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This article argues that technical communicators are uniquely poised to function as public intellectuals. To demonstrate this point, the author offers the example of her work on a major AIDS prevention program report. Situating this work within the history of technical communication, the current discussion of rhetorics of risk, and the writing classroom, the author argues that technical writers don't have simply the opportunity to engage in textual activism; in many cases they have no alternative.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study that examined how practices of visualization and text production converge in an experimental physics research setting. Findings suggest that visuals communicate meaning and become persuasive through their ability to index in different ways the technical dimensions of laboratory work. The author argues that examining the coproduction of visuals and texts in the scientific workplace contributes insights into the technical objectives and rhetorical motives they are designed to serve.  相似文献   

The author addresses the growing concern with part‐time employment within the academy and argues that reliance on part‐time faculty in universities is morally wrong because this practice violates Kant's respect for persons principle. Further, because universities benefit from the employment of part‐timers, the latter are exploited for gains in the universities' end, which undermines the very moral nature of education as a business practice between and among persons. To maintain morality in higher education, universities have a duty to provide a living wage and meaningful work for their employees.  相似文献   


This paper explores the use of counselling and other helping skills with young people in schools, focusing on how teachers, who may not be formally trained, work in this area. The author argues that counselling in schools may not be common but that teachers’ use of counselling skills and the involvement in intensive case work is much more so. The ethical issues in this work are identified. It is argued that schools should draw up their own ethical position statements and that staff who are involved in intensive support work with pupils should receive supervision.  相似文献   

The current controversy in North America regarding the practice of conducting intellectua assessments has generated intense feelings concerning the issues involved in both lay and professional circles. Some critics have suggested that the situation cannot be equitably or scientifically resolved and that a total abandonment of attempts to quantify intellectual abilities should be voluntarily practiced. The author argues this point, taking the position that test misuse is not unavoidable and that assessment results, properly interpreted, provide educators with essential information. A review of the Soviet experience, where standardized assessment procedures have been banned since 1936, lends credence to the latter supposition. The author also suggests that Western researchers might profitably examine the work of educators and psychologists in the USSR in evolving alternative methodologies to study intellectual development and measurement.  相似文献   

高职院校师资校本培训困境探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,中国高职院校的师资队伍建设有了较大发展,但在队伍的高职特色建设方面仍然面临诸多困境。通过调查,从现行人事制度、课程设置、教材内容、实训室建设、培养计划等五个方面分析了制约高职院校师资校本培训的原因,指出营造高职院校师资校本培训的积极氛围,对于推动队伍朝着专业化方向发展是非常必要的。  相似文献   

The author examines the relation between Michel Foucault's corpus and Freudian psychoanalysis. He argues that Foucault had a complex and changing relationship to psychoanalysis for two primary reasons: his own psychopathology, personal experience, and expressed desire, and due to an ineluctable contradiction at the heart of psychoanalysis itself. The author examines the history of Foucault's personal and scholarly interest in psychology and psychiatry, tracing the emergence, development, and shift in his thought and work. He then argues that Foucault's critique of psychoanalysis can be extended to the constitution of the Western educated subject, and that Foucault ultimately resolved his personal dilemma in relation to psychoanalysis by rejecting the ‘will to knowledge’ and refusing the notion of a stable and fixed identity.  相似文献   

坚持用矛盾普遍性、存在决定意识、发展和创新、意识能动性等辩证思维方法,推进思想政治工作创新,提高思想政治工作的实效性、针对性和时代性。  相似文献   


Environmental education and environmental advocacy have a contentious relationship. In this article, the author argues that there will always be uncertainty about educationally appropriate responses to controversial issues. Although uncertainty is inherent in this task, the choices are not dichotomous. The author also argues that education suggests a fluidity of meaning that shifts across a range of contexts, and what needs to be done will be found on a case-by-case and context-by-context basis in a mediated and negotiated third space. Some tentative guide-posts are offered.  相似文献   

