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知识能力目标是语文新课程三维目标的基础目标,又叫结果性目标。对它的评价主要看教师设计的学懂、学会和会学三个台阶目标是否准确和完备。在教学实施过程中,要处理好制定目标的梯度、目标的完整性和目标预定与生成的关系。  相似文献   

很多高中名校以“态度严肃、纪律严明、要求严格”为鲜明特征的学生管理体系.在对学生进行全天候全方位管理方面.在细致而周到地为学生发展服务方面.在保障教育教学工作正常高效开展方面发挥着巨大作用.并取得了令人瞩目的成绩。当前,在素质教育的新形势下.如何在严格管理的基础上让学校的教育教学工作特别是班级管理工作再上一个新台阶.已成为每一个有责任心的教师必须面对和亟待解决的新课题。  相似文献   

当前大学生对“思想道德修养”课的认知与践行存在一些问题。“思想道德修养”课必须突出认知能力与践行能力的培养。在教学全过程中,教学内容要知识素材与实例素材相结合,教学方法应主导性与多样性相结合,教学实践环节须书本知识与实际行动相结合,考核办法宜理论考核与操行考核相结合。  相似文献   

在美国纽约州AASP项目中,采用低成本、高效度的工作单模式来评价地理探究能力.本文结合"地壳下沉"案例,从评价目标、探究任务、评分细则和评价结果等方面,介绍工作单在地理探究能力评价中的具体运用及结果.  相似文献   

试论网络教育中学生元认知能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络教育,作为一种教学形式,已成为当前教育的重点。元认知研究对于教育实践亦产生了重要影响。本文简要地介绍了元认知的概念、结构以及元认知的训练方法,并结合网络教育的特点,探讨在网络教育中培养学习者元认知能力的方法。  相似文献   

认知诊断测试可以反映受试的知识结构和分项技能掌握情况,为受试提供详细的反馈信息.本文简要介绍了认知诊断的原理和步骤,总结了国内外英语测试领域的认知诊断研究已取得的进展,并指出目前该领域尚存的问题远大于已取得的成就,在未来的研究中需要设计严格意义上的认知诊断测试,探索检验Q矩阵效度的多种方法并开展诊断结果促学的实证研究.  相似文献   

论大学英语教学中认识能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认识能力是当代大学生的基本素质。本着重从提高认识能力的意义和提高认识能力的途径两方面进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

In this study, questions relating to problem-solving ability and cognitive maturity in undergraduate students were investigated: (1) Is there a relationship between age, gender, highest academic qualification or year of study, and problem-solving ability? (2) Is there a relationship between cognitive maturity and problem-solving ability? (3) Are there any changes in problem-solving ability and cognitive maturity from first-year to third-year undergraduates? One hundred and seventy-three undergraduate students at the University of Canberra, Australia, were administered a survey comprising 15 multiple-choice problems. Results suggested that the greatest differences in problem-solving ability were related to year of study, and existing academic qualification. Subjects aged 30 years and over were better problem solvers than those aged under 30; subjects who had just completed their secondary schooling performed better than subjects who had recently received a technical college qualification. Relationships between the number of variables to be manipulated in a problem and its successful solution, and between cognitive maturity and problem-solving ability, were observed. The ramifications of these results for the teaching of undergraduate students are discussed.  相似文献   

针对当前国内翻译教学现状,提出在翻译教学中要加强学生对翻译本体的认知能力引导,注重理论教授,培养逻辑思维能力等,同时指出,加强思维和认知能力培养是为了更好地掌握和使用翻译技巧,实现更高效的翻译行为。  相似文献   

Both the environment and genetics are likely to influence the development of cognitive talent during the preschool years. It is not known to what degree or how these influences differ from those throughout the range of ability. 1943 twin pairs were assessed at 2, 3 and 4 years of age using diverse verbal and nonverbal cognitive measures. Consistently high scoring children were selected on a general cognitive factor. From behavioural genetic model fitting analyses, substantial shared environmental (70%) and modest genetic influences (20%) were found in the high group and this matched the aetiology of the entire sample. Strong genetic predisposition was not apparent. Individual differences in cognitive ability and high ability is largely due to shared environment during the preschool years.  相似文献   

