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At least 3 dimensions need to be brought to bear on the question of stress and coping in children even in the context of process models. They are the role of physiological regulation in cognitive or emotional appraisals and responses, and of the parents' role in them; the role of early infant experience in later stress and coping responses; and the concept of trade-offs as an element in stress and coping responses.  相似文献   

Objective. This study assessed the direct and indirect relations between 2 types of social support - parenting support and general social support - and optimal parenting. Design. Self-report data were gathered from 165 married mothers of firstborn 4th-graders between the ages of 9 and 11 years. Widely accepted measures of warmth, monitoring, general psychological distress, parenting stress, and general social support were used. A measure of parenting support from family and friends was developed for this study. Results. Path analysis indicated that the relation between specific parenting support and optimal parenting was completely mediated by parenting stress and not by general psychological distress. The relation between general social support and optimal parenting was not completely mediated by either parenting stress or general psychological distress. Conclusions. This study integrated essential components from the social support, stress and coping, and parenting research. The authors identify parenting stress as a mediator of the relation between parenting support and optimal parenting by focusing on the specificity of social support and stress in the domain of parenting.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查法,分析特殊儿童父母亲职压力与婚姻质量的关系,重点探究发展性障碍儿童父母与感官障碍儿童父母在亲职压力与婚姻质量上的差异,并为特殊儿童父母降低压力、提升婚姻质量提供科学干预措施。结果发现:特殊儿童父母亲职压力与婚姻质量出现显著负相关,其中发展性障碍儿童父母与感官障碍儿童父母在亲职压力上存在显著差异,在婚姻质量上差异不显著。  相似文献   

The present study was concerned with the development and testing of a structural equation model wherein the relation of interparental conflict to the adjustment problems of young adolescents is mediated through its impact on 3 aspects of parenting behavior: lax control, psychological control, and parental rejection/withdrawal. The model was tested separately on a sample of 46 young adolescents from intact families and a group of 51 adolescents from recently divorced families. The hypothesis that most of the relation between martial conflict and adolescent adjustment problems could be explained through perturbations in the parent-child relationship received considerable support; the only direct effect of conflict was on externalizing problems in the intact sample. The results also suggested that the mediational patterns were somewhat different for the 2 samples, and that the model accounts for a greater proportion of the variance in the adjustment problems of adolescents from intact homes than of those from recently divorced families.  相似文献   

In a study based on a sample of 123 counselor trainees in the United States, results indicated that a stronger supervisory working alliance was predictive of less trainee role conflict and ambiguity in supervision.  相似文献   

以往关于教育理论与实践关系的研究主要是以静观的理论分析为思路,如逻辑分析、理论分层和哲学演绎。伴随人们对这一问题的深入思考和基础教育改革实践的不断推进,关于二者关系的新认识也得以形成。教育理论和实践的主体关系问题是二者关系的核心;二者的关系问题不仅是"理论"问题,更是"实践"问题,不仅是哲学、逻辑学问题,更是教育学问题。从方法论层面来看,从理论分析到实践创生的转换意味着前提预设、分析单位、思维方式和学科立场的转换。  相似文献   

“学科教育学”是一个正在兴起的教育学领域,它的研究对象是学科教育。从经验、知识与学科的关系上分析,“学科教育学”研究的学科应该既不是纯知识体系的学术学科,也不是研究学校中的所有教学科目,而是对学校中知识取向的、有较为明确逻辑体系的教学科目。因为这些“学科”的教育中才有共同的规律,在逻辑上才有可能建立独立的”学科教育学”。  相似文献   

高校心理咨询与思想政治教育的关系新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积极开展心理咨询是增进大学生的心理健康,培养合格人才不可缺少的环节。但目前影响大学生心理咨询发展的障碍之一是如何处理心理咨询与思想政治教育的关系。本文针对这一问题就两者的联系与区别进行全面阐述,并提出二者如何结合。  相似文献   

R.Beyer提出的B/A参量体现了流体一阶弹性参量对应力的依赖关系,有可能成为生物组织定征的新特征参量.解释非线性声学参量B/A的Rao流体理论定性说明了流体的非线性性质,但不能定量计算.Hartmann分子势理论把B/A与分子势联系起来,有助于解释B/A的微观机制,但仍不能定量计算.Endo热力学公式仅用热力学参数就可决定B/A,但这些参数往往难于得到.基于Schaffs假设的理论将液体B/A参量与其微观参量联系起来,并能部分定量计算.基于改进的Flory方程的理论能定量计算,结果更接近实际.  相似文献   

通过对当代女性诗歌中母亲/女儿主题的内涵及变迁的深入思考,可以发现,21世纪初的女性诗歌具有更加开放的女性意识,其对母女关系的书写不仅是对男权文化建构的理想母亲形象的一种叛逆,也表达了女性对自身母性的怀疑,更是对现存传统家庭伦理的全面消解。  相似文献   

从人与自然关系的历史发展的角度来考察,科学技术发展可分为 阶段或三种历史形态,即经验科学和生存技术、物性科学和物化技术、人性科学和人化技术,并着重分析了第二种形态的危机和向第三种形态转化的趋势,指出以人的科学为核心的整体性的人性科学是以人和自然关系的本质和规律为对象,使相应的技术成为直接服务于人性完善和升华的技术。  相似文献   

从“两课”教育与素质教育5个方面的关系,即从“两课”教育是素质教育的灵魂、是提高大学生思想政治素质的主渠道、是提高大学生理论水平的重要渠道、为其他素质教育打下必要的理论基础、有利于培养学生的创新精神等方面论述了“两课”教育在素质教育中的地位和作用,对加强“两课”教育具有启迪作用。  相似文献   

基于H2SO4 介质和邻二氮菲存在下 ,Cl-能显著地催化KBrO3 氧化核固红的褪色反应 ,因而提出了一种高灵敏邻二氮菲活化氯离子催化溴酸钾氧化核固红褪色光度法测定痕量氯的新方法。氯含量在0.40~3.2μg/L范围内与△A值符合比尔定律 ,工作曲线的回归方程为ΔA=0.09492 0.1053CCl (μg/L) ,相关系数为r=0.9996,检出限为0.11ug/L。该方法准确、灵敏、操作简便 ,选择性好 ,成功用于水样中的氯含量的测定。  相似文献   

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