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The present study examined young children's conceptions of personal prerogative in the contrasting contexts of home and school. The central question was whether young children have a stable conception of the personal which underlies their responses to regulations in varying contexts. Interviews concerning conceptions of the personal domain were conducted with 37 middle class first grade children. The children were aware of continuities and discontinuities in personal prerogative at home and school as highlighted by their understandings of conventions at school. They identified areas of prerogative at school, but were aware of the conventionalization of some personal issues. They considered school to be the more restrictive place. Despite some willingness to cede authority to teachers for many personal issues, the children reserved rightful decision locus for themselves. They were noncommittal as to whether prerogative should be narrowed at school. They attempted negotiations in both settings, despite less success at school. The children had a conception of personal prerogative which extended over both home and school contexts. Results have implications for classrooms responsive to children's development of autonomy. The study was limited largely to white middle class children, however it raises questions which could have implications for a much broader range of children. Further studies on prerogative in contrasting contexts considering class and ethnic differences may also yield implications for classroom practice which is child and culture sensitive.  相似文献   

The study replicates a previous investigation done with middle class children to examine their conceptions of prerogative and restriction, Weber (1999). For the present study, forty nine first, third and fifth grade children who were primarily African American, were drawn from two public schools in a small aging midwestern industrial city. They participated in two interviews which elicited responses concerning personal prerogative at home and school. The children identified areas of prerogative in both settings. They distinguished between personal and conventional issues at school. Children's claims to prerogative appeared to increase with age, as did the amount of disagreement and conflict over such issues. There appeared to be a flattening out of opportunity at school however, that did not occur at home. Unlike the middle class sample, these children sometimes used prudential and punishment reasoning to justify restrictions. Direct responses from the children clearly indicated that school should be different from home in prerogative offered them. They appeared to accept more narrow and rigid boundaries at school with little reservation. The totality of the children's responses, however, suggests the possibility of more complex attitudes. The flattening of provision at school, combined with some presence of punishment reasoning, suggests that there may be some interesting differences in approach between middle class and working class schools.  相似文献   

Children's evaluations of decision-making procedures were examined in applications in different social contexts. Seventy-two children evenly divided into three grade levels (grades 1 – 2, 3 – 4, 5 – 6) were administered a structured interview requiring them to evaluate three decision-making procedures (consensus, majority rule, and authority-based) embedded in three social contexts (peer group, family, and school classroom) and to select the most appropriate decision-making procedure for two specific decisions: one expected to pull for procedures emphasizing children's autonomous decision making, and one expected to pull for adult authority. Judgments of decision-making procedures at all grade levels did not show a heteronomous acceptance of adult authority but rather were influenced by social context and type of decision. In general, consensus was preferred in peer and family contexts and authority-based procedures were preferred for school decisions about curriculum. Older children were more likely than younger children to consider how children's limited knowledge and competence may constrain their autonomous decision making.  相似文献   

城市化背景下农村留守儿童的家庭教育与学校教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在人口从农村大规模流向城镇的过程中,大多数流动父母将未成年子女留在家乡,留守儿童规模快速扩张,留守儿童的教育问题引起广泛关注。本文在深入挖掘2010年第六次全国人口普查数据的基础上,结合在重庆市31所农村小学收集的1.2万名学生的调查数据以及相关资料,对农村留守儿童的教育问题展开讨论。本研究兼顾了留守儿童的家庭教育和学校教育、教育机会和学业成绩、义务教育和后义务阶段教育,通过综合比较和分析,为农村留守儿童教育面临的突出问题把脉,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Observations and interviews of 20 middle-class 3- and 4-year-olds and their mothers were conducted to examine the emergence of the personal domain. Interviews with children showed that 3- and 4-year-olds make a conceptual distinction between personal, and moral or conventional issues. Interviews with mothers indicated that they viewed it as important for young children to have freedom of choice over personal issues to develop a sense of autonomy and individuality. Observations in the home revealed that mothers tended to give direct social messages to children about moral, conventional, and prudential events, and were more likely to give indirect social messages in the form of offered choices to children in response to personal issues. Mothers were more likely to negotiate with children over personal than other social events. These data revealed a pattern of social interactions concordant with event domain, which included a reciprocal system along the border between the personal and the conventional.  相似文献   

