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高中物理教材中涉及到的都是比较简单的、理想化的运动,如匀速直线运动、匀变速直线运动、匀变速曲线运动(平抛及类平抛运动)、匀速圆周运动、简谐运动等,然后在高考中以及平时模拟考试中对运动的考查已经全新的突破,出现了较复杂的直线运动和曲线运动,如何从容应对,我们需要进行归纳与分析,期望从中找出分析复杂运动的基本方法。  相似文献   

我们研究的物理问题中,物体运动的轨迹不是直线就是曲线,而最常见的是匀速直线运动、匀变速直线运动、抛物线运动(平抛、斜抛和类平抛等)、匀速圆周运动和椭圆轨道运动等,解答这些物理问题,借助数学中描述物体运动的轨迹方程,常常会得到意想不到的效果.  相似文献   

在近年的高考中对各类运动的整合度有所加强,如匀速直线运动和匀变速直线运动之间整合,平抛运动与圆周运动、平抛运动与直线运动整合等,不管如何整合,我们都可以看到共性的东西,就是围绕着运动的同时性、独立性、相对性而进行.新课标地区高考计算题由考查单一物体的多过程问题向多物体的多过程问题转化,而板块模型一般是匀速直线运动、匀变速直线运动、变加速直线运动等直线运动的排列和组合.  相似文献   

平抛运动是典型的曲线运动,处理平抛运动问题习惯上是将曲线运动分解为两个直线运动,即水平方向的匀速直线运动和竖直方向的自由落体运动.以抛出点为原点,建立直角坐标系,以时间t为参数,平抛运动  相似文献   

平抛运动是典型的匀变速曲线运动.处理平抛运动的一般方法是:把平抛运动分解为水平方向的匀速直线运动和竖直方向的自由落体运动.若用平抛运动的几个推论来分析解答此类问题,就更简洁,下面举例说明.推论1:在平抛运动中,从抛出点开始,某段时间内的平均速度等于中间时刻的瞬时速度,即(v|_)=v1/2.  相似文献   

匀速直线运动和匀变速直线运动是高中物理的重点内容;自由落体运动和竖直上抛运动是匀变速直线运动的典型事例;平抛运动是水平方向的匀速直线运动与自由落体运动的叠加。以上问题是历年高考必考的知识点。斜上抛运动的后半支问题是平抛运动问题,运用降维法可以将斜上抛运动分解为水平方向的匀速直线运动和竖直上抛运动的叠加。  相似文献   

平抛运动可以分解为水平方向上的匀速直线运动和竖直方向上的自由落体运动,这两个分运动具有等时性,通过时间这个物理量就可以与直线运动中的匀速运动、自由落体、竖直上抛等运动综合起来,形成平抛运动与直线运动的综合题.解决这类综合题的基本思路是:①根据题意判定物体的运动性质  相似文献   

陶成龙 《物理教师》2005,26(7):16-17
平抛运动是匀变速曲线运动中的常见运动,它可以看作由匀速直线运动和自由落体合成,因此也是两个直线运动合成后为曲线运动的典型例子,其基本规律和处理方法一直是各类考试的热点.下面介绍平抛运动中几个重要结论的证明及应用.结论1:平抛运动的末速度的反向延长线交平抛运动水平  相似文献   

一、平抛 水平抛出的物体只在重力的作用下的运动叫平抛运动.平抛运动可以看成两个分运动的合成:①水平方向速度等于初速度的匀速直线运动,vx=v0,x=v0t.②竖直方向的自由1落体运动,vy=gt,y=1/2gt^2.  相似文献   

通常研究平抛运动,是将它分解成水平方向的匀速直线运动和竖直方向的自由落体运动.在斜面问题当中,用这种分解方法解决平抛运动效果欠佳,可是,用下面这种分解方法,效果绝好.  相似文献   

在大学物理教材中普遍存在着把电场和磁场分离开来的一个不合理的认识,并由此派生出了一些不合实际的说法。文章指出,电磁波的传播过程和电磁感应现象并不简单地是电生磁、磁生电的过程,电场和磁场并非独立的两种物质,而是一种特殊物质(即电磁场)的二种属性或二种表现形式。  相似文献   

1992年顾日国指出了最富有中国文化特色的贬已尊人准则。顾日国认为礼貌应该是规范性的。然而这种社会规范,当它处在不同的语境或不同的动态交际中,会产生相应的变异。法国著名社会语言学家布迪厄的实践观为我们理解这一现象提供了一个新的视角——贬已尊人准则的实践观。从布迪厄思想体系的三个基本概念(场域、惯习、资本)入手,对顾日国的贬已尊人准则进行阐述和分析,认为虽然贬已尊人准则有其长期存在的可能,但作为一种社会实践,在各种社会因素的作用下会产生一定的变化。  相似文献   

