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本研究通过对90名4-6岁儿童自主阅读图画书后的故事复述语料进行分析,探讨汉语学前儿童的图画故事书阅读理解能力发展.研究发现汉语学前儿童对图画故事书中图画形象、事件行动和角色状态的理解水平随年龄增长而显著提高;儿童对图画故事书的理解遵循由图画形象到事件行动再到角色状态的发展顺序;有利于学前儿童阅读理解的是容易引起儿童关注的图画形象、由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现的事件行动、由图画形象的大小、色彩等可直接观察到的信息表现的角色状态;儿童图画书阅读理解的难点分别为不容易引起注意的图画形象、未由不同图画形象之间的关系直接表现,需要联系前后页图画信息进行理解的事件行动、与未关注和理解的图画形象相关的事件行动和角色状态,以及角色的内部心理状态等.  相似文献   

We examined the developmental relations between knowledge of reading strategies and reading comprehension in a longitudinal study of 312 Dutch children from the beginning of fourth grade to the end of fifth grade. Measures for reading comprehension, reading strategies, reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory were administered. A structural equation model was constructed to estimate the unique relations between reading strategies and reading comprehension, while controlling for reading fluency, vocabulary, and working memory. The results showed that there was a unique effect of reading strategies on reading comprehension, and also of reading comprehension on reading strategies.  相似文献   

在英语高考试题中 ,词汇量最大 ,分值最高 ,考试分配时间最长的是阅读理解题。而且 ,近几年来 ,高考试题中的阅读量在不断增加 ,生词量逐年增多 ,且题型多变。《中学英语教学大纲》也明确指出 :“在进行听、说、写训练的同时 ,要侧重培养阅读能力。”因此 ,培养阅读能力越来越被广大中学师生所重视。现在我就如何提高高中学生的阅读理解能力 ,谈谈自己的粗浅看法。1 细节题型这类题型的提问方式有以下几种 :(1)以when/who/where/why/what/which等wh及how的方式出题。(2 )以Fromthetext,Accor…  相似文献   

儿童身体隐喻理解发展特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了小学儿童身体隐喻理解发展特征.采用自制隐喻理解成绩量表,以某县城小学二、四、六年级共168名学生为被试,考察儿童身体隐喻和非身体隐喻解释成绩.结果表明,小学儿童非身体隐喻的理解成绩优于身体隐喻的理解成绩,对源域不熟悉的隐喻的理解水平高于对源域较为熟悉的隐喻的理解水平;儿童中年级开始理解隐喻,中年级隐喻理解受是否熟悉源域具体特征的影响最大;随着年龄增长,儿童非身体隐喻和身体隐喻的理解不断发展但发展的速度不一样.  相似文献   

阅读教学是语文教学的一个重要内容,是培养学生感悟语言、领会文章内涵及阅读能力的重要环节。  相似文献   

阅读理解在中学英语学习中越来越重要,是学好英语的关键。科学的阅读技巧和方法是英语科高考的保证,也是今后更高层次学习的基础和必需。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess Greek primary (1st to 6th grade) school children's understanding of sun exposure during summer vacation. Our results show that children know the damaging effects of long time exposure and the precautions that should be taken during sun bathing (sun glasses, hat, umbrella, sunscreen, etc). Nevertheless, they do not seem to avoid being exposed between 12.00 A.M. and 15.00 P.M., which is the most dangerous time. The socioeconomic status of father has no effect on the attitude of children towards taking protection measures when exposed to the sun, however, the educational status of the mother appears to influence children's reported knowledge and behaviour. Place of residence (urban or rural areas) and gender does not influence their knowledge on the sun's damaging effects and the precautions they should take. Finally, as children grow older they seem to gradually reduce the protective measures they take.  相似文献   

中学英语教学的核心是阅读教学。解决中学生阅读中存在的问题的方法是:运用构词记忆法、联想记忆法、广泛阅读等方法,扩大学生词汇量;补充各类阅读材料,拓宽学生文化背景知识;传授正确的阅读技巧,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

The current study took a quasi-experimental approach investigating the effect of a holistic after-school intervention, on reading comprehension measured by the Gray Oral Reading Test (GORT)-4 on at-risk students in Grade 2 through Grade 5. Analysis of Variance was used to investigate the relationship between pre- and post-intervention scores. The study showed encouraging results. The 91 student participants showed gains in their GORT-4 total scores after the intervention. Results of after-school tutoring lend support to the use of peer-tutoring in afterschool in the elementary schools. Due to the exploratory nature of the study in a single school, there are constraints on generalizability and utility of findings to other schools across the board.  相似文献   

库恩的范式论对西方传统文化即理性主义和科学主义的质疑和反叛,标志着西方科学哲学的文化转变,同时对心理学的文化转向产生了重大的影响,主要表现在:库恩范式论从科学哲学内部动摇了科学心理学的哲学根基——实证主义,也引发了对心理学自然科学模式的反思和诘难;库恩范式论强调真理的相对性,把科学理解为实战性的参与为多元文化心理学兴起奠定了哲学基础;库恩范式论对西方传统文化的反思,将有助于走向东西方文化融合的跨文化心理学研究。  相似文献   

