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作为现代信息技术与教育深度融合的教学实践范式,翻转课堂教育理念已成为教育改革的新思潮。通过反思、剖析翻转课堂在高中数学教学实践中的应用,为翻转课堂模式的本土化创造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

分层次课堂教学在中学数学课堂教学中具有极为特殊、重要的意义,它有其基本内涵和理论依据,掌握分层次课堂教学的具体做法、作用、存在问题及对策,将会促进教师队伍建设,大大提高教育教学质量.  相似文献   

As a forefront of student learning, English classroom plays a very crucial role throughout students' learning process. Teachers must lead students to grasp the classroom, so that students can gain something important in the classroom, and learn efficiency, so as to receive significant results. However, high school English teaching today still has lots of problem: simply focus on teaching instead of students' own studying, pay more attention to instill the knowledge but ignore the importance of cultivation. This results in students' lacking interests in studying English, what's more,the classes are also boring. So the traditional teaching methods are in great need of reform, updated and improved. Only the teachers are able to connect the English class to the real life, can students be more interested in the classroom. Here are some suggestions, for reference purposes only.  相似文献   

初中生是一个个具体的个体,在其身上或多或少具有彼此不一样的个性。针对学生信息素养的培养,信息技术课程体现了技术与文化的融合。在信息技术教育教学活动中培养学生信息素养要充分考虑学生个性发展、个人兴趣爱好、对知识与技能的接受度等因素,多用鼓励的方式来促进学生的个性发展,多为学生个性发展积极创造有利条件。  相似文献   

课堂环境作为学生学习和成长的重要微观生态环境,对学生的自主学习动机和学习策略产生着直接的影响。学术界对这方面的研究对我国当今的教育实践有着非常重要的启示: 首先,应将学生对课堂环境的评价作为教师课堂教学质量评价的重要依据;其次,教师在教学设计中应高度重视课堂环境的设计;最后,培养学生良好的学习品质应从创设良好的课堂环境着手。  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a qualitative ethnographic study in a secondary school in Greece. The study explored teacher-student classroom interaction in a mixed-ability group in a working-class school in Greece. It also explored the links between the teachers' behaviour in the classroom and their ideas about gender and, to a limited extent, their life experiences. Although the sample was small and there were many variations, the findings of the study suggest that overall teachers behaved differently towards girls and boys. Teachers' general lack of awareness or low level of awareness of gender as an important organising and categorising factor in students' behaviour and generally in schooling, as well as the teachers' tacit assumptions about gender, influenced the way that teachers related to girls and boys in the classroom. Other issues, such as the lack of teachers' training on equal opportunities, the low status of the school and the principal's lack of involvement in the promotion of gender equality in the school, also impact on teacher-student interaction.  相似文献   

This article is based upon a larger study that considered three high school literature units in the US. Through a close analysis of one classroom discussion between a teacher and a provocative 8th grade student named Fish, I argue that it is not only ethically responsible to position the Fishes of this world as laudable, but that doing so is beneficial for critically focused English classes as a whole. Further, I argue that my reading of Fish as a provocateur can be productively transferred to other student‐provocateurs in our English classrooms who vex the smooth doing‐of‐school in different ways than Fish did.  相似文献   

以广东省两所普通高中的学生为调查对象,采用《青少年科学创造力测验》和《中学课堂教学策略感知量表》,测量中学生的科学创造力水平、教师的课堂教学策略实效以及课堂教学策略对中学生科学创造力的影响情况,研究发现,中学课堂教学策略中的教学动机策略维度和教学方法策略维度能够正向预测学生的科学创造力水平。为了优化课堂教学策略,促进学生科学创造力的发展,教师可以通过教学动机策略维持学生认知与情感的开放性、制造学生情感与认知的冲突;通过教学方法策略引导学生从多个角度发现和解决问题、训练学生复杂的思维过程和想象力、提升学生解决真实问题的能力。  相似文献   

王士义 《天津教育》2021,(11):136-137
根据新课改的内容,在小学道德与法治课堂教学中,运用实践教学模式已成为一个主流趋势。由于小学生尚未形成稳定成熟的抽象思维,小学教学重点应该在于培养学生的形象思维。结合传统的教学模式来看,教师需要主动摒弃过去常用的说教式教学手段,并且在课堂教学中更多地引入实践活动。同时,还需要在构建实践教学活动的基础上,推动实现内化知识的目标,进而为培养品学兼优的青少年提供良好的基础条件。  相似文献   

