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采用“社会学习周期”的动态模式分析新知识及信息的生产及扩散的过程,可得出新知识及信息是社会认知个体及社会信息处理系统遵循最小值的熵节约原则共同创造的结果。这个过程突出表现了个体的创新是信息产品丰富多样性及文化变迁最具活力的源泉。  相似文献   

区域推广是促进创客教育长足发展的必然选择。通过对区域创客教育发展进行梳理,本文认为创客教育区域推进应立足本土文化,从教育需要出发,凝集政府、基础学校、高等学校、企业的合力,实现殊异性统一的目标愿景。基于对武汉市创客教育联盟之整体概况、教师发展和学生培养等三方面的剖析,从“促学”的微观视角,构建以创新能力为核心,以“通”为基础的课程聚合、项目聚合、空间聚合和结果聚合为保障的教师发展与学生成长的双环式聚合型区域创客教育发展模式。该模式旨在由个体到群体的泛化创新和由学习化创新到生活化创新的渗透过程中培养个体的创新品格,并通过坚持理性-人文性的文化发展向度、完善“缺陷-成长”的师生发展支持系统、打造“聚合能”的学习场域的推进机制使之落地,形成具有延展性与生命力的多元创新文化。  相似文献   

摘要:在国内外文化市场竞争形势日趋激烈的大环境下,随着创新、改革、与时俱进等理念的不断提出和强化.在打造出版大国、强国的进程中,编辑出版的地位日益突出。何为编辑规范,如何打造合理的编辑规范,在已有的规范下如何创新、创新的意义何在,如何处理好编辑规范与编辑创新的关系等,已成为编辑出版界亟待解决的核心问题。  相似文献   

基于多元智能理论的大学创新文化培育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新文化是大学创新的引擎,也是建设创新型国家的重要基础。基于加德纳的多元智能理论,本文认为树立科学的智力观,构建多元的校园文化,并唤醒师生的文化自觉,这才是目前社会情势下培育大学创新文化所亟待需要的。  相似文献   

随着大学文化观念的深入研究,大学制度文化也呈现出一些创新缺失等问题。鉴于大学制度文化创新建设的重要意义,大学文化制度面临的主要问题迫切需要从几个创新维度进行分析,从不同侧面立体构建大学制度文化的创新模式,并针对创新缺失现象及问题提出适当的大学制度文化建设策略。  相似文献   

王海建 《天中学刊》2011,26(2):58-60
目前,移动互联网成为影响人们思想、行为的重要因素之一。这一网络新媒体为高校思想政治教育工作既提供了机遇,也带来了巨大挑战。在移动互联网环境下,做好高校思想政治教育工作,必须提高高校思想政治教育工作队伍的素质和网络技术水平,推进思想政治教育理论创新,利用新技术和新手段构建高校移动互联网道德文化体系。  相似文献   

在“一带一路”倡议下,我国依靠与周边国家的双边机制,通过行之有效的、既有的区域合作方式,积极主动地与世界各国建立经济合作关系,力图打造出文化包容、经济融合、政治互信的责任、命运、经济共同体。因此要实现“一带一路”的发展目标,需要以文化创新的方式构建良好的外交环境,使英语翻译成为推动我国民族文化创新与发展的基石。结合文化创新的理论内涵及实现路径,探析“一带一路”背景下英语翻译对民族文化创新的影响,提出英语翻译发展方向及思路。  相似文献   

易丽 《中学教育》2009,(9):27-31
每一个学校都有自己独特的文化传统,其精神实质内含于学校今天的现实文化之中,对学校的发展起着或促进或阻碍的作用。正视这些传统是学校文化建设的关键,特别是在学校转型性变革时期,更需要我们深挖文化传统、积淀文化新质,不仅在传承中孕育创新的动力,还要在创新中丰富文化传承的资本。  相似文献   

目前,移动互联网成为影响人们思想、行为的重要因素之一。这一网络新媒体为高校思想政治教育工作既提供了机遇,也带来了巨大挑战。在移动互联网环境下,做好高校思想政治教育工作,必须提高高校思想政治教育工作队伍的素质和网络技术水平,推进思想政治教育理论创新,利用新技术和新手段构建高校移动互联网道德文化体系。  相似文献   

This article examines conflicting mentor (school-based supervising teacher) and pre-service teacher narratives of professional experience in schools. It draws on a small narrative inquiry about the mentoring relationship in teacher education. Interview conversations were analysed using “writing as a method of inquiry”, allowing for a recursive understanding of the competing discourses that emerged, and highlighting the tensions in the mentoring relationship. While the pre-service teachers interviewed for this study expected professional experience to provide opportunities for innovation and collaboration, mentors tended to view the relationship as assimilation into the profession. Two points of challenge are identified where disruption to the tensions that arise from these competing narratives is needed if changes to educational equity are to occur.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze interpersonal problems among adult learners in three family literacy programs and to identify how these tensions were connected to place or distinctive community contexts. Drawing on the critical geography literature, the article argues that interpersonal problems must be understood in light of socio‐cultural and spatial factors such as the history of steel‐era industrial capitalism and immigrant settlement patterns resulting from global economic restructuring. By linking micro‐level interactions to contextual factors, the article provides a sociological, place‐conscious alternative to individualistic explanations of relational conflicts. In short, the group dynamics adult educators and learners encounter in the classroom should be understood as a microcosm of spatially produced social relations outside the program.  相似文献   

