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The paper examines the concept of negative capability as a human capacity for containment and contrasts it with well-valued positive capability as expressed through performativity in organisations and society. It identifies the problem of dispersal – the complex ways we behave in order to avoid the emotional challenges of living with uncertainty. The action learning set is considered as a ‘container’ – a holding and enabling framework which temporarily holds the set member’s uncertainty until they can manage it for themselves. Finally, it is suggested that learning arises from working at the edges between knowing (positive capability/performativity) and not-knowing (negative capability) because it offers the possibility of exposure to truth ‘in the moment’ or insight. It involves living with uncertainty, yet still ultimately acting in the world.  相似文献   

孔子德育方法论:"下学而上达"的内涵及影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孔子以德育方法论“下学而上达”为指导,在德育活动中取得了显著的成效。后世学者、教育家不仅在理论上不断对“下学而上达”思想进行阐述,既探讨了“下学而上达”的内涵,又探讨了“下学”与“上达”的关系,而且还在教育实践中贯彻实行了“下学而上达”的思想。在现代社会的德育活动中,“下学”可以理解为个体与环境的互动和个体的道德实践,“上达”则理解为形成符合时代要求的高尚道德品质。研究孔子德育方法论“下学而上达”的内涵,能够为当前如何解决德育实效性问题提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

Robert Regnier 《Interchange》2005,36(1-2):95-120
Besides learning transmitted content, university students develop learning patterns through pedagogical processes designed into the structure of their courses. Courses shaped within the assumptions of epistemologies and ontologies that only afford narrow learning patterns can eschew learning as valuing processes. However, university courses can be conceptualized and constructed within assumptions that allow students to respond to the lure for learning through the valuation of importance that makes freedom possible. This paper proposes the two Whiteheadian notions of learning as event and learning as achieving strength of beauty through which courses can be conceptualized to facilitate the lure for learning in the pursuit of truth. Then, the paper illustrates how university courses can be designed as learning events through which students create prophetic visions as a means of achieving strength of beauty.  相似文献   

德性是科学的天然品格.学术虚假、学术盗窃、学术廉价、学术歧视是科学研究者当今尤为突出的道德过失.科研工作者的道德过失常常发生在学术阶段.学术是前进在真理路上的知识,是科学明星升空的前奏,是学问诞生的必经之路.因为真理是定型阶段,科学是完成阶段,谁是真理的发现者,谁是科学的创造者,已经定论,已经公认了.唯有学术阶段是动态的、未成型的、未归主的,所以争论者、沾光者、冒名者、扒窃者都云集在这个阶段作祟.这是知识治安的空白地带,是学术安全最没有保障的地带,是学术多发事端的地带.振兴科学,必须首先拯救研究者的学术良心,从而让他们自我纠正在学术阶段中的道德过失.  相似文献   

大学本科研究性学习的内涵与特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
大学本科研究性学习既是学习方式,又是过渡性学习发展环节。它是在教师指导下,以学生作为主体从事的以学习和发展为目的的研究活动,是体现从“学习科学真理的认识过程”到“发现科学真理的认识过程”的过渡性认识发展环节,是教学从“教”到“不需要教”的中间转化环节。  相似文献   

This article assembles some ideas on equality and learning in relation to the notions of truth and emancipation. It considers learning as a political act, as defined by Jacques Rancière and Alain Badiou, rather than, for example, an incremental process of psychological or sociological development. Practical exemplifications will be taken from contexts of art practices and art in education, but the general argument is directed at learning and equality across all human endeavours. The article discusses the idea of the truth of learning as something which ruptures existing frameworks of practice and knowledge and ponders the kind of pedagogies we require to inform effective pedagogic action. To this end it proposes what might be termed pedagogies against the state, or pedagogies of the event, in order to respond to acts of learning that involve leaps of becoming into a new or reconfigured world.  相似文献   

