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为加强乡村教师队伍建设,近年我国政府出台了多项重要政策吸引、保留优秀教师并激励他们努力工作。其中教师工资是一项重要政策工具,而其效果如何有待考察。本文使用2016年辽宁、云南、贵州、重庆和广西五省市(自治区)五个县的问卷调查数据,应用投资模型分析我国农村中小学教师工资与流失意愿之间的关系。研究结果发现:样本农村教师中有17. 8%和20. 3%的比例有更换学校意愿和退出教师职业的意愿,存在流失隐患;农村中小学教师平均工资低于同期全国、西部地区城镇单位就业人员平均工资,缺乏外部竞争力。教师工资水平是影响教师流失意愿的首要因素,现有农村教师生活津补贴过低,未能起到保留教师的作用;学生群体特征和教师专业发展活动等非货币性因素对教师流失意愿也有显著影响;男性教师和未婚教师更倾向于流失。  相似文献   

传统的教育经济学观念认为,教师的受教育水平是有价值的,较高的受教育水平往往可以带来较高的经济收益,从而促成教师较好的工作激励和积极性。但是关于发展中国家教师经济收益的研究结果并没有很好地支持这一观念——越好的教师可以得到越高的工资。教师如何在整个教学过程中发挥作用,这是分析教师教学行为与教学质量的一个非常重要的问题。那么,在教师薪酬激励失效或者无法实施的情况下,从教师职业发展、职业生涯的角度进行教师的教学工作激励研究显得更为重要。基于中国农村数据的经验分析结果表明,农村中小学教师的工资主要取决于教师的教龄和职称,而与教师个人的教学质量没有直接的显著相关性;良好的教师职业生涯发展可以提高教师工作的积极性和努力程度,从而提高教师的教学质量和学生的学业成绩。教师学历提高的时间越短、速度越快、学历提高增长值越大、教师积极地参与教学研究,那么教师所教学生的学业成绩提高的越快;对于不同年龄段教师的分析表明,教师职业发展对提高教师教学质量的有效性,在40岁之前较为突出,这在25岁到30岁年龄段体现得更为明显。因此,虽然良好的教师职业发展作为一种教学激励,可以提高教师的教学质量,但这种有效性是有年龄阶段限制的。可以判定,在农村地区中小学教育系统中形成的、通过教师职业生涯发展体现的教学激励,能够提高教师的教学质量和学生的学业成绩,这是在薪酬激励失效后,较为有效的一种教学激励,是值得赞许和推广的。  相似文献   

对日本教师流动制的分析发现,教师流动制并不是独立自足的,而是建立在一系列社会和教育平台之上的。首先,推行教师流动制需要以"城乡一体化"作为外部保障;其次,推行教师流动制需要以"教育平准化"作为内部支撑;最后,推行教师流动制以实现"教育内涵均衡"作为终极目标。从现阶段我国的国情和教情来看,城乡二元化格局和教育的失衡发展表明,我们尚不具备推行教师流动制的必备条件和基础。  相似文献   

本研究以农村教师为研究对象,探讨农村教师职业认同与离职倾向相关关系及职业认同对离职倾向的影响程度,目的在于帮助农村学校管理者有针对性提高管理水平,制定满足农村教师需要的管理政策以增强其职业认同感,降低离职率。文章首先在较早研究者编制的量表的基础上经过访谈、专家咨询、项目分析、因子分析、信度和效度检验等方法对教师职业认同量表进行了修正,得出一个包含八个维度的量表。再通过相关分析、逐步回归分析得出农村教师职业认同与离职倾向呈显著负相关,并建立了以职业认同为自变量,离职倾向为因变量二者关系的标准回归方程。  相似文献   

传统的结构化英语教学存在着较大的不足和弊端,因此,对中学英语教学的方法、内容及观念进行改革的同时,要注意输入过程的强化训练——重视"语感"培养;注意记忆课文内容的强化训练——重视理解能力的培养;注意输出过程的强化训练——重视外在能力的培养。  相似文献   

正Classroom teaching is the main wayfor students to learn English.But in mid-dle schools,a lot of problems still exist inthe English teaching.With the continualreform of English teaching and learningmethods,more and more teachers begin torealize the importance of creating theEnglish learning atmosphere.Henceteachers in middle schools organize theteaching process in English.But in prac-  相似文献   

数住教学已被關注,更可視為南教育改革的新動能,傅统舆资讯科技混搭的教學模式,正在台湾中小学的教室裏運作,混合式學習将合成為教室裏的新風貌。本研究以台湾某小争為例,探究台灣数位教学在小學的實施施现况舆運作模式,藉以提供封教師教育機構的啟示。(1)教师教育機構需建置完善的數住教學環境。(2)籌组教師專業社群,型塑数位教學願景舆共識。(3)提昇大学教授的敷位運用能力。(4)培用合一的数位教学课程。(5)推動敷位教学之相關研究。  相似文献   

