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"生活化"小学数学教学的尝试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在“生活化”小学数学教学中,教师要通过创设和模拟有利于学生学习的生活情景,根据数学与现实生活的关系,把数学知识和问题还原到生活原型、活动情景和矛盾冲突中,以激发学生的认知兴趣;搜集生活中有利于学生探索的材料,促使学生从数学的角度研究和解决问题,体会数学与生活的密切联系;把生活中许多学生熟悉的现象与某些数学知识、数学方法甚至数学思想联系起来,使学生感悟问题的实质,掌握规律;增加用数学解决生活问题的内容,使知识学习与知识应用相结合,提高学生的创新素质。  相似文献   

The current study focuses on results from a national survey of special education mathematics teachers in secondary psychiatric schools. A total of 115 (33.04%) respondents completed a mail or online survey concerning school-level mathematics curriculum and assessment policies and practices. No statistically significant differences existed between respondent and nonrespondent schools on demographic variables. Results indicate a disconnect between the mathematics curriculum and state assessments. Approximately half teachers responded that their school relies on standard district or state curriculum, and the curriculum and instructional materials are aligned with assessments to a great extent. Only about 40% and 30%, respectively, reported that schools are supervised and teachers are provided professional development to facilitate the alignment of curriculum with state assessments to a great extent. Additional results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

农村小学寄宿制问题及有关政策分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
农村寄宿制学校在学生管理中功利性、目的性强,忽视教育的细节和过程,对教师考核和激励不足.中央和地方的政策设计和执行存在偏差,政策注重学校硬件工程建设,缺少管理上的制度约束.  相似文献   

美国的数学与科学技术高中是以数学与科学技术为学校主题或特色的磁石学校,也是吸引该领域出类拔萃学生的一种选拔性高中或英才学校。其课程设置围绕其鲜明主题分必修课、选修课、科研实习课程与大学预科(AP)课程等四类,语言、人文社会科学及数学与科学技术等三组,具有深度与广度结合、学术性与职业性连接、统一标准与自主弹性兼顾等特色,体现着追求平等与卓越合一的教育理念与因材施教的精神。这对我国高中课程改革特色的凸显具有一定启示。  相似文献   

Aligned with recent changes to syllabuses in Australia is an assessment regime requiring teachers to identify what their students ‘know’ and ‘can do’ in terms of the quality of understanding demonstrated. This paper describes the experiences of 25 secondary science and mathematics teachers in rural schools in New South Wales as they explore the changing nature of assessment and its implications on their classroom practice. To help reconceptualise these changes, teachers were introduced to a cognitive structural model as a theoretical framework. Throughout the 2-year study, teachers attended a series of professional development sessions and received ongoing consultative support. Each session was taped and transcribed while interviews were conducted with each teacher at the end of both years. Analysis of these data using a grounded theory approach identified seven major components of teacher practice impacted by the study. The core component was questioning while the six contributing components were teachers’ pedagogical practices, attention to cognition, teaching strategies, assessment linked to pedagogy, classroom advantages for students, and classroom advantages for teachers. These findings represent a major shift in teachers’ perceptions of assessment from a focus on the accumulation of students’ marks to one of diagnosis as a means of directing teaching to enhance students’ scientific and mathematical understandings.  相似文献   

数学思想、数学活动与小学数学教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将"基本(数学)思想"与"基本(数学)活动经验"明确纳入"数学课程目标"之中有一定的合理性。以小学数学教学为背景对此作进一步分析:我们不仅应当针对不同的教学对象对此作出更为具体的界定,从而切实防止简单移植的现象,而且也应很好地处理具体知识内容的学习与基本数学思想的学习以及过程与结果之间的关系,而不应将此绝对地割裂开来。  相似文献   

为提高全民整体素质,尤其是在科学、技术、数学领域的创新能力,澳大利亚联邦政府出台了澳大利亚创新、科学、技术、数学教育推广方案并已取得阶段性成效。通过对该方案形成背景、主要构成及其运行模式等方面的研究,我们可以进一步借鉴别国改革的成功经验,反思自身在创新教育能力培养方面存在的问题,从而找到新的出路与方向。  相似文献   

新课程改革以来,小学科学教材实验和教学实施情况是小学科学教师关注的热点问题。为了解小学科学教材与教学的现状,我们进行了一次较大规模的问卷调查。调查表明,小学科学教材和教学的现状与培养创新人才、大力提高未成年人科学素质的要求还有一定的差距。小学科学教育还需在课程教材建设、课程资源建设和教师培养与培训等方面加强研究与投入。  相似文献   

概述国家最高科学技术奖获得者的基本信息,深入分析获奖者成长的一般性规律,可以得到如下结论:杰出科技人才成功的主要因素是受其父母的教育思想和家庭学习传统及地域文化的影响,也受其教师的教育教学水平和身边有远见卓识的人的影响.因此,数学教师的教育教学水平与能力,直接影响了学生的好奇心和兴趣、理性质疑批判精神、创造性思维能力的形成.  相似文献   

