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1.One day,old Jeff took his donkey to themarket. On his way,a businessman came andsaid the donkey belonged to him. They quarrelledfirecely and decided to go to court. 有一天,老杰夫牵着他的驴去市场。在路上,一个商人走来,说那驴是属于他的。他们争吵得很激烈,并决定去法院。  相似文献   

倪敏 《今日中学生》2012,(26):25-27
A One day Wood bought a donkey(驴)in the market;but while he was taking it home,two thieves followed him.One of them took the rope from the donkey’s neck and tied it round his friend’s neck.Then he went away with the donkey.  相似文献   

1. Duce goes to buy wheat seeds with his donkey.杜斯赶着驴去买麦种。 2. On his way home, he finds a shining gold coin.回家时.发现路上有一枚发光的金币。  相似文献   

1.A person has a donkey whose back is festering becauseof overwork.一个人有一头因过度劳作而烂了脊背的驴。2.One day he takes thedonkey to a pasture and tiesit to a tree.He sits besideand watches it.一天他把驴牵到牧场,然后拴了起来,自己在附近看着它。3.At that time,am agpie flies thereand stops on thedonkey’s back.这时,一只喜鹊飞过来了,落在驴的背上。4.The magpie pecks the donkey’s fes-tering meat.喜鹊啄着它的烂肉。5.The donkey is tied and can’t escape,so it jum ps up and down.W hen the ownerse…  相似文献   

Nasreddin put two big baskets of grapes on his donkey and went to market.At midday it was very hot,so he stopped in the shade of abig tree.  相似文献   

①Kate and脚ndpa arewalking in the street.TheyThere,5 a donkey,Ltin the middleaeross the street.③Butof theLt stoPsStreetand stoPs thesee a lot of PeoPle.②oh!walkingtraffiC(交通),too.瓢黔④The farmer and the po-lieeman want to move thedonkey·⑤Theyt叮andt尽.But theyean,t move it._⑥Grandpa teus the farmerto give the donkey a earrot(胡萝卜).黔鲡⑦It,5 really a gdod idea.The donkeysees the earrot andj物ps up.⑧The donkey follows the farmer山e。treet.Eve口one eheers(欢呼).aCrOSS淘气的驴…  相似文献   

One day Nasreddin went to town to buy new clothes.First he tried on a pair of trousers.He didn't like the trousers,so he gave them back to the shopkeeper.Then he tried a robe which had the same price as the trousers.Nasreddin was pleased with the robe,and he left the shop.Before he climbed on his donkey to ride home,the shopkeeper and the shop assistant ran out.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 On a hot, sunny day, a donkey walking with some bags The sun is shining; the of salt on his back. donkey feels hotter and hotter. He is very tired and thirsty. He can't walk any more.  相似文献   

一、and连接的两个名词、名词短语或名词性从句一起作主语时,谓语动词一般应为复数形式。例如:The headm asterand the m aths teacherattended the m eeting.校长和这位数学教师都参加了会议。W hathe said and whathe did have greatly encouraged his students.他说的话和做的事极大地鼓舞了他的学生。二、句子的主语是and连接的一个名词和另一个前面有not或no的名词短语时,谓语动词应为单数形式。例如:The horse and notthe donkey is used in gam es ofracing.赛马运动用的是马而不是驴。Allwork and no play m akes Jack a dullboy.…  相似文献   

龙勇 《今日中学生》2011,(11):27-28
黔驴技穷There were no donkeys in Guizhou.Someone brought a donkey there from outside of Guizhou and then let it free at the foot of a mountain.When a tiger saw the big donkey and heard it give a loud cry for the first time,he was so frightened that he ran far away from it.Later,the tiger came back and got close to the donkey.Moreover(而且),he teased(戏弄)the  相似文献   

《根鸟》是曹文轩继《草房子》、《红瓦》之后又推出的一部力作。《根乌》是一部阐释梦境的寓言诗似的长篇小说,作者构建的梦境包括了三部曲:一、梦因;二、梦境的追逐;三、梦境的隐遁。  相似文献   

