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An introduction     
The future of radio is now much less obvious and clear than it appeared 10 years ago. Instead of a transition from analog to digital audio broadcasting (DAB), there is a selection of alternative technological options for digital audio delivery.

This article studies how 43 people in key positions related to the radio industry in four European countries and Canada view the future of radio and which delivery technologies they consider will be most successful. In addition, it analyzes the motives and reasons why certain technologies are seen as more promising. Finally, it presents different future scenarios for radio media.  相似文献   

Government and radio broadcasting stations have been debating the model of digital transmission to be adopted in Brazil, without having come to a consensus. The impasse is related to the technological characteristics of the available systems (IBOC, DRM, and DAB) that are not integrally adaptable to the model of radio broadcasting, to the regulatory laws, and to the rules of the radio market in the country. Tests done with IBOC reveal that the digital system does not provide the same coverage as a quality analogical AM radio. Other aspects are the technical conditions of the Brazilian broadcasting stations and their adaptability to a digital system: 37% of them still function with valve transmitters, most of them being between AM commercial and public radio stations. As they are broadcasting stations with few resources for investment in transistorized equipment, it will be necessary to create public policies of incentive for digitalization, which would collaborate toward the sustainability of the sector. The present study presents data from a sample of 750 stations, which corresponds to 96.45% of the profile of the Brazilian radio market, and integrates the data with national research.  相似文献   

This article aims to rediscover the tactile aspects of radio listening, which until now have been underestimated by radio scholars, and to describe how haptic radio listening has evolved, from the beginning of broadcasting to the arrival of digital media. This article will first perform an overview of the studies that have dealt with the haptic dimension of media, then focus on what we call “haptically mediated” radio listening, a specific form of listening made possible by the interaction with radio content through mobile digital devices, and conclude with a critical depiction of the implications of haptically mediated listening for audience commodification.  相似文献   


This article details the various forces that shaped public radio station KEXP’s evolution from the 70s to today. It addresses the ways that Seattle’s specific cultural, economic, and technological advantages enabled it to take on its current form as a key presence in global pop music curation and discovery. It argues that the station’s progression thus represents a potential model for other legacy public radio stations in an era of diminishing public and institutional funding. However, this approach’s viability will depend upon how effectively stations are able to leverage their local communities to compete in the networked digital media paradigm.  相似文献   

数字人文近年来受到人文学科和图书情报与档案管理学科的广泛关注,其中在历史学领域的实践项目尤为突出,因而以历史学者为中心考察其对数字人文的认识和接受情况,探究人文学者接受数字人文的影响因素,可促进数字人文更好地与人文学科融合发展。文章采用面对面访谈、电话访谈和微信语音的方式对22名历史学者进行采访,得到近6万字的访谈记录。运用扎根理论方法探索人文学者对数字人文接受意愿的影响因素,得到51项范畴和18项主范畴,在此基础上逐步归纳提炼出人文学者对数字人文接受意愿的5个维度:个人因素、参与方式、技术制度因素、环境因素和数字人文学科属性,根据维度之间的相关关系建立人文学者对数字人文的接受意愿PPTEC模型框架。结果表明,个人因素和环境因素会直接影响接受意愿,参与方式、制度技术因素、数字人文属性会受其他因素的调节后影响接受意愿。  相似文献   

公共文化机构吸纳公众参与公共数字文化治理能够推动公共数字文化治理体系和治理结构的建设与完善。文章通过梳理资金捐赠、资源内容贡献、参与公共数字文化事务管理、实施建议反馈和评价监督等公众参与公共数字文化治理的模式,并对高校学生访谈以收集原始访谈资料从而进行质性研究,分析发现其参与治理存在着知晓情况偏差、参与环境对参与治理支持较弱、感知情况较差、个人条件的限制等现实困境,进一步提出创新宣传方式,有效深入推广,开拓参与渠道,改善参与环境,优化参与流程,拉近与公众的距离,鼓励个性化与多样化参与,培育参与治理的人才队伍等策略,为促使和保障公众参与公共数字文化治理提供些许参考。  相似文献   

Between Twitter revolutions and Facebook elections, there is a growing belief that information and communication technologies are changing the way democracy is practiced. The discourse around e-government and online deliberation is frequently focused on technical solutions and based in the belief that if you build it correctly they will come. This paper departs from the literature on digital divide to examine barriers to online civic participation in policy deliberation. While most scholarship focuses on identifying and describing those barriers, this study offers an in-depth analysis of what it takes to address them using a particular case study. Based in the tradition of action research, this paper focuses on analysis of practices that evolved in Regulation Room—a research project of CeRI (Cornell eRulemaking Initiative) that works with federal government agencies in helping them engage public in complex policymaking processes. It draws a multidimensional picture of motivation, skill, and general political participation divides; or the “analog” aspects of the digital divide in online civic participation and policy deliberation.  相似文献   

