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As environmental communicators partcipating in public meetings and interviews, engineers and scientists must sometimes walk a thin line between representing the best interests of their organizations and responding to the public's need to know. Unfortunately, published guidance designed to aid technical communicators in such situations is not clearly based on theory or actual behavior. This study analyzes actual responses to hostile questions by drawing upon speech act theory to demonstrate that spokespersons use five strategies for composing indirect answers to questions perceived as hostile.  相似文献   

Women technical communicators helped to organize many of the first professional associations for technical communicators in the 1940s and 1950s. For some of these women, organizing was an occupational closure strategy of revolutionary usurpation: They may have hoped to position themselves favorably to shape a future profession that was not predicated on hidden forms of their inclusion. Exclusionary and demarcationary forces, however, seem to have ultimately undermined their efforts, alienating some of them and inducing others to adopt a strategy of inclusionary usurpation. In addition to using gender-sensitive revisions of occupational closure theory to explain the phenomenon of the woman organizer, the author chronicles the emergence of 8 professional associations for technical communicators and identifies the women technical communicators who helped to organize them.  相似文献   

增强高校思想政治理论课教学实效性的探索与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文认为,当前高校思想政治理论课教学面临不少问题,导致其教学实效性的缺失。在此基础上,从教学内容、教学手段和方式、师资队伍建设、实践环节以及成绩考核指标等方面探寻了提升思想政治理论课教学实效性的途径。  相似文献   

当前教学理论研究的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前的教学理论呈“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的繁荣态势。与此同时,在众多的理论言述中,我们似乎反不知教学教学理论究竟在研究什么问题。教学理论应该回到教学本身,面向教学的基本问题,面向实际的教学传统,面向我们自身的教学问题,从那里开始,脚踏实地、实实在在地去寻找教学理论的根基。  相似文献   

针对初中数学试卷中出现的阅读理解新题型,阐释了这种题型的"新"的要求、特点和考查目标。结合这种"新"要求和在教学实践中发现的种种问题以及所采取的策略,强调实际现象问题化、实际问题数学化、数学问题方法化、数学方法理论化、数学理论创新化等理论根据,充分体现了教学手段的多样性对解决数学问题的多变性的重要意义。  相似文献   

A meta-analytic review was conducted to explain divergent findings on the relation between children's aggressive behavior and hostile attribution of intent to peers. Forty-one studies with 6,017 participants were included in the analysis. Ten studies concerned representative samples from the general population, 24 studies compared nonaggressive to extremely aggressive nonreferred samples, and 7 studies compared nonreferred samples with children referred for aggressive behavior problems. A robust significant association between hostile attribution of intent and aggressive behavior was found. Effect sizes differed considerably between studies. Larger effects were associated with more severe aggressive behavior, rejection by peers as one of the selection criteria, inclusion of 8- to-12-year-old participants, and absence of control for intelligence. Video and picture presentation of stimuli were associated with smaller effect sizes than was audio presentation. Staging of actual social interactions was associated with the largest effects. The importance of understanding moderators of effect size for theory development is stressed.  相似文献   

When working with graphics and illustrations, technical communicators face ethical questions at almost every step. The visual rhetorics available offer help with evaluating visual components but little guidance on ethical issues. This article presents examples of ethical conflicts, describes some of the prominent visual rhetorics, and discusses ethical issues that need to be addressed. Some steps for improving ethical awareness related to graphics and illustrations are suggested.  相似文献   

When working with graphics and illustrations, technical communicators face ethical questions at almost every step. The visual rhetorics available offer help with evaluating visual components but little guidance on ethical issues. This article presents examples of ethical conflicts, describes some of the prominent visual rhetorics, and discusses ethical issues that need to be addressed. Some steps for improving ethical awareness related to graphics and illustrations are suggested.  相似文献   

由于不可避免的地缘政治和地缘经济利害关系,在跨文化交流中,交流者可能会通过修辞策略,有意影响受众对某一事件的解读,实现其预期的修辞效果。肯尼斯·伯克的戏剧五元理论致力于话语与动机之间关系的研究。本文介绍了源自该理论的修辞批评方法,结合话语案例分析,说明了如何应用这一理论对跨文化交流中交流者话语进行分析,从而看清其所要推进的利益、到达的目的,以提高中国受众在跨文化交流中的批判和应对能力。  相似文献   

云课程作为一种新的课程形态,在农村基础教育的推进中遇到诸多问题,其问题表现和成因却并未在学界引起足够的关注。利用马莱茨克传播模式理论并结合我国农村基础教育的实际,对云课程遇冷的原因进行分析,发现这与模式中的四大要素都有密切关系:农村教师传统教学观念的思维惯性及信息技术水平制约了传播者在信息传播中的主体性发挥;农村学生由于学习素养的制约,阻碍了信息传播中接收者的主体加工;课程资源选择与加工的挑战等都会影响云课程功能的发挥。  相似文献   

