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Potential sources of individual differences in mastery motivation are the attachment relationship (hypothesis 1) and specific features of infant engagement with persons and objects (hypothesis 2). We reviewed studies pertaining to both hypotheses. We distinguished between three types of mastery motivation measures and measures conceptually related to mastery motivation. In studies of infants older but not younger than 20 months, hypothesis 1 was generally supported. Consistent with hypothesis 2, amount and contingency of stimulation were related to increased mastery motivation in infants as young as 6 months. Maternal affect during mastery motivation tasks and withdrawal or intrusiveness during mother-infant interactions may also influence mastery motivation. For neither hypothesis did study designs support inferences about causality. Future studies should support causal inferences about main effects and interactions among these various factors; and evaluate how developmental level or prior experience may constrain or facilitate change in mastery motivation.  相似文献   

The motivational characteristics of a small sample of normally developing deaf and hearing 12-month-old infants were assessed using procedures derived from Yarrow's work. The data supported the following conclusions: 1. Both deaf and hearing infants exhibit similar amounts of motivated behavior toward objects which suggests that auditory contact with their surroundings is not a determining factor in infants' attempts to master objects. 2. The deaf infants spent a longer period of time engaged in social behaviors than did the hearing infants and without any apparent sacrifice to the deployment of their task- and goal-directed activities. This finding implies that the deaf infants were more skillful at integrating the competing demands of social- and object-oriented endeavors than were their hearing peers. 3. The deaf infant engaged with the social environment and displayed a positive emotional response to the situation sooner than the hearing infants. Positive affect also was more likely to be followed by a social behavior for the deaf infants which indicates that the integration of social- and object-oriented activities serves either a different or more potent function in the early development of deaf infants. We believe that these data offer some preliminary, empirically based support for a developmental difference model when intervention strategies for deaf infants are contemplated. The policy implications for such a move may include a reduction in cognitively oriented activities and an increase in activities designed to capitalize on deaf infants' social and visual compensatory skills.  相似文献   

The motivational characteristics of a small sample of normally developing deaf and hearing 12-month-old infants were assessed using procedures derived from Yarrow's work. The data supported the following conclusions: 1. Both deaf and hearing infants exhibit similar amounts of motivated behavior toward objects which suggests that auditory contact with their surroundings is not a determining factor in infants' attempts to master objects. 2. The deaf infants spent a longer period of time engaged in social behaviors than did the hearing infants and without any apparent sacrifice to the deployment of their task- and goal-directed activities. This finding implies that the deaf infants were more skillful at integrating the competing demands of social- and object-oriented endeavors than were their hearing peers. 3. The deaf infant engaged with the social environment and displayed a positive emotional response to the situation sooner than the hearing infants. Positive affect also was more likely to be followed by a social behavior for the deaf infants which indicates that the integration of social- and object-oriented activities serves either a different or more potent function in the early development of deaf infants. We believe that these data offer some preliminary, empirically based support for a developmental difference model when intervention strategies for deaf infants are contemplated. The policy implications for such a move may include a reduction in cognitively oriented activities and an increase in activities designed to capitalize on deaf infants' social and visual compensatory skills.  相似文献   

Prior research on school-age children with mental retardation indicates that they are less motivated on tasks than mental-age-matched peers. In this study, mastery motivation on two tasks was compared for 1- and 2-year-old children with motor impairment ( n = 25), developmental delay ( n = 25), and typical development ( n = 25), matched for mental age. The groups did not differ significantly on any measure of mastery motivation. The relative contribution of premature birth, a history of seizure disorders, severity of cognitive delay, and maternal didactic interaction in predicting mastery motivation was examined for toddlers with developmental delay or motor impairment. Maternal didactic interaction added a significant proportion of variance above and beyond other variables in predicting several aspects of mastery motivation in toddlers with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper presents a working definition of mastery motivation which has evolved from our research with infants and young children over the past two decades. We define mastery motivation as a psychological force that stimulates an individual to attempt independently, in a focused and persistent manner, to solve a problem or master a skill or task which is at least moderately challenging for him or her. After describing key features of this definition, we discuss three conceptual issues: 1) the distinction between mastery motivation and cognitive competence, 2) developmental transitions in mastery motivation, and 3) the breadth of the concept. The paper concludes with a long section on assessing mastery motivation. Persistence at tasks is the main measure of the strength of the child's mastery motivation. Our structured task procedure, for 15- to 36-month-old children, attempts to disentangle mastery motivation and competence. We have also developed a questionnaire to assess mastery motivation in general and in five specific behavioral domains: social, symbolic, combinatorial, means-end, and gross motor. We believe that our definition helps to clarify the concept of mastery motivation and that our assessment procedures will facilitate future research.  相似文献   

