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针对奥林匹克教育对塑造大学生健康人格的意义以及奥林匹克教育对大学生健康人格塑造的表现特征等方面展开论述,认为对大学生进行奥林匹克教育不仅是时代发展的需要,更是奥林匹克运动发展的需要.  相似文献   

The idea of a multicultural university can be analysed in terms of three basic types. The first, and the most difficult, is that of a university that attempts to integrate the various cultures that exist within a given country. The second and more usual type is a university that is receptive to cultures from foreign countries. A third type of multicultural university should be distinguished, one in which the various cultures of different social groups are in dialogue, including the social cultures that characterize different degrees of economic, social, and political development. The argument in favour of a multicultural university environment will be drawn from theory and from the traditions of specific universities. Practical examples derived from the experience of a famous Belgian university will be cited to illustrate various possibilities.  相似文献   

To explore the potential for building multicultural awareness in university students using synchronous technology, faculty members from an American regional state university and a Chinese regional university collaborated to find appropriate ways to integrate synchronous technology (e.g., Adobe Connect) into a teacher education program in the American university and in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) program in China. The paper reports the collaborative efforts during the spring 2016 semester using Adobe Connect to enrich student learning at both sites. This report includes the project overview, project implementation, its evaluation framework, and initial findings.  相似文献   

The authors hypothesized that multicultural personality and ethnic identity would significantly predict variance in multicultural counseling competencies in counselor trainees, beyond the variance predicted by demographics, multicultural training, openness, and cognitive racial attitudes. Results showed multicultural personality predicted multicultural counseling competency, but ethnic identity did not. Results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a qualitative study of 12 graduate international students’ struggles to adapt to new multicultural and academic environments. The focus is on how they dealt with diversity while struggling to succeed academically and how, although experiencing numerous disorienting dilemmas, students did not critically reflect on their meaning-making processes.  相似文献   

大学生的心理压力及调适   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
压力是个体的一种身心紧张状态,在大学生成长的过程中会遇到许多压力。面对压力时大学生会产生生理、心理和行为上的种种反应,他们对大学生的影响是双重的。面对压力,大学生心理调适的科学方法有许多。  相似文献   

This study examines the perceptions and experiences of international counseling students (ICSs) in university training programs in Turkey. A majority of participants reported they had adjusted positively, but did experience problems related to language, food, and customs. Participants largely also thought that the training in Turkey met their expectations, although some stated they desired more counseling coursework and applied experiences. More than half of the ICSs surveyed thought that they would not return to their home countries because of job opportunity problems. The results are considered in relation to counselor training in Turkey and student adaptation in that context.  相似文献   

从角色理论探析学生社团在大学生心理调适中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生心理问题已成为社会普遍关注的问题之一。我国学术界从个人、家庭、学校、社会、人际关系和就业压力等角度对此进行了广泛深入的研究,但很少论及学生社团对大学生心理发展的影响。笔者试从角色理论的角度来探析学生社团对当代大学生心理的影响,以求使学生社团在大学生心理调适中发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

高校辅导员肩负着培养社会栋梁之才的神圣职责,引导大学生养成良好的品格,教会学生如何做人,是其首要的任务。高校辅导员应当通过观察、沟通、引导、鼓励等方法培养大学生的各项能力,促进他们树立民主观念,使其成为和谐社会建设的中坚力量。  相似文献   

网络环境在理论上具有健康人格塑造的功能,包括满足人格健康发展的各种需要、释放人格内部的冲动以及促使行为发生改变等。但当前网络环境对大学生的人格发展的实际作用却并不乐观,网络带来了大学生人格发展的低水平状态、人格内部失衡和行为的病态改变等问题。教育者应当寻求积极的措施发挥网络对大学生人格塑造的正功能。  相似文献   

我国大学生奥林匹克人格教育刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥林匹克文化教育功能在传播世界优秀文化,对大学生进行伦理、道德及社会规范教育具有其它方式所不可替代的独特功效.鉴此对大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的必要性,奥林匹克人格教育的内涵,以及大学生奥林匹克人格教育的过程三个方面展开论述,以进一步明确我国大学生奥林匹克人格教育的特殊内涵,提出对大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的内容及教育程序,为大学生这一特殊群体中有效深入开展奥林匹克人格教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

