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十年前,陕西省戏曲研究院创演的大型眉户现代戏《迟开的玫瑰》进行首场演出。当时陕西同行们对该剧题材所表现的价值观念有一些争论。在经历了十年之久的争论之后,在经历了一出现代戏被全国数十个不同剧种、不同方言区和不同地域文化精神特质的艺术家、观众移植、上演和欣赏之后,在《迟》剧荣获“2005—2006年度国家舞台艺术精品工程”十大精品剧目榜首之后,这种争论似乎应该有一个比较清晰的结果,那就是任何时候。戏曲艺术都应该也只能是以人们大众的审美视觉和观赏需求为依据,都应该也只能是依剧目对社会进步所起到的积极作用为判断标准。[第一段]  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of the end of mandatory retirement on professors over the long term. This follow-up study investigated the ten-year experience of professors who chose not to retire from a major research university after the elimination of the age 70 mandatory retirement in 1994. The initial interview study was conducted in 1998 (Dorfman, 2000 Dorfman , L. T. ( 2000 ). Still working after age 70: Older professors in academe . Educational Gerontology , 26 , 695713 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2002 Dorfman , L. T. ( 2002 ). Stayers and leavers: Professors in an era of no mandatory retirement . Educational Gerontology , 28 , 1533 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). All surviving professors (n = 13; age 80–84) agreed to be reinterviewed in 2007. The study investigated major reasons for continuing to work or retire, professional and nonprofessional activities, perceptions of departmental and institutional atmosphere and student and faculty attitudes toward older faculty, and preparation and plans for retirement. Content analysis of the tape-recorded open-ended questions revealed that employed professors continued to work mainly because they enjoyed it. Retired professors retired mainly because of age or felt it was time to retire. Retired professors as well as their employed counterparts continued professional activities, primarily research. Both groups reported mixed reactions to the overall atmosphere in their departments and university as well as to student and faculty attitudes toward older faculty, with one-third of retirees reporting departmental or institutional pressures to retire. The major type of planning for retirement was financial.  相似文献   

如果把“真理是有用的”这句话理解为:真理是能指导实践取得成功的认识,那么,我们完全可以说:能指导实践取得成功的认识就是真理,即“有用就是真理”。其实,生活中人们就是这样想、这样做的。邓小平理论是“管用的”马克思主义。他的“猫论”、摸着石头过河、三个是否有利于,把人们的注意力从注重动机的正误,转变到侧重于效果的优劣,为中国由计划经济向市场经济过渡作了理论上的铺垫。中外实用思想的发展历程说明:人们奋斗所争取的一切都同他们的利益有关,生活离不开实用。实用是东西方不同世界的共同追求。  相似文献   

Access Courses After Ten Years: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since 1978 there has been an explosion of courses aimed at widening access to higher education. This paper reviews the development of those courses and the issues surrounding them. In general the courses developed in an ad hoc fashion determined at local level. However as the DES draws access provision into the centre of educational policy that local diversity may be threatened. If DES policy on widening access is to succeed then it will have to move beyond exhortation to face major policy issues such as the reallocation of resources: but if it does this then the initial emphasis of practitioners on directing resources at disadvantaged groups may itself be constrained. A coherent strategy is necessary if the original aims of access provision are to be realised.  相似文献   

The use of big data has become the topic for discussion in many executive‐level meetings. Managers and administrators look at top‐flight companies and their successful competitors with envy, because a small number have learned to exploit large amounts of data to become more effective and efficient in their operations. Yes, large amounts of information can improve a company's performance. But first there must be a change in the organization's decision‐making culture.  相似文献   

In this article I seek to investigate and to rebut charges that Dewey had either too authoritative a conception or use of philosophical and educational inquiry, or not enough of an authoritative use. I look specifically at two critics, one in the discipline of education and one in the discipline of history. These two are, respectively, Clarence Karier and J. P. Diggins. In the final analysis, I conclude that Dewey's talk of authority generally, and his talk of inquiry specifically, functions according to the needs and problems of the community that it take place in, and cannot, therefore, be hooked to some larger, metaphysical end or aim beyond this.  相似文献   

