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Conventional null hypothesis testing (NHT) is a very important tool if the ultimate goal is to find a difference or to reject a model. However, the purpose of structural equation modeling (SEM) is to identify a model and use it to account for the relationship among substantive variables. With the setup of NHT, a nonsignificant test statistic does not necessarily imply that the model is correctly specified or the size of misspecification is properly controlled. To overcome this problem, this article proposes to replace NHT by equivalence testing, the goal of which is to endorse a model under a null hypothesis rather than to reject it. Differences and similarities between equivalence testing and NHT are discussed, and new “T-size” terminology is introduced to convey the goodness of the current model under equivalence testing. Adjusted cutoff values of root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) and comparative fit index (CFI) corresponding to those conventionally used in the literature are obtained to facilitate the understanding of T-size RMSEA and CFI. The single most notable property of equivalence testing is that it allows a researcher to confidently claim that the size of misspecification in the current model is below the T-size RMSEA or CFI, which gives SEM a desirable property to be a scientific methodology. R code for conducting equivalence testing is provided in an appendix.  相似文献   

A didactic collection of multivariate covariance and mean structure hypotheses is presented, which can be tested using structural equation modeling. The hypotheses reflect specific structures of the manifest covariance matrix or means, which are often of interest in social, behavioral, or educational research or represent assumptions of widely applied multivariate analysis methods. This large-sample method (a) is generally applicable with normal and nonnormal data (particularly with very large samples in the latter case), (b) can be considered complementing corresponding likelihood ratio tests in the nonnormality case with very large samples, and (c) is straightforwardly implemented in widely circulated structural modeling programs such as LISREL, EQS, AMOS, RAMONA, and SEPATH. The approach is illustrated using data from a two-group cognitive intervention study.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework that allows nonnormal skewed distributions for the continuous observed and latent variables. This framework is based on the multivariate restricted skew t distribution. We demonstrate the advantages of skewed SEM over standard SEM modeling and challenge the notion that structural equation models should be based only on sample means and covariances. The skewed continuous distributions are also very useful in finite mixture modeling as they prevent the formation of spurious classes formed purely to compensate for deviations in the distributions from the standard bell curve distribution. This framework is implemented in Mplus Version 7.2.  相似文献   

In structural equation models, outliers could result in inaccurate parameter estimates and misleading fit statistics when using traditional methods. To robustly estimate structural equation models, iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS; Yuan & Bentler, 2000) has been proposed, but not thoroughly examined. We explore the large-sample properties of IRLS and its effect on parameter recovery, model fit, and aberrant data identification. A parametric bootstrap technique is proposed to determine the tuning parameters of IRLS, which results in improved Type I error rates in aberrant data identification, for data sets generated from homogenous populations. Scenarios concerning (a) simulated data, (b) contaminated data, and (c) a real data set are studied. Results indicate good parameter recovery, model fit, and aberrant data identification when noisy observations are drawn from a real data set, but lackluster parameter recovery and identification of aberrant data when the noise is parametrically structured. Practical implications and further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Nonrecursive structural equation models generally take the form of feedback loops, involving 2 latent variables that are connected by 2 unidirectional paths, 1 starting with each variable and terminating in the other variable. Nonrecursive models belong to a larger class of path models that require the use of instrumental variables (IVs) to achieve model identification. Prior research has focused on SEM parameter estimation with IVs when indicators were continuous and normally distributed. Much less is known about how estimators function in the presence of categorical indicators, which are commonly used in the social sciences, such as with cognitive and affective instruments. In this study, there was specific interest in comparing the 2-stage least squares (2SLS) estimator and its categorical variant to other recommended estimators. This study compares the performance of several estimation approaches for fitting structural equation models with categorical indicator variables when IVs are necessary to obtain proper model estimates. Across conditions, 1 extension of the nonlinear 2SLS (N2SLS) approach, the nonlinear 3-stage least squares (N3SLS), which accounts for correlated errors among regressors within each model (as does the N2SLS), as well as correlations of errors across models, which N2SLS does not, appears to work the best among methods compared.  相似文献   

Researchers often have expectations that can be expressed in the form of inequality constraints among the parameters of a structural equation model. It is currently not possible to test these so-called informative hypotheses in structural equation modeling software. We offer a solution to this problem using Mplus. The hypotheses are evaluated using plug-in p values with a calibrated alpha level. The method is introduced and its utility is illustrated by means of an example.  相似文献   

