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Women are an underrepresented population, particularly in the world of televised sports. Women are undervalued as athletes, due to their perceived lack of athletic skill and competitive spirit. This paper demonstrates, via physiological measures, men's sports garner more cognitive effort while it is women's sports that are actually remembered better. Also discussed is how men's and women's sports do not elicit any significant differences in physiological arousal, but still have differences in self-reported arousal.  相似文献   

半岛电视台是近几年人气最旺的电视台之一,但是通过客观公正的追踪观察和实事求是的分析研究,发现它同时也是被误读的最深的电视台之一。从半岛电视台的中文名字到它的发展历程和历史沿革,从它一贯秉持的报道立场到它在国际传媒中的地位和角包,从它在观众中的形象和地位到它的经营发展状况,都存在着很深的误读。在下文中,笔者将对这些误读一一进行纠正和分析,并在此基础上对造成这些误读原因和因素进行反思和追问。  相似文献   

计算机二维动画片与传统手绘动画片一样,角色的动作表情都是通过连续播放不完全相同的一帧帧画面产生的,其表情变化全由画面的内容和画面的张数决定,所以变化效果相对比较单一,技术上也比较简单。本文主要讨论计算机三维立体动画的角色动作和表情。  相似文献   

近几年,佛山市图书馆在提升公共文化服务水平、推动文化服务创新方面做了大量探索,电视图书馆是其中一项新举措。介绍佛山市电视图书馆的建设概况、建设背景、建设内容、成效与亮点,并探讨佛山市电视图书馆的发展方向。  相似文献   

对《中国机读目录格式》以及各个机构依据其所编制的中文机读目录存在的差异进行分析研究,从计算机环境、资源共享的角度,对机读目录格式的理解和使用提出自己的看法。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate differences in occupational status between women and men, and between ethnic minority and majority members, by means of a content analysis of Belgian prime-time television in 2013. We evaluate the accuracy of these television portrayals using interreality comparison strategies. Results indicate that although in television content women obtain higher average scores for occupational status than men, this is mainly due to the underrepresentation of women in low-status occupations. Although previous studies focused on the absence of women in high-status jobs, this analysis shows for the first time that women are also absent in low-status manual and industrial jobs. Ethnic minorities have lower average scores for occupational status. Moreover, interaction terms made clear that this especially holds for female ethnic minorities, suggesting that mechanisms of intersectionality are at play. In general, the labor world as portrayed on television diverges strongly from the real labor world.  相似文献   

This study employed an online survey (N = 310) to explore how viewers’ motivations for social TV participation influence their involvement in social TV activities, their program commitment, and network loyalty. Findings show that social infotainment and social companionship are the primary motivations of social TV participation. However, only social infotainment significantly predicts the intensity of viewers’ social TV usage, which has a positive influence on program commitment and network loyalty. Additionally, the relationship between social TV usage and network loyalty is partially mediated by program commitment. These findings demonstrate the value of social TV to broadcasters and provide directions for initiating and maintaining long-term relationships with viewers.  相似文献   

In accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, museums serve their deaf visitors by offering assistance through accessibility programs designed specifically to provide access to the museum, its collections, and/or information in an exhibition or program that would otherwise be unattainable by a person with a disability. Accessibility provisions such as signed tours, TTYs, and subtitled audio information have helped deaf people experience and enjoy museums. While these programs and provisions are necessary museum services, they do not acknowledge the view of many Deaf people—that they are not disabled but rather members of a community that does not hear. Nor do accessibility programs generally include programs on the shared traditions, values, and language that make up the culture of the Deaf community. This paper seeks to introduce museum professionals to the Deaf cultural community and Deaf cultural exhibitions that celebrate the history, achievements, and tradition of Deaf people; it offers steps to follow in planning such exhibitions and provides some examples.  相似文献   

Using a cross-sectional, correlational design, the present study examined the moderating roles of perceived social support and community connectedness in the relationship between minority stress and viewing frequency of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB)–inclusive television shows among LGB adults. Participants identified predominately as White and female, and the largest group identified as bisexual. Participants completed self-report measures of minority stressors, social support, LGB community connectedness, and viewing frequency. A multiple linear regression was conducted to examine the relationships among these variables. Findings revealed that perceived social support moderated the effect of prejudice events on viewing frequency, such that LGB viewers who reported high levels of prejudice events and low perceived social support endorsed the highest levels of viewing frequency. These findings provide further insight into the ways in which LGB individuals consume media content and may be informative for clinicians in understanding coping strategies for minority stress among LGB clients.  相似文献   

