沟通量表(短表)》和《年龄与发育进程问卷(第3版)》沟通部分与贝利婴幼儿发展量表语言部分的相关性较高。  相似文献   

With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy, as well as the onset of the C3 framework from the National Council of Social Studies, social studies teachers are tasked with integrating content and writing instruction in thoughtful and relevant ways. A middle school social studies teacher addressed this complex task by integrating a planning strategy for argument-based writing in his 8th-grade United States History class. To frame the teaching of the planning strategy and social studies content, the six instructional stages from the Self-regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) model were used. This article highlights the teacher's exploratory use of cognitive strategy instruction, SRSD, and impact on student writing.  相似文献   

The Institute of Medicine and The Educated Citizen and Public Health Initiative suggest that an understanding of public health is a core component of an educated public and is necessary to develop social responsibility (Association of American Colleges and Universities [AAC&;U], 2011 Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&;U) . ( 2011 ). The educated citizen and public health . Retrieved from http://www.aacu.org/public_health/  [Google Scholar]; National Research Council, 2003 National Research Council . ( 2003 ). Who will keep the public healthy? Educating public health professionals for the 21 st century (Consensus report). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.  [Google Scholar]). To respond to this call, the University of New Hampshire collaborated with faculty from the New Hampshire Community College System to introduce the public health field through a course called Global Public Health Issues. This article will discuss the development, implementation, and evaluation of a public health course between a two-year and four-year college. It will also discuss the potential for such a partnership and public health course to encourage life-long learning and a commitment to social responsibility, allow for new course/major/minor development in public health, enable faculty to expand their expertise, broaden the attractiveness of two-year colleges, and introduce a vocation-based student population to the value of public health and the public health workforce.  相似文献   

魏杰 《比较教育研究》2006,27(12):25-29
新世纪之初的非洲高等教育面临诸多问题;非洲各国减贫战略曾一度忽视高等教育对缓解贫困的重要性,随着全球性变化,各国加大了减贫战略中高等教育发展力度,并进行了相应的改革;知识经济时代,非洲高等教育由边缘走向中心,高等教育对非洲各国经济发展和缓解贫困具有特殊意义;高等教育与经济发展是双向多维的互动关系,它应与经济发展保持适度弹性,并要防止对经济发展的抑制可能.  相似文献   

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