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This paper examines the underexplored role adult education activities play as part of Canadian Mining Companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. We argue that adult education as CSR provides companies with a symbolic capital they can draw upon to detract from government oversight, increase profits, and continue operations. Taking place within a structure of increased corporate power and lacking any regulatory framework, CSR is often divorced from the overall ethos of a company. Moreover, the impact of adult educational initiatives on individuals and communities remains largely unknown, highlighting the need for further research.  相似文献   

我国公司社会责任立法现状及完善构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,公司在追求利润最大化之时应当承担社会责任已为理论和实践所普遍承认,对公司承担社会责任进行法律规制也已成为众多国家尤其是发达国家立法的普遍做法。我国2005年修订的新《公司法》首次将"社会责任"明确写进了总则,并在分则中设计了一套强化公司社会责任的具体制度,使公司承担社会责任有了法律依据。但同时,我国公司社会责任立法尚存不足之处,其多数社会责任条款过于原则,缺乏具体细化的内容,需要在借鉴他国立法经验的基础上进一步加以完善。  相似文献   

Museums have the capacity to enhance social cohesion, which is the product of a trusting, connected community. History museums and historic sites, in particular, can serve communities by stimulating dialogue on difficult issues, accurately representing all the people of a nation, and creating forums for discussion among groups with disparate opinions. History museums promote social cohesion by solidifying the identities of their audiences—as members of communities, ethnic groups, nations, and the world. This article combines extensive research with firsthand experience in history museums to accurately portray the ways different museums affect social cohesion. It looks first at what social cohesion is, and the ways in which both civil society and educational organizations contribute to it. It makes the argument that museums share attributes of both civil society and educational organizations. This article then addresses the different ways museums contribute to defining identity, bridging community divides, and addressing society's most difficult issues. It does this with in-depth analysis of several Holocaust museums and the movement in Russia to memorialize sites of Stalinist terror.  相似文献   

企业社会责任是随着经济和社会发展而对企业提出的一个全新的发展理念,是对企业过去以股东利益为唯一目标的经营理念的修正。随着这一概念在法学研究领域的不断扩展完善进而体系化,有必要从法理和实用主义角度探讨其自成体系的必要性。现有法律框架已为企业社会责任提供了一个较为全面、最低限度的企业社会责任范畴,实践中,没有必要在这一框架外对企业经营进行更多的约束和管制,企业社会责任无疑为政府干预企业经营提供了借口,进而可能会导致政府干预凌驾于企业自有的判断之上的危险。  相似文献   

公司社会责任理论已被西方发达国家普遍接纳,我国也应强化公司的社会责任,不仅因为公司已具备了承担一定社会责任的实力,承担社会责任有利于公司自身的成长,更因为公司已成为社会不和谐因素的制造者。强化公司的社会责任,观念层面要营造公司应承担社会责任的社会氛围,制度层面要强化公司社会责任的法律设计。  相似文献   

企业社会责任:国外理论演进及最新文献述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任是一个兼容的领域,这一领域内存有宽泛的边界、大量非集中的文献、多学科交叉的观点.关于企业承担社会责任,国外学术界主要持有传统经济价值和企业社会责任两大观点.基于企业决策过程完全理性的假设,传统观点认为企业的功能是经济性的,而经济价值是度量企业成功的惟一标准,企业目标就是利润最大化;而社会责任观点则明确指出企业要实现利润增加和价值提升,就必须主动承担与相关利益群体相应的社会责任.  相似文献   

我国上市公司治理结构存在的主要问题与法律对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上市公司是我国股份公司的典型代表,上市公司治理结构中存在的主要问题也是股份公司治理结构中存在的主要问题。本文旨在分析我国上市公司治理结构中存在的主要问题,并就完善上市公司治理结构提出相应的立法建议。  相似文献   

国外企业与大学建立合作关系的创新及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
科学技术的飞速发展正促进着社会的变革,企业的变革压力以及高等教育在时代发展中的不适应性推动企业亲自承担起教育的责任,也改变着企业与高等教育的关系。本文主要阐述和分析发达国家企业与高等教育正在创建的各种新型的合作伙伴关系,为促进我国高等教育的发展,促进企业有效地开展继续教育以及建立与高等教育的新型合作关系提供参考。  相似文献   

Social cohesion is understood as the social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from connections among individuals. When students attend higher education institutions, they go through a process of socialization, and it is vital to ensure that they acquire the core values that underpin the social cohesion. This article presents a preliminary understanding of how higher education institutions can influence social cohesion through curriculum content and the culture of their institutions, through fairness to students and faculty, and through procedures available for effective adjudication to members of the school community in order to achieve a consensus over what and how to teach. This article also presents a view on the role of higher education institutions in promoting social cohesion in local communities.  相似文献   

公司在谋求自身及股东最大经济利益的同时 ,应当履行保护环境的社会责任。公司环境责任与其营利性目的之间的矛盾、冲突是绝对的 ,补偿与互相促进是相对的。消费者、政府与公司共同承担环境责任是协调这对矛盾的较好做法。公司内部机制、市场引导机制、政府干预机制和社会监督机制共同发挥作用是促成公司履行环境责任的理想选择。  相似文献   

