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There is widespread agreement that early intervention for children with visual impairments and their families is important and beneficial. However, few con- trolled prospective studies of the effectiveness of various types of early intervention have been completed with these children. This randomized study evaluated the immediate and long-term effects of a comprehensive, weekly homebased intervention for infants and toddlers with visual impairments, compared with a low-intensity treatment through parent group meetings offered approximately 12 times per year. In annual assessments conducted for t h e years after the intervention was begun, there were negligible statistically significant or practical differences between groups based on a variety of measures of child and family functioning. In light of the cost-effectiveness analyses reported, questions are raised about the type of early intervention that should be provided to children with visual impairments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a family‐focused early intervention program developed to meet the needs of children with hearing loss and their parents. The participants were 12 children with severe and profound hearing loss who lived in a rural area of Turkey. They did not have any additional disabilities. Their ages ranged between 0 to 4 years. These children and their families had not participated in any intervention program before this research was designed. The 12 participants and their families were assigned to either an experimental or a comparison group. The data was collected before and after the implementation of the program, using three instruments; a preliminary information form for parents, a Scale of Parental Needs and an observation form to evaluate verbal communication. After the implementation of the intervention program, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and comparison groups regarding their verbal communication.  相似文献   

A national survey of 53 early childhood special education teachers in Korea was conducted to investigate their knowledge and perceptions regarding various aspects of kindergarten and preschool programs for children with disabilities. Results from the study indicated that (a) children in the age range of 3 to 7 years were the group most frequently served by early childhood special education in Korea, (b) teachers reported infrequent assessment and scarcity of curriculum resources, (c) most teachers reported using a self- or school-developed curriculum, and (d) confusion exists regarding the concept and use of the Individualised Education Program (IEP). Because of a somewhat lower than expected teacher response rate further study is needed to determine if the results of this study are representative of programs nationally. Also, evaluative steps should be taken to ensure that curricula are appropriate for the various ages and types of learners. Likewise, research is needed to identify those factors that facilitate inclusion of children with disabilities in their schools and communities with peers as early childhood special education programs expand.  相似文献   

我国视障儿童的早期教育起步较晚,受关注程度较低.近年来,随着我国经济和社会事业的快速发展,视障儿童的早期教育愈发为政府和社会各界所重视,作为专业进行视障教育的盲人学校,推进视障儿童早期教育责无旁贷.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系儿童的典型特点之一是社会性发展障碍,目前国外有许多针对孤独症谱系儿童的社会交往干预方式,近几年也出现了视觉文本干预方式的研究,因此,需要对视觉文本干预方式的有效性进行分析。通过对国外文献的查询、整理和分析,发现各研究结果均显示出视觉文本干预能够增加儿童积极的沟通行为,社会交往也能够泛化到新的同伴、新的环境以及新的刺激当中。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系儿童语言干预中的"视觉支持"策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自闭症谱系障碍儿童的语言理解和运用在很大程度上可能涉及到视觉能力的参与."视觉支持"是根据这一认知加工特点而设计的干预策略.从种类上说,视觉支持工具包括视觉流程表、信息分享栏、组织图等.这些视觉工具既能够单独使用,又能够整合到相关的教育干预方案(如图片兑换沟通系统、结构化教学、社会故事方案)之中.视觉支持策略能够有效提高自闭症谱系障碍的社会交往能力和语言能力,是一种值得提倡和推广的语言干预策略.  相似文献   

This article reviews research on intervention for young children with dual developmental and behavioural problems. It makes a case for intervention to include family variables and to occur in the preschool years. Behaviour problems are common in young children with developmental disabilities. If untreated these problems are likely to persist and become more challenging and severe in adulthood. Behaviour problems interfere with cognitive, social and emotional development, create additional family stress, often lead to exclusion from community services, and result in additional financial costs to the community. Intervention research provides some support for the effectiveness of parent management training and interventions based upon applied behaviour analysis. However, randomised controlled trials with adequate follow-up periods are required, along with the measurement of outcomes for the family as a whole.  相似文献   

研究者选取上海市6所开展自闭谱系障碍儿童早期干预工作的专业教育机构,对其中的46位教师及69位儿童家长进行调查。结果表明,自闭谱系障碍儿童从早期发现到早期评估再到接受早期干预需要经历相当长的时间,仅有27.5%的儿童在3岁前接受了早期干预;教师队伍有待优化;家长虽然对早期干预态度积极,但参与程度有限;儿童每周接受有效干预的时间偏少,干预效果有进一步提高的空间。建议尽快建立并完善自闭谱系障碍儿童早期教育支持体系,配备足量教师并推动教师专业发展,延长儿童接受有效干预的时间,鼓励家长积极参与,以提高干预效果。  相似文献   

在连锁企业物流管理体系中,配送中心是用于调节供给和需求矛盾、连接生产和消费的主要设施,在整个连锁企业物流管理运作中具有枢纽作用。科学合理的配送中心选址能为连锁企业降低物流成本,提升经济效益,更重要的是能为客户提供满意的服务,因而配送中心的选址问题在整个物流管理战略中占有非常重要的地位。可以说,配送中心的选址问题已成为目前连锁企业关注的焦点。从企业物流成本的功能层面着手,详细分析了连锁企业配送中心选址的成本构成和影响因素,并以此为依据提出连锁企业配送中心选址成本控制的应对策略。  相似文献   

As our population ages, the number of adults with visual impairments grows proportionately. This article explores this population and discusses suggestions for counselor education.  相似文献   

