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U.S. classrooms reflect the diversity of a nation in the midst of transformation. These issues of student diversity force educators and policymakers to explore and more importantly address the needs of a changing population. A key person in the school to help facilitate positive interactions between diverse students, parents, and faculty is the school counselor. Sometimes referred to as change agents, counselors are in the position to affect attitude through changing awareness, providing necessary knowledge and skills, and enhancing opportunities that foster respect for cultural differences. This article discusses the current literature on culture and diversity and the need for classroom cultural congruity. In addition, discourse on school counselors' role in promoting respect for diversity is advocated with a school-based social justice intervention strategy.  相似文献   

The need to maximize the influence of the limited number of Hispanic mental health professionals in the United States requires the development of new roles. One possible role is that of cultural consultant to non-Hispanic providers. Cultural consultation can serve to help mental health providers differentiate between cultural differences and cognitive, affective and social deficits. This article will operationalize the concept and goats of cultural consultation, issues related to non- Hispanic staff providing services to Hispanics will be outlined, and a series of recommendations will be presented to assist individuals and organizations in developing cultural consultation programs.  相似文献   

It is well-documented that news media (both traditional and social) have a significant impact on intercultural relations in contemporary societies. This paper compares results of two surveys where we asked Australians about their news sources. The study shows that Australian news consumers from diverse cultural backgrounds are alienated from Australian mainstream news media, increasingly relying on online and social media sources for their information. The paper situates this empirical research in the contemporary articulation of uses and gratification theory to understand audiences’ preferred media sources for news and information and the potential implications for intercultural relations in Australia.  相似文献   

<正>Musical production has become a new trend in China in recent years.Many performing arts companies and cultural businesses have involved themselves in produci...  相似文献   

馬一浮的學術思想,最著名的論點是"六藝該攝一切學術".這是他的一貫思想,很早他就有撰寫<六藝論>的設想,但集中講論,則是1938年在江西的泰和,為浙江大學師生開設國學講座.竺可楨校長1936年為聘請馬先生到浙大講學費盡了心力,而終無所成.但僅僅一年之後,他的願望就輕松地實現了,而且不是他主動去請馬一浮,而是馬先生自動找上門來--當然不單是為講學,同時也希望暫時與浙江大學師生一起流亡避寇.  相似文献   

Previous research has substantiated the targeting of various demographic subgroups by the tobacco industry through marketing practices. However, relatively little research has examined targeting of Asians and Pacific Islanders. Based on prior tobacco document research citing the use of identity-based marketing strategies, a content analytic scheme was developed to assess if these strategies were applied to the Asian and AAPI populations. The study was grounded in social identity theory and optimal distinctiveness theory paradigms in order to develop a coherent analytic framework. Keyword searches of documents were conducted and a random sample of the documents of interest was drawn. These data suggest that the tobacco industry targeted Asians and Pacific Islanders in the United States and abroad via interpersonal and commercial communication tactics. These strategies were carefully orchestrated and employed as a result of sophisticated analyses of the social identities and value systems of the source culture populations. Barriers to reaching this culturally and linguistically heterogeneous market were overcome via the construct of collectivism. At the same time, more Westernized Asians were targeted via advertisements that blended a hybrid Western style identity. For both source and immigrant cultures, the industry attempted to facilitate identity construction and maintenance through smoking.  相似文献   

The paper briefly describes a recently completed research project on the social stratification of cultural consumption, presents some major findings from this project, and considers their implications for public policy in relation to the arts. A central theme is the inadequacy of the ‘homology’ argument, claiming that social hierarchies and cultural hierarchies map closely onto each other. This argument is shown to be empirically unsound and to underestimate the complexity of the relationship between social stratification and cultural consumption, as this is determined by the combined effects of income, education and social status. One question that then arises is what policy response, if any, is required by the fact that many individuals do not participate extensively in the arts even though they have the economic and cultural resources required to do so (self-exclusion rather than social exclusion). And a second is that of how far, in attempts at increasing participation, status-linked motivations might be exploited.  相似文献   

《Int J Intercult Relat》1986,10(3):361-378
This report reviews the research literature on social support systems, the roles such systems can play in overseas relocation, and the implications for intercultural training. Three key roles are identified: (1) one of the primary sources of stress produced by relocation overseas is the disruption of a person's social support systems; (2) one of the primary strategies for coping with the stress of overseas assignment is the use of available social support systems; and (3) social support systems are frequently hindered in providing adequate support overseas because they, too, are often under stress. Further, three potential roles of social support systems in intercultural training are suggested: (1) such systems can serve as an important content area in training; (2) social support systems themselves can provide a context for training; (3) these systems can be a source of continuing intercultural training. A social skills training approach stressing “culture general” process skills is presented as a way of usefully providing training in the development and use of social support systems overseas. A specific training module with this focus is described.  相似文献   

Montana's constitutional commitment to the cultural heritages of American Indians exemplifies the practical application of multicultural education. In this article, the authors explore the goals and evolution of Indian Education for All within a multicultural education framework, and discuss how educators are best prepared to implement this transformative educational policy.  相似文献   

前言 梁啟超(任公,1873-1929)以善變聞名,但所謂善變,是思想表徵上的轉移,僅有觀點理論的變换或修正,而不涉及核心價值的結構形變?抑或在表徵轉移之同時,思想與人格信仰之内核價值亦有根本改變?若屬前者,則在不同階段的觀點理論轉移當中,當仍有隱潜的共同内核價值作其思想之内在指導,從而讓這些看來矛盾或紛亂的表徵轉移,呈現出深層的統一或内在發展理路.  相似文献   

唐代儒学研究长期以来遭到忽视。但唐代儒学作为汉学与宋学的过渡,儒家学术思想上的重大转向正是在这一时期酝酿发端的。笔试图通过对唐代儒学历史演变的梳理,来探讨隋唐儒学的发展特征。  相似文献   

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