职业技术学校的实习教学有其自身的特点和规律,本文从教师的角度出发,探讨如何遵循这些特点规律及在整个实习教学过程中如何采取相应教学方法,培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的技能.  相似文献   

新教员不断为高校教师队伍注入新的活力和创造力,如何快速提升自身任教能力是其面临的重大问题。从"平时下功夫"和"临时抱课脚"两方面加以探讨,指出新教员平时应当多借鉴、多积累、多锻炼,并在授课前做好充分的课前准备,同时给出一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

From September onwards the phased introduction of teacher appraisals will begin in schools. So far, in the six areas where DES pilot schemes are being run, special schools have not been to the fore. In this article, however, the authors concentrate on issues which are relevant to special schools. They draw on a survey of 32 headteachers in special schools in the north west of England and also suggest some guidelines for an effective and fair system. Kath Williams is deputy head, Underlea Special School, Liverpool, and Ian Petrie is a lecturer in special education at Liverpool University and honorary editor of this Journal.  相似文献   

当前,县级教师进修学校师资队伍存在着学历层次偏低,普遍缺少名师,大部分教师业务素质较差,部分教师缺乏敬业精神等问题。为此,必须加强师德教育,提升教师的职业道德素养;鼓励教师参加函授学习或到高等院校离职进修,提升教师的学历水平;通过开展业务培训等活动,提升教师的业务素质。  相似文献   

Charter schools see as many as one in four teachers leave annually, and recent evidence attributes much of this turnover to provisions affected by collective bargaining processes and state laws such as salary, benefits, job security, and working hours. There have been many recent efforts to improve teacher voice in charter schools (Kahlenberg & Potter, 2014), including engaging in some form of collective bargaining, but we know little about the possibilities dictated by state laws. Therefore, this article describes the possibilities and variations for collective bargaining by state and for different charter types (e.g., conversion vs. newly created charters), as well as laws that have the potential to improve teacher satisfaction in charter schools. Ideally, state laws and the collective bargaining process should provide the appropriate balance between flexibility for charter school leaders, teacher voice, and protections for teachers.  相似文献   

Student Teacher Efficacy in Inner-City Schools   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The resolution of five middle-class student teachers' conflict and growth toward efficacy during their year interning in an inner-city school is described in this qualitative study. Analysis of 4 interviews, 12 written reflections, and 7 transcribed group discussions revealed a sense of culture shock felt by interns upon entering the inner-city schools. In particular, their concerns focused on problems in the children's home lives. Aggravating their worries were the normal concerns of student teachers about getting along with their collaborating teachers and their students and coping with doubts about their own abilities and values. Growth in self-efficacy began as the interns attempted to manage problems and take risks.  相似文献   

Independent schools pride themselves on providing a unique educational experience for students, one that is robust and mission-driven and capitalizes on lower student-to-teacher ratios that allow for more personalized learning and high-quality teachers. Numerous studies measure teacher effectiveness in public schools, yet there is little research on teacher quality in independent schools. This study finds that independent schools use four key characteristics to describe high-quality teachers: (a) strong relationships with students, (b) strong pedagogical knowledge and content expertise, (c) a growth mind-set, and (d) the ability to fit well within the school's culture. We also examine school practices and find that some commonly used activities for recruitment and selection are intended to identify the key characteristics of high-quality teachers. Administrators use demonstration lessons and interviews to assess candidates’ abilities to develop strong relationships with students and their pedagogical knowledge and content expertise. However, we find that practices around teacher evaluation are inconsistent.  相似文献   

按照“教学外置”的办学理念,以及教师发展学校“建设新型学校、培养新型教师、创造新型教师教育”的目标,青岛职业技术学院教育学院在青岛市范围内和中小学建立了广泛的联系,确立了与青岛文登路小学和青岛第41中学作为合作伙伴,并分别在2004年和2005年与他们建立了教师发展学校,充分利用教育学院丰富的教育教学资源,在语文教学领域内大胆创新,促进中小学教师语文专业水平的发展。  相似文献   

对农村学生的作文要结合地理条件、年龄特征进行题材、方法上的有效指导.  相似文献   

在新课程改革逐步深化的当下,初中历史教师也要秉承素质教育理念,通过历史教学提高学生的综合素养和学习能力。初中历史教师要结合好学校实际情况和学生的学习情况,在新课程标准要求下,以兴趣为基础,为学生营造好的学习氛围,制定有创新性的教学目标,通过多样的教学方法提高初中历史教学效率。  相似文献   

文章针对中学物理课堂低效高耗的现状,提出了必须构建高效课堂多元教学模式。在构建和运用高效课堂多元教学模式中,必须营造和谐氛围,改善师生关系;把握物理学科的特点,再现学科魅力;学习先进教育理论,掌握高效课堂的策略。  相似文献   

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