南朝文坛的萧纲是一个开宗立派的重要人物.无论是在诗歌方面,还是在辞赋和骈文方面,他都在继承前代文学新变因素的基础上,锐意创新,形成了独特的创作风貌;其创作成就对陈隋以迄唐初的文学也产生了重要的影响.但由于长久以来形成的对宫体诗风的偏见,学术界一直缺乏对萧纲全面、深入的研究.20世纪80年代以来,学术界渐渐开始对萧纲予以研究,并最终在近30年时间形成研究热潮.  相似文献   


This study suggests that the process of mentoring education students is not reserved for master mentor teachers but can also be done by more advanced students. The author shares her two-year experience of enlisting Master of Arts in Teaching intern teachers to mentor senior-level baccalaureate students during the practicum attached to a 12-hour integrated content block. The qualitative data collected through interviews and open-ended survey questions reveal that the mentoring experience was positive for both sets of students.  相似文献   

哈姆莱特的“瞻前顾后”及“自由反思”是西方文学形象中最精粹的特点之一。这一特点将他和索福克勒斯笔下的俄狄浦斯王联系在一起,这两者间的精神联系远比弗洛伊德所阐释的丰富和宽广。通过卡夫卡版的哈姆莱特,哈姆莱特所面临的“重整乾坤”的重任可以获得更切近于现代人的理解。  相似文献   

二十多年来我国法律语言研究可分三个阶段:酝酿期、草创期、深化期.研究的特色是重视构建法律语言学理论体系,潘庆云的<跨世纪的中国法律语言>等的理论及体系各具特色.法律语言研究的成绩主要是:初步形成具有一定实力和发展前景的学术队伍;初步构建了法律语言理论与体系;研究的领域不断扩大,观念和方法不断更新;重视为现实服务.不足之处是:法律语言各部分研究不平衡;学术争论不够;科学性、系统性不够,紧扣法律语言特殊规律的力作不多.  相似文献   

It is argued that some mathematical skills may be directly linked to learning programming language constructs. It is also argued that problem-solving through programming demands solid foundation in algorithms, and thus should be taught as if it were a process of learning mathematics. An analysis is given showing how mathematical maturity may impact learning programming language constructs. Conclusions are made based on the analysis.  相似文献   

实现民族和谐有助于各民族社会经济协调发展,维护民族地区的和谐与稳定,实现中华民族的长治久安。目前,我国社会经济发展不平衡,各民族的精神文化存在现实差异,加之国内外敌对势力从中作梗,导致民族和谐的实现还面临一些困境。因此必须大力发展民族地区经济,强化民族和谐的法制建设和宣传教育,依法打击民族分裂势力,并加强比较研究、实证调研和多视角多学科的综合研究。  相似文献   

加拿大的家庭医生对不少新移民来说是一个新名词,而能成为家庭医生的大陆新移民更是屈指可数。来自四川的新移民刘崇恩,2010年开力、了属于自己的诊所,成为一名独立的家庭医生,对于许多以前有医生背景的新移民来说这真算一个奇迹。  相似文献   

The purpose of this qualitative study is to form a grounded theory of the process of long‐term transfer. Eight physicians were interviewed to discover if, years later, they had used what they were taught in a faculty development training program. We found that these autonomous professionals continued to apply the teaching ideas they learned. Each, in a personal way, chose to use varied ideas in different ways in several contexts. They applied ideas using intellectual skills such as planning and analyzing. They continued their applications because they perceived supportive work conditions and positive consequences. In sum, over the long term, physicians acquired knowledge and mental skill, chose to use them, and attempted application. They reflected on outcomes, decided to reuse or revise, and tried again. Thus, the process of long‐term transfer was learning to use and learning from use. We examine implications for research and training.  相似文献   

《水浒传》中人物所作的诗词仅有十首,其中酒后诗有五首,而这之中有四首是宋江所作,这一叙事现象在《水浒传》众多人物的许多相似塑造中显得独特。因为酒后诗是宋江冲破理性樊笼的心理的真实写照,分析这四首酒后诗,能清楚认识宋江的"忠"与"义"的相互关系以及他的人性的发展和其中的矛盾冲突。  相似文献   

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