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We examined the effectiveness of the PATHS curriculum in a magnet elementary school serving a distressed urban area. Aspects of social-emotional competence were examined for second graders who had, and had not, received the PATHS intervention. The intervention groups differed, with the control group having lower social-emotional competence than the intervention group. The measures that contributed most to this effect were objective ratings of observed social competence, and self-reports of child depression and social rejection. School personnel reported modest enthusiasm and approval of the PATHS curriculum. The importance of school acceptance, and contexts that may enhance such acceptance, are discussed.  相似文献   

The cultivation of a caring community within an urban neighborhood public elementary school is viewed by some educators as an impossibility, by others as being in conflict with academic effectiveness, and by still others as unnecessary for the successful achievement of students. Nevertheless, a significant group of educators advocates schools as caring communities, particularly in meeting the needs of low-income urban students of color. The research reported in this article is grounded in the assumption that there is a relationship between school culture and student achievement. An ethnographic case study of one urban public elementary school that exhibited both a strong caring community and a push toward academic excellence resulted in an analysis of the underlying characteristics that existed in the school. The findings suggest that a climate of mutual trust and respect, fluid boundaries centered around an ethic of caring, and a schoolwide sense of ownership and responsibility for students were central to the cultivation of the school' s caring community. Adapted school structures also fostered an ethos of community and ownership. In addition, the school expanded the definition of effectiveness beyond standardized test scores by focusing broadly on student learning, the link between the success of the individual and the success of the group, and the role of affect in promoting student achievement.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Educators are now moving classroom instructional objectives away from what content do we need to know towards how can we support learners in the...  相似文献   

本研究对中美两国小学数学教师的课程实施进行跨文化比较,发现中美教师都更倾向于投入更多的时间对自己有充分准备的课程内容进行教学。相比于美国教师过广的教学范围、年级间高度重复的模式,我国教师的课程实施更为集中与聚焦,每个年级都有较为明显的关注点,但是我国教师课程实施的个体差异大于美国教师。同时还发现我国教师较为严格的按照新课程标准和教材的要求来实施课程,但在课程准备的充分程度上差于美国教师,需要进一步加强与提高。  相似文献   

Two months ago you published "A Discussion on Democratic Education"; we feel that it is unsatisfactory. My opinion is as follows.  相似文献   

African American Othermothering in the Urban Elementary School   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Case  Karen I. 《The Urban Review》1997,29(1):25-39
Othermothering and community othermothering can be defined as African American women's maternal assistance offered to the children of blood mothers within the African American community. Originally traced to slavery, othermothering was a survival mechanism that served as a vehicle for educational and cultural transmission. Currently, an othermothering tradition exists within the urban elementary-school context, and African American female educators play an integral role in fulfilling the pyschoeducational needs of the urban child. By employing a qualitative methodology, this article presents two biographical portraits that examine othermothering by a young elementary-school principal and community othermothering by a fifth-grade elementary-school teacher with 25 years of experience in the urban classroom.  相似文献   

当前,农村小学生心理问题,尤其是留守学生的心理问题日益突出,特别需要班主任的关注和引导。农村班主任需要不断加强心理健康教育方面知识的学习,提高自身的素养,从不同的角度,采取多种形式对小学生进行心理健康教育,用爱心去温暖学生的心灵,让他们能健康茁壮地成长。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a diagnostic testing condition leads to stereotype threat effects for African American children (n = 198) at an urban elementary school. Results indicated that presenting a reading test as diagnostic of abilities hindered the performance of African American children aware of racial stereotypes but not of those unaware of such stereotypes. For stereotype-aware children, the effect of stereotype threat on performance was moderated by level of domain identification such that the effects were most pronounced among children placing greater value on achievement. In addition, domain identification contributed to greater anxiety and lower self-efficacy, suggesting that it is a primary vulnerability factor for stereotype threat effects. Implications for educational equity are discussed, as well as suggestions for developing interventions capable of attenuating stereotype threat effects among children.  相似文献   

