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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a function that transcends, but includes, making profits, creating jobs, and producing goods and services. The effectiveness with which corporations perform this function determines their contribution (or lack of contribution) to social cohesion. This article therefore presents a discussion of some of the social cohesion issues involving corporations, particularly concerns over how corporations make profits, create jobs, hire, promote, fire, treat shareholders, run their boards, and give back to the communities in which they function. Most of these functions depend on the quality of corporate governance, which in turn has implications for social cohesion. The article begins with a discussion of the concept of CSR. Then it presents an identification and discussion of some corporate behaviors that promote CSR in the following areas: governance; employment practices; and involvement in communities, environmental protection, and ethical investment. In conclusion, successful business strategy that contributes to social cohesion in society is that which fosters integrity in internal governance while promoting positive engagement in communities in which corporations operate.  相似文献   

Social cohesion, the "glue" that keeps a society together, is influenced by the various sectors or "pillars" of that society-educational institutions, social and religious institutions, business institutions, and government. In this article, the effect of the three branches of government (executive, legislative, and judicial) on social cohesion is explored. In addition, this article also explores the dyadic relationship between government and the other pillars of society. Finally, the role of national symbols, mottoes, pledges, and language on social cohesion is addressed. Examples from both "cohesive" and "balkanized" societies are explored.  相似文献   

Mastering the public school curriculum is so important to a child's occupational future that in many regions of the world “shadow” education outside of the public system has now become the norm. In one way, this is excellent news because private investment in human capital is a strong contributor to economic and social development. However, private demand is driving a separate and powerful private industry. According to the constitutional standards in many countries, education is supposed to be “free.” This suggests that, in some instances, shadow education might be unconstitutional. The United Nations Declaration on Human Rights also says that education should be free. This suggests that in some circumstances, shadow education may be contrary to the principles of human rights. The question addressed in this article is whether shadow education is wrong. This article summarizes the arguments in favor and against shadow education and ends with a series of recommendations to better manage what has become a worldwide dilemma.  相似文献   

儒家伦理精神中有许多超越时代而又价值深厚的积极因素,其中特别突出地表现在道德理想主义、道德理性主义、道德群体主义等方面。儒家伦理精神凭借着其深厚的底蕴.成为当今中国社会主义道德理想、社会主义荣辱观、集体主义原则等社会主义公德建设加以借鉴的重要资源,为传统与现代之间构建指向未来的精神文化桥梁。  相似文献   

Schools have long been recognized as key institutions affecting social cohesion. Schools foster or retard student tolerance, respect for diverse others, and sense of overarching common identity and values. They prepare citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively in a democracy. Schools themselves are an object of democratic participation. Thus, schools affect social cohesion both through their affect on students and through their conduct as societal institutions. This article reviews a variety of means by which schools can either promote or erode social cohesion.  相似文献   

《彩色的面纱》是毛姆第一部费了几年时间才完成的长篇小说。小说刻画了一系列性格鲜明的人物形象,讲述了主要人物之间错综复杂的关系。本文通过对小说中主要人物之间的伦理关系特别是两性关系的分析,阐释了毛姆对和谐的两性关系和婚姻的理解,体现出了和谐的社会婚姻伦理观。  相似文献   

Education and Social Cohesion: Recentering the Debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social capital theory has tended to treat social cohesion as a mere aggregation of individual and community-level characteristics, ignoring the long tradition of theory on social solidarity and social cohesion at the societal level. However, the key indicators of social capital-associational membership and social trust-do not covary cross-nationally, and societies rich in community-level social capital are not always cohesive societies. Social capital and societal cohesion are not necessarily the same thing, and education may have different effects on each. This article seeks to put the analysis of education and societal cohesion back in the center of the picture. We do this first through a critical review of some of the existing literature on education and social capital, which points to the limitations of individual-level analysis of what are fundamentally societal issues. Second, we outline some alternative models for understanding how education influences social cohesion in different societies, drawing on an analysis of some of the aggregated cross-national data on skills, income distribution, and various indicators of social cohesion. The argument suggests some causal mechanisms for the social impacts of education that are quite different from those that normally underpin arguments about human and social capital.  相似文献   

This article compares the evidence from the 2009 PISA survey on the distribution of skills amongst 15-year-olds in different regions and country groups and explores how education systems in these regions contribute to different levels of inequality. In the second part, it presents evidence from surveys on adult skills and attitudes on how skills inequality affects social attitudes and social cohesion.  相似文献   