This eight-nation comparative study adopts a multi-modal analytical approach in investigating education driven stratification in political participation and the simultaneous roles of various media (print newspaper, television, radio, and social media) and press freedom in influencing this inequality. The findings suggest that informational use of social media, print newspaper, and radio increases the likelihood of participation, but consuming television news inhibits participation. Furthermore, social media use, like radio and television use, exacerbates education-generated inequality. Press freedom as a socio-political factor reinforces the role of the television, print newspaper, and social media in participation inequality. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Digital radio policy in Canada has moved from a position of seeking to migrate all radio broadcasting onto a single digital transmission system (Eureka-147) to a multi-platform, cross-media and multimedia approach. The most recent digital radio policy of 2006 suggests a range of new possibilities for radio broadcasting, including multimedia broadcasting, but as a result has compromised the early adoption of the Eureka-147 standard. This paper contrasts the different policy contexts of 1995 and 2006 and argues that the competing technological options for digital audio delivery now pose significant dilemmas for broadcasters and policy makers.  相似文献   

本文以福州市三坊七巷古街区(以下简称三坊七巷)的保护性修复工程为例,探讨了修复性保护方法并不能完全解决文化遗产不断衰老的现实问题,并阐述了数字化技术在解决这一问题上的补充优势,同时建议文献收藏机构尤其是数字化经验丰富的档案馆应积极参与文化遗产的保护。  相似文献   

本文采用质性研究方法,通过半结构化访谈采访15位受访者,将访谈文本导入NVivo 11软件分析编码后得出个人数字存档对象选择行为影响因素并构建影响因素模型。通过访谈数据分析发现,个人在选择个人数字存档对象时会受到任务导向、价值驱动、情感需求及平台择用四个主范畴的共同影响,并存在10个子范畴,分别是工作记录、阶段成果、即时价值、潜在价值、证据价值、记忆留存、个人喜好、平台安全、平台规范和平台空间。最后,结合构建的个人数字存档对象选择模型得出相关结论。  相似文献   

As digital radio broadcasting enters its third decade of operation, few would argue that it has met all expectations expressed at the time of its launch in the mid-1990s. Observers are now more circumspect, with views divided on the pace of transition to an all-digital future. In exploring this mismatch between expectation and actuality, this article considers the introduction of FM radio in the 1950s. It too was expected to replace its forebear (AM) but, like digital radio, its adoption by listeners was slower than anticipated. An examination of published literature, in particular engineering and technical documents, reveals a number of similarities in the development of digital radio and FM. Assumptions about listeners’ needs and preferences appear to have been based on little actual audience research and, with continual reference in the literature to the supposed deficiencies of the predecessor technology, suggest an emphasis in decision making on the technical qualities of radio broadcasting over an appreciation of actual audience preferences.  相似文献   

分析直连式存储(DAS)、网络附加存储(NAS)、存储区域网络(SAN)3种存储技术;提出数字图书馆存储系统应是将SAN与NAS两种系统积极融合、取长补短、针对不同应用实行分级存储的体系,而FC-SAN是进行大容量、高速块级数据存取的唯一选择,iSCSI-SAN代表着发展方向;认为数字图书馆备份系统将是传统的磁带库备份与D2D、VTL并存的格局。  相似文献   

Notable radio scholars including Christine Ehrick, Phylis A. Johnson, and Caroline Mitchell have explored critical challenges of gender and sexuality radio research and its importance in relation to communities. A major issue faced in studying the early years of women’s history in broadcast is the ephemeral nature of the medium as many of the voices are lost in the ether, unrecorded or once deemed inessential to archive. Web-based radio and podcast archives provide renewed avenues for listening to lesbian and queer women’s radio across transnational borders yet many long running shows in Canada such as The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio have only recently begun to surface as digital collections. As personal and institutional archives of lesbian and queer women radio begin to reach a public audience, analysis of radio works across decades of LGBTQ2+ activism and feminisms must be traced to understand the role of radio and digital radiogenic media in creating space and identity for queer activism. A turn to the past brings forward questions of analog and digital futures for radio and podcasting space as place to construct and shape queer and especially lesbian communities and identities in the North American broadcasting industry. Through research of notable live and pre-produced content including Dykes on Mykes on CKUT 90.3 FM, and The Lesbian Show on Vancouver Co-Op Radio, this work offers an exploration of radio and radiogenic media’s role in creating sonic space for queer and feminist subjectivities.  相似文献   