近年来,特殊需要儿童的融合教育在国内外越来越受到社会的关注。笔者认为,建立良好的亲子关系对于特殊需要儿童的发展非常重要,它一方面给特殊儿童提供心理安全环境,另一方面促进特殊儿童的社会性发展。因此,为特殊需要儿童及其家庭提供以构建良好亲子关系为目标的早期干预服务意义重大。亲子关系干预是特殊需要儿童早期干预中的一项重要内容。文章关注于特殊需要儿童的早期亲子关系干预,并提出了干预的原则。  相似文献   

听觉障碍儿童的家庭应对和以家庭为中心的早期干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童的听觉障碍不仅是儿童的,也是家庭的,它会影响家庭所有的成员和家庭生活的各个方面.本文本着支持儿童必须从支持家庭开始的理念,综述了西方国家近年来有关听觉障碍儿童家庭应对以及以家庭为中心早期干预的研究和研究结果,总结了家庭应对儿童听觉障碍的困难、策略,介绍了以家庭为中心早期干预的主要特点,旨在从理论上和实践上对我国听觉障碍儿童的早期干预和家庭支持提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics of ‘play’ within the conceptual framework of early education for intellectually disabled children, suggesting that early intervention programs and strategies may have transformed ‘play’ for these children into ‘work’.  相似文献   

Archival data from a private day‐school offering early intensive behavioural intervention based on the principles of applied behaviour analysis to preschoolers with autism (N = 29) were analysed longitudinally. Teacher reports on the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS) were available up to 4 times and on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales—Classroom Edition (VABS‐CE), at 2 time points. Parent reports on the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) were available at 2 time points. All assessments occurred approximately at 6‐month intervals. Children showed statistically significant progress across all skill domains on the ABLLS and on selected subscales and the composite scales of the VABS‐CE and ATEC. Gains were substantial for some children and minor for others. When divided into performance‐based groups, both higher‐performing and lower‐performing groups showed improvement over time, with greater improvement for the higher‐performing group. Nine of 16 children who had been discharged from the programme entered inclusive kindergarten or first‐grade classrooms with an aide. Seven discharged children entered special education classrooms. No child progressed to the point that special education services were not needed. Findings are discussed relevant to the extant literature on early intensive behavioural intervention outcomes among young children with autism.  相似文献   

Objective. This population-based study assessed the relationship between characteristics of early intervention programs for hearing-impaired children and academic achievement. Methodology. The study was conducted on the elementary school-age population of six regions of the province of Quebec. Of the 301 hearing-impaired children registered, 112 met the eligibility criteria and participated in the study. The characteristics of early intervention which had been assessed were: age of initial access, the intensity, target and nature of services, service setting, coordination mechanisms, communication mode and parental compliance. Results. After adjustment for child and family characteristics and the other service variables studied, higher academic achievement was found to be significantly associated with services that (a) were initiated before children reached the age of two, (b) were parent-centered rather than child-centered, and (c) emphasized auditory intervention and an oral mode of communication. The results also showed that the socioeconomic environment in which the children lived significantly influenced the effect of certain characteristics of early intervention programs. The present study identified service characteristics with regard to specialized intervention and service delivery conditions that could lead to more effective early intervention programs.  相似文献   

The educational and developmental needs of children with disabilities in general, and of children with vision impairments in particular, have been ignored until recently in the Sultanate of Oman. However, the situation of special education and rehabilitation services is changing and there is progress to report. This article presents an overview of the prevalence and patterns of vision impairment, types of services offered, and priorities for future work.  相似文献   

本研究通过比较20名5岁健听儿童与20名5岁听障儿童声调发音的声学参数,探求听障儿童声调的发音特点。研究结果表明:(1)听障儿童较容易掌握一声调,其一声的起点、终点、斜率与健听儿童无显著差异;(2)听障儿童二声调发音存在异常,其起点显著大于健听儿童,斜率显著小于健听儿童;(3)三声调对于听障儿童的发音难度相当大,35%的听障儿童用平调或降调的形式代替三声调,其他听障儿童三声调起点、终点、折点显著大于健听儿童,听障儿童的三声调斜率k升显著小于健听儿童;(4)听障儿童四声调发音存在异常,其四声调终点、斜率显著大于健听儿童。研究认为从发声层面,听障儿童之所以不能正确掌握二、三、四声调,是因为在声调的关键点不能将基频降低到合适水平。  相似文献   

Objective. This population-based study assessed the relationship between characteristics of early intervention programs for hearing-impaired children and academic achievement. Methodology. The study was conducted on the elementary school-age population of six regions of the province of Quebec. Of the 301 hearing-impaired children registered, 112 met the eligibility criteria and participated in the study. The characteristics of early intervention which had been assessed were: age of initial access, the intensity, target and nature of services, service setting, coordination mechanisms, communication mode and parental compliance. Results. After adjustment for child and family characteristics and the other service variables studied, higher academic achievement was found to be significantly associated with services that (a) were initiated before children reached the age of two, (b) were parent-centered rather than child-centered, and (c) emphasized auditory intervention and an oral mode of communication. The results also showed that the socioeconomic environment in which the children lived significantly influenced the effect of certain characteristics of early intervention programs. The present study identified service characteristics with regard to specialized intervention and service delivery conditions that could lead to more effective early intervention programs.  相似文献   

视障学生练习与考试系统的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对视障学生应用此系统的观察 ,结果表明 :1 )出错率低 ,具有很强的语音功能 ,用听觉实现了视觉障碍学生的缺陷补偿功能 ;2 )键盘操作定义快捷键 ,使操作方法方便快捷 ,能独立完成相关的练习与考试 ,有利于视障学生提高学习效率、增强学习兴趣 ;3)解决盲文与明文之间难以沟通的问题 ,使教师通过学生的练习与考试 ,及时了解学生的学习情况 ,以便及时发现和解决学生在学习过程出现的问题。实践表明 ,本系统对推进和深化教育教学改革 ,提高教育教学质量必将产生积极影响。  相似文献   

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