Early Mathematics in the Home and Out-of-Home Contexts   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The investigation to be reported here is part of a wider, multi-method and longitudinal study that has tracked early mathematics in the home of nine young children from between one and two years of age through to school age. The paper focuses on the mathematical development of two of the children, providing an in-depth analysis of observation and discourse in the home and considering the possible impact of this on later attitudes to learning. Clark (2001) has argued that it is possible to pin-point contexts in homes and pre-school settings from research evidence that are most likely to stimulate learning in young children and to lay an effective foundation for literacy and numeracy. This paper concludes that early pedagogical strategies may vary in the manner in which they pave the way not only for the later development, but also foster expectations for and attitudes towards future learning. L'investigation ici rapporte´e fait partie d'une e´tude de type multi-me´thode et longitudinal plus comple ¤ te, qui traque l'usage des mathe´matiques au premier age dans la maison par neuf jeunes enfants, a ¤ partir de l'age d'entre un et deux ans au passage a ¤ la scolarite´ formelle. Cet essai se concentre sur le de´veloppement mathe´matique de deux des enfants, fournissant une analyse approfondie de la observation et du discours dans la maison et conside ¤ re l'impact possible de ceci sur l'accomplissement et les attitudes a ¤ l'apprentissage poste´rieurs. Clark (2001) a soutenu que c'est possible de pre´ciser contextes spe´cifiques dans le cadre du foyer et dans les cadres pre´scolaires en e´manant de l'e´vidence de la recherche qui vont plus probablement stimuler l'apprentissage dans les jeunes enfants et placer une fondation efficace pour l'alphabe´tisation et l'aptitude au calcul. Cet essai conclut qu'une strate´gie parentale efficace est caracte´rise´e par sa direction de l'attention de l'enfant aux relations dans l'espace, le temps, la quantite´ et l'e´tendue, qui peuvent etre perc¸ues au cours de la manipulation d'objets dans les actions qui sont en cours de realisation et qui ont e´te´ introduites par l'enfant meme. La conscience de ces relations est e´tablie par la pe´riode d'acquisition de langue pendant que l'enfant reconna L t, arrange et manipule des relations qui peuvent etre perc¸ues dans les objets de jeu. L' appui par l'adulte de la coordination de l'enfant dans ces relations dans le contexte d'activite´s verbales et pratiques semble paver la voie non seulement pour le de´veloppement poste´rieur de principes cognitifs mais aussi d'espe´rances positives pour et des attitudes vers l'apprentissage futur. La investigacio´n que se relata aqu L ´´ forma parte de un estudio multime´todo y longitudinal ma´s amplio, que rastrea el uso de las matema´ticas en la primera edad en la casa de nueve nin ¨ os, de la edad de entre uno y dos an ¨ os al pasaje a la educacio´n formal. Este ensayo hace enfoque en el desarrollo matema´tico de dos de los nin ¨ os, proporcionando un ana´lisis a fondo de observacio´n y discurso en el hogar y considerando el impacto posible de e´ste sobre el logro posterior y las actitudes para el estudio. Clark (2001) ha argumentado que es posible sen ¨ alar los contextos en el hogar y en los ambientes preescolares (basandose en evidencia emergente de investigaciones previas) que ma´s probablemente estimulan el estudio en los nin ¨ os y que proporcionan una base eficaz para el alfabetismo y la aptitud al ca´lculo. Este ensayo concluye que una estrategia eficaz de parte de los padres es caracterizada por su dirigimiento de la atencio´n del nin ¨ o hacia las relaciones de espacio, de tiempo, de cantidad y grado, que puede ser percibido en el curso de la manipulacio´n de objetos en acciones continuas iniciadas por nin ¨ o. El conocimiento de estas relaciones se establece en el per L ´´odo de la adquisicio´n del lenguaje a medida que el nin ¨ o reconoce, pone en orden y manipula las relaciones que se pueden percibir en los objetos de juego. El apoyo de la coordinacio´n del nin ¨ o en estas relaciones por el adulto en el contexto de actividades verbales y pra´cticas parece preparar el terreno no so´lo para el desarrollo posterior de principios cognoscitivos pero tambie´n para las esperanzas positivas y para las actitudes hacia el aprendizaje futuro.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to determine whether children's ability to distinguish moral rules from conventional school-based rules, and conventional home- based rules was affected by the amount of experience they had in day-care. Preschoolers (N = 42), ranging in age from 35 to 61 months, were interviewed about: (1) the legitimacy of authority to abolish a rule, (2) the accept- ability of behaviors that were permitted by an authority, and (3) the seriousness of behaviors that were prohibited by an authority. The results revealed that previous day-care experience did not affect children's judgments. Moral events were distinguished from conventional events on all questions. In addition, home-based conventional events were distinguished from school-based conventional events suggesting that children consider the social context in which conventional events occur.  相似文献   

