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Family and child care policies in the United States and Denmark are discussed. Key issues in the article address the contrasting discourses that frame policies about the poor, about women and welfare, about single motherhood, and about the role and responsibility of government in providing for the welfare of children. The dismantling of entitlements and the shredding of the safety net in the United States is critically analyzed and contrasted with the Danish discourse of universalism and social citizenship rights.  相似文献   

Using international data on child well-being and educational attainment, this article compares child well-being in the United States to member countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Multiple measures of child well-being are analyzed, such as material well-being (including poverty, unemployment, and income inequality), child health and safety (birth weight, infant mortality, health care, and childcare), educational attainment, and family and peer relationships (including generational cleavages). Using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory as an organizational framework, the impact and interrelatedness of these systems on educational attainment are examined, with parallels drawn between a nation's social policies, child well-being, and educational attainment. The author asserts that social policy in the United States is more comprehensive than is commonly believed, although the redistributive benefits of social policies are allocated much differently compared to OECD countries. Explanations for comparative differences in social policy include differences in political culture and political development as well as racial and class conflict. The author concludes that it is difficult to ignore the role of race and socioeconomic class in explaining differences in social welfare expenditures between the United States and European countries because the pattern of social welfare distribution (broadly conceived—including programs, tax breaks, and incentives) falls largely along racial and class lines.  相似文献   

This essay examines the educational opportunities of people in poverty who receive social welfare assistance. The dominant political theory underlying social policy (including education policy) in the United States has evolved from 1960s and 1970s welfare liberalism into 1980s and 1990s style neo‐conservatism—a theory that embraces principles of the market and individual liberty as paramount social values. Against this backdrop, I review two recent books that provide compelling evidence for this turn and I call for increased understanding of the relationship between social welfare policies and higher education opportunities for those in poverty.  相似文献   

美西战争后,美国对菲律宾殖民统治达48年左右的时间。由于美国特殊的国家历史和菲律宾不同于其他东南亚殖民地国家的状况,美国在菲律宾实行了政治复制、经济垄断、文化移植等不同于其他宗主国的殖民统治政策。无论美国在菲律宾实行的是什么样的统治政策,其殖民主义的目的和其他的帝国主义国家是一样的,这些政策给殖民地国家发展带来了很大的影响。  相似文献   

In this report of innovative teacher practice, the author describes an arts-based event which brought together adolescent refugee and immigrant students and pre-service teachers to deliberate about immigration policies and attitudes in the United States.  相似文献   

对美国、英国和印度三国学前教育财政投入的法律和政策保障进行了分析,认为其表现出两个特点:通过刚性立法或国家政策保障学前教育财政预算的实现;依托项目保证学前教育预算不断增加并向弱势群体倾斜。我国应借鉴三国的经验,将完善的教育财政立法作为保障学前教育发展的重要手段;并注重以实施大型项目的手段加强对弱势群体的资助,促进学前教育事业的长期稳定与公平发展。  相似文献   

A wide variety of American Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect are currently in effect. They range from anachronistic codes that were promulgated about fifty years ago and have never been revised to recently enacted codes that are innovative and incorporate the best practices in the field of protective services. The efforts, now underway, to collect and analyze Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect is supportive of the national interest to improve Indian child welfare services. The knowledge gained will be helpful to Indian tribes as they assess their own codes and will provide a new body of information on the laws in the U.S. on child abuse and neglect. In the past few years, increased national support in the United States has been focused on the protection of the best interest of Indian children with specific resources provided for the support of local Indian children and family programs operated by Indian tribal governments. Many Indian tribes are using these resources to develop and revise their child welfare codes, including those elements pertaining to child abuse and neglect. The momentum under way in the United States to improve Indian child welfare services can be expected to continue to include developments in Indian tribal codes on child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

中美两国在本世纪中叶走向对抗的原因,史学界始终论说不一,各据其理。中美两国文化的差异、彼此强硬的外交政策、朝鲜战争的爆发,两国意识形态的对立,无疑都是导致两国冲突的重要因素。但是,在这些因素的背后隐藏着更深层次的根本原因,即中美两国外交决策人考虑问题的出发点──本国的利益。国家利益在特定时期有特定的内涵,本文试图阐明这一时期中美两国国家利益的冲突是中美走向对抗的根本原因。  相似文献   

Journal of Educational Change - Recent United States (U.S.) educational policies—especially the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015—have challenged state education...  相似文献   

美国中小学教师流动:现状、成本及启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
美国中小学教师流动现象比较严重,近年来大约有50多万名教师流动。教师的高流动率会影响学校教师队伍的稳定及教育政策的制定,同时高流动也会产生很大的成本,为此美国每年要花费上亿美元的资金来重新招聘、录用和培训替换教师。如何有效地利用资源,降低教师流动率,对美国教师流动成本的分析会给我国教师流动问题的研究以启示作用。  相似文献   


Over the past 25 years charter school policies have spread through the United States at a rapid pace. However, despite this rapid growth these policies have spread unevenly across the country with important variations in how charter school systems function in each state. Drawing on case studies in Michigan and Oregon, this article argues that mobile education policies are best conceptualized as made up of both mobile and immobile elements that continually shape and reshape those policies.  相似文献   

