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In 2002 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state-supported vouchers, which parents can redeem in private schools, do not offend the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. Thus, the legality of government vouchers to fund education will be determined primarily on the basis of state law. Specifically, programs are being challenged under state constitutional provisions calling for the legislature to provide for a uniform system of education or provisions prohibiting the use of public funds in sectarian institutions. This article explores legal developments in this regard, with particular emphasis on implications of the recent state supreme court decisions striking down challenged voucher programs. Also addressed is current legislative activity, which will likely generate additional litigation pertaining to school vouchers. doi:10.1300/ J467v01n03_05  相似文献   

The paper argues that there is no fundamental incompatibility between the use of vouchers and managed market mechanisms in the distribution of education und the principled aims of egalitarian educational policy. It takes those aims to be equality of opportunity, education for autonomy, and democratic education, and shows in each case how a voucher scheme could accommodate the aim. It explains why a judiciously designed voucher scheme may constitute a more politically feasible method of achieving central egalitarian goals than attempts to improve public provision, but does not endorse the use of voucher schemes.  相似文献   

School Vouchers     

The study of school choice for special education students brings together several important pieces of legislation which are separately the focus of high interest. This paper reviews the features of the three major special education bills (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Acts, the Americans with Disabilities Act) in the context of the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses of the U.S. Constitution and so-called Blaine Amendments in various state constitutions. The principles of special education are discussed, and current voucher programs are examined to determine their compatibility with special education. The litigation that has resulted from this growing voucher movement is discussed and current and future trends are presented from a special education perspective. doi:10.1300/ J467v01n03_06  相似文献   

The context of this research is one in which teachers are now expected to equip their pupils with the disposition and skills for life‐long learning. It is vital, therefore, that teachers themselves are learners, not only in developing their practice but also in modelling for pupils the process of continual learning. This paper is based on a series of post‐lesson interviews, conducted with 25 student teachers following a one‐year postgraduate course within two well‐established school‐based partnerships of initial teacher training. Its focus is on the approaches that the student teachers take to their own learning. Four interviews, conducted with each student teacher over the course of the year, explored their thinking in relation to planning, conducting and evaluating an observed lesson, and their reflections on the learning that informed, or resulted from, that lesson. The findings suggest that while the student teachers all learn from experience, the nature and extent of that learning varies considerably within a number of different dimensions. We argue that understanding the range of approaches that student teachers take to professional learning will leave teacher educators better equipped to help ensure that new entrants to the profession are both competent teachers and competent professional learners.  相似文献   

教育券的教育公平探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年,作为打破教育垄断、引入市场竞争及提高教育公平的教育改革新实践的教育券制度被“舶”来我国,在浙江长兴等地进行了尝试。这引起了学界、当局的广泛关注。文章从教育券对教育公平的意义进行剖析,认为教育券制度的实施有助于现实中教育起点公平、制度公平、道德公平;同时,强调当前需要加强针对我国国情的教育券理论研究,以更好的完善我们的教育券实践。  相似文献   

本文针对目前通用帐务处理软件中记帐凭证录入界面存在的不足,指出:会计科目代码应与部门、人员、往来客户、工程项目代码分离设计,保证帐务数据为MIS等共享。同时,对记帐凭证格式、摘要代码的编制及输入、科目代码的输入及维护也给出了设计方案,使用户操作简单、快捷、准砧  相似文献   

Advancements in technology have changed the day to day operation of society. The ways in which we teach and learn have begun the same process. For this reason, we must reexamine instruction. In this article, the author analyzes the changing environment of educational technology and how to incorporate the theory of multiple intelligences. The teaching strategies presented outline how to enhance student performance by blending new technologies with time-tested pedagogy. The author explains and matches up each intelligence with an effective technology tool. He also provides examples from scholarly publications and actual classroom practice.  相似文献   

教育券制度是一种教育投资体制的创新。透过对国外一些国家高等教育的教育券制度实施状况的分析,提出基于教育券的高等教育运行机制的基本模式,以期为我国高等教育经费制度的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