略论美国公司治理结构的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以股东主权加外部市场约束为特征的美国新古典治理模式,自20世纪90年代以来发生了些重大变化,这些变化表现为:资本市场上的恶意收购受到了立法的限制,股东至高无上的权力受到了质疑;机构投资在公司治理中的作用明显加强;对董事会的职能和结构进行了改革;职工开始参与企业治理,推进了产业民主化的进程,等等。变化中的美国公司治理结构在一些方面和德日模式出现了趋同。  相似文献   

从某种意义上讲,国家的竞争在很大程度上表现为企业的竞争,维持国家竞争优势的决定因素也是企业维持国际竞争优势的决定因素,企业的治理结构不仅可以影响企业的竞争环境,而且还可推动企业竞争优势的创造。要解决我国企业的根本问题,就是要建立合理的现代公司治理结构。  相似文献   

企业社会责任的本质、形成条件及表现形式   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
企业社会责任不是抽象的道德和义务.而是社会环境和企业互动关系客观变化的历史趋势。以往被看作单纯追求利润最大化的企业现在何以自动地通过“生产守则”等形式“承担起”社会责任,其原因应该从企业利益实现机制的客观变化等因素中寻找。本文在此方法基础上定义了企业社会责任的本质。充分发育的市民社会、充分发展的垄断以及共有制的普及是企业社会责任的形成条件,三者关系的不同格局产生企业社会责任的三种表现形式;企业社会责任是历史性的存在,在其发展的第三个阶段将扬弃其自身。这时,企业的边界与社会大众的边界重合或融合,作为外部压力的企业社会责任最终成为企业自身的追求。  相似文献   

This study seeks to understand whether and how decentralised school governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) enhances the schools’ role of promoting social cohesion. This includes increasing “horizontal” trust among different ethnic groups and “vertical” trust between civilians and public institutes. The study examined secondary school leaders’ perceptions regarding school board influence on social cohesion policies and practices, their interactions with school board members, and their accountability to the school-based governing body. The results show that school leaders and school boards, supposedly representing the interests of local stakeholders, did not appear to be actively engaged in the deliberate process of promoting social cohesion. While school directors tended to view themselves as being independent from the school boards, ethnically diverse school boards provided important support to proactive school leaders for their inter-group activities. Given that the central level is not providing initiatives to promote social cohesion and that BiH citizens appear to generally support social cohesion, decentralised school governance has the potential to improve social trust from the bottom up. To promote participatory school governance, the study recommends that BiH school leaders should be provided with opportunities to re-examine and redefine their professional accountability and to assist local stakeholders to improve their involvement in school governance.  相似文献   

利益相关者理论认为.公司是由物资资本所有者、人力资本所有者以及债权人等利益相关者的一系列契约的组合.公司应当在公司治理结构中引入利益相关者与股东共治公司相关事务.以增进各利益相关者之共同利益,实现公司社会责任。从公司社会责任的角度考察我国公司治理结构,不难发现我国公司治理结构存在债权人在公司组织机构中缺位、劳动者在公司组织机构中式微、对公司利益相关者的信息披露机制不健全及诉讼救济途径缺失等问题,因此.建立与完善与公司社会责任相适应的现代公司治理结构,是提升我国公司治理水平的关键。  相似文献   

This article argues that the constitutions of higher education corporations created by the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act are flawed. It argues that the constitutions were created with insufficient regard both for precedents for the creation of universities and also for emerging problems and principles of corporate governance. This resulted in a model of governance which maximised the role of the vice–chancellor or chief executive and 'independent members' of governing bodies, limited the participation of staff and students, and allocated a restricted role to academic boards. This article examines a number of the problems arising from inadequacies in governance in a number of post–1992 universities and their similarity with problems arising in further education colleges who shared common governance arrangements from the 1992 Act. This article compares these problems with governance problems in Australian universities and concludes that there is a need to reform the governance arrangements created by the 1992 Act.  相似文献   

强调会计信息的真实性、完整性、规范化、法制化,有助于维护投资者的利益,保证证券市场正常运行和资源配置合理。导致会计信息失真的原因主要是:利益驱动、虚构会计信息、我国公司治理机制存在制度构造上的问题以及立法和执法环节存在的问题。文章就这些问题提出了针对性的解决措施和治理策略。  相似文献   

Around the world, especially in rapidly developing countries, many higher education institutions of various forms are being established. In China, many new universities have been created, including by upgrading existing tertiary education institutions. This process creates economic displacement, with livelihood consequences and social impacts on existing employees and local communities. Using the proposed (but now cancelled) University of Groningen campus in Yantai, China, as a case study, we consider the social impacts that were experienced, or were likely to be experienced, by the employees of the pre-existing institution. Existing employees experienced many negative impacts from economic displacement. They were not satisfied with the compensation offered, their views and interests were not adequately considered, and many were afraid to express their concerns. The institutions involved in the project failed to fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) obligations to ensure no harm.  相似文献   

通过对现代企业治理结构中普遍存在的问题以及中国国有企业治理中存在的问题的分析认为,公司治理结构是最根本的激励约束机制,承认人力资本对企业的所有权,实行人力资本与非人力资本的平等合资的公司治理结构,是解决现代企业特别是国有企业治理结构中存在问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

国有控股公司治理结构的完善,对于国有企业改革以及国有资产经营都有重要意义,应确立“善治”的治理理念,树立以企业核心竞争力最大化为标志的治理目标,使国有控公司治理结构的设置更加科学合理,同时,应明确其各层次结构在经营中的责、权、利关系,完善相关的法律制度。  相似文献   

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