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Most personality tests are made up of Likert-type items and analyzed by means of factor analysis (FA). In this type of application, the fit of the model at the level of individual respondents is almost never assessed. This article proposes procedures for assessing individual fit (scalability). The procedures are intended for the analysis of multitrait personality questionnaires, and based on the multiple FA model. A general assessment procedure is described, and 2 multidimensional scalability indexes that use the chi-square and normal distribution are proposed. These indexes are derived both as residual measures and as likelihood-based person-fit measures, and their relations with some item-response, theory-based measures is discussed. The indexes are proposed mainly as first-step exploratory devices, and procedures for obtaining further information about the possible causes of misfit are also discussed. The behavior of the indexes is assessed in simulation studies, and the general procedure is illustrated by means of an empirical example.  相似文献   

This article proposes procedures for simultaneously assessing and controlling acquiescence and social desirability in questionnaire items. The procedures are based on a semirestricted factor-analytic tridimensional model, and can be used with binary, graded-response, or more continuous items. We discuss procedures for fitting the model (item calibration) and for estimating the individual factor scores. We also show how the results can be used and interpreted in applied research. The procedures are illustrated with 2 empirical applications in the personality domain.  相似文献   

A framework is proposed from which to evaluate contemporary neurological models of cognitive processing. Selected models are classified as unidimensional, bidimensional, or tridimensional according to the neuraxes that they address. The empirical research that supports each model is considered in terms of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral levels of analysis. Applied implications of the models for learning and individual differences are identified as they relate to psychoeducational assessment and intervention. Finally, differences and similarities among the selected models are synthesized.  相似文献   

建构中国化的人格理论模型是探讨中国人人格的基础和目标,一味地借用西方的人格理论无法真正地反映中国人的人格。因为其间存在善巨大的化差异,甚至在人格的基本概念上也存在差异。而在中国传统化中,早已孕育了人格理论的基石,各学派的人性论、理想人格等观点都是建构中国化人格理论的基础。在此基础上,和现代心理学相结合,可以建构真正反映中国人人格的理论模型。  相似文献   

考虑了带利率的二维更新风险模型。假设索赔额和索赔到达间隔时间都是独立同分布的随机变量,并且它们之间具有某种相依结构。当索赔额分布是次指数分布时,获得了折扣累积索赔向量的渐近性,并且发现此渐近结果会受到索赔额和索赔到达间隔时间之间相依结构的影响。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between personality and two different academic performance (AP) assessment methods, namely exams and coursework. It aimed to examine whether the relationship between traits and AP was consistent across self-reported versus documented exam results, two different assessment techniques and across different faculties. There were 1,013 (622 female) university students from four British Universities in four faculties namely arts/humanities, social sciences, life/biological sciences and mathematical sciences. Participants completed a brief version of the Big Five inventory and a self-report measure of AP. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were the strongest personality predictors of AP. Structural equation model showed that sex and personality effects on AP were invariant across different areas of study or degree types (humanities, social sciences, life sciences and hard sciences). Personality variables are stable, robust and predictable correlates and determinants of AP. Conscientiousness, Openness and Agreeableness were positive predictors as measured by good grades whilst Neuroticism and Extraversion were correlates of weaker performance. Implications of these results refer how teachers choose to examine their pupils and to what extent students choose courses because of their known examination procedures.  相似文献   

人格现代化是我国现代化进程中的重要内容,反思中国人人格、根除中国人人格中的奴性,将是实现人格现代化的必经步骤.笔者试借鉴尼采道德哲学中对奴性人格的批判和对创造性人格的著述和讨论,结合中国社会的实际情况,提出新的创造性人格模式,促进国人人格现代化的实现.  相似文献   

审美人格是人在审美活动过程中,所形成的理想人格或趋于理想的现实人格。随着物质生活水平的提高,人们的精神生活需要日渐迫切,各行各业都需要构建符合时代要求的审美人格。演艺工作者作为美的宣传者、文化艺术传播者的主流群体之一,他们担负着引领先进文化、丰富人民精神世界、激发民族创造精神的重任,因此,构建正确、高尚、符合时代要求的审美人格,是迫在眉睫的大事。对他们进行审美人格的研究,不仅能发现演艺工作者在创作、表演、发掘作品内涵时的审美人格倾向,还能够发现演艺群体自身审美人格方面存在的问题,并研究制定相应的对策,才能使演艺工作者树立健全、完善、高尚的审美人格;才能够按"代表先进文化发展方向"的要求,引领社会文化健康有序的发展、丰富人民的精神世界、激发民族的创造精神,促进和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   

传统的微博用户人格分析将人格分为五类,但未考虑人格类别之间潜在的关联性。为此基于多标签集成分类方法(RAkEL)进行改进,构建RAkEL-PA模型。RAkEL-PA模型使用标签集合中不同的随机子集训练相应的Label Powerset(LP)分类器,然后集成所有分类结果作为最终分类结果。在微博用户文本消息数据上进行实验,结果表明,RAkEL-PA模型的两个不同策略对用户人格分类准确率较高。RAkEL-PA模型充分考虑多个人格之间的相关性,以提高用户人格分类鲁棒性。  相似文献   

初中阶段是个体身体心展的一个加速期。随着初中生生理和智力所发生的一系列特殊的变化,个性发展上也出现了社会化的进程,同时也出现了自我意识、反抗心理、自我同一性的问题。文章分析了初中生个性社会化发展中的问题,探讨了个性社会化的影响因素以及对教育的启示。  相似文献   