档案领域通常将自身作为一种普通主体来考量参与数字人文的模式或路径,缺乏系统性的认知。本文以复杂适应系统理论为认知基础,将数字人文视为一个复杂适应系统,将档案领域从整体上作为参与数字人文的适应性主体,从透视当前档案领域参与数字人文的焦点问题出发,应用系统化思考方式分析其参与特性及机制,系统考量并构建了档案领域参与数字人文的适应性推进模型,突破了以往的局部化分析方式,进而丰富了档案领域参与数字人文的思考模式。  相似文献   

This study surveys librarians' reactions to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) report on “Reading at Risk”. Using census data, the NEA concluded that there has been a drastic decline in “literary” reading and it is most sharply pronounced in the youngest group surveyed. To determine whether librarians' perceptions of reading, especially among youth, were consistent with the NEA findings, a Delphi study was conducted. Eleven youth library professionals and educators, identified as experts, responded to survey questions probing whether digital media impact leisure time reading for both adults and adolescents; whether reading is at risk; and whether the decline in literary reading foreshadows erosion in cultural and civic participation. Library experts tended to agree with the effects of digital media on leisure time reading for children. Experts were split on how digital media impact leisure time reading among adult readers. They were closely aligned against the assertion that participation in literary reading foreshadows participation in cultural and civic participation.  相似文献   

The relationship between public radio and its audience has undergone significant change since the adoption of Web 2.0 technology. Web 2.0 allows an audience to interact easily and speedily with a public service broadcaster, forming an inclusive, two-way listening environment. This contrasts with the traditional one-way model of public broadcasting. This research project used New Zealand public radio broadcaster RNZ National as a case study. The phenomenon was studied from the perspective of those who listen to content, and those who create it. Findings include the ready adoption of Web 2.0 technology by the audience and the validation of that participation by RNZ National hosts and producers.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the invocation of democracy in the discourse of audience participation in digital journalism. Rather than simply restate the familiar grand narratives that traditionally described journalism's function for democracy (information source, watchdog, public representative, mediation for political actors), we compare and contrast conceptualisations of the audience found within these and discuss how digital technologies impact these relationships. We consider how “participatory” transformations influence perceptions of news consumption and draw out analytic distinctions based on structures of participation and different levels of engagement. This article argues that the focus in digital journalism is not so much on citizen engagement but rather audience or user interaction; instead of participation through news, the focus is on participation in news. This demands we distinguish between minimalist and maximalist versions of participation through interactive tools, as there is a significant distinction between technologies that allow individuals to control and personalise content (basic digital control) and entire platforms that easily facilitate the storytelling and distribution of citizen journalism within public discourse (integrative structural participation). Furthermore, commercial interests tend to dominate the shaping of digital affordances, which can lead to individualistic rather than collective conceptualisations. This article concludes by considering what is gained as well as lost when grand visions of journalism's roles for democracy are appropriated or discarded in favour of a participation paradigm to conceptualise digital journalism.  相似文献   

Government as a Platform (GaaP) has been advocated in multiple countries, and most research has concentrated on collaboration at the national level. In the Russian Federation, universal participation of regional and municipal authorities on the public services platform Gosuslugi.ru. is a priority intended to address regional disparities as well as greater efficiency. Russia serves as a case study to explore the extent to which it possible to use platforms for intergovernmental management - to effectively integrate all regions on a single platform, despite wide differences in capabilities and needs. We examine the case of Gosuslugi.ru through the technology enactment framework (Fountain, 2001). While the literature on platforms emphasizes loose coordination or orchestration, the technology enactment framework suggests that in systems with a high degree of centralization, such as Russia, platforms will be more centralized and top-down. We show the problems a highly centralized approach creates for implementation in the context of wide disparities, but the modularity and adaptability of platforms may also allow for more decentralization through choice and varied levels of participation. An open question is whether such flexibility will be allowed going forward. The technology enactment framework has been used primarily to analyze microlevel behavior within organizations. Considering macro-level institutions such as federalism can enhance use of the technology enactment framework across countries, and this case may have implications for intergovernmental participation on platforms in other nations.  相似文献   

This article examines the distinctiveness of the public broadcaster offer in the roll-out of digital terrestrial radio across 25 European markets. Distinctiveness was measured through the number of services and the diversity of genres provided by the same broadcaster on analogue-only, simulcast and digital-only stations. The results illustrate which public broadcasters have made an effort to provide exclusive digital services and which genres are being preferred in digital. As a whole, the research provides useful insights into the role of public media as drivers of digital radio and technological innovation.  相似文献   

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