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This article reveals how Spanish-language radio started in San Antonio, Texas—as blocks of time bought by Hispanics interested in providing music to San Antonio's Spanish-speaking residents. In particular, this study recognizes the contributions of San Antonio radio pioneer Manuel Davila and his role in starting Spanish-language radio and the Tejano format, drawing from a combination of on-site observation at Davila's station, personal interviews, and the collection of historical data. The article also lays a foundation for critically analyzing the political economy and hegemonic process of maintenance of economic and cultural power possible in the early days of radio broadcasting to compare it to the current corporately dominated marketplace.  相似文献   

随着中国经济持续快速发展,国际地位不断提高,如何改变国际传播格局,在"西强我弱"的国际舆论环境中争取话语权,是中国国际广播传媒在新形势下的重任.刘云山同志曾经指出:"面对国际舆论环境‘西强我弱'的总体态势,进一步扩大对外宣传的影响、在国际舆论斗争中赢得主动的任务很重;面对全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标,向世界介绍我国经济社会发展情况,为社会主义现代化建设营造良好国际舆论环境的任务很重;面对复杂多变的国际形势和国内经济社会发展的新情况,提高应对重大突发事件的能力、更好地维护我国国际形象的任务很重."  相似文献   

Rising sales output of broadcasting has depended upon total hours worked more than new dollars for structures and equipment. Regulatory burdens appear to have had little effect upon stagnating productivity.  相似文献   

The popularity of Spanish-language television in the United States has been increasing rapidly, yet little is known about the images viewers are likely to encounter when exposed to this content. As such, the present study investigates the representation of men and women in the 2004 prime-time, Spanish-language television season. Social identity theory provides a framework for understanding the potential influence of exposure to these depictions. Most notably, wealthy women were characterized as the slimmest, most provocatively dressed, and most submissive characters on Spanish-language television, whereas wealthy men were the heaviest, most conservatively dressed, and most dominant figures in prime time.  相似文献   

党的十六大明确提出要积极发展文化产业,并将其视为国民经济结构调整的一项重大战略任务。广播影视产业是文化产业的重要组成部分,加速广播影视产业的发展,是摆在广播影视决策者面前的重要任务。为此,国家广电总局近日颁布了《关于促进广播影视产业发展的意见》(以下简称《意见》)。《意见》分析了当前我国广播影视产业发展面临的形势,阐释了发展广播影视产业的指导思想和基本思路,提出了发展广播影视产业应该采取的相关措施。我们认为,《意见》的颁布对加快广播影视业的改革、发展具有重要的意义。随着《意见》内容的贯彻实施,必将全面推进我国广播影视产业的发展,使广播影视逐步成为国民经济的新型产业和体现先进文化精神产品的重要生产基地。现将《意见》的主要内容摘登如下,供业内外人士研读、参考。  相似文献   

国家广电集团即将成立,这是国家广播电视系统一项重要的改革步骤,也是市场经济形势下进一步加强和发展党的新闻事业,增强国家广播电视系统自身活力和发展后劲的重大举措,将对全国广电系统的改革和发展产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

本期“专论”栏自刊登了杨馥铭同志撰写的《建设创新型国家,广电业身负重任》一文。文章阐述了广电业如何破解管理体制的矛盾,更好地发挥在建设创新型国家中的作用等问题。  相似文献   

This article provides a historical account of Bush Radio, the oldest community radio station in Africa, based in Cape Town, South Africa. The creation of Bush Radio's precursor, the Cassette Education Trust (CASET) was a pivotal moment for the emergence of community radio on the continent. This people's history of Bush Radio tells the full story through the voices of the founders and staff, together with other sources of historical data. The article argues that although the apartheid state constructed essentialist racial and ethnic categories, CASET and later Bush Radio constantly positioned themselves in a space of liminality to interrogate and redefine these categories. Privileging an instrumentalist approach, this article shows the connections between ideology, politics, and economics as they converge to form the industrial structure, the political environment, and the cultural product of broadcasting.  相似文献   

一广播电视在应对和处理社会各种风险,营造有利于中国现代化大业的文化舆论气氛中,具有重大的社会历史与文化责任。社会双重转型是在中国现代化发展需要的推动下,由我国学者以独特的学科视角,对中国社会主义发展方式和  相似文献   

北京音乐广播与卫星音乐广播协作网   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
全国卫星音乐广播协作网是由北京音乐广播倡议发起成立的。作为发起人、现任理事台,北京音乐广播的命运和卫星网的命运是紧密结合在一起的。 一、全国性广播广告媒体的缺乏是卫星网成立的基本动因 广播媒体到达率不如电视和报纸媒体,但是它的广告价格非常低廉,千人成本是最低的。这样,广播广告通常被高频次地播出,起到品牌/产品功能提醒或者促销的作用;并且广播的听众忠诚度比较高,容易形成品牌忠诚;再加上  相似文献   

时政新闻就是时事政治新闻,在我国大多与各级党和政府领导人的政治。外事活动有关。目前,采访报道时政新闻的中央媒体中.中央人民广播电台是唯一的一家广播电台。  相似文献   

In November 1967 the first BBC Local Radio station was launched, following a successful campaign to establish the service by “founding father” Frank Gillard. He had been strongly influenced by what he had seen during a tour of U.S. broadcasters in 1954. Radio historians often cite 1 Pennsylvania station, WVPO, as having particularly impressed him. But little is known about WVPO and less still is known of the other stations, which could share some credit for influencing Gillard. Using local newspaper reports and documents held at the BBC’s Written Archive Centre, this paper looks at the American influence on BBC Local Radio.  相似文献   

