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Nobody knows for certain where ice cream first came from. It is said that the Roman Emperor Nero used to have fresh snow brought from the mountains to mix with honey and fruit juice to make a tasty ice dish. Another story says Marco Polo took recipes for fruit ices from China to Europe in the 13th century.  相似文献   

Honest Scales 1 The synagogue looked like any other synagogue in Poland.But near the door was a set of scales.Strangers often wondered about them.But the people of the town knew why they were there.2 Years back a drought,had come to the town.For months there had been no rain.Wells were dry.Gardens and farms were scorched.The people suffered thirst,and hunger.Some died.3 The jews of the town looked for help to their rabbi.And the rabbi prayed.But nothing happened. 4 One night the rabbi was alone,praying.He fell asleep.In his sleep he heard a voice say:"Your prayers will bring no help,There is only one man in town who can help.It is Kalman the grocer. You must call all the Jews to the synagogue and Kalman must lead the people in prayer."  相似文献   

<正>At first, the people of the whole world had only one language and used the same words. As they wandered about in the East, they came to a plain in Babylonia and settled there. They said to one another,“Come on! Let's make bricks and bake them hard.” So they had bricks to build with and tar to hold them together. They said,“Now, let's build a city with a tower that reaches the sky, so that we can make a name for ourselves and not be scattered all over the earth.”  相似文献   

It happened about one hundred years ago.Mr Gaul,a____artist(画家),drew very well and the people in thesmall country____him.He often helped the poor but____the men who were had to the people.So the peopleliked him too. Once the king wanted Mr Gaul to draw a portrait(画像)for his____.He said to him,"You're the____artist in our country.I'm sure you're able to do it.Workhard,and I____you much." Of course the artist knew it was____for him torefuse(拒绝)and began to work.A few days later he____his work and gave the portrait to the king.____  相似文献   

China was the first country in the world to use chopsticks and has ahistory(历史) of more than(超过) 3,000 years eating meals with chopsticks. Chinese people usually usebamboo(竹子) orwood(木头) to make chopsticks. And it wascommon(普遍的) for rich people to use silver or gold chopsticks in the old days.  相似文献   

A young woman carrying a three- year- old child got on a bus. The conductor hurriedto give her a warm welcome and then kindly asked the other passengers to make moreroom for the woman and her child. On seeing this, people began to talk.“You know this conductor used to be very rude. Now suddenly he has changed hisbad attitude ( 态度),”said a middle- aged man.“Yes, he should be praised and we must write a letter to the company,”said the secondpassenger.“That’s right,”another lady said,“…  相似文献   

Greek economy is influenced by the debt crisis deeply.In order to exchange for the assistance from European Union and the International Monetary Fund,the Greek government plans to take a series of tight fiscal policies,and such action leads to the dissatisfaction and unrest in domestic people.Improving the foreign investment and the competitiveness is the major challenge for Greek government.To deal with the financial crisis,the Greek government begins to seek investment in China.It is in this context that the China Ocean Shipping Group takes over the largest container wharf in Greece,and plans to expand the investment and build a new pier to expand the shipping connection between China and the Europe.  相似文献   

Name:Savio (gentleman) Years in China:5 years 1.What surprised you the most during your stay in China? Definitely the thing that surprised me most when I came to China the first time was to see how many people you could find in the same place.Since in my home country I was living in a small village,it was very difficult to get used to being always surrounded by so many people. Another one was to realize how "cold" Chinese people are while they greet each other.In my country,every time we meet someone,we would shake hands quite strongly,give hugs and even exchange kisses regardless if we know each other for long time or not.Here in China all those things are not common at all.Sometimes I have to control myself in order to avoid embarrassing Chinese people around me.  相似文献   

As the world becomes increasingly interdependent, mutual understanding becomes increasingly important. Therefore, it is essential that people strive for reductions in social distance on an international level. Study abroad is one of the ways to approach internationalization and promote understanding among different peoples and cultures. The research reported in this paper empirically explored the efficacy of a China study abroad program for reducing the degree of social distance between a group of American undergraduate students and the Chinese people in China.  相似文献   

Long, long ago, a farmhand (雇工) worked for a landlord (地主) then. One day, when the farmhand was having breakfast, the landlord said, "It takes you too much time to go to work and then come back for lunch, then go to the fields again and come back for supper. I want you to have your breakfast, lunch and supper together now before you go to  相似文献   

