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This study describes the development and implementation of a comprehensive approach to computer technology training for early childhood teachers. Departing from the singular goal of conveying skills and knowledge, a comprehensive program targets the development of teachers' attitudes and practices as well as knowledge and skills. All 3 areas are regarded as equally important for the development of teacher technology proficiency. Evaluation of the program documented its effectiveness. Compared to nonparticipants, teachers in the training program had significantly higher scores in all 3 goal areas: attitudes, knowledge and skills, and practices. Results of the study indicate that a comprehensive approach is an effective means of training teachers in computer technology. Implications of the study are discussed with regard to the strategy of developing the “whole teacher” and emergence of the domain of educational technology.  相似文献   

This article develops a comprehensive approach to human relations training (HRT) for teachers based on knowledge of student diversity and application of communication skills. The author treats HRT as more than just training in communication skills and develops a model that integrates the two major components of HRT. He also develops specific goals, skills, and attitudes capable of being fitted into a teaching paradigm.  相似文献   

美国加州大学9所分校2005年起共同实施的培养本科层次优秀教师的教师教育项目CalTeach已经取得了显著的效果,产生了广泛的影响。它在培养方式上讲求差异化发展、全方位指导,在课程设置上全面融合学科知识、教学知识与教学实践,在教师构成上强调多方合作、U-S合力,在保障机制上注重资源供给、岗位介绍与经费支持。该项目对中国目前探索综合性大学教师培养举措的启示是:帮助并支持优秀人才乐教、善教、持续教;制定并实施个性化的、有效率的培养方案;在充分夯实学科知识的同时提升教学技能;交互理论与实践,贯通学习、实习与研究;凝聚多方力量并构建多种共同体以作支撑。  相似文献   

美国学前教育师资培养的方式、特点及其启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在学前教育受到政府高度重视的背景下,美国学前教育教师培养已形成一个起点高、体制完备、操作性强的有机体系,重视职前培养、新教师入职培训与在职教师专业发展培训的一体化,具有以下突出特点:政府立法确保学前教育师资培训的实施,并给予资金保障;采用专业权威团体研发的标准化评估体系保证学前教育师资培训质量;将教师培训与教师资格认证制度相结合,促使幼儿教师不断追求卓越与优秀;职前培训、入职培训与在职培训的密切联系规划了幼儿教师的专业成长生涯.在实际实施中,美国学前教育师资培养体系也存在一些不足,如评价标准与资格认证制度的推行存在一定难度;所采用的标准化评估体系也并非完美无缺;专业发展培训的实效不是很令人满意.立足我国国情,我们还是可以从美国学前教育师资培养中学到以下宝贵经验:应尽快制定我国幼儿教师教育标准,设立以实践为目标,以教学为核心的评价体系和考核制度,提高幼教师资整体质量,促进幼儿教育职业的专业化;加强师范院校与幼教机构的联系,实现教育理论与实践的融合,确保学前教师的专业质量;大力培养高级幼儿教育导师,建立健全覆盖所有在职幼儿教师的专业发展培训体系.  相似文献   

Despite the promise of technology in education, many practicing teachers are faced with multiple challenges of effectively integrating technology into their classroom instruction. Additionally, teachers who are successful incorporating educational technology into their instruction recognize that although technology tools have the potential to help children, they are not ends in themselves. This article describes a Summer Institute project that the authors facilitated in a medium sized midwest public university. The summer workshop afforded participating early childhood education teachers exciting opportunities to interact with various instructional tools and technology applications. Further, the practicing teachers explored various strategies to integrate specific technology tools into their lessons in a manner consistent with constructivist pedagogy. This article is intended to stimulate reflections on the need to adopt a suitable technology integration professional development model in early childhood education classrooms to support young learners.  相似文献   

农村幼儿教育是幼儿教育事业的重要组成部分,也是幼儿教育工作的薄弱环节。解决这一薄弱环节的关键在教师。本文从农村幼儿教师继续教育的现状入手,分析了短期培训必要性,梳理了短期培训的几种模式,提出对农村幼儿教师进行短期培训的基本原则。  相似文献   


This study explored similarities and differences in how early childhood education (ECE) teachers (n?=?947) and early childhood special education (ECSE) teachers (n?=?160) provided remote learning to young children and their families following COVID-19 shelter in place orders in the spring of 2020. The most utilized remote learning activities for both ECE and ECSE teachers were the provision of activities for families to use at home, communication with families, online lessons, and singing songs and reading books. Both types of professionals spent more time planning and communicating with families than providing instruction to children. Results of chi-square tests of independence revealed differences in activities provided, how time was spent, and training received by professional role. Open-ended responses revealed particular challenges for ECE and ECSE teachers. Findings are discussed in the context of how the early childhood field adapted quickly to remote learning during COVID-19 and the implications for ongoing technology support for early childhood personnel based on their professional role.