Past research has shown that hostile schemas and adverse experiences predict the hostile attributional bias. This research proposes that seemingly nonhostile beliefs (implicit theories about the malleability of personality) may also play a role in shaping it. Study 1 meta‐analytically summarized 11 original tests of this hypothesis (N = 1,659), and showed that among diverse adolescents aged 13–16 a fixed or entity theory about personality traits predicted greater hostile attributional biases, which mediated an effect on aggressive desires. Study 2 experimentally changed adolescents' implicit theories toward a malleable or incremental view and showed a reduction in hostile intent attributions. Study 3 delivered an incremental theory intervention that reduced hostile intent attributions and aggressive desires over an 8‐month period.  相似文献   

This article proposes retrospective narrative justifications combined with classical concepts of habit formation as a theory of ethics appropriate for practicing technical communicators. To explicate the theory, the article draws on Alasdair Maclntyre's ethical theory, which involves habit formation and narrative theory; on apologia and account-giving theory; and on traditional ethical stances, such as the teleological and deontological doctrines. Special attention is given to the ends-means relationship and the tension between individual and corporate identity in technical communication environments.  相似文献   

Abstract of the original article

Robert R. Johnson's “Complicating Technology: Interdesciplinary Method, the Burden of Comprehension, and the Ethical Space of the Technical Communicator,” published in the Winter 1998 issue of TCQ, points out that there is much for technical communicators to learn from the burgeoning field of technology studies. Technical communicators, however, have an obligation to exercise patience as they enter this arena of study. Using interdisciplinary theory, this article argues that technical communication must assume the “burden of comprehension”: the responsibility of understanding the ideologies, contexts, values, and histories of those disciplines from which we borrow before we begin using their methods and research findings. Three disciplines of technology study—history, sociology, and philosophy—are examined to investigate how these disciplines approach technology. The article concludes with speculation on how technical communicators, by virtue of their entrance into this interdisciplinary arena, might refashion both their practical roles and the scope of their ethical responsibilities.  相似文献   

中西文化的截然不同造成了中西方人所特有的认知语境的差异,这种差异便形成了中西交流中的障碍,也给翻译,尤其是交流中的礼貌用语的翻译提出了难题。本文试图借助于关联理论的工具,提出中西交流中礼貌用语的翻译策略:使用恰当的认知语境知识,对原交际者的信息意图进行正确地推理和分析;采取异化手段,顺应译语接受者的文化心理和接受期待,以传达原交际者的意图为旨归;补足认知语境,让译语接受者习得异国文化习俗。  相似文献   

Recent studies have asserted that self-reported learning gains (SRLG) are valid measures of learning, because gains in specific content areas vary across academic disciplines as theoretically predicted. In contrast, other studies find no relationship between actual and self-reported gains in learning, calling into question the validity of SRLG. I reconcile these two divergent sets of literature by proposing a theory of college student survey response that relies on the belief-sampling model of attitude formation. This theoretical approach demonstrates how students can easily construct answers to SRLG questions that will result in theoretically consistent differences in gains across academic majors, while at the same time lacking the cognitive ability to accurately report their actual learning gains. Four predictions from the theory are tested, using data from the 2006–2009 Wabash National Study. Contrary to previous research, I find little evidence as to the construct and criterion validity of SRLG questions.  相似文献   

与陌生女性交际时,称呼语的选用得当与否将直接影响交际的顺利进行。聚焦于陌生女性称呼语动态顺应可分为四个方面:社交者的顺应、社交语境的顺应、时空语境的顺应和心理语境的顺应,为人们与陌生女性交际时选择适切的称呼语提供了参考。在现实的交际中,交际者必须顺应各种语境因素的变化进行称呼语的调整选择,以达到有效交际目的。  相似文献   

关联翻译理论提出:首先,翻译可以被看作是一个包含三个交际者的双重明示——推理过程;其次,翻译是一个动态的认知过程;再者,翻译是语言的一种解释性使用。该理论优点众多,其证伪了不可译性原则,且成功地解决了困扰翻译问题的归化、异化之争。  相似文献   

语言交际是一种复杂的人类言语行为,交际者根据交际目的、环境,对象以及各种随机因素的交互作用而作出言语决策.语言交际策略的使用不但要遵循顺应理论的原则,而且还受元语言意识的影响.减少不确定性和含糊交际,作为大家经常使用的交际策略,它们的最终目的都是实现信息的交换,满足交际者的需求,顺利完成交际任务.  相似文献   

在后现代语境中,去中心化的努力在解除价值中心化的同时,相对主义的碎片化趋向成为价值世界新的威胁,哈贝马斯的交往理论则从赋予交往者以意义、意义的可通约性以及共识几个方面,系统地解除了相对主义的问题,从而维护了理性的尊严,也为价值多元化的建立奠定了基础。  相似文献   

课程组织是一个古老的话题,课程组织问题是课程改革的核心。然而,怎样组织课程,怎样处理课程的分化与整合、学科逻辑与学生发展的关系,既是课程的理论问题,也是课程改革的现实问题。我国课程组织的研究应摆脱旧观念的影响,寻求新的理论支持。  相似文献   

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