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This secondary qualitative analysis identified metaphorical expressions mothers of twins used to describe their first year caring for their infants. Data from the primary grounded theory study were reanalyzed using metaphor identification procedure and revealed eight metaphors: blur, life on hold, being an orchestrator, being a juggler, being an equalizer, being a quick-change artist, being a milk factory, and open invitation. These metaphors give clinicians an insider''s view of the struggle''s mothers of twins experience during the first year after birth. Being attentive to the metaphors mothers used can provide a unique approach to helping them. Lactation consultants are key to providing much needed support for mothers who are breastfeeding twins.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on individual differences in specific qualitative aspects of infants' exploratory behavior, task persistence, and problem-solving ability. Longitudinal questions concern the stability of these behaviors across the second year of life and the relationship between early exploration and task persistence and later problem- solving ability. Twenty-nine infants were observed at 12 months and again at 26 to 28 months of age. Behavior was observed on two exploratory and two problem-solving tasks, and a wide range of individual differences was found. The longitudinal results suggest stability between one and two years of age in terms of the cognitive sophistication of behavior rather than in correlations between identical index behaviors. Longitudinal stability was not found for task persistence. Also, infants who used more different schemes to explore at one year were found to be more successful and sophisticated in problem solving at age two. It is concluded that the quality and range of behaviors used during exploration have important developmental significance, rather than the use of any specific behavior, or persistent behavior, regardless of the degree of sophistication.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on individual differences in specific qualitative aspects of infants' exploratory behavior, task persistence, and problem-solving ability. Longitudinal questions concern the stability of these behaviors across the second year of life and the relationship between early exploration and task persistence and later problem- solving ability. Twenty-nine infants were observed at 12 months and again at 26 to 28 months of age. Behavior was observed on two exploratory and two problem-solving tasks, and a wide range of individual differences was found. The longitudinal results suggest stability between one and two years of age in terms of the cognitive sophistication of behavior rather than in correlations between identical index behaviors. Longitudinal stability was not found for task persistence. Also, infants who used more different schemes to explore at one year were found to be more successful and sophisticated in problem solving at age two. It is concluded that the quality and range of behaviors used during exploration have important developmental significance, rather than the use of any specific behavior, or persistent behavior, regardless of the degree of sophistication.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The transition to school is a major developmental milestone, and behavior tendencies already evident at the point of school entry can impact upon a child's subsequent social and academic adjustment. The current study aimed to investigate stability and change in the social behavior of girls and boys across the transition from day care to 1st grade. Teacher ratings and peer nominations for prosocial and antisocial behavior were obtained for 248 children belonging to 2 cohorts: school transitioning (n = 118) and day care remaining (n = 130). Data were gathered again from all children 1 year later, following the older group's entry into school. Teacher ratings of prosocial and antisocial behavior significantly predicted teacher ratings of the same behavior at Time 2 for both cohorts. Peer reports of antisocial behavior also showed significant stability, whereas stability of peer-reported prosocial behavior varied as a function of behavior type. Practice or Policy: The results contribute to understanding of trends in early childhood social behavior that potentially influence long-term developmental trajectories. Identification of some behaviors as more stable in early childhood than others, regardless of school entry, provides useful information for both the type and timing of early interventions.  相似文献   

斯皮茨是精神分析自我心理学的重要发展者.他的理论主要针对生命头两年,尤其是第一年的婴儿,将其间发生的微笑反应、陌生人焦虑和摇头说"不"作为心理发展的三个指征,以此来描述自我与客体关系的发展过程.在此基础上探讨了婴儿两种心理病理学,并提出依恋性治疗方法.尤为可贵的是,他将精神分析的临床观察法和实验法相结合,同时积极采用测验法和电影方法,进一步推动了精神分析向正常心理学发展.  相似文献   

This study examined the social competence and mental health of homeless and permanently housed preschool children enrolled in the Head Start program. Mothers and Head Start teachers rated the social skills and behavior problems of 38 homeless and 46 housed preschoolers twice during the school year. The researchers compared the behavior of the homeless and housed preschoolers soon after they entered Head Start, as well as changes in children's behavior six months after their initial assessment. Both parents and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited more behavioral problems than housed children at the beginning of the study, but perceived no significant differences in the two groups' social skills. Mothers reported significant declines in homeless children's compliance relative to their housed peers at the conclusion of the study, while teachers noted significant declines in homeless children's compliance and expressive skills. Both mothers and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited significantly greater increases in behavior problems than their housed peers over the study period. Findings indicate the need for Head Start and other early childhood programs to develop interventions designed to moderate the negative effect of homelessness on young children's social-emotional development.  相似文献   