Disagreements exist among textbook authors, curriculum developers, and even among science and mathematics educators/researchers regarding the meanings and roles of several key nature-of-science (NOS) and nature-of-mathematics (NOM) terms such as proof, disproof, hypotheses, predictions, theories, laws, conjectures, axioms, theorems, and postulates. To assess the extent to which these disagreements may exist among high school science and mathematics teachers, a 14-item survey of the meanings and roles of the above terms was constructed and administered to a sample of science and mathematics teachers. As expected, the science teachers performed better than the mathematics teachers on the NOS items (44.1 versus 24.7%, respectively) and the mathematics teachers performed better than the science teachers on the NOM items (59.0 versus 26.1%, respectively). Nevertheless, responses indicated considerable disagreement and/or lack of understanding among both groups of teachers concerning the meanings/roles of proof and disproof and several other key terms. Therefore it appears that these teachers are poorly equipped to help students gain understanding of these key terms. Classroom use of the If/and/then/Therefore pattern of argumentation, which is employed in this paper to explicate the hypothesis/conjecture testing process, might be a first step toward rectifying this situation.  相似文献   

The impact of ability grouping on attainment is examined in a cohort of year-9 pupils in 45 mixed secondary comprehensive schools, representing a variety of grouping practices. Analyses using multilevel models reveal an effect of the extent of setting experienced by pupils on progress in mathematics, but not in English or science. In mathematics, pupils attaining higher levels at the end of year 6 make more progress in sets, whereas pupils attaining lower levels make more progress in mixed ability classes. Placement in a high, middle or low set also has a significant effect on mathematics attainment. Possible explanations are discussed and educational implications considered.  相似文献   

20世纪90年来以来,许多脑活动测量的仪器得到发展.使用脑活动数据使得研究者有可能在不依赖学生自主解释其自身问题的能力的情况下,探查学生心理变化和学习困难水平.尝试使用真实课堂教学中的数学任务,测量学生问题解决过程的脑活动数据,进而获得了脑活动(含氧血红素浓度与去氧血红素浓度)与有关学习特征、理解过程之间的关系的初步结论,同时也为在数学教育研究中应用脑科学提供经验.  相似文献   

Mike Pinter  Linda Jones 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):982-996

We describe a successful collaboration between mathematics and psychological science faculty members to create a learning community for our students that linked sections of introductory mathematical reasoning and psychological science courses. The students in our learning community were in their second or third semester. The learning community is designed so that, throughout the semester, students regularly move across the border between the two linked disciplines by completing common assignments, including a group project. We modified our existing course topics and frameworks to be intentional about building connections between the courses.  相似文献   

教育数学是具有教育形态的数学   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
数学有3种形态:原始形态、学术形态和教育形态.体现数学本质要做到返朴归真,平易近人,言之有理,感悟真情.实际教学中,数学本质常被“过度的形式化”与“教条式的教学改革”所掩盖.数学教学中,应反对“去数学化”的倾向,突出数学的文化本质,以本原问题驱动展现数学本质,利用数学史加深学生对数学本质的理解.  相似文献   

To examine the predictive utility of three scales provided in the released database of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) (international plausible values, standardized percent correct score, and national Rasch score), information was obtained on the performance in state examinations in mathematics and science in 1996 (2,969 Grade 8 students) and in 1997 (2,898 Grade 7 students) of students in the Republic of Ireland who had participated in TIMSS in 1995. Performance on TIMSS was related to later performance in the state examinations using normal and nonparametric maximum likelihood (NPML) random effects models. In every case, standardized percent correct scores were found to be the best predictors of later performance, followed by national Rasch scores, and lastly, by international plausible values. The estimates for normal mixing distributions are close to those estimated by the NPML approach, lending support to the validity of estimates.  相似文献   

The paper considers aberrant behaviour in the context of cognitive style with reference to both diagnosis and treatment.


The aims of the study were to investigate whether the style of pupils with behaviour problems was different from that of children with no reported problems, and also to consider how pupils of different style manifested their problem behaviours.


The sample comprised 83 male pupils aged 10‐18 years from two residential special schools.


The sample were given the Cognitive Styles Analysis to assess their positions on the Wholist‐Analytic and Verbal‐Imagery style dimensions. The pupil records of the special school pupils who were at the extreme of the style dimensions were also examined.


When their style characteristics were contrasted with a Comparison Sample of 413 12‐16‐year‐old males attending 10 secondary schools, the special school pupils had a significantly higher proportion of both Wholists and Verbalisers, than the Comparison Group. Further, the inspection of the records indicated that the types of social behaviour and behaviour problems exhibited varied with style, and particularly on the Wholist‐Analytic dimension.


The results were considered to have implications for the origins and treatment of problem behaviour.  相似文献   

高等院校理科专业数学教育改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字在高等院校理科(非数学)专业课程体系中,占有重要地位。高等院校校理科专业数学教育改革,必须从转变数学教师的教育教学观念入手,重视数学思想方法的教学,提高学生应用数学的能力;改进教学方法,充分运用现代信息技术,提高教学效率;重视知识创新,实现数学教育与理科专业教育的交融、整合,全面提高数学教育教学质量。  相似文献   

思考力对小学生非常重要,思考力的开发对学生的发展具有重要意义。当前小学数学教学中很少有教师通过专门的教学开发学生的思考力。义务教育阶段大多教师通常采用填鸭式教学方法进行知识灌输,因此,促进我国教育观念的转变,对培养学生的思考力进行培养非常重要。益智器具对学生的思考力培养具有重要作用,通过巧用益智器具开展小学数学教学进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

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