This paper applies an action research (AR) design and action learning (AL) approach to network capability development in an entrepreneurial context. Recent research suggests that networks are a viable strategy for the entrepreneurial firm to overcome the liabilities associated with newness and smallness. However, a gap emerges as few, if any, studies have examined the process and challenges in developing and using network capability to generate advantage through collaboration with network actors. In recognising that capabilities are developed rather than acquired, this paper address this theoretical gap and contributes to literature by tracing the development of network capability in an entrepreneurial context. A further contribution of the paper is in applying an AR design and AL sets as a method for capability development for the entrepreneurial firm. Findings suggest that, although network capability is of use, to develop the ability to use it requires a change in the market making perceptions of the entrepreneur from an independence mind-set to a more collaborative, interdependent one. Our research also supports the applicability of AL as an intervention strategy to promote action and learning among entrepreneurs for capability development, fitting the learning preferences of the nascent venture. For practitioners, evolving towards an interdependent mind-set facilitates network capability use and has the potential to relieve some of the resource pressure on entrepreneurs by providing them with strategic routes through their existing and potential network ties. For the entrepreneurship literature, a benefit stemming from this study is in introducing AR in its design and AL sets as an invention strategy in addition to developing theory in relation to network capability development.  相似文献   

"赋予学生学习自由"倡导解除各种形式的强制,让学生自由地学习。"赋予学生学习自由"存在逻辑的政治学僭越、潜能的价值性神话和文化的虚无主义泛滥等迷误。对其进行反思与超越,生发出"学习通达自由"的新观点。"学习通达自由"主张学生通过受他人与自己限制的学习,逐渐获得文化自由,并在文化自由中实现文化式的自然自由。其机制是,学生在拥有限制性学习的权利的基础上,在学习体现真善美的人类文化精华的过程中,不断经由"真的探求"、"善的确立"和"美的体验",从解除束缚的解放状态逐渐达至自主活动的存在状态。  相似文献   

真理论是西方哲学的核心问题。 2 0世纪前半期既是真理符合论、真理实用论和真理融贯论三大真理观在当代哲学基底上重新铸造和蓬勃发展的辉煌时期 ,又是三大真理观鼎足而立、激烈论战的时期。这场论战 ,既使三大真理论都获得了最大限度的发展 ,同时也使它们的固有缺陷充分暴露。这场论战昭示了这样一个逻辑 :试图以任何一种真理论解决意义和真理问题都是不可能的。  相似文献   

本文探讨了哈姆雷特的成长过程,它本质上是一个在迷宫中不断求证真相的过程。所谓真相,不仅仅是对凶手的确证与复仇,更重要的是它包含了哈姆雷特对于成人世界中有关权力、女性等等核心话语的追问与审视,因此,真相中的障碍或迷津,就成为了哈姆雷特成长经验中重大转折的契机,揭示真相的过程,就是少年走向成人的一种仪式。  相似文献   

听是语言综合交际技能的重要组成部分之一。语言听力训练不仅要训练听的技能,更要注意对听能的理性认知,以及训练方法的创新。针对我国大学英语听力教学中的实际情况,文章从听力的意识培养和多项语言技能训练与听力训练的有机结合两个方面探讨了多视角、多渠道的听力强化训练方法。  相似文献   

远程学习效能感是学习者对远程学习价值和自身学习能力的自我判断、信念与感受,它是学习者素质构成的重要方面,对顺利完成学习任务,保证远程教育质量具有重要作用。本文结合国内外已有研究对远程学习效能感的内涵和结构进行了探讨,论证了学习效能感是影响远程学习的重要因素,并提出了增强远程学习效能感的具体策略,以期促进远程学习的成功。  相似文献   

在师范院校的教学改革中,在课程教学中开展研究性学习因其注重培养学生的创新意识及实践能力而成为一大亮点.持续多年在电动力学教学中开展研究性学习活动,取得了积极的成果.对物理学专业学生就课程中开展研究性学习对学生毕业论文的影响做了问卷调查,结果显示:研究性学习提高了学生的综合素质与能力,从而对毕业论文产生了积极的影响.  相似文献   

多媒体网络技术的飞速发展为大学英语教学改革注入了新的活力,建构主义理论为网络环境下利用多媒体进行大学英语教学的实施奠定了理论基础。文章介绍了网络环境下多媒体大学英语教学的概念、教学系统的基本结构和新的教学模式。结合作者自身的教学改革实践,阐释了新的教学模式有助于学生进行个性化的自主学习,培养自主学习能力,从而提高教师的教学效率和学生的学习效果,同时也指出了在新的教学模式下产生的新问题。  相似文献   