Already in childhood, (a) high general and visceral fatness and poor cardiovascular (CV) fitness are linked with dyslipidemia, elevated blood pressure, and insulin resistance; (b) higher fatness is associated with low amounts of vigorous physical activity (PA) and relatively low energy intake; (c) higher CV fitness is more clearly associated with vigorous PA than with moderate PA; (d) higher levels of PA are associated with higher bone density only in youths with relatively high calcium intakes. Physical training in youths has favorable effects on total body and visceral adiposity, bone density, CV fitness, and some risk factors for CV disease and type 2 diabetes. Thus, vigorous PA during childhood may help to prevent some major “adult” health problems.  相似文献   

The affinity between Field Experience Education and Career Education is obvious, as demonstrated by the way they have been combined in many college and university settings. The implications of this merger for the workplace are perhaps more significant than for the campus, as it challenges the presupposition that education and work should be separated, and challenges the way drudge work is currently being done. Finally it poses new questions for the advocates of life-long learning. The integration of education and work into single programs may well be the next major issue in the development of education.  相似文献   

This study was an investigation of the effectiveness of eight types of visual illustrations used to complement oral instruction. An attempt was made to evaluate the instructional value of black and white and colored visual Illustrations. Two hundred sixty-four eleventh-grade students were randomly assigned by class to one of nine treatment groups. Student learning was evaluated by means of five criterion tests designed to measure different educational objectives. Comparisons among the means of the nine treatment groups yielded significant differences. It was found that the realism continuum for still visuals is not a reliable predictor of learning efficiency; however, visual illustrations were found to significantly increase student learning on three criterion tests. Color in visual illustrations did not appear to be an important variable in increasing student learning in is study.  相似文献   

The emerging field of mind, brain, and education (MBE) is grappling with core issues associated with its identity, scope, and method. This article examines some of the most pressing issues that structure the development of MBE as a transdisciplinary effort. Rather than representing the ongoing debates in MBE as superficial squabbles to eventually be “overcome,” this article argues that the politics of MBE language, discourse, and validity suggest profound epistemological differences that transcend a traditional interdisciplinary approach. Instead, MBE would benefit from a transdisciplinary approach that contextually accords equal and differential weight to a range of knowledge inputs from education studies, neuroscience, and other academic and practitioner spheres beneath the broad umbrella of MBE. Specifically, this article suggests that some of the key tasks for those involved in MBE studies require a transdisciplinary approach to knowledge translation and knowledge development.  相似文献   

The term pedagogy has become ubiquitous in the field of kinesiology, and sport pedagogy is now firmly established as a credible academic subdiscipline. Notwithstanding the fact that our European colleagues had been using the terms pedagogy and sport pedagogy for many years (see Crum, 1986; Haag, 2005), the English-speaking world of kinesiology has only relatively recently embraced the terms. Increased use, however, does not necessarily equate with coherent or shared understandings of what the terms mean. Accordingly, the purpose of this article is to do some “languaging” (Kirk, 1991; Postman, 1989) to shed some light on the meanings of pedagogy and sport pedagogy and in so doing perhaps stimulate further consideration of their use in kinesiology. I will argue for a notion of pedagogy that is generative in enabling us to think about the process of knowledge production and reproduction across the many subdisciplines of kinesiology, including, but not limited to, sport pedagogy. Finally I will consider the notion of pedagogical work as providing a useful concept for analyzing the contribution of sport pedagogy to understandings related to how we come to know about physical activity, the body, and health.  相似文献   

世界一流学科以对科学技术发展与人类社会进步作出原创性学术贡献为显要标志。学科交叉是原始创新的生成之源,由其形成的研究领域是原始创新成果的生发之地,它们显示出一种强大的知识创新功能。世界一流学科并不完全是传统意义上的学科,而更多的是由学科交叉所产生的研究领域。高校世界一流学科建设应将学科交叉研究领域作为重要策略,在体制机制上消除阻碍学科交叉研究的因素,以问题研究为导向建设学科交叉研究团队,不断开辟新的研究方向和领域,创造原创性研究成果,打造学科高峰,有力推进世界一流学科建设。  相似文献   

文章分三部分介绍贵州省瓮安县猴场话语音系统的特点,包括瓮安猴场话的声韵调、语音特点以及声韵配合关系。  相似文献   

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