文章从制度经济学的视角,对教育凭证制度的运行进行比较制度分析,以找到经费制度与凭证制度在内容、主体角色、行为特征和制度绩效等方面的异同;为教育凭证制度提供支持性证据。  相似文献   

美国私立教育券探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
私立教育券是美国教育券的主要类型之一,由私人和社会团体捐资,帮助低收入家庭子女接受私立教育,具有很强的慈善性及一定的政治、文化价值取向。不同的私立教育券计划在资助额度、服务学生数量、目的及导向上存在差异。私立教育券的推行对改善学生学业成绩取得了一定成效,但实践中仍面临如何维持计划的长远推行和留住学生等问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the effect of introducing voucher schemes in higher education context. In the first part, the main economic characteristics of educational vouchers are discussed, in order to identify their expected effects on efficiency and equity in tertiary education. The second part contains the results of a case study that documents the experience gained at the University of Bologna between 2003/04 and 2005/06. The results suggest that the main effects of vouchers are on (1) the effectiveness of public support, and (2) course prices (fees).  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - The aim of this article is to analyse the effect of introducing voucher schemes in higher education context. In the first part, the main economic characteristics...  相似文献   

买地券是古代人们通过模拟现实生活中的土地契约文书,让生人或死者同各类神祗进行象征性“交易”,使死者得到安居之所的一种契约。在墓中随葬“买地券”的习俗在我国流传广泛,是很有价值的宗教、民俗等方面的精神文化史料。金塔县出土的清代道光十五年《王敏买地砖券》对于研究当时的丧葬风俗、民间信仰和土地买卖契约等都有一定的史料和学术价值。  相似文献   

The voucher model of financing schooling is becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America, with at least 12 countries using vouchers or voucher-like schemes. The present study focuses on the voucher models of Colombia and Chile, which have the most extensive programs of this type and those of the longest standing in the region. Using empirical evidence, the author compares the two models along four evaluative dimensions: educational quality, segregation, choice and socialization. After weighing the successes and weaknesses of each system, he concludes that, among other characteristics, the most effective and equitable voucher model features: (a) a flexible interpretation of educational quality; (b) financial grants which target solely the poor; (c) vouchers which cover the entire cost of tuition; (d) open enrolment at participating schools; (e) the participation of both secular and religious private schools; (f) accessible and meaningful information to parents; and (g) strong systems of accountability.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of market-based policies in special education, focusing on the case of voucher programs. It examines the nature of contemporary social reforms, while discussing school choice as the theoretical linchpin of a market model for educational reforms. Moreover, it includes analysis of why the market-driven rationale of vouchers erodes the public functions of special education. Despite their current implementation on a small scale, vouchers have the potential to become a threat to free and appropriate public special education.  相似文献   

照顾型继续教育消费券和效率型继续教育消费券是我国继续教育和职业技能培训领域消费券的主要表现形式。近年来,一些地方政府开始继续教育消费券的实践尝试,取得了良好的效果,但也存在着公众知晓度偏低、普及程度偏低、程序缺乏规范、培训质量意识滞后和顶层设计缺失等实际问题。推进继续教育消费券在我国的蓬勃发展,应创建本土化理论,照顾弱势群体,规范程序步骤,增强培训质量意识,强化制度建设。  相似文献   

The voucher model of financing schooling is becoming increasingly common throughout Latin America, with at least 12 countries using vouchers or voucher-like schemes. The present study focuses on the voucher models of Colombia and Chile, which have the most extensive programs of this type and those of the longest standing in the region. Using empirical evidence, the author compares the two models along four evaluative dimensions: educational quality, segregation, choice and socialization. After weighing the successes and weaknesses of each system, he concludes that, among other characteristics, the most effective and equitable voucher model features: (a) a flexible interpretation of educational quality; (b) financial grants which target solely the poor; (c) vouchers which cover the entire cost of tuition; (d) open enrolment at participating schools; (e) the participation of both secular and religious private schools; (f) accessible and meaningful information to parents; and (g) strong systems of accountability.  相似文献   

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