Science teacher beliefs and classroom practice related to constructivism and factors that may influence classroom practice were examined in this cross-case study. Data from four science teachers in two schools included interviews, demographic questionnaire, Classroom Learning Environment Survey (preferred/perceived), and classroom observations and documents. Using an inductive analytic approach, results suggested that the teachers embraced constructivism, but classroom observations did not confirm implementation of these beliefs for three of the four teachers. The most preferred constructivist components were personal relevance and student negotiation; the most perceived component was critical voice. Shared control was the least preferred, least perceived, and least observed constructivist component. School type, grade, student behavior/ability, curriculum/standardized testing, and parental involvement may influence classroom practice.  相似文献   

新课程实施以来,初中数学课堂教学改革得到了实质性的发展。但初中数学课堂教学中仍存在效率低、掌握能力差等现象。本文运用文献资料、访谈法找出影响初中数学课堂教学有效性的问题所在,提出相应的提高对策。  相似文献   

信息技术与学科教学深度融合下的翻转课堂,应在课程技术化的基础上,理解翻转课堂的内涵,加强"技术—教学—学科知识"体系的创新性运用,整合Ji TT(Just-in-Time Teaching,适时学习)和PI(Peer Instruction,同伴教学)教学模式,才能发挥翻转课堂应有的教学功效。文章以"外力作用下的振动"教学实践为例,从TPACK理论框架出发,应用有着先进教学理念、良好教学效果、信息技术融合度高等特点的Ji TT和PI教学方法作为翻转课堂的基本教学框架,构建了能有效实施的中学物理翻转课堂。  相似文献   

传统小学数学教育的方法在现行的教育中存在一定的不足,新课改之后,教学时间相对减少的同时教学内容却增加了,要在有限的时间内巩固学生的基础知识就必须结合教学实践活动。开展课堂教学之外的实践活动能够调动学生的学习积极性,培养学生的创新意识。  相似文献   

导入环节作为初中语文课堂教学的首要环节,肩负着引导学生快速进入文本和合理衔接文本的重要职责.本文论述了导入环节的意义、理念及其主观与客观方面的具体操作问题,这些从实践中所得的探究成果对上好初中语文课有积极的作用.  相似文献   

小学教育是为孩子一生发展奠定扎实良好基础的阶段,上海市徐汇区逸夫小学的办学目标是为培养高素质创造性人才奠定基础,所以学校教学工作的开展是实现和落实办学目标的关键环节之一。提高教学质量重在培养学生良好的学习兴趣,挖掘创造潜能,培养学习习惯,激发自信。  相似文献   

论述了小学品德与社会课堂讨论的几种形式,并提出了讨论中应注意的问题。以此来促进小学生的良好品德的形成和发展,进而提高德育教学的有效性。  相似文献   

目前,课堂教学中普遍存在着"假民主"、"不自然"、"无创新"等问题,生态课堂的建构为解决这些问题提供了有益的思路。生态课堂是以生态学的视野关注课堂中的每一生态因子,重构教育理念、师生关系、实践范式,并以此为基点建构出的新型课堂。构建生态课堂主要有以下策略:创建"生态式"教学环境,打好生态课堂基础;优化"生态式"教学内容,促进生态课堂的有效;创新"生态式"教学过程,建构生态课堂框架;强化生本化教学评价,促进生态课堂高效。  相似文献   

课堂教学是第二语言教学中的核心环节,而课堂交际则是第二语言课堂教学最重要的表现形式,课堂交际的成功与否直接关系到教学目标是否实现。文章对课堂语境的特点进行了分析,并探讨了课堂语境对课堂交际的影响,即:(1)教师掌控课堂交际;(2)课堂语境限定课堂交际目的;(3)课堂交际的某一交际类型会多次发生。在此基础上,针对对外汉语课堂交际,文章提出了三条教学建议。  相似文献   

中华民族有着悠久的历史,传统道德对当今社会依然有着巨大的影响。但随着社会的发展,这种影响的力度到底有多大,影响范围和具体的表现形式有没有变化,这些都不应该由坐在书斋里的专家学者通过理论推演来论述,需要深入地调查研究。我们在中学生中做了调查,然后深入思考,希望能够解决中国道德文化的传统理念与现代践行的问题。  相似文献   

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