威尔逊的社会政治观、历史观及其外交政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对威尔逊担任公职前的学术著作中的观点的分析,说明:威尔逊在研究美国政治体制发展后,认为时代的发展要求美国有一个强大的中央政府,对社会加强控制,这样才能使社会有序进步,并保持国家的统一。随着美国实力的强大,他又进一步将这个观点运用于国际事务,这就成为国际联盟的理论基础。威尔逊深受边疆学说的影响,认为西进运动是美国历史发展的重要特征,也是形成美国社会体制的根本原因。在西进运动结束后,他要将开拓边疆的模式向世界推广,从而为美国向外扩张并充当世界领袖提供了理论依据。威尔逊的思想同时也代表了美国的时代思潮。  相似文献   

从不同的语言观看美国双语教育之争   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自从1968年美国颁布第一部<双语教育法案>确立了双语教育的合法地位以来,美国的双语教育在短短30多年时间里几经沉浮,可谓命运多舛.本文就美国社会对语言多样性问题所持有的三种不同语言观及其在美国双语教育的发展历程中所发挥的作用进行分析,以期进一步深刻理解美国双语教育兴衰变迁的政治性基础.  相似文献   

法、美、德、俄在高等教育发展的历程中,致力于将工程教育和工程技术人才的培养视为国家持续发展的潜力所在和提升国家竞争力的有力保证,并以其“卓越”的教育质量享誉全球.其“卓越”缘由在于:分工明确的高等工程教育系统确保其功能的有效发挥;适切性、综合性、实践性的培养过程设计使工程本质得以充分体现;制度化、前瞻性认证基准及政策报告规约和引领高等工程教育改革.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare children who are fatally and non-fatally maltreated in the United States. In this first national-comparison study, we used the Child Abuse and Neglect Data Set of children and families who encounter/receive support from child welfare services. We found that children who were fatally maltreated were younger, were more likely to live with both their parents, and that their families experienced more financial and housing instability compared to non-fatally maltreated children. Overall, families in which children die use/receive fewer social services, as compared to families in which children live. We discuss the results with regard to child welfare practice and research.  相似文献   

This article offers a critical rereading of gifted education in the United States using a genealogical framework as defined by postcolonial theory. Using genealogy is appropriate because it sets the education profession within a family research tradition, implies the close connection between past and present, and enables us to systematically trace the evolution of exclusionary practices. The purpose of this article is to (a) demonstrate the utility of using historical research to undergird justice work in education, (b) show how gifted education policies and practices in the United States operate under a global context of whiteness and colonization, and (c) foster dialogue around ways educators can begin to disrupt taken-for-granted assumptions and work toward establishing more equitable schooling processes and outcomes.  相似文献   

发表于2008年11月《2008年,美国在线高等教育》是斯隆联盟自2002年以来,连续发表的第6份关于美国网络高等教育现状的年度调查报告。文章基于《坚持到底,2008年美国在线教育》报告的解读,对美国的政策法规、美国网络高等教育大规模发展可能面临的制约因素以及美国在线高等教育未来前景预测等方面进行剖析,并与前5份报告进行比较,从中获得一些有益的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

Focusing only on education exchanges between the United States and other countries, existing scholarship fails to illuminate how American‐sponsored student migrations between other countries helped expand U.S. hegemony. This article attempts to rectify this limitation by looking at Taiwan's policies on overseas Chinese students (qiaosheng) in the 1950s. After the debacle of the Chinese Civil War and its retreat to Taiwan, the Kuomintang (KMT) sought to solicit overseas Chinese support and to counter Communist China's drive for “returning students.” The KMT‐developed qiaosheng program faced difficulties until 1954, when the United States, seeing that Taiwan's project could serve its anti‐Communist plan, started bankrolling the qiaosheng program, thereby enabling the KMT to lure more students away from Communist China. These findings suggest that overlooking U.S.‐sponsored student migrations between nations outside the United States renders our analysis of international education exchanges and American imperialism incomplete.  相似文献   

霸权以经济力量为基础,以军事实力为支撑,以政治活动为表现形式,但霸权也有节制性和制约性。英国霸权和美国霸权有相似的地方也有一些不同的地方。英国的霸权是以商业和对外贸易为目标,以大陆均势政策为手段,以军事力量为主导,以内部的体制改革和创新为保障的霸权模式。而美国霸权的建立,有其深刻的思想文化渊源也有其建立的历史机遇。美国在建立霸权的过程中,根据时代发展的需要而不断地调整着自己的政策,引领着世界新秩序的发展。  相似文献   

In this paper we address what is meant by feminization of poverty. We also provide a very brief historical review of poor women, their children, and their need for financial assistance. Furthermore we identify some of the obstacles women face while trying to become self-sufficient and how women attempt to overcome these obstacles while relying on government aid. A strategy used by some of these women on welfare is to attend college and earn a degree. We show how this group of women now faces a major obstacle with a recent reform in the welfare system. Finally, we offer some suggestions as to how policies and practices of institutions of higher education can help female students on welfare, thereby reducing the feminization of poverty in the United States.  相似文献   

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