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This study examines the effect of mode of listening to radio news on cognitive processes. An experimental design using 82 undergraduates from Kuwait University was employed to test the research hypotheses. The stimulus is a real newscast that was recorded and manipulated into four versions in line with the research problem: Traditional radio newscast, online newscast played with one click, linear interactive netcast with a click for each news item, and a support activity condition in which additional links for details were added to each link. The study showed that nonlinear news listening yields better levels of news recall and comprehension. Moderate levels of interactivity on sites of radio news caused better memory performance compared to lower and higher levels of interactivity.  相似文献   

This study found that in the 1O years since the near total deregulation of the New Zealand radio environment, the number of available youth- oriented radio choices has increased in three of the four markets examined, while the variety of choice increased in all markets. Results also showed that 10-17 year old 7ime Spent Listening (TSL) had increased significantly, contrary to trends in overseas markets, but growth was restricted to areas where the number of outlets had increased. It was evident that at least two of the promised benefits of deregulation (increased listener choice and increased listening) were justified. However, it did appear that there was an order of impact as a function of market size, with listeners in larger markets benefiting before those living in smaller, less revenue rich areas. Such growth was dependent on the financial success of commercial operators. It was concluded that the full effects of deregulation take time, particularly with reference to less commercially desirable markets, but there were warning signs that the impact could be selective and restricted to markets that can assist operators in achieving financial growth and profitability. It was suggested that countries considering changes to broadcast policy could learn from the New Zealand experience.  相似文献   

This study used a statewide sample of 400 Alabama residents to analyze the relative credibility of local radio news, as compared to local television and local radio. The results indicated that local radio news has a level of credibility that is lower than that of local television, but is comparable to that of local newspapers. This finding confirms previous studies that have noted that media consumers tend to have a higher regard for television than any other news medium, but this difference was not as dramatic as those reported by studies that have used forced-choice questions. Local television is indeed more credible than local radio news, but not dramatically so.  相似文献   

网络媒体的开放性、多元性、实时性、交互性、海量性、易检性、多媒体化以及个性化等特性给传统媒体造成前所未有的生存和发展压力.在互联网大量普及的条件下,面临生存挑战的传统媒体惟有在做得更好上下功夫.  相似文献   

近年来.广播新闻不断求新求变,以适应新的竞争态势和社会需求.但是.从总体上看,广播新闻的弱势地位并没有得到根本改变。原有的一些优势正在消失,原有的一些劣势更趋明显.听众群有减无增,社会影响力提升缓慢。如何提高广播新闻的竞争力.使广播新闻巩固原有的阵地.并不断夺取新的地盘?  相似文献   

时政新闻就是时事政治新闻,在我国大多与各级党和政府领导人的政治。外事活动有关。目前,采访报道时政新闻的中央媒体中.中央人民广播电台是唯一的一家广播电台。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of outsourcing is prevalent in many industries, including the media. In radio, voice-tracking of programs from other locations is a prominent example. How the practice of outsourcing affects the content of local news is the focus of this study. Comparing data on outsourced and locally-produced news in a small radio market, the study produced statistically significant results that raise questions about how communities are served when their local news decisions are made elsewhere. The study focuses on a market where local news, once outsourced, has been reconverted into an exclusively local enterprise.  相似文献   

This article examines the educational and social impact of an instructional radio program, called the Music Appreciation Hour (MAH), broadcast on the NBC network from the 1920s to the 1940s. Walter Damrosch, who came from a musical family and had previously conducted the New York Symphony, envisioned the possibility to use radio to teach music to American schoolchildren by tapping into its aural and emotional qualities. Through archival materials, including correspondence, teachers’ manuals, student notebooks, and program evaluations, it is argued that while Damrosch positioned himself with a new progressive movement that espoused student-centered education, he instead became an appealing on-air “personality” to student listeners and the network. This research serves as an important example of some of the ongoing tensions between education, entertainment, and the mass media.  相似文献   

A controlled experiment was conducted to determine whether various forms of redundancy, namely headlines and recapitulations, significantly enhance listener understanding of a radio newscast The impact of these techniques on learning was tested with a two factor experimental design (N = 128) with a 13-story newscast. It was hypothesized that headlines and recaps would have a positive effect on understanding the stories, operationalized as free-response recall. Results showed that both headlines and recaps significantly enhanced understanding. However, headlining appeared to be the more influential technique.  相似文献   

This study uses original survey data (N = 937) to examine trust in public radio and talk radio as sources for local news. Respondents expressed higher levels of trust in public radio than in talk radio. Trust in public radio was lower than trust in television but greater than trust in Internet sites, while trust in talk radio was lower than trust in television or newspapers. Compared to liberals, conservatives reported less trust in public radio but greater trust in talk radio. The relationships between ideology and trust were stronger among highly educated respondents than among the less educated.  相似文献   

