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The purpose of the current study was to examine children's reasoning about mixed-domain events containing both conventional and moral Components (i.e., violating a conventional rule and negatively affecting others). The participants were preschoolers, first graders, and third graders (N = 100). Children evaluated (a) the legitimacy of an authority to permit mixed-domain acts to occur, and (b) the acceptability of the mixed-domain events when permitted and prohibited by an authority. In addition, children rated the seriousness of mixed-domain rule violations. Results showed that children with increasing age were able to identify the moral components of the mixed-domain events and combined moral and conventional issues in their reasoning about the events. Preschoolers and first graders were more likely than third graders to view the mixed-domain acts as only conventional.  相似文献   

学分制教育管理模式的实施。体现了因材施教的现代教育理念,为学生的个性发展、创新人才的培养提供了制度上的保证。对高校传统的德育教育模式提出了新的挑战,同时也将促进高校传统的德育教育模式的变革。这就要求高校德育工作者的管理理念由“警察型”向“服务型”转变,德育教育模式由“单一灌输型”向“统分结合、共性与个性结合”的模式转变,全面改革传统的高校德育体系和素质量化评价体系,注重对学生实践能力的培养,创建新型的德育管理体制和动态开放全面的德育评价体系,实现德育手段的现代化。  相似文献   

以"仁、义、礼、智、信"为核心价值的传统道德体系是中国人做人做事的价值之维和"头顶星空"。在当代中国社会实际中出现的一系列道德失范、伦理失序的人和事,从文化本源归因上说是传统道德价值观社会影响力消退和衰落。寻求道德失范拯救之道,在于倡导全社会兴起传统文化复兴运动,把"五常"的核心价值体系纳入现代教育中,回归传统道德价值体系权威,发挥法治和舆情法则的力量,重塑传统道德社会影响力。  相似文献   

Family Interactions and the Development of Moral Reasoning   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The study examined parents' role in their children's moral reasoning development. Parents' level of moral reasoning and interaction styles used in discussion of moral issues with their child were used to predict the child's moral development over a subsequent 2-year interval. Participants were 63 family triads (mother, father, and child) with children drawn from grades 1, 4, 7, and 10. They individually responded to a moral reasoning interview and then, as a family, discussed both a hypothetical and real-life moral dilemma. Children were reinterviewed 2 years later. Results indicated that parents did accommodate to their child's level of moral reasoning when in actual dialogue. Distinct differences in interaction styles were found between the 2 contexts (hypothetical vs. real-life dilemma discussion) and between parents and children. Children's moral development was best predicted by a parental discussion style that involved Socratic questioning and supportive interactions, combined with the presentation of higher-level moral reasoning. Implications of these findings for the understanding of parents' role in children's moral development are discussed.  相似文献   

社会道德事件犹如一把启迪与冲击并存的双刃剑,对当代大学生的思想道德观念产生着积极与消极的影响。研究社会道德事件,对于做好大学生思想政治教育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

保持少数民族地区农村社会稳定是建设社会主义和谐新农村的重要组成部分,文章试图从保护生态环境、加强少数民族地区法制建设、搞好民族工作、做好宗教管理工作等几个方面来探讨保持贵州少数民族地区农村社会稳定的有效途径.  相似文献   

The Development of Abstract Reasoning about the Physical and Social World   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study investigated 3 questions: (1) Can neo-Piagetian theory predict the developmental sequence through which adolescents progress, in using an abstract form of mathematical analysis to understand the operation of a physical apparatus (the balance beam)? (2) Can the same theory be used to predict the sequence through which they pass in using an abstract form of social analysis, to understand the behavior of a story character? (3) If so, does progress through each sequence take place at the same rate? 80 subjects, aged 9–19 years, were tested. Most were found to be functioning at the level predicted by the theory on each task. A substantial minority, however, were more advanced on 1 task than the other. These results, in conjunction with those from other studies, are interpreted as indicating that abstract thought develops in a fashion that includes both general and specific components.  相似文献   

道德内化与道德教化——论大学生道德品质的形成与培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德内化和道德教化作为道德教育的两种方式之间存在一定的张力;大学生自身的特点及对道德需要,社会道德和个体道德之间的紧张关系对大学生的道德品质的形成和培养提出了更高的要求;有效整合道德教化和道德内化,将有助于大学生形成良好的道德品质。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to determine the effects of deep approaches to learning on the moral reasoning development of 1,457 first-year students across 19 institutions. Results showed a modest positive relationship between our measures of deep approaches to learning and moral reasoning at the end of the first year of college even after controlling for precollege moral reasoning. After accounting for a host of demographic and relevant student characteristics and for the natural clustering of students, we found that the integrative learning subscale, which captures students’ participation in activities designed to integrate information from varied sources and diverse perspectives, positively affected moral reasoning among first-year students. Implications for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

从认识论角度而言,道德推理属于认知阶段的高级形式。传统的认知理论认为情绪是道德思考的阻碍物,近年来研究表明情绪对道德推理有重要的推动作用。本文从自我意识情绪、移情以及情绪和认知三个方面探讨情绪和道德推理的关系,及其对道德教育的启示。  相似文献   