A limitation of most past studies of university environments is that they have been restricted to institutions in the United States. Accordingly, as a first step in providing a broader context for such studies, this study applied two approaches to the measurement of environments to 124 Japanese universities: factor analysis of statistical data and classification of faculties according to Holland's personality typology. Both procedures yielded a reasonably clear and meaningful pattern of results that was generally similar to the pattern of results in the United States, but with differences that appear related to the organization of higher education in Japan. More generally, the results tend to support the conclusions that size, wealth, and technical emphasis are key dimensions for describing universities, and that an organization can be measured through a census of its personality types.  相似文献   

本研究以Cattell的16PF测验为研究工具,调查和了解中小学领导干部胜任特征模型与人格特质的匹配度。结论:各个级别在各项人格特质方面均有匹配、低配和高配的状况。建议为中小学领导干部创建二者匹配档案,定期进行心理健康教育和加强对主要领导的心理监控。  相似文献   

对理想人格的追求与设计,是中国传统哲学长期探索的重要的人生课题之一。而儒家对人生哲学的探索,对中华民族的性格、民族精神的形成发挥着极其重要的作用。本文从孟子理想人格的要素、理想人格典范和理想人格修养三个方面探讨了儒家代表人物孟子的人生价值取向和理想人格境界。  相似文献   

This article proposes procedures for assessing and controlling acquiescence in personality scales when acquiescence is related to the content that the scale intends to measure. Our proposal is comprehensive in that it can be applied to different item response formats fitted with response models that can be parameterized as factor-analytic models. In the calibration stage, our proposal makes joint use of a balanced scale and a set of markers for acquiescence, and consists of 2 sequential procedures: a direct semirestricted solution, and a restricted solution with minimal identification constraints. In the scoring stage, we discuss how the information given by the acquiescence–content relation can be used to obtain Bayes expected a posteriori scores. The robustness of the direct procedure is assessed both analytically and by simulation. A free, user-friendly program that implements the procedures proposed is made available. Practical issues of use and interpretation are discussed and illustrated with an empirical application.  相似文献   

74 lower- and middle-class children aged 2 1/2, 3 1/2, and 4 1/2 years who were successful at unidimensional sorting of 2 objects by either color or form were given feedback for correct bidimensional sorting of 3 objects, 2 of which had been used in unidimensional testing. Four of the 10 2 1/2-year-olds and 58 of the 64 3 1/2- and 4 1/2-year-olds reached criterion on the bidimensional sorting task. Neither social class nor performance on a verbal comprehension test (the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test) was significantly correlated with success on either unidimensional or bidimensional sorting, although social class and test scores were significantly correlated. The results indicate that Piagetian centration (i.e., the inability to transcend unidimensional attention) is a task- or situation-specific phenomenon, and biodimensional responding is the rule rather than the exception for 3 1/2- and 4 1/2-year-olds in an instrumental situation involving a limited number of stimuli.  相似文献   

This article examines a multifactorial model of causes and consequences of harsh parental punishment. The social-psychological model as developed by Gelles was extended to also include the antecedent conditions leading to rigid assertion of parental power relating to the child. Furthermore, personality problems of the child observable as consequences of harsh parental punishment were included in our model. The conditions which predict harsh parental punishment are— in the rank order of their importance: a child perceived as difficult to handle, i.e., a “problem child”; parental angerproneness; the rigid assertion of parental power; and intra-familial problems and conflicts. As consequences of harsh parental punishment and rejection as perceived by the child, two types of personality problems were observed: a syndrome named “Conduct Disorder” and a syndrome including personality problems such as anxiety and helplessness.  相似文献   

Trait personality has been associated with achievement and many of its related outcomes in settings such as education, health, physical activity and sport. Scant trait personality research has been performed among school-age students in physical education, so this study investigates relations between the six-dimension (HEXACO) model of trait personality and anxiety, self-efficacy and intentions to exercise as a function of gender in 316 high school physical education students. Students completed validated measures of these constructs. Results revealed that trait personality (particularly the social self-esteem aspect of extraversion) predicted lower anxiety and higher self-efficacy and intentions to exercise in both females and males. Openness to experience was predictive of both anxiety and lowered self-efficacy in females. It appears that physical educators should consider the role of the HEXACO personality traits and sub-traits in their students and potentially differentiate instruction to better accommodate students who are more vulnerable. From this study, it appears that students who are less extraverted and females who are more open to experience may be at be more at risk for anxiety and lower self-efficacy in physical education which may compromise their intentions to exercise.  相似文献   

现代人格构成包括“自我导向”、“自我实现”、“自我冲突”和“自我超越”四个方面,它反映现代人精神品质诸种特征,不同于传统人格。现代著名女作家丁玲是现代人格的典范,本文以其为个案阐释现代人格的构成和特征。  相似文献   

采用整群随机取样的方法,通过两种不同的人格教育方式,对河南某高校2007级和2008级应用心理学专业的87名学生进行了为期两个学期的干预实验研究。结果表明:两种不同的人格教育方式均有助于大学生健康人格的培养和心理健康水平的提高。但与传统教育方式相比,健康人格心理学教学模型和教学方法对学习者的人格和心理健康的影响更大。同时,人格教育对人格特征和心理健康只能产生部分影响,而非全部。  相似文献   

从师范教育到教师教育,为促进教师专业化发展,教育界积极探索可行方案,文章对于在教师培养过程中什么是"对象范本化"与"个性培养"作了初步探讨,并提出了平衡"对象范本化"与"个性化"的相关策略。  相似文献   

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