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Willson VL  Reynolds CR 《Journal of learning disabilities》2002,35(3):205-8; discussion 209-13
The methods and conclusions of Van den Broeck (in this issue) are evaluated from two perspectives: (a) statistical considerations and (b) theoretical models of IQ and achievement, specifically reading achievement. We consider the statistical model proposed by Van den Broeck for the regression-based discrepancy model (RDM) to be either irrelevant or conceptually inconsistent with current models of IQ and achievement. The resulting simulation produced exemplar cases that are not realistic in terms of practice. The theoretical representations of IQ and achievement were, in our understanding, inconsistent with contemporary models of either. We suggest that acceptable models support the use of the RDM as it has been proposed by us and by others as one component of the determination of the presence or absence of a learning disability.  相似文献   

通过引入应变硬化变量,对Burgers模型中串联粘壶进行了改进,并将改进模型看成是由Van Der Poel模型与改进粘壶串联组成.采用半正矢波间歇荷载模拟实际轮载作用,综合运用流变学和粘弹性力学理论推导了周期性荷载作用下沥青混合料永久变形的力学模型.然后根据3种沥青混合料的室内重复荷载永久变形试验结果,对该模型进行了验证.结果表明:随着荷载作用次数的增加,残余粘弹性应变占永久应变的比例先迅速衰减,而后逐渐趋向稳定,一般仅占2%~3%.荷载间歇时间越长,残余粘弹性应变越小.实际行车荷载的间歇时间足够长,因此残余粘弹性应变可以忽略,从而得到了简化模型.该模型可以很好地描述重复荷载下沥青混合料的永久变形特性.  相似文献   

Several papers have been devoted to the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) software in fitting autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models to a univariate series observed in a single subject. Van Buuren (1997) went beyond specification and examined the nature of the estimates obtained with SEM software. Although the results were mixed, he concluded that these parameter estimates resemble true maximum likelihood (ML) estimates. Molenaar (1999) argued that the negative findings for pure moving average models might be due to the absence of invertibility constraints in Van Buuren's simulation experiment. The aim of this article is to (a) reexamine the nature of SEM estimates of ARMA parameters; (b) replicate Van Buuren's simulation experiment in light of Molenaar's comment; and (c) examine the behavior of the log-likelihood ratio test. We conclude that estimates of ARMA parameters obtained with SEM software are identical to those obtained by univariate stochastic model preliminary estimation, and are not true ML estimates. Still, these estimates, which may be viewed as moment estimates, have the same asymptotic properties as ML estimates for pure autoregressive (AR) processes. For pure moving average (MA) processes, they are biased and less efficient. The estimates from SEM software for mixed processes seem to have the same asymptotic properties as ML estimates. Furthermore, the log-likelihood ratio is reliable for pure AR processes, but this is not the case for pure MA processes. For mixed processes, the behavior of the log-likelihood ratio varies, and in this case these statistics should be handled with caution.  相似文献   

从分子间相互作用力的Sutherland模型出发,用统计力学的方法分析讨论了范德瓦尔斯气体的典型热力学性质,并对相关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In this article we report and reflect on a study about the problems encountered in the implementation of adult education policies in the Limpopo province of South Africa. We used the model of intergovernmental policy implementation of Van Horn and Van Meter as a theoretical framework. We reflect on this study and link the findings with more recent literature on and experiences with developments in the implementation of adult education policies. The findings of our study show several discontinuities and contradictions in the implementation of an adult education policy, partly caused by the legacies of the past. A central recommendation, informed by contributions from stakeholders at grassroots level, is to use a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches (bottopdown) in policy development to improve the quality of the implementation.  相似文献   

传统的教育研究由于远离了个体的生活体验而丧失了生活意义.当代教育研究应该注重生活体验,走向生活体验.范梅南提出的"生活体验研究"是一种教育学研究方法.它不同于自然科学的方法论,是以人为中心的解释性研究模式,是解释现象学教育研究方法.  相似文献   

宗教影响与凡高的艺术创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
被誉为"疯狂的天才"的荷兰画家凡高,是19世纪后期出现的印象派大师。在其充满传奇色彩的一生中凡高创作了大量的艺术作品,但同时却遭受了非同寻常的冷遇与歧视。在他短暂的艺术生命当中,宗教的影响不容忽视,很大程度上宗教所宣扬的爱的思想成为凡高价值体系的主体.试从凡高生活、艺术和生命3个角度探讨宗教对凡高整个艺术人生的影响。  相似文献   


Franciscus Van den Enden (1602–1674) is commonly considered as the man who taught Latin to B. de Spinoza (1632–1677). It is unknown if he actually taught him something else, but we do know he used a pedagogy of his own and made the young philosopher aware of the importance of pedagogical issues. The present article helps to document their relationship from a historical and theoretical perspective, by clarifying Van den Enden’s ideas on a most debated subject: the use of honorary titles to distinguish pupils in the classroom. In particular, it shows how the rejection by Van den Enden of titles commonly used in Jesuits schools finds echoes in Spinoza’s philosophy. At the same time, the article argues that through their common participation in theatrical plays, Van den Enden and Spinoza shared a pedagogical experience that helped to overcome the problems linked to the introduction of a hierarchy, not theoretically, but in practice.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the articles of Opdenakker, Van Damme, De Fraine, Van Landeghem, and Onghena (2002) and Van Landeghem, Van Damme, Opdenakker, De Fraine, and Onghena (2002) in this issue, we give some background information on a new study on educational effectiveness in secondary schools, and on the variables measured in that study that are relevant to the 2 articles mentioned. We conclude with some information on the system of secondary education in Flanders.  相似文献   

