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Racial and ethnic relations in America are a form of social interaction about which changing perceptions could have important consequences. Current research examining the nature of discrete social interaction situations in entertainment content on television is lacking. This study was conducted with the objective of obtaining an updated account of the state of interpersonal interaction portrayals between characters of different racial/ethnic backgrounds in popular prime time programs on broadcast television. Specifically, we analyzed prime-time television program content on 4 major U.S. broadcast networks. Findings are interpreted via a media priming framework.  相似文献   

This paper is an analysis of factors associated with the 25-year decline in the prime-time shares of the top 3 television networks. Time series analysis revealed a stronger serial correlation between network decline and social indicators than between network decline and technological factors. Network shares were negatively correlated with indicators of social differentiation, and were also negatively correlated with the penetration of cable and other multiple video programming distribution sources (MVPD) into the nation's households (the technological context). Findings were discussed in terms of the impact of social change on both the audiences and organizations of broadcasting.  相似文献   

近年来,电子传播技术迅猛发展,给广播媒体提供了全新的物质技术条件,使广播媒体能够在更先进的技术装备条件下参与大众传播媒体争夺受众的竞争。一些广播媒体纷纶引入电子计算机、语音信箱、甚至吸纳社会庞大的信息资讯网络系统来共同完成节目的运作,于是,继热线电话、双向交流、多边参与的广播节目之后,一种“借助多种电子传播  相似文献   

在地市级广播电台节目中,最热播的莫过于娱乐参与性节目。由于她采取直播形式,听众可以通过电话与主持人进行双向交流,彻底改变了过去那种我播你听,形式单调的传统模式。这种融趣味性,知识性,娱乐性、参与性于一体的节目,生动活泼,寓教于乐,很受广大听众的欢迎。每天直播节目热线电话铃声不断,听众参与热情高涨。  相似文献   

中国的对外广播电视节目传播工作,近年来有了很大进步,节目质量提高,所使用语言已达40多种,仅中国国际台每天就向全世界播出590小时节目。自从实行海外节目“本土化”落地措施以来,受众群体不断扩大,并正在向进入对象国主流社会发展。要进一步推进有效落地,就要从选题、制作、内容、形式、技术、语言特色等方面,符合听众的思维习惯,让受众愿意听、愿意看。中国的大国形象,既要靠实力做给别人看,也要在对外媒体上说给别人听,二者不能偏废。如何使国内媒体的对外节目在海外有效落地?总局副局长田进、国际台台长王庚年作了全面阐述。本栏目中还编发了一篇专门介绍西方媒体如何进行对外传播的文章。  相似文献   

对广播音乐节目特征的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐是声音艺术、时间艺术、听觉艺术。这三点与广播媒体的基本特征是相通的。有人说,音乐主要是给人听的,听可以更好地引发听众的联想和想像。因此,音乐声源与广播传媒的结合会获得极富魅力的传播效果。  相似文献   

教育话题是近年来人们普遍关注的话题它牵动着千家万户,有相当大的听众群。如何把广播教育节目做好、搞活、使之贴近生活,贴近听众,是值得教育记者思考的问题。  相似文献   

在广播文艺中,文学节目占有相当大的比重,它之所以受到广大受众的欢迎,是因为文学这一语言艺术包含了众多的内涵。纵览我国的文学史便可以看到一部部优秀文  相似文献   

Ellen DeGeneres was celebrated. She was chastised. And then she was cancelled. Her current success makes it easy to forget how short-lived her lesbianism initially lasted on television (less than two years). Ironically, in the aftermath of Ellen's, demise we witnessed a profound increase in queer characters, themes, and programming as well as her own spectacular comeback. Moving beyond most academic consideration of Ellen DeGeneres’ initial emergence as lesbian celebrity, I highlight the cancellation of her sitcom as a particularly crucial moment for understanding the fierce multilayered disciplining of Ellen's public persona. Further, I consider the disparate discourses and entertainment journalism that articulated a public/private DeGeneres with her television character(s), working to shape her public persona in the interest of preserving prevailing cultural norms.  相似文献   

The use of live entertainers is well-documented on radio networks, but not for local stations in rural America. This study examines the period of decline in the use of live entertainers starting in 1940 and the pinnacle of live performance on WDZ, an independent broadcaster in central Illinois that featured folk and hillbilly style entertainment. World War II, the FCC's tolerance for recordings, union struggles, and changing management emphasis from programming to sales were factors in the live performance decline. Management transitioned from emphasizing local interests to maximizing economic return with less expensive programming while relocating to a larger market.  相似文献   

This article explores the history and development of college Net-radio and analyzes the factors underlying Net-only college radio's growing popularity. It reports on an ethnographic study conducted in 2005 about one of North America's first Net-only college radio stations, City University of New York's (CUNY) Brooklyn College Radio.  相似文献   