As useful multivariate techniques, structural equation models have attracted significant attention from various fields. Most existing statistical methods and software for analyzing structural equation models have been developed based on the assumption that the response variables are normally distributed. Several recently developed methods can partially address violations of this assumption, but still encounter difficulties in analyzing highly nonnormal data. Moreover, the presence of missing data is a practical issue in substantive research. Simply ignoring missing data or improperly treating nonignorable missingness as ignorable could seriously distort statistical influence results. The main objective of this article is to develop a Bayesian approach for analyzing transformation structural equation models with highly nonnormal and missing data. Different types of missingness are discussed and selected via the deviance information criterion. The empirical performance of our method is examined via simulation studies. Application to a study concerning people’s job satisfaction, home life, and work attitude is presented.  相似文献   

Confidence intervals (CIs) for parameters are usually constructed based on the estimated standard errors. These are known as Wald CIs. This article argues that likelihood-based CIs (CIs based on likelihood ratio statistics) are often preferred to Wald CIs. It shows how the likelihood-based CIs and the Wald CIs for many statistics and psychometric indexes can be constructed with the use of phantom variables (Rindskopf, 1984 Rindskopf, D. 1984. Using phantom and imaginary latent variables to parameterize constraints in linear structural models. Psychometrika, 49: 3747. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in some of the current structural equation modeling (SEM) packages. The procedures to form CIs for the differences in correlation coefficients, squared multiple correlations, indirect effects, coefficient alphas, and reliability estimates are illustrated. A simulation study on the Pearson correlation is used to demonstrate the advantages of the likelihood-based CI over the Wald CI. Issues arising from this SEM approach and extensions of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, analysis of structural equation models with polytomous and continuous variables has received a lot of attention. However, contributions to the selection of good models are limited. The main objective of this article is to investigate the maximum likelihood estimation of unknown parameters in a general LISREL-type model with mixed polytomous and continuous data and propose a model selection procedure for obtaining good models for the underlying substantive theory. The maximum likelihood estimate is obtained by a Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization algorithm, in which the E step is evaluated via the Gibbs sampler and the M step is completed via the method of conditional maximization. The convergence of the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization algorithm is monitored by the bridge sampling. A model selection procedure based on Bayes factor and Occam's window search strategy is proposed. The effectiveness of the procedure in accounting for the model uncertainty and in picking good models is discussed. The proposed methodology is illustrated with a real example.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling is a common multivariate technique for the assessment of the interrelationships among latent variables. Structural equation models have been extensively applied to behavioral, medical, and social sciences. Basic structural equation models consist of a measurement equation for characterizing latent variables through multiple observed variables and a mean regression-type structural equation for investigating how explanatory latent variables influence outcomes of interest. However, the conventional structural equation does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between latent variables. In this article, we introduce the quantile regression method into structural equation models to assess the conditional quantile of the outcome latent variable given the explanatory latent variables and covariates. The estimation is conducted in a Bayesian framework with Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. The posterior inference is performed with the help of asymmetric Laplace distribution. A simulation shows that the proposed method performs satisfactorily. An application to a study of chronic kidney disease is presented.  相似文献   

Multivariate heterogenous data with latent variables are common in many fields such as biological, medical, behavioral, and social-psychological sciences. Mixture structural equation models are multivariate techniques used to examine heterogeneous interrelationships among latent variables. In the analysis of mixture models, determination of the number of mixture components is always an important and challenging issue. This article aims to develop a full Bayesian approach with the use of reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method to analyze mixture structural equation models with an unknown number of components. The proposed procedure can simultaneously and efficiently select the number of mixture components and conduct parameter estimation. Simulation studies show the satisfactory empirical performance of the method. The proposed method is applied to study risk factors of osteoporotic fractures in older people.  相似文献   

Multivariate meta-analysis has become increasingly popular in the educational, social, and medical sciences. It is because the outcome measures in a meta-analysis can involve more than one effect size. This article proposes 2 mathematically equivalent models to implement multivariate meta-analysis in structural equation modeling (SEM). Specifically, this article shows how multivariate fixed-, random- and mixed-effects meta-analyses can be formulated as structural equation models. metaSEM (a free R package based on OpenMx) and Mplus are used to implement the proposed procedures. A real data set is used to illustrate the procedures. Formulating multivariate meta-analysis as structural equation models provides many new research opportunities for methodological development in both meta-analysis and SEM. Issues related to and extensions on the SEM-based meta-analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses replication sampling variance estimation techniques that are often applied in analyses using data from complex sampling designs: jackknife repeated replication, balanced repeated replication, and bootstrapping. These techniques are used with traditional analyses such as regression, but are currently not used with structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses. This article provides an extension of these methods to SEM analyses, including a proposed adjustment to the likelihood ratio test, and presents the results from a simulation study suggesting replication estimates are robust. Finally, a demonstration of the application of these methods using data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study is included. Secondary analysts can undertake these more robust methods of sampling variance estimation if they have access to certain SEM software packages and data management packages such as SAS, as shown in the article.  相似文献   