营销管理课程的双语教学日益受到国家和高校重视并盛行,从事营销管理课程教学的教师双语教学能力成了影响双语教学质量的关键.而对于双语教学能力的解析及自我培养策略的开发是提升双语教学能力的基本要件.鉴于此,文章以营销管理课程的双语教学为例,将双语教学能力分解为认知层能力和行为层能力两个层次,并进一步将行为层能力解构为双语教学设计能力、双语教学实施能力和双语教学控制能力.在此基础上,提出了示范性学习、反思性学习、研究性学习、模拟性学习、阅读性学习和体验性学习六大双语教学能力的自我提升策略.讨论并建立了不同类型自我培养策略与双语教学能力提升的匹配关系.  相似文献   

Mathematics education research must enable adjustment to new conditions. Yet such research is often conducted within familiar conceptualisations of teaching, of learning and of mathematics. It may be necessary to express ourselves in new ways if we are to change our practices successfully, and potential changes can be understood in many alternative, sometimes conflicting, ways. The paper argues that our entrapment in specific pedagogic forms of mathematical knowledge and the styles of teaching that go with them can constrain students’ engagement with processes of cultural renewal and changes in the ways in which mathematics may be framed for new purposes, but there are some mathematical truths that survive the changing circumstances that require us to update our understandings of teaching and learning the subject. In meeting this challenge, Radford encountered a difficulty in framing notions of mathematical objectivity and truth commensurate with a cultural–historical perspective. Following Badiou, this paper distinguishes between objectivity, which is seen necessarily as a product of culturally generated knowledge, and truth, as glimpsed beyond the on-going attempt to fit a new language that never finally settles. Through this route, it is shown how Badiou’s differentiation of knowledge and truth enables us to conjure more futuristic conceptions of mathematics education.  相似文献   

语文教学与语文学习的过程不仅是知识传授与发展智能的过程,更是培养学生创新精神和创造能力的过程,为此,在语文教学中引进了研究性学习方式,目的是改变“接受性学习”为主的传统的课堂教学,力求在语文教学与语文研究性学习之间找到一个好的契合点,使学生从语文知识的学习、能力的培养与研究性学习的实践之间能相互转换,从而在智力与情感、知识与兴趣、成绩与态度、能力与协作中发现人才,培养人才。  相似文献   

Searching for new methods to start a genuine dialogue in secondary school classrooms, bibliodrama as an active form of putting religious stories in action was used. The research focused on examining relationships between student learning activities and teacher behavior; six lessons were analyzed in a qualitative cross-case analysis. A dialogue in the classroom aims to evoke theologizing by the students, also to be called religious-thinking-through. The effectiveness of religious-thinking-through was operationalized into three learning activities (testing positions, producing criticism, and reflecting) and six teaching scaffolds, building stones used by teachers to gear active learning. A quantitative correspondence analysis yielded a scale that contrasts more from less effective lessons. The specific contribution of an effective religion teacher is to show understanding, give space and listen. When he asks meta-cognitive questions in a debating way of connective truth finding this leads to a higher level of religious-thinking-through by students.  相似文献   

现代企业对信息管理与信息系统专业学生的能力需求与毕业生能力供给间存在较大的差距,原因在于传统课程体系设置模式在促进知识学习向实践能力转换过程中存在五大瓶颈。以培养学生的创新思维和动态适应能力为导向,结合现代企业经营环境的复杂性特征,本文提出了在信管专业培养方案中增设复杂系统相关课程的改革方案,对复杂系统课程体系的四层知识模块以及各层次知识模块与传统知识体系的逻辑关系做了重点研究,并制定出构建复杂系统课程体系的实施规划。  相似文献   

刘成圻是中国近世学术史上罕见的天才,他承传家学,以史学见长,又吸收了西学,长期志于国学的研究和著述,建立了一个宏伟的学术体系。他认为国学与科学不同,具有综合的学术性质,四部书相连,不可划疆而治;并指明“事实考证”与专门学科的关系。他认为国学的目的是“以事明理”,用于指导人们的社会实践。他长于史学与思辨相结合的方法,故著述以史学本体研究和理论探索为特点。刘成圻吸收了新学,但本质上仍属于旧学的范围,虽然他在探索着国学研究的新道路。我们从其著述的广博和所达到的学理高度来看,刘咸圻不愧为蜀中的国学大师。  相似文献   

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