李甜甜 《海外英语》2013,(21):105-106
Reading comprehension is important for both teacher and students in high school.And there is a phenomenon in stu dents when they do the reading comprehension.If word recognition is difficult,students use too much of their time to read and understand the individual words,which interferes with their ability to comprehend what is read and waste too much of their time in the examination.This makes the comprehension difficult for high school students.The paper focuses on the methods for teach ers to eliminate lexical obstacles to reading comprehension in high school.  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study, we examined the relationship between the quality of lexical representations and text comprehension skill in German primary school children (Grades 1–4). We measured the efficiency and accuracy of orthographical, phonological, and meaning representations by means of computerized tests. Text comprehension skill was assessed with a standardized reading test with questions requiring recognition of text information and inferencing. Both the accuracy of and the efficiency of access to the three types of lexical representations contributed to explaining interindividual variation in text comprehension skill. Results from a path-analytic model suggest a specific causal order of the three components of lexical quality with the quality of meaning representations partly mediating the effects of form representations.  相似文献   


The causal relationship between drama-based reading instruction and reading comprehension among 4th-grade students was examined. Cognitive theories related to the role of imagery in memory were used to develop a drama-based reading comprehension program. A randomized pretest-posttest control-group design was then employed to assess the impact of the drama-based instruction on students' test scores on the reading comprehension portion of the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills. Results suggest a direct causal link between drama-based instruction and improved reading comprehension.  相似文献   

作为小学高年级语文教学的重要环节,阅读教学具有着不可替代的作用,然而在以往的教学中教师往往忽视了对写作技巧的渗透,导致学生写作能力不强,写作素材匮乏,语言表述模糊,之于学生语文素养的培养极为不利。本文将对小学高年级语文教学中读写结合的必要性加以探讨和分析,并论述阅读和写作教学的有效结合方法,全面提高语文阅读教学的实效性,从而促进学生读写能力的协调发展。  相似文献   


The study examined relations between ethclass group membership, the achievement syndrome of families, and the cognitive performance of 850 11-year-old Australian children from six ethclass groups. A semi- structured interview schedule was constructed to assess parents’ achievement orientations, press for English, press for dependence, educational and occupational aspirations, and individualistic-collectivistic value orientations. Standardized tests were used to measure children’s intelligence and performance in mathematics, word knowledge, and word comprehension. The results support the proposition that if children from different cultural groups are found to be characterized by distinct patterns of cognitive scores, then the groups are characterized by distinct patterns of family learning environments. Also, the findings suggest that some of the achievement syndrome measures may act as threshold variables so that until certain levels of particular environment measures are attained, other family processes may have limited associations with children’s cognitive performance.  相似文献   

阅读教学是培养学生听、说、读、写能力的重要环节,是获取外界信息的重要方式。提高学生阅读水平是语文阅读教学的重要目标。但在当前的阅读教学中还存在一些问题,严重地影响着学生阅读水平的提高。我们要以兴趣为先导,以学生阅读为本,注重学生差异,延伸课外阅读,这样才能防范低效阅读,推进阅读教学改革,提高学生阅读水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a procedure for teaching parents of mildly retarded children to be home reading tutors and to examine generalization of the children's acquired skills from the home to the school setting. The parent‐tutor procedures were based on Glynn, McNaughton, Robinson and Quinn (1979). Four children aged 8 to 10 years, attending a special class, participated in the project. The reading tutor training procedure was implemented in a multiple baseline across participants design. Tutor behaviours measured were attention to errors, delayed attention, modelling, prompting and the use of praise; child reading behaviours assessed were accuracy of reading, number of errors, self‐corrections and prompted corrections. During intervention and maintenance phases substantial increases in targeted tutor behaviours and corresponding improvements in child reading behaviours were observed. Improvements in the children's home reading behaviours, particularly self‐correcting, generalized to the classroom setting.  相似文献   

创造教育已成为当前教育改革的主要潮流.小学阶段是实施创造教育的起始时期.但显然小学时期创造教育的重点不在创造技法,而在创新意识的培养上.为此,在小学阶段,教师必须(1)首先做出表率;(2)在班级中创设自由安全的气氛;(3)组织多种多样的创造实践活动.  相似文献   

个性化阅读教学已成为新课程改革背景下的热门话题,有关个性化阅读教学的策略探究层出不穷。为此,我们要对教师与学生的角色进行定位,坚持"以人为本"的教学理念,构建开放活跃的课堂教学格局;把个性化阅读教学的起点放在课内,尊重学生的阅读感受,让学生在个性化阅读中得到独特体验;提倡教师做学习型教师,为学生个性化阅读教学提供保障,以求达到最终育人的功效。  相似文献   

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