There is, in Greece, an ongoing attempt to breach the boundaries established between the different teaching-learning subjects of compulsory education. In this context, we are interested in exploring to what degree the teaching and learning of ideas from the sciences’ “internal life” (Hacking, in: Pickering (ed) Science as practice and culture, 1992) benefits from creatively coming into contact with theatrical education as part of the corresponding curriculum subject. To this end, 57 students of the Early Childhood Education Department of the University of Athens were called to study extracts from Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, Ptolemaic and Copernican, to focus on a subject that the Dialogue’s “interlocutors” forcefully disagree about and to theatrically represent (using shadow theatre techniques) what they considered as being the central idea of this clash of opinions. The results indicate that this attempt leads to a satisfactory understanding of ideas relating to the content and methodology of the natural sciences. At the same time, theatrical education avails itself of the representation of scientific ideas and avoids the clichés and hackneyed techniques that the (often) simplistic choices available in the educational context of early childhood education tend towards. The basic reasons for both facets of this success are: (a) Genuine scientific texts force the students to approach them with seriousness, and all the more so if these recount the manner in which scientific ideas are produced and are embedded in the historical and social context of the age that created them; (b) The theatrical framework, which essentially guides the students’ activities, allows (if not obliges) them to approach scientific issues creatively; in other words, it allows them to create something related to science and recognize it as theirs; and, (c) Both the narrative texts describing processes of “science making” (Bruner, J Sci Educ Technol 1:5–12, 1992) and theatrical expression constitute fields that are characterized by what, for the students, is a common and understandable manner of expression: the narrative.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to better understand the learning opportunities within a university writing methods course centering on a unit of study experience. Specifically, we wanted to investigate what early childhood education preservice teachers (PSTs) learn about poetry and the writing process when engaged in a poetry unit of study. Our findings revealed that a unit of study format: (a) served as a vehicle to deconstruct and develop new genre awareness; (b) helped PSTs live process aspects of writing instruction; and (c) supported PSTs in developing genre-specific knowledge through the use of mentor texts.  相似文献   

音乐教学能力作为幼儿教师必备的一项技能,需要幼儿教师入职前就能熟练掌握,然而通过对兰州市部分幼儿园园长的访谈和180名学前专业学生的现状调查发现,刚入职的幼儿教师钢琴弹奏水平一般,不能自如的给幼儿歌曲编配伴奏,即兴弹唱儿歌的技能较差,组织幼儿园音乐活动的能力欠缺.针对职前幼儿教师音乐技能的现状,分析存在的问题及原因,为...  相似文献   

秦平 《哈尔滨学院学报》2004,25(12):117-120
教师专业化是现代教育发展的必然趋势,随着我国教育事业的改革与发展,尤其是基础教育新课程的全面实施和推广,对教师的素质提出了更新更高的要求。文章探讨了适应教师专业化的要求,教师应具备新的素质。教师的素质直接关系到我国基础教育的质量.关系到教师专业化发展的进程.因此,应该加快师范教育改革的步伐,完善实现教师专业化素质培养的途径,推动教师教育专业化的发展。  相似文献   

作为中小学信息技术课程的教师,不仅肩负着信息技术教学的重任,还起着推进教育信息化进程的重要作用。因此,中小学信息技术教师的培养任务也就比以往任何一个时刻都更加紧迫。本文以绩效技术和教学系统设计的相关理论为指导,分析了中小学信息技术教师应具备的信息素养和知识结构,并结合实际对培养合格的信息技术教师提出了建议和培养思路。  相似文献   

综合实践活动的师资培养探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国从2004年正式开始,从小学三年级到高中三年级实施综合实践活动课程。师范院校应该抓紧培养合格的师资。应该使师范生具有正确的课程理念、广博的知识结构,掌握科学的教学方法,具有课程管理能力,以确保综合实践活动收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe the collaborative efforts between an Early Childhood Teacher Education Program and a Child Disability Health Care Program to incorporate a transdisciplinary model in the preparation of early childhood teachers in inclusive practice. Recent studies suggest essential components of teacher preparation in early childhood inclusion include: helping students construct a positive image of inclusive practice, incorporating a family-centered approach, and collaborating and relationship building across disciplines (Campbell et al. 2003; Pretti-Frontczak et al. 2002 and Able-Boone et al. 2002). In this paper, we describe the collaboration between the University of Michigan-Dearborn Early Childhood Teacher Education Program and Oakwood Health Care Center for Exceptional Families to co-teach and mentor early childhood pre-service teachers as they create a family-centered event for children with disabilities and their typically developing peers in a natural environment. Researchers analyze student reflection papers about the family-centered event for evidence of new learning about child disability and inclusive practice. The reflections demonstrate the power of the students’ active role in creating and implementing family-centered activities in a collaborative context. Other key reflective components include rewards and challenges in creating inclusive contexts, integral role of families in supporting child relationships in natural settings, and collaboration and teaming.  相似文献   

Examining the Reggio Emilia Approach to Early Childhood Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reggio Emilia, a prosperous region in Northern Italy, is the site of one of the most innovative, high-quality city-run infant-toddler and pre-primary systems in the world. The Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education draws from the ideas of many great thinkers, yet it is much more than an eclectic mix of theories. With that in mind, the following points concerning the learner, the instructor, and knowledge serve to guide the Reggio Emilia Approach to educating young children: the learner possesses rights, is an active constructor of knowledge, and is a social being; the instructor is a collaborator and co-learner along with the child, a guide and facilitator, and a researcher; and knowledge is viewed as being socially constructed, encompassing multiple forms of knowing, and comprised of meaningful wholes.  相似文献   

发展迅猛的小学双语教学对小学双语教师的培养提出了更高的要求,迫切要求师范院校强化对小学双语教师素质的培养。合格的小学双语师资是能兼顾学科教学和语言教学的"双肩挑"人才。这需要当前师范院校重新审视人才培养目标,调整部分专业和课程,以更好地培养未来双语教师的语言和学科综合能力。  相似文献   

微格教学在师范生培养的过程中发挥着重要作用。幼儿教师是一种综合性很强的职业,运用微格教学来促进幼儿教师发展,对于提高幼儿教师的素质仍有重大意义。通过介绍和分析微格教学的概念和特点,探讨在幼儿教师培养过程中实施微格教学的基本过程以及注意事项并阐述了实施微格教学的效果。  相似文献   

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