美国现代白人男性小说家笔下女性的美国梦既有与男性相同的成份,又有她们独特的部分。主要讨论美国现代白人男性小说家笔下女性的美国梦,认为它可分为贤妻良母梦、维护传统梦、理想爱情梦与征服男性梦、寻求经济支柱与发财致富梦和自尊、自爱、自强梦。  相似文献   

当前高校中国梦教育中存在重视知识传授而忽视思想认同、重视理论指导而忽视实践强化等现象,导致大学生对中国梦教育产生了认同困境,其根本原因是意识形态的指向性与现实性之间的距离。大学生对中国梦教育的认同,就是大学生将中国梦从理论认同、政治认同发展到情感认同的持续的、渐进的心理过程。因此,高校中国梦教育应该遵循将中国梦从知识同化为思想、从思想固化为信仰的认同逻辑,并从理论教学和实践教学两个方面创新中国梦认同教育的路径,才能提升中国梦教育的认同效果。  相似文献   

鲁迅的散文诗集《野草》中除了通过诗化的语言书写对现实的直接感受之外,还有部分篇章鲁迅则是借助梦境来表达自己内心世界的所思所想的。《野草》中的梦包括现实之梦、怪诞之梦和虚实之梦三种形式,鲁迅借助梦境曲折地表达了自己的内心感受。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the helpful components involved in the Hill’s cognitive-experiential dream work model. Participants were 27 volunteer clients from colleges and universities in northern and central parts of Taiwan. Each of the clients received 1–2 sessions of dream interpretations. The cognitive-experiential dream work model was applied to these clients by three therapists. The processes of the dream work were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. The transcribed data, which included a total of 38 sessions for the 27 clients, were analyzed by the Consensus Qualitative Research (CQR) approach to examine the helpful components of the dream work. The results indicated that the general and typical helpful components involved in the process of dream interpretation included four domains: waking-life association, parts of self exploration, gaining insight, and action ideas.  相似文献   

《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为是美国文学史上的经典之作,而小说巨大文学成就的取得在很大程度上得益于小说主人公杰伊·盖茨比的成功塑造,本文通过盖茨比的理想追求,梦的失落,无奈的死亡,以及最终其精神的影响和道德的回归,重新阐释了盖茨比“救世主”——耶稣的身份形象。  相似文献   

“中国梦”毫无疑问是国家富强之梦,民族振兴之梦,人民幸福之梦;与此同时,从更加宏阔的马克思“世界历史”的视野和高度看,中国的和平发展离不开世界,世界的稳定繁荣也需要中国,因而,“中国梦”还是世界和平之梦,世界发展之梦,世界合作之梦以及世界共赢之梦。“中国梦”顺应了世界潮流,呼应了世界期许。  相似文献   

中国梦是国家梦,是民族梦,也是每个中国人的梦。中国梦具有自己独特的内涵和价值维度,它的提出具有深刻的历史背景,是中国近代以来发展的必然要求。对中国梦的理解不能仅局限于对其本身的理解,还需要通过与美国梦、欧洲梦的对比,加深对中国梦的理解。中国梦作为一种理想信念有其理论基础,它以现实的个人作为出发点,它所具有的现实性和理想性都符合马克思主义的基本观点。  相似文献   

中国梦已成为中国人的热门话题、语境与生活目标。中国梦就是实现国家富强、民族复兴、人民幸福。对于当代大学生而言,实现中国梦便是追寻大学生的幸福梦。通过研究大学生幸福梦的内涵和实现问题,使生活在中国梦语境中的大学生,确立自己与中国梦相融的幸福梦,并通过教育培育、社会支持、个人奋斗来最终实现个人价值和社会价值。  相似文献   

梦及梦境探索是个亘古不变的人类永恒主题。迄今为止,弗洛伊德的《梦的解析》仍被认为是现代科学研究梦的经典教科书,同时也是精神分析的最重要的著作。弗洛伊德认为,梦是一种(被压抑的)愿望的(伪装的)满足。本文从精神分析角度来对影片《盗梦空间》进行分析,解读了影片中的时间效应、梦中梦、阻抗及其他象征,深刻揭示了"梦是潜意识心理现象的自我表演"的涵义。  相似文献   

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