“生活体验研究”是范梅南提出的一种教育学研究方法。它不同于科学理性的方法论,是以人为中心的解释性模式。是解释现象学的教育学研究方法。它通过“悬置”、体验、描述(现象学反思)、阐释(文本写作)来展开教育学研究,“生活体验研究”是具有教师教育功能的一种教育研究方法。  相似文献   

It is said that “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” But, when and why does an absent event become salient to the heart or to the brain? An absent event may become salient when its nonoccurrence is surprising. Van Hamme and Wasserman (1994) found that a nonpresented but expected stimulus can actually change its associative status—and in the opposite direction from a presented stimulus. Associative models like that of Rescorla and Wagner (1972) focus only on presented cues; so, they cannot explain this result. However, absent cues can be permitted to change their value by assigning different learning parameters to present and absent cues. Van Hamme and Wasserman revised the Rescorla-Wagner model so that the α parameter is positive for present cues, but negative for absent cues; now, changes in the associative strength of absent cues move in the opposite direction as presented ones. This revised Rescorla-Wagner model can thus explain such otherwise vexing empirical findings as backward blocking, recovery from overshadowing, and backward conditioned inhibition. Moreover, the revised model predicts new effects. For example, explicit information about the absence of nonpresented cues should increase their salience (that is, their negative α value should be larger), leading to stronger associative changes than when no explicit mention is made of cue absence. Support for this prediction is detailed in a new causal judgment experiment in which participants rated the effectiveness of different foods’ triggering a patient’s allergic reaction. Overall, these and other findings encourage us to view human causal learning from an associative perspective.  相似文献   

深层结构是表层结构的基础部分,但只能通过表层结构才能体现出来。论文以Van Buren的深层句法对比理论为基础,对维、汉语被动句的深层句法进行了对比。  相似文献   

甘肃陇南汉水流域乞巧节是一个典型的传统女性民俗节日,在女性心灵和一生中占据着重要地位。利用范·哲乃普的“通过仪礼”理论模式对其进行分析,阐释了乞巧节狂欢表象下面所隐藏着的“通过仪礼”意蕴本质,从而揭示出乞巧仪式活动对于女性个体和社会整体的功能和意义。  相似文献   

How many times do clients ask: What is a CPT? What do CPTs do? Perhaps the best way to answer these questions is to look at some of the case studies submitted by Certified Performance Technologists applicants as part of the CPT application process. The applicants are asked to identify three projects they have done in the past 10 years that demonstrate proficiency in ISPI Standards 1 to 4 and at least three other Standards. In this article, a successful CPT applicant describes one of his projects and aligned his role as a performance improvement consultant with all 10 ISPI Standards. The story begins in this issue as Wessel Van Reede Van Oudtshoorn describes how he focused on results, took a systemic viewpoint, added value, used partnerships, and systematically assessed the need and opportunity. The story will continue in the February 2012 issue of PIJ. Joan Conway Dessinger  相似文献   

随着各种研究方法的深入和经典重读的进行,华盛顿·欧文与其作品间的关系也在不断的被审视。在借鉴民间传说的同时,欧文也将个人经历和心迹隐现其中。他的小说《瑞普·凡·温克尔》就是一篇再现其逃遁历程的故事。综合考查《瑞普·凡·温克尔》及欧文自身所处的环境,运用心理分析的研究方法,不难发现欧文频繁的逃遁是其拒绝遵从传统的个性、欧美社会和文化氛围的反差以及祖先们频繁逃遁潜移默化下的综合产物。  相似文献   

新熊彼特派和马克思主义长波理论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了长波理论的创始人范·盖尔德伦的理论观点。对现代两种主要的长波理论———马克思主义范式和新熊彼特派范式做了比较。长波理论的发展方向是把马克思主义范式与新熊彼特派范式相结合 ,而这要求对马克思主义传统的利润率下降理论进行改造  相似文献   

Departments of physical educetion and sport organizations face turbulent environments today that make change neceesary. Accordingly, it is important to understand the nature of the change process. Given the notion that research in organzational science can benefit from adopting multiple frameworks (Van de Ven & Poole. 1995). a model is preseneted to incorporate in studies of radical organzational change. The integration of four theories—institutionalism, population ecology, srrategic choice. and resource dependence—provides the basis for the model. Implications for future research in sport end physical activity are advanced.  相似文献   

关于地磁场的起源,至今仍是一个没有得到解决的问题。相关的解释很多,如:永磁体假说,电荷旋转假说,热压电效应解释,温差电效应解释,自激发电机假说等,但由于都存在着一些自身无法解决的问题而未能被广泛接受。地球周围有一个被称为范爱伦带的带电粒子连续分布。是范爱伦带产生了地磁场,还是地磁场产生了范爱伦带?经过考察,可能是后者。但是,地磁场的起源问题仍然不能由此得到解决,仍是一个未解之谜。  相似文献   

19世纪荷兰画家凡·高是艺术界颇具争议的人物。从凡·高的生平入手,分析其鲜明又充满矛盾的个性特征。同时,透过其复杂多变的内心世界,分析其作品中本身所包含的多面性。  相似文献   

文学同绘画之间的关系源远流长,文学家从绘画艺术中寻找灵感、寄托志向也并非创举。女作家陈染的散文、随笔及小说中有大量关于画家梵高的论述,甚至形成陈染的梵高情结,这些论述传达出作家试图超越性别写作的定见、追求艺术理想的愿景,这正是为以往研究者所忽视的。以此为突破点,通过对陈染散文、随笔及小说中关于梵高的论述进行文本细读,重新认识陈染的艺术追求和审视她的文学创作,展现陈染精神的另一面。  相似文献   

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