Concept: Few empirical studies have investigated the influence of teachers, parents and children on children's drawing experience. The current study aims to examine the attitudes and practices of these three key players that shape children's drawing experience. Method: A survey methodology was used, as typically found in previous research in this area. Participants were 270 5–14 year old children, 44 of their teachers of the National Curriculum for Art and Design, and 146 of their parents. The teachers and children participated in individual interviews and the parents completed a postal survey. Responses to most interview questions were transcribed and content analysis used to identify salient themes. The other questions involved responses on five‐point scales, these were analysed by reporting percentages. Results: The findings are discussed in five sections. First, the positive perceptions of children's drawing behaviour and attitudes. Second, the perceived importance and principal aims of the National Curriculum for Art and Design Education. Third, the numerous sources of encouragement and support for drawing development. Fourth, the differing perceptions of what constitutes a good and bad drawing. Fifth, issues surrounding an age‐related decline in children's drawing activity. Conclusions: The findings are related to theories of drawing education, and implications for children's drawings and drawing pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined literacy in home environments and how children perceive literate events that occur in their families. Four children were selected from a larger study of 129 children. Two children (one African American and one biracial) were from a low income urban community. The other two were Caucasian and from a small farm community. Ninety-six hours of observations over eight weeks during the summer of the kindergarten school year were conducted. Data collected included field notes, tape recordings, parent questionnaires, awareness interviews and school achievement measures. Domains were identified and analyzed for literacy support in the home, The analysis indicated three major findings: 1) all the parents provided support for literacy but there were differences in the way literacy was constructed, 2) the differences in the children's awareness responses describing how they were learning to read at home reflected their home literacy experiences, 3) the home literacy environments of the four children who were from low income families were conducive to literacy development and school success.  相似文献   

This study examined literacy in home environments and how children perceive literate events that occur in their families. Four children were selected from a larger study of 129 children. Two children (one African American and one biracial) were from a low income urban community. The other two were Caucasian and from a small farm community. Ninety-six hours of observations over eight weeks during the summer of the kindergarten school year were conducted. Data collected included field notes, tape recordings, parent questionnaires, awareness interviews and school achievement measures. Domains were identified and analyzed for literacy support in the home, The analysis indicated three major findings: 1) all the parents provided support for literacy but there were differences in the way literacy was constructed, 2) the differences in the children's awareness responses describing how they were learning to read at home reflected their home literacy experiences, 3) the home literacy environments of the four children who were from low income families were conducive to literacy development and school success.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a procedure for teaching parents of mildly retarded children to be home reading tutors and to examine generalization of the children's acquired skills from the home to the school setting. The parent‐tutor procedures were based on Glynn, McNaughton, Robinson and Quinn (1979). Four children aged 8 to 10 years, attending a special class, participated in the project. The reading tutor training procedure was implemented in a multiple baseline across participants design. Tutor behaviours measured were attention to errors, delayed attention, modelling, prompting and the use of praise; child reading behaviours assessed were accuracy of reading, number of errors, self‐corrections and prompted corrections. During intervention and maintenance phases substantial increases in targeted tutor behaviours and corresponding improvements in child reading behaviours were observed. Improvements in the children's home reading behaviours, particularly self‐correcting, generalized to the classroom setting.  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - The benefits of parent–child storybook reading experiences in the home are well documented. However, there is a dearth of information regarding...  相似文献   

Personal and social education has become an important area of development in education in Hong Kong. Given that much of the literature on personal and social education is Anglo-American or European, what is the influence on the largely Chinese settings in Hong Kong? This paper will examine some of the debates of what constitutes personal and social education. The significance of competing contexts in the development of personal and social education will be analysed in detail. Comparisons will be made between Western and Chinese (especially Confucian) views on personal and social education. Attempts will be made to come up with a notion of personal and social education which is suitable for the Hong Kong context.  相似文献   