理想道德人格的培养是学校德育的重要内容,但就目前大学生的道德人格现状来看并不乐观。大学生道德教育仍然存在着传统的灌输式的教育缺陷,应该从大学生自身的特点出发,研究新的培养方法:提升大学生的道德认识能力;引导大学生不断提高需求的层次;培养大学生对公共伦理的敬重心。  相似文献   

当代大学生的人格状况主流是好的,但也存在着一些人格缺陷。为了顺应素质教育的潮流,我们必须重新塑造大学生的健康人格,这也是提高大学生综合素质达到全面发展的客观要求。  相似文献   

This article describes how the Australian university system has become increasingly multi‐ethnic and multicultural as a reflection of the greater Australian society that is also increasingly multicultural and multi‐ethnic. As the universities have evolved from being elitist institutions, based on a British model and accessible to only a small proportion of the population, to units making up a mass system, they have had to contend with two contradictory forces: government mandated efforts to increase the representation on university campuses of disadvantaged groups and pressures to reduce government spending for higher education. Increasing efforts, after 1990, on the part of Australian universities to recruit full‐fee paying foreign students have intensified student multi‐ethnicity on Australian campuses while providing near windfall sources of extra funds. Yet there are voices being raised regarding the propriety and the ethics of selling higher education in this way.  相似文献   

奥林匹克的文化教育功能在对传播世界优秀文化,对大学生进行的伦理、道德及社会规范方面的教育,具有其它方式所不可替代的独特功效.从(1)大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的必要性;(2)奥林匹克人格教育的内涵;(3)大学生奥林匹克人格教育的过程三个方面展开论述,进一步明确我国大学生奥林匹克人格教育的特殊内涵,提出了对大学生进行奥林匹克人格教育的内容及教育程序.  相似文献   

本文从当代社会文化语境与90后大学生心理实际出发,具体论述了大学生心理人格的积极和消极特征,提出了和谐心灵空间的建构的具体实践思路。认为90后大学生更具有独立思考的主体性人格心理,时尚与个性的消费性人格心理,更注重专业知识实用价值的文化心理,生态意识与公共服务的社会心里;但由于市场经济下整个社会的浮躁时代背景影响,部分大学生也表现出一些消极心理情绪,孤独、自卑、偏狭与冷漠。媒体应该客观理性评析90后大学生心理特点和予以正确科学的引导。  相似文献   

良好的身心素质是大学生成才的前提和重要保证,对大学生而言,强健的身心素质包括对理想的执着,面对困境勇于挑战的精神,有所为又有所不为的抉择本领,能够经得起挫折的磨炼和考验,当机立断的决策能力,自信、果敢、豁达、合群等品质,大学生只有具备了良好的身心素质,才能具备社会适应的能力,身心素质教育是培养大学生强壮的体魄和健康的心理素质,更好地为服务社会提供载体。  相似文献   


The purpose of the study Is to determine if counselors perceive secondary school students differently from teachers. A group of 25 effective teachers, as determined by their respective principals, and a group of 25 counselors-intraining were interviewed by the author. Each subject completed an 84-item Q-sort constructed of items describing an ideal student. Each item on the Q-sort was judged by a three-judge panel to describe a student as being more flexible or more rigid.

The two groups were matched according to degrees earned, sex, and age. The teacher group averaged six more years' experience than the counselor group.

Each subject's Q-sort was scored to produce a flexible score or a rigid score according to how the subject perceived the ideal student. A significant difference at the 0.1 level of confidence was found when Chi Square was used to analyze the data.

This study suggests that perceptual differences occur between two groups of persons in similar helping relationships which may be directly related to the personalities of the helpers. These perceptual differences are necessary for being effective In either helping relationship.  相似文献   

浅析大学生健全人格培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养人格健全的大学生是高等教育的重要任务.要培养健全人格的大学生就必须结合时代发展的需要,结合大学生的健康成长需求,以及继承发展中华优良道德传统的要求,加强理想信念、科学文化、人文素质、道德品质、法纪、美育、心理等多方面教育,并通过学习先进,参与社会实践,扩展人际交往和心理咨询等途径来实现.  相似文献   

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