The development of Latino USA, a news and information public radio program about Latino issues, is the focus of this paper. From a Gramscian theoretical framework three primary factors-economics, demographics and technology-are examined which may have contributed to the creation of Latino USA. The need for public radio, at both the network and local level, to increase its funding in the 1980s led to more diverse programming. Simultaneously, a redistribution of income within the Latino community in the U.S. created a segment of the Latino population attractive to public radio managers. Finally, changes in communication technologies made possible the production of a magazine format program at lower costs.  相似文献   

9月23日至24日.中国广播电视学会、国家广电总局总编室、南京广电集团联合在北京举办广播电视新闻节目创新研讨会。会议以南京广电集团《大刚说新闻》为切入点.探讨如何在节目内容、节目形式、节目运作等方面不断改革创新,努力使广播电视节目办出个性,办出特色.壮大广播电视新闻宣传阵地,使我们的广播电视新闻宣传更好地发挥舆论导向的主力作用。  相似文献   

新世纪中国广播电视新闻教育的反思与前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们讨论新世纪的中国广播电视新闻教育,首先要考虑对其产生制约和影响的三个因素第一,社会大环境的因素;第二,广播电视业的发展态势;第三,新闻传播学教育的发展变迁。广播电视新闻教育,作为社会大系统中的一个子系统,作为新闻传播学教育的一个分支,和上述三个因素是一种互动的关系。对新世纪中国广播电视新闻教育作前瞻性的判断和预测,有必要先对这三个因素作分析和研究。  相似文献   

Nontraditional sources of news, such as talk radio and the Internet, complement and sometimes replace traditional mainstream news sources. Using discriminant function analysis, this study reveals the role of values in predicting listening to political talk and religious radio programs. A model using the construct of “value equivalence” explains value differences between user and media that may affect whether or not news from nontraditional sources will be sought and used. Research questions are answered using data from the 2004 Pew Research Center Biennial Consumption Survey. Using selected independent variables (including value-based variables) to predict listening to the Rush Limbaugh program, 59% of all cases in this study were correctly classified. Using the same set of value-based variables to predict listening to religious radio shows yielded nearly 74% correctly classified cases.  相似文献   

新闻广播在发布政令、传播信息、引导舆论的职能上处于厂播媒体最重要的地位,主要发挥着“喉舌”功能,其改革具有巨大的联动、示范作用。1983年的第11次全国厂播电视工作会议曾提出:“以新闻改革为突破口,带动整个厂播电视宣传的改革”。正如当日寸的厂播电视部吴冷西部长在这次会议上指出的:“新闻这种形式最为领导关心、群众关心,最能  相似文献   

英语广播电视和报刊新闻语体特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是新闻传播的载体,广播电视新闻和报刊新闻虽同属于新闻文体,但由于传播媒介方式的不同,它们在语体上既存在共同特点也表现出不同差异.本文基于广播电视和报刊新闻的真实语料,从受众群和传播学视角,考察英语广播电视和报刊新闻语言在语体特征上的异同,并着重分析其在词汇、句式语法和语篇结构层面上的体现.  相似文献   

In one experiment, listeners hear radio news delivered by a male or female anchor with either no background music or with music of differing complexity. Memory for and enjoyment of the news are assessed. Findings suggest that adding a simple beat makes the news more memorable and enjoyable, whereas highly complex music hinders both message processing and enjoyment. Anchor voice determines the results for moderate complexity. A second experiment further explores anchor voice and message processing and, together, the two experiments suggest that both pitch and number of auditory structural features should be considered when enhancing radio news with music.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of radio during the democratization process in Uganda. It tests whether the use of political news and information on radio in Uganda leads to support for democracy, accounting for public interest in politics. Radio is the most accessed medium for current affairs in Africa, and remarkably so in Uganda. Public opinion survey data show considerable use of radio for political information, but no direct influence on support for democracy. Greater use of radio to get political news was strongly related to measures of political interest; which is also a moderating variable to democratic support. The utility of this study and its implications are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to assess whether and how the CBC’s music radio programming reflects the corporation’s mandate of showcasing a diversity of music and culture. I argue that a program logic that privileges an international corporate music industry strategy persists (particularly during the peak morning and afternoon drive time programs) and limits the capacity for public radio to imagine and project alternative musical trajectories. My aspiration is to imagine CBC Music’s over-the-air radio as a residual broadcast service, one that presents novel opportunities at a time when digital and online streaming music is dominant.  相似文献   

Radio listening in the United States fell by more than 10% between 1998 and 2003. During this time, broadcast radio faced new competition from satellite radio and the Internet while the industry was also undergoing significant changes due to increased radio ownership caps. This article quantifies the effects of these factors on audience sizes and explores the implications for audience composition and programming content. The results show that industry consolidation played a larger role in decreasing overall listening than new technology. New technology did have a role in altering the distribution of listeners among programming formats.  相似文献   

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