This study examined the social competence and mental health of homeless and permanently housed preschool children enrolled in the Head Start program. Mothers and Head Start teachers rated the social skills and behavior problems of 38 homeless and 46 housed preschoolers twice during the school year. The researchers compared the behavior of the homeless and housed preschoolers soon after they entered Head Start, as well as changes in children's behavior six months after their initial assessment. Both parents and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited more behavioral problems than housed children at the beginning of the study, but perceived no significant differences in the two groups' social skills. Mothers reported significant declines in homeless children's compliance relative to their housed peers at the conclusion of the study, while teachers noted significant declines in homeless children's compliance and expressive skills. Both mothers and teachers reported that homeless children exhibited significantly greater increases in behavior problems than their housed peers over the study period. Findings indicate the need for Head Start and other early childhood programs to develop interventions designed to moderate the negative effect of homelessness on young children's social-emotional development.  相似文献   

Origins of Attachment: Maternal Interactive Behavior across the First Year   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study built on attachment theory and previous research in examining the interactional origins of the secure, insecure-resistant, and insecureavoidant patterns of attachment. Maternal sensitive responsivity, rejection, and activity were the focus of repeated naturalistic observations when infants were 1, 4, and 9 months of age; quality of attachment was assessed at 1 year. Mothers of secure 1-year-olds were observed to be more sensitively responsive at 1 and 4 months and less rejecting at 1 and 9 months than mothers of insecure infants. Mothers of insecure-avoidant infants were more rejecting at 9 months, whereas mothers of insecure-resistant infants were least sensitively responsive and most rejecting at 1 month; the insecure groups were also differentiated on the basis of patterns of change from 1 to 9 months, with mothers of resistant infants becoming less rejecting and mothers of avoidant infants becoming more rejecting relative to other mothers.  相似文献   

Research Findings: Digital play is now commonplace in many young children’s lives, but not in preschool settings. This situation is likely due to the fact that the existent literature seldom highlights what digital play looks like, the various ways it can be situated, and what young children do when they play together with digital devices in the preschool setting. The present study addresses this limitation by providing a close examination of the social interactions of young children as they engage with different types of iPad apps and each other. Observational data of 20 dyads of children during digital play analyzed qualitatively revealed that children exhibited a range of social behaviors from competitive to collaborative as they engaged in 4 types of digital play: practice/task, exploratory, construction, and pretense. Forms of play and exhibited behaviors were shaped by interrelated factors of children’s individual characteristics and relationships, classroom culture and routines, adult views and actions, as well as aspects of the digital device itself. Practice or Policy: Selecting open-design apps, attending to digital play structures, and monitoring peer play more closely may lessen competition, enhance collaboration, and lead to more complex digital play.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过探讨文化与语言的关系、语言教学与文化教学的关系,指出大学英语教学不仅要重视语言能力的培养,更应该重视跨文化交际能力的培养,并介绍了跨文化交际能力培养的目标和具体的实施方法,提出了文化教学的四点原则。  相似文献   

在中国从传统走向现代性的过程中,维新时期的启蒙运动是思想大变局的关键点。维新派群体积极组织学会、创办报刊,尝试废除八股、振兴学堂,批判君主专制和儒家伦理道德,提倡资产阶级人文主义精神,掀起了一场影响广泛的启蒙运动。经过维新派康有为、梁启超、谭嗣同、严复等人万木草堂、戊戌变法和流亡海外等阶段长达十几年的启蒙运动,维新派群体勇敢地冲决了各种对理性自由运用的限制,理性觉醒及其公开运用是第一次具有不可逆转意义的尝试。伴随着现代性思想的萌生,文化发生现代性转向,新学是这一转向的标志。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,父亲在幼儿发展中的作用越来越凸显,成为家庭教育的重点关注对象。本研究采用访谈法和问卷法,以广州市学龄前幼儿及其父亲为研究对象,调查父亲教养行为与幼儿同伴交往能力的关系。并且把夫妻的婚姻质量作为调节变量考虑在内,考查其是否在父亲教养行为和幼儿同伴交往能力的关系中起到一个调节的作用。结果显示,父亲不同的行为对幼儿分别有不同程度的影响,并且高质量的婚姻可以明显弥补父亲教养的不足。  相似文献   