In 2 studies, we assessed concepts of personal entitlements in more and less hierarchically organized cultures. Study 1 assessed the judgments of 88 adolescent and adult males (mean ages 17-6 and 34-7) from Druze and Jewish communities in Israel. Subjects were presented with conflict situations in which a person in a dominant position (husband, father) objects to the activities of a family member in a subordinate position (wife, daughter, son), and vice versa. Druze subjects attributed more power than Jewish subjects to husbands and fathers over wives and daughters, but concepts of personal entitlements were prominent in both groups. Study 2 assessed the judgements of Druze females (mean ages 12-10, 17-5, and 38-6). Results show that females accept the legitimacy of males' power and personal autonomy, recognize the consequences for those in subordinate positions, and regard the existing social arrangements as unfair. Overall, the findings indicate that social reasoning is heterogeneous in different types of cultures.  相似文献   

家庭学校是美国五花八门的教育形式中的一种。本文介绍了美国家庭学校的概况、开办原因,介绍了家庭学校的开办规则及课程安排,对美国家庭学校的利弊也进行了分析。  相似文献   

Animal-Assisted programs with children are becoming increasingly popular in school and therapeutic settings. This article provides an overview of the benefits accrued by children as well as the concerns with programs which involve animals, and therapy dogs in particular, in these environments. Research over the past 30 years indicates that therapy dogs may offer physiological, emotional, social, and physical support for children. The distinguishing features of Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) are characterized by the supplemental inclusion of a trained therapy dog in reaching an intervention goal in therapeutic environments, and as a supplement to an educational objective in school contexts. The general assumptions underlying AAT with children are that although therapy dogs are interactive, children seem to perceive them as non-judgemental participants who are outside of the complications and expectations of human relationships. This unique interaction may offer children a valuable form of social and emotional support in educational and therapeutic settings.  相似文献   

Dean Colledge headteacher, Town Thorns School, and Cecilia Wood, Rathbone home/school worker, describe a pioneering project designed to improve home/school links in this residential ESN(M) school in Easenhall, Rugby  相似文献   

From a systematic search of educational, psychological, and sociological literature, 18 studies of 5,831 school-aged students on the correlation of home environment and learning in eight countries over a 19-year period were selected. Correlations (the units of analysis) of intelligence, motivation, and achievement with indexes of parent stimulation of the student in the home are considerably higher than those with indexes of socioeconomic status (SES); specifically the medians (and ranges) of 92 simple correlations of home environment and learning are .37 (and .02 to .82) and of 62 multipleregression-weighted composites are .44 (and .23 to .81). Jackknifed regression estimates indicate that gender and SES of the sample affect the sizes of the correlations and suggest priorities for future primary investigations. The analyses suggest that ability and achievement are more closely linked to the sociopsychological environment and intellectual stimulation in the home than they are to parental socioeconomic status indicators such as occupation and amount of education.  相似文献   

This article describes a research project, which collected the views of 13 junior aged children on the special educational needs register of one school about their education. The techniques used for eliciting their views were a series of personal construct psychology (PCP) conversations based on drawings produced by the children of themselves in school. A case study approach was taken within the naturalistic paradigm of 'constructivist inquiry'. The findings indicated that social activities were of greater importance for the pupils than formal learning experiences. Peer relationships were paramount and these defined the positive or negative experiences the pupils had of school in general. The pupils were able to describe a range of problem solving strategies for resolving peer group difficulties. The implications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Parental Beliefs and Children's School Performance   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Immigrant parents from Cambodia, Mexico, the Philippines, and Vietnam and native-born Anglo-American and Mexican-American parents responded to questions about child rearing, what teachers of first and second graders should teach their children, and what characterizes an intelligent child. Immigrant parents rated conforming to external standards as being more important to develop in their children than developing autonomous behaviors. In contrast, American-born parents favored developing autonomy over conformity. Parents from all groups except Anglo-Americans indicated that noncognitive characteristics (i.e., motivation, social skills, and practical school skills) were as important as or more important than cognitive characteristics (i.e., problem-solving skills, verbal ability, creative ability) were to their conceptions of an intelligent first-grade child. Parental beliefs about conformity were correlated with measures of kindergarten (5- and 6-year-olds) and first- (6- and 7-year-olds) and second-grader (7- and 8-year-olds) children's school performance (i.e., teacher ratings of children's classroom performance; Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills reading, math, and language scores; and Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test scores).  相似文献   

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