During the past two years “Danmarks Radio” has carried out the experiment of giving ordinary people access to the medium of radio. The venture has been named the “Tape Workshop.” In the following, the practical organizer of these experiments gives an explanation of the principles which have evolved in connection with making the production facilities available.  相似文献   

In 1973, the Board for International Broadcasting assumed responsibility for the operation of the joint corporate entity, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc. Broadcasting news, entertainment, and public affairs programs to Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union since 1950 and 1953 respectively, RFE/RL, Inc. has also maintained the largest research and analysis activity on these countries in the Free World. This information has been made widely available through serial and monographic publications, notably in the two weeklies Radio Free Europe Research (Eastern Europe) and Radio Liberty Research Bulletin (Soviet Union). Contract and independent researchers make use of rich archival and current affairs library research facilities in New York and Munich. As Federal funding has been maintained and expanded in recent years, facilities and capabilities have been greatly extended.  相似文献   

The arbitration imposed in the audience measurement systems used in Spain excludes a major swath of the population as soon as it segments the potential radio audience starting at the age of 14. Thus, the child-listener is ignored by both programming and advertising strategies. However, is this marginalisation fair? The purpose of this article is to answer this and other questions and to demonstrate to what extent the existence of the child-listener is a sufficient condition to seek mechanisms that include children in radio audience measurement systems.  相似文献   

Queer Radio History: Pacifica Radio   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Pacifica Radio was the first listener-sponsored non-commercial radio network in the United States to air queer voices beginning with Allen Ginsberg reading his iconic poem, Howl on KPFA-FM in Berkeley, California in 1956. From that broadcast, Pacifica stations KPFK-FM (LA), WBAI-FM (NYC), KPFT-FM (Houston), and WPFW-FM (Washington, D.C.) have consistently given space to the LGBTQI community and perspective over 60 years, creating a vibrant recorded history relatively unknown and vastly under-researched.

What survives of the broadcasts are largely found in the Pacifica Radio Archives (and other repositories) and documented in the printed station program folio guides (1949–2005) and consumer catalogues.

This article explores the importance of Pacifica’s queer sound and print archive and looks to identify what survives and what has been lost. It also highlights the many ways the queer story was expressed; bearing witness to the Gay Liberation movement through reportage, literature, poetry, radio drama, music, interviews, live event coverage, documentaries, docudramas, listener call-ins, and group discussions. The author presents this article to bring awareness to these rare instances and help motivate their preservation and access for extended scholarly use.  相似文献   

RADIO: A REFERENCE GUIDE by Thomas Allen Greenfield (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1989—$39.95, ISBN 0-313-22276-2)

THE RADIO STATION by Michael Keith and Joseph Krause (Stoneham, MA: Focal Press, 1989—$24.95, paper, ISBN 0-240-80028-1)

PROGRAMMING RADIO TO WTN IN THE NEW AMERICA by John Parikhal and David Oakes (1989—$40.00 but $20 to NAB/BEA members, paper, ISBN 0-89324-062-1)

PROFITING FROM RADIO RATINGS: A MANUAL FOR RADIO MANAGERS, SALES MANAGERS AND PROGRAMMERS by James E. Fletcher (1989—$40.00 but $20 to NAB/BEA members, paper, ISBN 0-89324-065-6)

DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE MARKETING PLAN: A WORKING GUIDE FOR RADIO BROADCASTERS by John Geason and John Sutherland (1989—$20.00, paper, ISBN 0-89324-066-4)

AMERICAN RADIO SPRING 1989 by James H. Duncan, Jr. (Duncan's American Radio, Box 90284, Indianapolis, IN 46290—$79.00, paper)  相似文献   

少儿广播的发展与未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
少儿广播与少儿电视一样.同是大众传播的重要媒介。但是.近年来.少儿广播在众多的媒体竞争中,显得老旧了,落伍了。更由于电视少儿节目的崛起.尤其是电视少儿频道的开播和优秀电视动画片的大量涌现.少儿广播的听众大多已聚集在了电视机旁,成为了“小电视迷”,少儿广播出现了萧条状态.处在了一个低潮时期。  相似文献   

In 2005–2006 the research group DRACE (Digital Radio Cultures in Europe) performed a study on how 43 people in key positions related to the radio industry in 4 European countries and Canada viewed the future of radio and which delivery technologies they considered would be most successful. In addition, it analyzed the motives and reasons certain technologies were seen as more promising than others. Finally, it presented 4 different future scenarios for radio media. The study was published in the Journal of Radio and Audio Media, May 2008.

In 2005 the future of radio was considered much less obvious and clear than it appeared 10 years previously. Instead of a transition from analog to digital audio broad- casting (DAB), there was a selection of alternative technological options for digital audio delivery. When looking back from 2015 and considering the results of expert interviews, the project group about Public Service Media in the HERA project: Transnational Radio Encounters found interesting perspectives in replicating this study—now looking forward to 2025. By using the same questionnaire and interviewing the same experts (or new persons in the same positions) they could compare the predictions with the present situation, looking for technological, regulatory, policy based, and user-oriented contexts. Furthermore, they could ask the experts to look 10 years forward to 2025. Besides from the interviews, desk studies were performed in order to explore the national similarities and differences as background for the analysis of the scenarios for the 2015 and 2025 studies.

This comparative study involves Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, and the UK.  相似文献   

●十六大之后国家广电总局召开的第一次全国范围的重要会议●改革开放以来国家广电总局第一次召开的专门研究广播工作会议的全国性会议●国家广电总局第一次提出2003年为“广播发展年”  相似文献   

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