举办体育赛事对黄山城市发展在经济方面和社会进步方面都带来了积极的影响,政府应将举办体育赛事的消极影响最小化,全面提升黄山城市的综合竞争力,从而更好的推动黄山市早日成为现代化的国际旅游城市。  相似文献   

教师专业发展与教师的道德影响力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教师专业发展与教师的道德影响力密切相关。从学科教学活动看,教师需要形成专业知识、教学能力与人格之间内在的平衡性、融合性和作用方向上的一致性,才能对学生的道德产生和谐的、丰满的、持久的影响。从师生关系看,教师在人格方面的民主性特征与道德影响力有重要的相关。要实现教师的道德影响力,学校管理必须转向以教育生态和谐为目标和基点的道德模式:加强对教育价值观的引导;将学校看作是成人(教师)与学生复杂交织在一起、共同成长的团体;鼓励和提供条件促使教师通过扩大个人阅读、参与教改与反思性研究、拓展人际交往以及自我修养;对教师工作的评价需要从外显性的评价走向更加重视和逐步实现内质性的评价。  相似文献   

文章在提出现代健全社会的基本伦理价值系统的基础上考察道德推理的基本特征,它的事实条件和价值条件以及它的组成、结构与层次;进而指出道德多元论是可以用公理方法来进行表述的,这个道德公理方法的特征就在于它的公理体系必须包含协调公理和采用情景推理来解决价值原则之间的冲突问题。本文还依据维特根斯坦的反本质主义认识论创立DrN推理模型。  相似文献   

孤独症儿童对道德和习俗规则的判断   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在Blair(1996)研究范式的基础上,增加了权威去道德化和泛习俗化两组问题,考察孤独症和正常儿童对道德和习俗规则的判断及其与他们心理理论的关系。结果发现,孤独症儿童错误信念理解成绩低于接受性言语匹配的正常儿童,两组儿童在道德判断上表现不同,而在习俗判断上的表现没有差异。结果提示,道德判断需要心理理解能力,而习俗判断则与训练和社会化有关。  相似文献   

哈佛道德推理课程对我国高校道德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
哈佛道德推理课程是哈佛大学本科核心课程七大部分之一,道德推理课程帮助学生接受较高的道德标准,以经典阅读和探究性学习为主,注重对学生思辨能力的培养和西方伦理道德观念的建构,使学生具备作出合理的道德和政治选择能力.哈佛道德推理课程在教育理念、教学方式和课程建构方面的科学性,对我国高校道德教育的改革和创新有很好的启示.  相似文献   


Non-indoctrinational moral education involves teaching children to engage in ethical inquiry. This means that, since ethical inquiry has the status of a craft, the students will be apprentices in that craft. The classroom becomes, for this purpose, a community of ethical inquiry — an ethical atelier where students learn the tools, methods, practices and procedures which craftsmen associated with that tradition customarily utilize. It is only when one is adept at the generic procedures of reasoning that one can be adept at specifically moral reasoning, but to make the transition possible, the generic procedures should be taught within the humanistic and critical context of philosophy, and within the setting of a community of ethical inquiry.  相似文献   

对科学的迷信与崇拜在思想领域也有明显的反映,如实证主义和逻辑实证主义。科学主义对现代教育与现代德育的影响首先在于对其人性论的改造,使人性“缩水”为理性和知性;其次是科技教育在学校教育中支配地位的获得;最后也是最深刻的影响在于现代教育深层的教育价值取向的知性化。几个方面影响的综合,就是现代教育、尤其是现代德育的知性化。  相似文献   

论个体价值取向发展与其道德权威影响源的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
青少年的价值取向呈现出发展性的特点 ,随着年龄的增大 ,表现为对“接受权威”价值取向的评价在逐步下降 ,而对“个人发展”和“需要表达”价值取向的评价却在提高。价值取向发展变化的动因与个体在不同年龄阶段所认同的道德权威影响源有直接的关系 ,价值取向发展的机制实际上就是道德权威影响源在个体不同发展阶段产生的影响  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to illustrate the use of propensity scores for creating comparison groups, partially controlling for pretreatment course selection bias, and estimating the treatment effects of selected courses on the development of moral reasoning in undergraduate students. Specifically, we used a sample of convenience for comparing differences in moral reasoning development scores among students enrolled in intergroup dialogue, service learning, psychology and philosophy courses with those of an introductory sociology course. Adopting a propensity score approach included reviewing the empirical literature for its guidance in substantiating the reasons for including pretreatment variables (i.e., pretreatment course-taking behaviors, race, sex, political identification, need for cognition, major, age, pretreatment moral reasoning scores) in our analysis, measuring these variables, and reducing them into a single composite propensity score for each student in our analytic sample. This score then served as the basis for creating a new comparison group and for allowing us to estimate unbiased (or less biased) course-related treatment effects on moral reasoning development. Implications for higher education researchers are discussed.
Matthew J. Mayhew (Corresponding author)Email:

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