传统社会伦理与家庭伦理具有同构性。在社会转型之际,社会伦理应再造,家庭伦理也应重新定位,它们各有自己的特质。  相似文献   

未成年人的思想道德建设是关系广大青少年健康成长,关系亿万家庭切身利益,关系国家前途和民族命运的重大议题。要形成政府、社会、学校、家庭的巨大合力,才能不断推进未成年人思想道德建设进程。本文分析了我国未成年人思想道德存在的主要问题,探讨了未成年人不良思想道德形成的现实原因,并提出解决问题的长效机制,以构建未成年人思想道德建设合力的体系框架。  相似文献   

中国特殊的社会转型背景为研究社会资本与健康获得的关系提供了很好的社会场景,尤其是迁移过程中社会资本发生巨大转变的流动人口,以他们为对象研究这一影响机制显得更有价值和意义。本文应用2012年武汉市流动人口的抽样调查数据,采用验证性因素分析和结构方程模型分析了社会资本影响健康获得的作用机制。研究发现社会资本是通过积极作用于社会融合,从而提升了流动人口的健康获得水平,社会融合在社会资本对健康获得的影响机制中发挥着完全中介效应,社会融合对生理健康和心理健康的影响效应是一致性的。此外,本文还对个体社会资本量表和SF-36量表在流动人口中的信度和效度进行了验证分析,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

"经济——伦理"良性互动是现代社会发展的趋势,社会主义和谐社会的构建迫切需要经济伦理的支撑。社会主义市场经济伦理问题、利益关系协调伦理问题是构建社会主义和谐社会迫切需要妥善处理的突出经济伦理问题。  相似文献   

经济结构与社会伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会关系层面上看,经济与道德直接表现为经济结构与社会伦理关系。具有伦理意义的经济规则,对社会伦理规范产生重要影响。在经济体制中处于最活跃的经济政策,对社会伦理建设起着价值导向作用。在社会转型时期,社会伦理建设基点更需要落实在社会经济结构的不同层面上,市场经济的建设才会有利于社会道德的发展,也为社会道德建设开辟了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

在未来的社会发展中,环境伦理道德在社会经济发展中处于极为重要的位置;经济发展只有与自然环境相协调,人类社会才能走向可持续发展的道路;在实施经济发展战略过程中,既需要政策、法律的作用,也需要文化与伦理的作用;当代社会尤其呼唤环境伦理道德建设。  相似文献   

环境伦理在可持续发展中具有重要的作用,主要有调节和规范功能、对人类环境保护实践有指导功能,认识和批判功能、教育和激励功能,对环境立法具有基础作用。  相似文献   

习俗是人们在长期生活中形成的、为其成员无意识接受的共同生活规范。随着大工业和现代文明的发展,传统习俗与社会公德的冲突日趋增多,主要表现为伦理行为与习俗行为的冲突、"人情味"与"公德心"的冲突以及家族观念与公共精神的冲突。旧的生活习俗向现代社会的延伸,阻碍了社会公德的成熟,影响到和谐公共生活的构建。以创造新习俗克服旧习俗、提升公共意识和道德自觉,是有效克服习俗与公德的冲突,提升社会公德调控效果的主要途径。  相似文献   

企业应承担相应的社会责任,这已经形成了社会共识,但在财务管理教学内容中却很少涉及.文章提出应将社会责任理念应用于财务管理教学之中,重点在财务管理目标、筹资管理、投资管理、利润分配管理等教学内容中注入社会责任思想.  相似文献   

立足社会网络理论,结合班级个体交往过程中的情感“输入”与“输出”的支持关系,利用各种中心度和中心势测度指数,以X大学Y班级为例,分别从点度中心性、中间中心性两个方面对该团体的情感支持网络进行了相关分析,最后提出了提高团体凝聚力的一些启示和反思。  相似文献   

佛教伦理道德是中国传统伦理道德的重要组成部分,是当前社会道德建设的重要资源。文章以西双版纳傣族为例,从南传佛教伦理对傣族传统社会公德的影响入手,研究现代南传佛教伦理与傣族社会公德建设问题。分析在现代化过程中南传佛教伦理与社会公德建设的衔接点和矛盾点,引导南传佛教伦理做适当的社会调整,使其与社会主义公德建设相适应。  相似文献   

网络游戏涉及的伦理道德问题,不仅影响网络游戏产业的进一步成长,同时对社会和众多个体产生负面影响。为解决这些伦理问题,仅仅依靠网络游戏产业的努力远远不够,需要社会各方的支持。  相似文献   

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