This paper presents a working definition of mastery motivation which has evolved from our research with infants and young children over the past two decades. We define mastery motivation as a psychological force that stimulates an individual to attempt independently, in a focused and persistent manner, to solve a problem or master a skill or task which is at least moderately challenging for him or her. After describing key features of this definition, we discuss three conceptual issues: 1) the distinction between mastery motivation and cognitive competence, 2) developmental transitions in mastery motivation, and 3) the breadth of the concept. The paper concludes with a long section on assessing mastery motivation. Persistence at tasks is the main measure of the strength of the child's mastery motivation. Our structured task procedure, for 15- to 36-month-old children, attempts to disentangle mastery motivation and competence. We have also developed a questionnaire to assess mastery motivation in general and in five specific behavioral domains: social, symbolic, combinatorial, means-end, and gross motor. We believe that our definition helps to clarify the concept of mastery motivation and that our assessment procedures will facilitate future research.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a model for framing the influences on variation in infant spontaneous mastery at 12 months of age. Using the perspective of our model, we discuss the differences and similarities that our work shares with that of the other authors in this Special Issue. We hope that using our model in this way can foster integration and expansion of ideas for future studies of motivation in infancy. In addition, our model provides a roadmap for the study of important variables in risk groups. Empirical examination of the wide variation in infant capabilities and maternal emotional resources in risk groups and developmental transformations across the first two years of life can highlight important touchpoints for intervention.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a model for framing the influences on variation in infant spontaneous mastery at 12 months of age. Using the perspective of our model, we discuss the differences and similarities that our work shares with that of the other authors in this Special Issue. We hope that using our model in this way can foster integration and expansion of ideas for future studies of motivation in infancy. In addition, our model provides a roadmap for the study of important variables in risk groups. Empirical examination of the wide variation in infant capabilities and maternal emotional resources in risk groups and developmental transformations across the first two years of life can highlight important touchpoints for intervention.  相似文献   

Person-centered analyses of achievement goals have been scarce in studies of elementary school children. In this investigation, the authors examined the natural combinations of achievement goals (mastery, performance-approach, performance-avoidance) among 3rd grade students (N = 195) and how clusters differed in self-, teacher-, and peer-reported adjustment variables. Cluster analysis revealed four groups of students: mastery (above average in mastery goals, below average in performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals), multi-goal (above average in all three goals), avoidant (above average in performance-avoidance goals, below average in mastery and performance-approach goals), and low motivation (below average in all three goals). Clusters differed in self-reported academic self-efficacy and perceptions of teacher support, teacher-reported academic competence, and peer nominations of social status. Mastery students had the most adaptive profiles; low motivation, the least adaptive. Avoidant boys had more maladaptive profiles than avoidant girls.  相似文献   

个体差异是二语习得过程中的一个重要因素。个体差异因素中包括年龄、性别、语言学能、动机、人格、学习风格和学习策略,其中最主要的是学习动机。文中主要论述的是国内国外的动机分类,影响动机的因素,动机对二语习得的影响以及激发学习动机的策略。  相似文献   

The present study investigated gender differences in social mastery motivation, vocabulary knowledge, behavioral self-regulation, and socioemotional skills and examined the relationships among this knowledge and these skills by gender. Participants were 134 Chinese children (68 boys, M age = 3.80; 66 girls, M age = 3.89) and their parents recruited through local kindergartens’ parent groups. The children were administered measures of social mastery motivation, vocabulary knowledge, behavioral self-regulation, and nonverbal intelligence. Parents reported their education level and children’s socioemotional skills. Research Findings: Results revealed that boys exhibited more social mastery interactions than girls, and girls showed better behavioral self-regulation and socioemotional skills than boys. Girls with higher social mastery interaction frequency demonstrated better vocabulary knowledge and socioemotional skills, whereas boys with higher social mastery interaction frequency showed lower behavioral self-regulation. Boys, who showed more positive affect during social mastery interactions, tended to have better expressive vocabulary, which facilitated their behavioral self-regulation. Practice or Policy: Findings highlight social mastery motivation as a potential factor that facilitates children’s early development, but it may contribute to boys and girls in different ways.  相似文献   