Structural equation models are widely appreciated in behavioral, social, and psychological research to model relations between latent constructs and manifest variables, and to control for measurement errors. Most applications of structural equation models are based on fully observed data that are independently distributed. However, hierarchical data with a correlated structure are common in behavioral research, and very often, missing data are encountered. In this article, we propose a 2-level structural equation model for analyzing hierarchical data with missing entries, and describe a Bayesian approach for estimation and model comparison. We show how to use WinBUGS software to get the solution conveniently. The proposed methodologies are illustrated through a simulation study, and a real application in relation to organizational and management research concerning the study of the interrelationships of the latent constructs about job satisfaction, job responsibility, and life satisfaction for citizens in 43 countries.  相似文献   

Mixed-dyadic data, collected from distinguishable (nonexchangeable) or indistinguishable (exchangeable) dyads, require statistical analysis techniques that model the variation within dyads and between dyads appropriately. The purpose of this article is to provide a tutorial for performing structural equation modeling analyses of cross-sectional and longitudinal models for mixed independent variable dyadic data, and to clarify questions regarding various dyadic data analysis specifications that have not been addressed elsewhere. Artificially generated data similar to the Newlywed Project and the Swedish Adoption Twin Study on Aging were used to illustrate analysis models for distinguishable and indistinguishable dyads, respectively. Due to their widespread use among applied researchers, the AMOS and Mplus statistical analysis software packages were used to analyze the dyadic data structural equation models illustrated here. These analysis models are presented in sufficient detail to allow researchers to perform these analyses using their preferred statistical analysis software package.  相似文献   

In models containing reciprocal effects, or longer causal loops, the usual effect estimates assume that any effect touching a loop initiates an infinite cycling of effects around that loop. The real world, in contrast, might permit only finite feedback cycles. I use a simple hypothetical model to demonstrate that if the world permits only a few effect cycles, many coefficient estimates are substantially biased. If the world permits additional partial-cycle use in addition to full cyclings around the causal loop, some of the effect estimates are proper, and a full set of proper effect estimates can be recovered by hand calculations involving the model total effects. If the world permits no additional partial-cycle use, it might not be possible to recover proper estimates from the usual output.

It is not the equations representing the causal model, but rather the calculations of the covariance implications of the model, that change with limited cycling possibilities. Unfortunately, the features required to permit direct estimation of limited-cycle effects are not under user control in common structural equation programs, so estimation and detailed investigation of models with finite cycling of effects around feedback loops awaits new programming. To obtain unbiased estimates with limited causal cyclings, the researcher must continue to strive to specify the proper effect locations but must also attend to the number of full and partial causal cyclings permitted by the world. Determining the appropriate number of cycles is not a matter to be delegated to a statistician; it is something the researcher must attend to as a matter of substantive theory, methodology, and model interpretation.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis is the statistical analysis of a collection of analysis results from individual studies, conducted for the purpose of integrating the findings. Structural equation modeling (SEM), on the other hand, is a multivariate technique for testing hypothetical models with latent and observed variables. This article shows that fixed-effects meta-analyses with the following characteristics can be modeled in the SEM framework: (a) using any type of effect size; (b) including categorical and continuous moderators; and (c) including multivariate effect sizes. Empirical examples in LISREL syntax are used to demonstrate the equivalence between the meta-analytic and SEM approaches. Future directions for and extensions to this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) has a long history of representing models graphically as path diagrams. This article presents the freely available semPlot package for R, which fills the gap between advanced, but time-consuming, graphical software and the limited graphics produced automatically by SEM software. In addition, semPlot offers more functionality than drawing path diagrams: It can act as a common ground for importing SEM results into R. Any result usable as input to semPlot can also be represented in any of the 3 popular SEM frameworks, as well as translated to input syntax for the R packages sem (Fox, Nie, & Byrnes, 2013) and lavaan (Rosseel, 2012). Special considerations are made in the package for the automatic placement of variables, using 3 novel algorithms that extend the earlier work of Boker, McArdle, and Neale (2002). The article concludes with detailed instructions on these node-placement algorithms.  相似文献   

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