多年来.对播出广播节目的质量评估,一直是个难题。在这方面.全国各家电台做过多种尝试。北京电台也不例外.如每年都要搞一到二次社会调查.根据听众收听情况进行排队;每年开展一次“听评月活动”,集中听取听众对全台节目的意见;成立专职监听队伍,对一些节目进行监听,定期出《监听报告》;组织社会上的热心听众作为业余监听员  相似文献   

The arbitration imposed in the audience measurement systems used in Spain excludes a major swath of the population as soon as it segments the potential radio audience starting at the age of 14. Thus, the child-listener is ignored by both programming and advertising strategies. However, is this marginalisation fair? The purpose of this article is to answer this and other questions and to demonstrate to what extent the existence of the child-listener is a sufficient condition to seek mechanisms that include children in radio audience measurement systems.  相似文献   

在社会主义荣辱观的宣传教育中,广播媒体肩负着引导舆论,树立典型,改造环境,形成风气的重要责任。广播工作者要千方百计地创新报道手段,提高宣传艺术,使社会主义荣辱观深入人心,渗透到全社会各个阶层,各个领域,各个行业,成为全社会所有成员能够从内心深处认同与共识的道德标尺和规范。为了达到这个目标,我们作了一些努力和探索,有几点体会。  相似文献   

胡锦涛总书记关于以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的社会主义荣辱观的重要论述,为全党全社会确定了鲜明的是非标准和明确的价值导向,体现了社会主义基本道德规范的本质要求,是我们党关于社会主义道德建设思想的继承和发展,是进一步推进精神文明建设的重要指导方针。作为广播人,我们必须从贯彻落实科学发展观的战略高度,从新闻传播者的责任和广播自身发展的需要来充分认识、积极倡导、努力践行社会主义荣辱观。  相似文献   

影视传媒艺术院校"专升本"教育是影视传媒艺术教育的重要内容,科学、合理的人才培养体系是保证人才培养质量的重要方面,本文以浙江传媒学院广播电视编导专业"专升本"为例,从影视传媒艺术教育目前存在的问题、人才培养方案在其中起到的作用等方面探讨影视传媒艺术院校"专升本"教育的人才培养模式,从而为"专升本"教育人才核心竞争力的打造奠定扎实基础。  相似文献   

广播节目的市场化是由节目“交流”演变为节目“交易”并进而“市场化”的。最近几年举办的第一届和第二届全国广播节目交流会,实际上都是以买卖节目为主,带有强烈的商业色彩。办第三届的时候,更名为“全国广播节目展销会”。三届全国广播节目交流会或展销会极大地催生了市场化节目的繁荣,促进了节目的市场化。那么.节目“交流”  相似文献   

2008年1月18日以来,我国南方大部分地区遭受雨雪冰冻灾害,给当地人民群众生产、生活造成了严重影响.灾情发生后,中央人民广播电台迅速行动,从1月21日开始,打破既定节目编排,在覆盖全国的"中国之声"推出全天特别直播<爱心守望风雪同行>.全天直播持续到2月5日,先后有270多名编辑、记者、主持人、技术人员投到报道当中.从1月20日,尤其是1月29日以来,中央电台重点新闻节目<新闻和报纸摘要>、<全国新闻联播>以二分之一左右的时长报道抗灾救灾工作的最新进展.春节期间,这两档节目重点报道了胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理奔赴南方灾区考察抢险抗灾,慰问灾区群众的情况;及时全面报道国家应急指挥中心、国家各部委各机构、各行业、各地的抢险救灾举措和行动;同时结合广播特点,组织设计了一系列录音报道,展现各地加班加点保证煤电油运,保障市场供应,社会稳定.<全球华语广播网>多次与地方广播电台并机播出,重点关注重灾区的抗灾救灾工作.<国防时空>从1月23日开设专栏<军徽闪耀风雪同行>,集中报道奋战在抗灾救灾一线的解放军武警官兵的事迹.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of contemporary examinations of racial/ethnic minority portrayals in television advertisements, this study analyzed the frequency, context, and quality of 2,3 15 speaking characters in a one-week sample of prime-time television commercials. Results reveal different patterns of portrayals when African American, Asian American, Latino, Native American, and White characters are featured in television advertisements. The implications of these images are examined from the perspective of social cognitive theory to provide insights into their possible impact on audience members' self-perceptions.  相似文献   

This narrative case study examines the news and information role played by WWL Radio and the United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans during the real life drama of Hurricane Katrina. The performance of United demonstrates that media consolidation, deregulation and the threat of emerging technologies do not justify abandoning the idea that broadcasters still have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve the public interests of audiences; that traditional radio should stop looking over its shoulder at threats posed by other media, and instead should make use of the medium's greatest strength—taking care of the communities it serves on the local level. This study provides further proof that traditional radio is still vital, especially in times of disaster and catastrophe; that radio's attention to the local community, and its ability to collaborate among other broadcast outlets in that community, may be two of many distinct factors that keep the public tuned in to the medium.  相似文献   

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