In this study the level of object mastery motivation between children with Down's syndrome and children without disabilities of matched mental age was investigated. Data were collected through structured observations of all the children playing with four different educational toys of increasing complexity. Four variables were examined: task pleasure, task persistence, success and off-task behaviour. A one-way ANOVA revealed both statistically significant and nonsignificant differences between groups. Participants from both groups displayed age-appropriate behaviour when playing with the toys. Those with disabilities interacted less than the comparison group with the effect-production and sensori-motor tasks (the easier tasks), whereas, with the more difficult problem-solving tasks, both groups persisted equally. It is suggested that successful attempts elicit persistence on less complex tasks, whereas on the more sophisticated ones this effect is obtained by the challenging nature of the task.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to examine the concept of mastery motivation in infancy from the standpoint of possible intraindividual confounds, ways in which factors other than motivation may influence individual differences in mastery motivation scores. The review begins with a brief overview of theoretical background on mastery motivation, underscoring its presumed relevance for other important constructs in development. Current operational definitions of mastery motivation are then described. The remainder of the review is devoted to consideration of alternative explanations that can account, in part, for individual differences in mastery motivation. These include infant cognitive developmental status, social orientation and attachment security, genetic/temperamental factors, and sex differences. The review concludes with specific recommendations for further inquiry on the topic of infant mastery motivation, emphasizing careful attention to the role extraneous factors play in shaping performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to examine the concept of mastery motivation in infancy from the standpoint of possible intraindividual confounds, ways in which factors other than motivation may influence individual differences in mastery motivation scores. The review begins with a brief overview of theoretical background on mastery motivation, underscoring its presumed relevance for other important constructs in development. Current operational definitions of mastery motivation are then described. The remainder of the review is devoted to consideration of alternative explanations that can account, in part, for individual differences in mastery motivation. These include infant cognitive developmental status, social orientation and attachment security, genetic/temperamental factors, and sex differences. The review concludes with specific recommendations for further inquiry on the topic of infant mastery motivation, emphasizing careful attention to the role extraneous factors play in shaping performance.  相似文献   

男女在生理特点和心理活动上存在着巨大的差异,这种差异导致男女在英语学习动机上的不同,从而影响了学习态度和学习策略的选择,使得男女生语言学习的效果有明显区别。融合型动机是指个人学习外语时对语言本身产生了强烈的兴趣,并希望可以融入所学语言的文化为改善大学生因性别差异造成的不良学习后果。鉴于此,在对男女大学生的语言学习动机状况进行调查的基础上,科学分析了差异存在的合理性,并利用融入型动机理论,提出激发学生的融入型动机水平的具体解决措施。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the authors' experiences during a pilot year of an innovative core curriculum at a state research university and their attempts to create a "collaborative community" characterized by transformative pedagogy. It discusses their students' and colleagues' resistance to their inventive, albeit time-consuming and sometimes noisy, assignments. It analyzes the temptation to give in to bureaucratic inertia and return to an instruction paradigm that prioritizes the transmission of information over the more intensive goals of encouraging students to "claim their education." Finally, they suggest that the development of collaborative communities of like-minded teachers is an important resource in mediating the conflict between transformative pedagogy and bureaucratic practice.  相似文献   

Globalization and technology are two of the many drivers that impact today’s education, locally and internationally. The purpose of the research study was to identify how online learners in Korea and the US perceived online learning motivation differently and what learner characteristics and cultural orientation affected the online learners’ learning motivation. Major findings revealed that there was a significant difference in learning motivation between the US and Korean online learners. The study also discusses how cultural orientation and learner characteristics affected the learning motivation of online learners for each country.

Différences interculturelles de la motivation de formation en ligne. La globalisation et la technologie représentent deux conducteurs qui ont l’impact sur l’éducation d’aujourd’hui localement et internationalement. Le but de cette étude de recherche était d’identifier comment les étudiants en Corée et aux Etats‐Unis perçoivent la motivation de formation en ligne différemment et comment les caractéristiques des étudiants et leur orientation culturelle affectent leur motivation de formation en ligne. Les conclusions principales révèlent qu’il y a une différence significante concernant la motivation de formation entre les étudiants en ligne des Etats‐Unis et de Corée. L’étude explique également comment l’orientation culturelle et les caractéristiques des étudiants affectent la motivation de formation des étudiants en ligne pour chaque pays.

Unterschiede zwischen verschiedenen Kulturen bei Online‐Lernmotivation. Globalisierung und Technik sind zwei der vielen Antriebe, die die heutige Bildung am Ort und international betreffen. Der Zweck der Forschungsstudie war, herauszufinden, wie Online‐Anfänger in Korea und den USA Online‐Lernmotivation unterschiedlich wahrnehmen, und wie die Anfängermerkmale und die kulturelle Orientierung die Lernmotivation der Online‐Anfänger beeinflussten. Die hauptsächlichen Befunde ergaben, dass es einen signifikanten Unterschied bei der Lernmotivation zwischen den US‐amerikanischen und koreanischen Online‐Anfängern gab. Die Studie erörtert auch, wie kulturelle Orientierung und Persönlichkeitsmerkmale die Lernmotivation von Online‐Lernern in jedem Land beeinflussen.  相似文献   

在外语学习过程中,学生个体存在有诸多的特征差异,其外部表现有年龄、性别、民族、习惯等方面;其内部差别有学习动机、能力倾向、认知风格以及情感状态等。重点就内部差异进行探究。  相似文献   

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