Although fictional television traditionally has portrayed doctors positively, recent fictional programming appears to portray physicians in a less positive manner. It has also been suggested that these images may conflict with depictions of doctors found on non-fictional television. A content analysis conducted here indicates that television's physician portrayals are less positive than they were in 1992, contemporary genres differ in their physician depictions, and television's doctor portrayals do not differ according to sex or race.  相似文献   

In this case study we examine willingness to pay (WTP) for PBS using an open-ended, single-question contingent valuation method. Using data collected from 128 mail and 101 telephone surveys, we develop illustrative findings with respect to 'look-alike' cable television on WTP for PBS. Inverse demand equations were estimated. Statistically significant effects were found in models estimated with both biased and adjusted data using ordinary least squares, restricted least squares, and Tobit censored regression methods.  相似文献   

Television is increasingly creeping into non-traditional spaces such as workplaces. As part of that movement, Ford Motor Company of Europe uses television as a key component of communication between top management and subordinates. The company broadcasts over its internal television system various Ford-related video and news stories to its plants in five countries—UK, France, Belgium, Spain, and Germany. As an employee in Ford of Europe's internal-communications team based in Cologne, I witnessed first-hand the inner dynamics of the deployment of television in a pan-European setting. Through television, the company is crafting a transnational corporate identity among its multi-national workforce, interpellating viewers in the various local sites within a larger “Ford family.” While television can act as a unifying force, the deployment of the technology also exacerbates tensions within the transnational entity as inflected by site-specific concerns—white collar/blue collar, international/national, management/union, labor/leisure, and public/private. Layered on top of this multitude of tensions remains the inherently propagandistic nature of developing news for a captive audience. For myself and others at the company, irony became a necessary tactic, to use DeCerteau's terms, to cope with the presence of a potentially monolithic technology in the prototypical transnational corporation.  相似文献   

大众传媒语境下中产阶级消费认同的解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入到21世纪,中国社会的革命带来了阶层上的变化,即中国中产阶级的"产生",在此阶级的形成过程中大众传媒起到了不可磨灭的作用,而新兴的中产阶级在消费认同上也离不开大众传媒的推波助澜,本文探讨的正是基于大众传媒的话境下中国中产阶级消费认同的这一问题.  相似文献   

This study defines the academic library as an innovation intermediary that under the service-dominant logic perspective has a role of co-creator of value instead of a traditional service provider focused on collecting and exchanging knowledge. Innovation intermediaries develop a number of roles and functions to stimulate knowledge creation and transfer by supporting interactions and collaborations among multiple parties. As result, 2×2 Matrix was created to position each library's service based on its unique combination of necessary innovation roles and functions. A single case study focused on a university library and highlighted the existence of two different types of intermediaries: generalist and specialist.  相似文献   

从历史角度看新媒体对传统社会的解构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为社会生产力发展的结果,以互联网为代表的新媒体对社会传统的生产、生活方式以及社会关系产生了革命性的影响,它加快了人类生活的节奏,改变着人们的思维方式、交流方式、学习方式、娱乐方式以及消费方式,推动着社会向前发展.而由生产力和传播技术进步带来的生产关系的变革,引起经济基础的变化,进而对旧有的上层建筑和意识形态造成冲击与影响.这就要求上层建筑和意识形态做相应的调整,以适应变化了的经济基础的需要.  相似文献   

2006:中国电视忧思录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡智锋(以下简称“胡”):今年是《现代传播》第四次做年度对话,很高兴邀请到你们两位来做客。梁晓涛主任先后在中央电视台总编室、《东方时空》、动画部、文艺中心、青少中心、广告经济信息中心工作过,去年调到新闻中心,对电视的许多领域均有涉猎。靳智伟先生早先在河北电视台工作,做过编导、策划、主持人,是个多面手,熟悉电视内容生产的各个层面,后转入电视市场研究领域。两位的共同点在于均从电视的一线做起,对中国电视有着长期的观察和思考,但侧重点稍有差异,梁主任长期身居电视管理层,而靳总致力于市场调研,因此我们今年的对  相似文献   

中国电视理论研究的发展历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文梳理了中国电视理论研究的不同发展阶段,分析了不同发展阶段的特色,论述了各个不同阶段电视理论研究的具体内容,说明了电视理论研究对于电视实践的重要指导作用.  相似文献   

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