课程规划是课程实施的的本质要求,对国家课程、地方课程和校本课程进行规划与实施是学校的责任和权力.如何规范制订学校课程规划,给学校以理论上的指导和实践中的参考,是亟待研究的现实课题.本文构建了学校课程规划的基本框架,并对框架中的各部分予以具体阐述.  相似文献   

多元文化价值观始终是加拿大中小学课程设置和内容安排的基本指导思想,它贯穿于中小学课程的整个教学。中小学多元文化教育集中体现在多元文化课程中,文化意识类课程是形成学生多元文化意识的主要途径,语言类课程和民族特色类课程对保持和发扬各民族文化具有重要的作用。多元文化课程的教材编写既突出知识的综合性,又兼顾文化的教育意义。  相似文献   

在美国,究竟什么样的课程算是拓展课程有多种理解方式,没有一定之规,但是它的性质比较多地认为是为有特殊才能学生准备的学习内容。拓展的英语单词是enrichment、extension、expansion,拓展课程  相似文献   

规划学校课程是在三级课程管理体制下学校获得的课程权力,它体现了传统教育观念的转变和新课程改革在学校一级的延续和深入。学校在进行课程规划中需要以课程政策、课程理论、变革理论、学校现状和学校愿景为基础,对学校的课程愿景、组织团队以及课程的诸多方案做出规划。规划学校课程可以采取内生模式、外引模式和分化模式等策略进行。学校课程的实施与学校课程规划同样重要,是学校课程理想与学校现状不断磨合的过程。它需要对学校现状进行分析,明确制约课程实施的关键因素,为提升这些因素做出努力,并在课程实施过程中渗透研究、评价与调整等行为,以进一步拓展学校课程。  相似文献   

普通高中课程改革是一次新课程文化的再造,对学校课程能力建设提出了挑战.本文从组织机构共性要求和学校特点等方面,概括普通高中学校课程能力的特点,提炼普通高中学校课程能力的基本要素,并结合当前课改实际,提出加强学校课程能力建设的若干建议.  相似文献   

The paper discusses how the concept of switchingtype servosystems can be introduced into an undergraduate curriculum without requiring a more advanced background in mathematics on the part of the student than is ordinarily expected. A differential equation approach is used to study the response of a second-order system which is excited with a step function input. The system starts to respond in a linear mode of operation with an over-all positive feedback and switches into a different linear mode with an over-all negative feedback at a predetermined instant. The system is designed so as to respond with no overshoot. The response time is shorter than that of a conventional critically-damped linear negative feedback system with the same major physical components. The results of a rigorous study by means of a phase-space representation are also given.  相似文献   

小学语文新课程标准的颁布和语文教学理论研究的发展,要求古诗教学体现其新理念和新方法,从具体感知、激活想象、触发情感等三方面入手,正确把握语文教学乃至古诗教学的特点.  相似文献   

将地方民俗文化作为中小学地方特色课程,是基础教育新课程改革和地方经济与社会发展的需要。它既有利于形成地方教育和学校特色,促进学生全面发展,又有利于地方民俗文化的传承与创新。合肥市各级教育主管部门要充分认识到地方民俗文化资源的教育价值,积极利用合肥地方民俗文化资源开发中小学地方课程与校本课程,充分发挥地方民俗文化资源的育人功能。  相似文献   

当前随着基础教育课程改革的全面推进,教育科研的作用愈来愈得到人们的重视,许多学校纷纷提出“科研兴校”、“科研强师”的口号,教师科研出现了前所未有的、令人欣喜的景象。本就教师科研的指导思想、选题范围、研究方法及应注意的问题谈谈自己的陋见。  相似文献   

农村小学科学课程资源呈现出单一、封闭、滞后的样态,对农村小学科学课程资源进行整合,是改革小学科学课程、适应新课标的必然要求。文章就农村自然科学资源整合、农村师生科学经验资源整合、网络科学资源及实验科学资源整合、文本科学资源整合等问题进行了探究。  相似文献   

在小学数学教学活动中,教师把数学知识和生活进行紧密地联系,不仅是为了激发学生的学习兴趣,更多的时候是为了让学生真正体会到生活中充满了数学,这样才能够帮助学生更好地对数学知识进行理解,进一步提高数学知识的应用性。  相似文献   

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