This article arises from an investigation into the classroom language assessment (CLA) component of the Hong Kong English language benchmark test for lower secondary (Grades 7–9) teachers of English as a second language (ESL). After some background to the benchmarking initiative in Hong Kong and to the CLA test, the article describes a small-scale study into the effect of student levels of ability on grades awarded to teachers working in schools with differing ability intakes. In the study, a group of ESL teachers were videotaped teaching ESL classes at two different student ability levels, with the two sets of videos assessed by trained CLA assessors. Results indicate that, although there is some variety in the grade awarded to the two different classes taught, variation in grades may well be attributable to individual teacher performance rather than to external factors such as the ability levels of the students being taught. The grades awarded were generally consistent, irrespective of whether classes of high-ability students or low-ability students were being taught.  相似文献   

本研究通过设计模拟的网络化学习实验,探讨网络化学习过程中认知负荷的评估方法.结果显示,心理努力、任务主观难度、注视时间、注视次数、主任务反应时、主任务正确率等评估指标对认知负荷变化敏感;采用多维综合评估模型对认知负荷进行测量总体上比采用单一评估指标的测量更为有效.研究表明,BP网络和自组织神经网络两种神经网络模型对认知负荷的测量结果优于传统的因素分析方法.  相似文献   

对俄语运动动词的研究一直受到俄语学者的普遍关注。一方面,是因为运动动词在俄语动词词汇体系中占有相当数量,另一方面,是因为运动动词在俄语交际中使用非常广泛。随着对动词研究的不断深入,人们对运动动词的认知能力也在不断提高。俄语教学中发现,学生对运动动词的理解和应用非常吃力,在使用过程中常常发生混淆和搭配错误的现象。究其原因,既有中俄民族思维差异方面的问题,也有教学方法的问题。如何培养学生对运动动词的认知能力既是俄语词汇教学的难点,也是词汇教学的重点。  相似文献   

The outcomes on multiple-choice tests and performance-based assessments for field-independent and field-dependent students were examined. A substantial interaction between cognitive style and assessment approach was found. Results suggested that performance-based assessment tended to favor field-independent subjects. Dependent on the purpose and intended use of assessment, this finding may raise concerns for validity based on either fairness or curriculum relevance.  相似文献   

该文探讨了影响学生CET-4写作提高的原因。并从认知语用学的语用模块、认知语境以及语用照应和推理方面进行分析如何在写作教学中构建学生的认知语用能力,寻求提高学生英语水平和CET-4写作水平的途径。  相似文献   

随着探究教学的不断深入和推进,考查和评价学生在科学探究学习中的能力表现成为教育研究关注的热点问题.本文通过对英国APu的科学探究能力评价框架、试题命制模型及情境性试题案例的分析,以期为我国科学学业评价改革的发展方向提供参考意见.  相似文献   

学生的认知过程是一个由浅入深、由易到难的过程.学习是累积性的,较复杂、较高级的学习是建立在基础性学习基础上的,每一类学习都是以前一类学习为前提的,迁移是累积学习模式一个重要特征.  相似文献   

本研究编制了一份含有6个题目、各题目包含3个层次的评价任务的标准化动态评价工具,以评估儿童在数、量、形、关系等领域的数学能力.该工具通过改变任务的结构、呈现方式、指导语以及提供操作材料等方式为儿童提供越来越具体和直接的中介支持,以逐渐降低评价任务的难度.根据中介支持的具体程度和直接程度以及任务分数的高低,可以判断儿童学习潜能的大小.本研究采用该工具对235名4岁2个月至6岁1个月的儿童进行数学能力评价的结果表明,标准化动态评价能够提供与静态评价一样有效的关于儿童学习结果的信息;与静态评价相比,动态评价不仅能够了解儿童能否独立解决问题、完成任务,而且能够了解儿童在何种水平上通过怎样的中介支持来解决任务,从而为教育者提供更多有关儿童学习潜能的信息.  相似文献   

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