以CSCW系统的4层模型理论为指导,对已建设成的"网络学习中心"作了对应这4层模型的具体案例技术分析,并重点介绍了机房建设的技术特色和机房管理系统结构及接口的技术分析,还给出了整合学校现有管理系统及实现数据共享来实现协同工作的设想及实践经验。  相似文献   

This paper describes how students are empowered in an action research project. The author argues that, given the opportunity, students are willing and have the ability to exercise their power to control their learning. In addition, the author contends that the more power students have in deciding what and how to learn, the harder they will work, the stronger their learning motivation will be, and the more they will gain in their learning. The experience gained in this project pointed to three important components of student empowerment efforts, i.e. empowerment through involvement, empowerment through partnership and empowerment through action research.  相似文献   

This paper draws on engagements with ‘voice’ in youth studies and ‘student voice’ work in order to interrogate the limits and opportunities of the call to ‘youth voice’ in HIV prevention discourses. Building on the limitations and opportunities within the debates of the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of speaking and the construction of the youth subject, the author argues that, unless there is commitment to working within the contradictions and instabilities inherent in these debates, ‘youth voice’ risks becoming a powerful discursive technique whereby the blame for failing to prevent HIV is put onto an essentalised category of ‘youth’ as ‘other,’ allowing ‘us’ (the researcher, international development practitioner, technical advisor, policy maker, donor) to escape blame. The author concludes by returning to the notion of an uncertain dialogue and ways in which ‘youth voice’ can begin to work productively within the discursive spaces of HIV prevention.  相似文献   

This paper explores the use of counselling and other helping skills with young people in schools, focusing on how teachers, who may not be formally trained, work in this area. The author argues that counselling in schools may not be common but that teachers' use of counselling skills and the involvement in intensive case work is much more so. The ethical issues in this work are identified. It is argued that schools should draw up their own ethical position statements and that staff who are involved in intensive support work with pupils should receive supervision.  相似文献   

加强高职院校学生党建工作,有利于培养社会主义事业接班人,帮助学生成长成才和繁荣校园文化。然而,当前高职院校党建工作问题较多,表现在组织吸引力不够、党员表率作用不足、内容乏味、形式僵化、组织要求得多而给予得少。对此,笔者认为高职院校学生党建工作应解放思想,要提供资金保障,重点创新内容与形式。  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that the somewhat laissez‐faire attitude to curriculum reforms of the 1960s and 1970s led to their demise. The Bains Report (1972) marked recognition of the need for management techniques to promote corporate objectives successfully. A synthesis of the work of Schwab (1969), Everard (1982), Shipman (1983) and Dalin (1978) leads the author to suggest a simple ‘systems approach to management’ as a realistic framework for curriculum innovation. In conclusion, the author stresses that this model will not guarantee success, but provides a systematic approach for would‐be innovators.  相似文献   

论改善高校科技档案管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章讨论了高校科技档案服务工作中应当采用的现代化内容和方法,提出了收集、发展、利用科技档案的现代化手段,并且指出了建设高校科技档案服务队伍的必要性.  相似文献   

现代化图书馆采编工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代图书馆在网络环境下采编工作的变化以及新形式下采编人员在观念意识、专业素质等方面必须完成角色的转换,从而更好的适应社会需要。  相似文献   

论母语思维对二语习得的正面影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蓉 《培训与研究》2004,21(1):35-36
根据传统语言学的观点,母语思维对外语学习只有“负面影响”。笔者认为这种观点有一定的片面性,没有反映语言学习的本质。本文试图从语言与思维的关系、语言的共同性及实证研究和问卷调查来证明,母语思维有助于二语习得。  相似文献   

The Search for Solutions to Truancy and Other Forms of School Absenteeism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores current thinking and practice on approaches to attendance and truancy in schools. The author argues that despite a wide and sometimes, innovative range of initiatives and approaches there is little evidence that attendance rates within a lot of individual schools are improving. He explores possible reasons for this and offers some ideas for consideration at a national level which might lead to even further and better practice within schools and, amongst the caring professions in order to reduce, combat and prevent truancy and other forms of non–attendance from their existing levels. He argues that this is a difficult and complex task but has some constructive recommendations to make for work at national and local level.  相似文献   

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