There are many humorous tales about the people of Mols, an imaginary(想像的) place where the people did and said ridiculous(令人可笑的) things. Here are two stories for you to enjoy.  相似文献   

Now there are 17.7 million deaf people in China, but only four universities can provide them with higher education, which is far from enough. The implementation of network-based higher education for the deaf under the background of the Internet is an effective mean and objective needs for China's to carry out of the special higher education. This paper discusses the present situation of higher education for the deaf in China and the advantages of network-based higher education for the deaf. It relates the functions and also existing problems of current network-based higher education during the process of implementation. In order to solve the problems and further promote the development of Chinese higher education for the deaf people, this paper comes up with the planning of achieving the higher education for the deaf through the internet. The implementation of this project will definitely play a positive promoting effect on the integration and sharing of the higher education resource for Chinese deaf people nationwide.  相似文献   

A I always felt sorry for the people in a wheelchair. Som e people, old and weak, cannot 1 by them selves. O thers seem perfectly healthy,dressed in business suits. But whenever I saw som eone in a wheelchair,I only saw a (an) 2 ,not a person. Then I fainted at E uro D isney due to low 3 pressure. This was the first tim e I had ever lost consciousness,and m y parents said that I m ust 4 for a while after First A id. I agreed to 5 but, as I stepped toward the door, I saw m y dad pushing a…  相似文献   

陈艳 《海外英语》2011,(15):233-234
Friends is a very popular sitcom in America and even in China for its great humor, especially for its verbal humor. In order to understand the American humor better, the author tries to find out and appreciate the verbal humor in the framework of Grice’s Cooperative Principle and John Austin’s Speech Act Theory. By this, the paper helps to grasp the wise humor in Friends and convince people of the strength and operability of Cooperative Principle as well as Speech Act Theory.  相似文献   

Long time ago, there were a Mother Goat and two littie kids who llved in the forest. One day, Mother Goat was going shopping to the market. She said to her kids, "I have to go to the market. Remember, don't open the door for strangers, especially the big bad wolf that could eat you up! You can recognize him by his deeop voice and black feet."  相似文献   

韦程飞 《海外英语》2013,(8X):251-252
Zhuang language, as a geographic language in China, is a main tool for Zhuang people to communicate. It is different from the standard Chinese in the aspects of grammar and syntax.  相似文献   

正AThe women's club always had a meeting every Friday afternoon.Once a professor from the university came to talk to them about an important problem after they had tea and asked some questions.The professor talked to the club about the problem of food and population."There is not enough food in the world for everybody,"he said."More than half the people in the world are hungry.And when they get  相似文献   

Every evening before I went to bed,Icould always see in my opposite room alight on and on till deep night. I hated itfirst because it made me unable to fallasleep.I felt very unhappy for a long time.When I wanted to have a good sleep, Ieven prayed(祈祷),“Please turn off the light,kind man in that room!”  相似文献   

China has entered the era of surplus economy when it is possible for Chinese people to satisfy their material needs. However, since the supply of cultural product is far below the level of its de mand, the people are still in a deficit state in spiritual life. The deficiency in spiritual life is quite dif ferent from that in material life, in the sense that it cannot be overcome by the development of culture industry. The way of satisfying a cultural need is wholly different from that of a material need, thus the substitute of the former with the latter necessarily leads to the alienation of needs. Only when we substitute “preference economics” with “necessary economics” is it possible for us to see the potential ity of transformation from the “bourgeois society” to the “human society”, revealed by Marxian cri tique of political economics, and to set the base for the theoretical innovation of the transformation era. Western Marxist Critique of Political Economics has provided us with a rewarding reference.  相似文献   

Emperor Wu of Liang Dynasty sacrificed himself to Tongtai Temple for four times. The event is very fa-mous in Chinese Buddhism history, but the evaluation for it is quite different. Emperor Wu was enlightened by the worshiping Buddha behavior of Indian Ashoka. Emperor Wu's action was a simulation of Ashoka deeds, judging from the similarity between the two charity events and his admiration of Ashoka. Emperor Wu's worship for Asoka opened up a new perspective for us to study the history of Chinese Buddhism.  相似文献   

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