循证教学具有求真(以最佳证据支持最佳实践)、民主(研究者、管理者、教育者和受教育者的共同参与和协调)、共享(证据的无边界传播)、高效(以最低成本获取最大利益)等积极价值,但同时也存在着证据拒斥经验、技术僭越艺术、规范腐蚀创新、科学凌驾于价值之上的局限及风险。循证主体只有致力于平衡与弥合循证教学过程中出现的多重张力,循证教学才会走得更稳、更远。  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会构建是一项重大的社会系统工程,科技创新是其重要因素与核心子系统,科技创新与和谐社会构建之间存在一种层次协同作用。我国科技创新存在原始创新不足等问题,科技创新的创造性要求创新从集成转向原始;过程性要求对科技工作者进行科学精神和技术伦理的教育;整体性要求培育有利于创新的文化环境与奖励机制。  相似文献   

The article examines the tensions one superintendent in the USA experienced as he evaluated principals in a high-stakes environment that had undergone numerous transformations at the central office. Using qualitative methods, primarily, shadowing techniques, observations and debriefing, the following tensions emerged and were examined in light of the work of the superintendent evaluating principal performance: (1) discrepancies between principal performance when compared to performance data, (2) length of time in the principalship compared to results, (3) finding the right balance between student achievement data and other indicators of principal performance, (4) what types of achievement data are important and when these data are made available, (5) credence paid to complaints about structural changes implemented by the principal, (6) balancing the principal self-evaluation rating scores with the final evaluator scores and (7) accounting for personal factors such as relationship to principals and knowledge about principal capabilities. Each of these tensions contributes to the difficulty a superintendent may feel when conducting the principal evaluation process.  相似文献   

语文创新教育是通过语文的教育和训练等活动来提高学生语文素质、培养其创新精神和创新能力的教育。在创新教育模式下,教师要树立以培养学生的创新能力为主的现代教学观和新型人才观,坚持教学民主的原则,努力从“知识型”教学向“创新型”教学转化,提高学生的语文素质、文化品位和审美情趣,培养学生的创新精神和创新能力,使其继承和弘扬中华民族的优秀文化。  相似文献   

Multi-disciplinary teams and stakeholders are involved in the production of e-learning materials and all have differing and valuable perspectives. A range of factors such as availability of new learning technologies, pedagogy or the learning market, may direct the design process. This article argues that a constructivist methodology for course design enables a project manager to build on all contributors' perspectives in a "bottom up" rather than a "top down" approach and be aware of any weaknesses and undesirable dominating influences. Concept mapping provided the basis for an e-learning development project at the University of Surrey to develop such a constructivist methodology. The design team and wider stakeholders each produced individual concept maps and were analysed to identify both commonalties and unique contributions that might influence design. The project manager then integrated the individual maps to produce an overall map of the project and found the process valuable for a more critical and holistic approach to directing the project.  相似文献   

This article explores factors that promote the practice of environmental citizenship in science education and aims to contribute to the development of the concept of practising environmental citizenship. We follow six Norwegian secondary students (aged 16–17) participating in a small-scale intervention study conducting an assignment on a socioscientific issue (SSI) in their local district. Our findings reveal that dealing with an SSI in real-world settings through out-of-school activities set in the students’ local district is important for practising environmental citizenship. This article also addresses the tensions between the practice of environmental citizenship and the cultural issues related to school science. Our findings reveal that tensions exist between working with ready-made-science, as students normally do, to deal with science-in-the-making through an SSI. This research discuss the practical implications of the concept of practising environmental citizenship in science.  相似文献   

基于生存、战争、文化交往、精神生活和娱乐等需要而产生的蒙古族那达慕,是蒙古族体育文化的集中体现,也是蒙古族文化的重要组成部分。对那达慕文化的振兴与开发应特别注意从表层文化与深层文化两方面去挖掘民族文化资源,既需要积极抢救即将消失的优秀民族文化遗产,也需要努力开发民族文化资源,从而实现那达慕文化与社会经济之间、那达幕文化内部传统与现代文化之间的互动。  相似文献   

This article reports a 3-year case study of a primary school in England, in which a recently appointed principal attempted to build ‘collegial professional autonomy’ (Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 2 , 2015, 20) within a push to improve students’ progress and attainment. The research examined the tensions between staff who embraced the principal's agenda for collegially agreed change, and whose students’ academic progress and performance improved over a 3-year consecutive period when measured in terms of students’ entry-level attainment and socio-economic factors, and staff who asserted their right to ‘individual professional autonomy’ and whose students’ academic progress and attainment declined. The research: (i) challenges claims that reform necessarily results in school cultures of compliancy, de-professionalisation and the technicisation of teaching; (ii) raises issues concerning the pedagogical leadership of principals in a devolved, ‘self-governing’ school system; and (iii) questions teachers’ entitlements to individual professional autonomy where this is associated with students’ continuing academic underperformance.  相似文献   

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