社会变迁过程中的政府角色转换与定位思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在社会变迁过程中,经济、社会、政治等层面的变化必然带来政府角色的转换,但是政府角色的定位却不是唯一的。总结分析各种对于政府角色的理性认识,本文认为政府角色是一个复杂的“角色复合体”,至少包含理念、制度、组织三个层次的角色内涵。  相似文献   

The study evaluates how marriage and the parenting alliance affect parenting experiences over time. Couples ( N = 79) with school-age children who have mental retardation completed self-report and observational measures of marriage, the parenting alliance, and parenting attitudes and behaviors at 2 periods, 18–24 months apart. Longitudinal structural equation modeling demonstrated significant effects of marital quality on changes over time in self-reports of perceived parenting competence for both the mothers and the fathers, and in observed negative mother-child interactions. Also, in all cases, the parenting alliance mediated the effects of marriage on parenting experiences. There was little evidence of reciprocal causation in which parenting variables predicted change in the quality of marriage and the parenting alliance. Interactions involving child age suggested that teenagers as opposed to younger children were more reactive to negative features of their parents' marital functioning and parenting alliance. Implications are discussed regarding stable but negative marital functioning and regarding possible differences in mothers' and fathers' parenting in the context of marital distress.  相似文献   

Longitudinal associations between signaled night awakening and executive functioning (EF) at 8 and 24 months in children with (≥ 3 awakenings, n = 77) and without parent-rated fragmented sleep (≤ 1 awakening, n = 69) were studied. EF was assessed with the Switch task at 8 and 24 months. At 24 months, behavioral tasks and parental ratings of EF (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function–Preschool version) were also used. In the Switch task, children with fragmented sleep were less able to learn stimulus sequences and inhibit previously learned responses than children without fragmented sleep. The groups differed only marginally in parental ratings of EF, and no differences were found in behavioral EF tasks. These results suggest that eye movement-based measures may reveal associations between sleep and EF already in infancy and toddlerhood.  相似文献   

采用羞怯量表、简式父母教养方式问卷、青少年生活事件量表、领悟社会支持量表对522名初中生进行测量,考察父母教养方式、生活事件、领悟社会支持与羞怯的关系,并探讨生活事件、领悟社会支持是否在父母教养方式与初中生羞怯之间起中介作用。结果发现:(1)父母教养方式、羞怯、生活事件、领悟社会支持之间两两相关显著;(2)父母教养方式可以显著预测初中生的羞怯水平,即积极的父母教养方式能直接负向预测初中生羞怯水平,消极父母教养方式能正向预测初中生羞怯水平;(3)生活事件和领悟社会支持在父母(消极和积极)教养方式与羞怯间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

随着社会变革与社会的进步,当代大学生思想状态更趋向于社会化,呈现出复杂多样性的特征,他们所关注的问题和价值判断都具有鲜明的时代特征,加强对当代大学生的思想状态研究,适时创新大学生思想教育的方法,以期引导当代大学生的树立正确的价值观。  相似文献   

在我国社会经济模式,社会经济发展阶段和社会教育模式都发生转型的时期教师作为科学技术、文化知识传承的群体不发失去其应有的文化品格和文化理念,而应当在文化建设中实现自价值,凸显人文精神 。  相似文献   

介绍了社会组织参与研究生教育治理活动的内涵与现实状况,认为社会组织参与研究生教育治理的基本行为模式是委托模式、竞争模式和主动模式。面对我国研究生教育的现实境况,指出推进社会组织参与研究生教育治理的路径是:以创新驱动为动力,完善自身内部治理机构;以深化综合改革为核心,加强社会组织的公信力建设;以管办评分离为目标,明晰社会组织与政府、培养单位之间的关系;以依法治国为根本,加快法律法规的建设进度。  相似文献   

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