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The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of knowledge management (KM) maturity of credit unions. The application of a maturity model to 15 credit unions in North America revealed that an overall level of KM maturity is at an early stage of development, but there are signs of future improvement. Credit unions operate in a highly competitive, knowledge-intensive financial industry and experience various pressures to increase their efficiency, which they can achieve through the implementation of KM solutions. Despite the absence of official KM strategies, KM projects were introduced locally in order to fill particular knowledge gaps. The availability of IT infrastructure and the implementation of KM-related technologies alone are insufficient to ensure universal success of organizational KM activities. Credit union managers periodically access and use academic research in their decision making. At the same time, they prefer accessing scholarly knowledge in translated form from books, practitioner magazines, and consultants. It was concluded that organizations competing in the knowledge-intensive sector have an inner need for KM solutions.  相似文献   

管理科学学科属性的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从管理科学的三个历史阶段的详细史料出发 ,论证了管理科学的学科属性。  相似文献   

Tsutomu Harada 《Research Policy》2003,32(10):1737-1751
The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the role of gatekeeper in R&D organizations through the data collected from a midium-sized machine tool firm. Although the related literature points out (1) information gathering and (2) information transmitting functions as main roles of gatekeeper, this paper further suggests (3) knowledge transforming function that has to be executed within R&D organizations. We will argue that since the latter function often requires distinctive skills that impede information gathering activities, there emerges a three-step flow of communication instead of a two-step flow of communication. We define persons fulfilling this new role as a knowledge transformer, and related testable hypotheses are derived. The latter part of this paper proposes new measuring methods that identify knowledge transformers and test these hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a knowledge management audit model to assist organisations to obtain an accurate picture of their knowledge-based assets and the strategies used to manage that knowledge across the organisations. The model also serves as a means for assessing how well the identified assets and strategies meet organisational business goals and strategies. The practical application of the model is illustrated in the local government environment. Implications of such an audit are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于知识平衡计分卡的知识管理模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
知识管理与平衡计分卡虽然都是目前理论研究的热点,但是把二者结合起来研究的还很鲜见。本文对平衡计分卡和知识管理进行整合研究,提出了知识平衡计分卡(KBSC)和基于KBSC的知识管理模型,并介绍了应用这个模型的步骤与方法。  相似文献   

学科会聚是大规模学科深度交叉融合发展的新趋势,对知识生产和科研组织将产生深刻影响。本文以哈佛大学威斯生物启发工程研究所和清华大学生命科学学院为例,使用文献计量、网络分析等方法,从知识角度对学科会聚的知识结构与过程进行分析,研究发现:以底层知识单元的共同、共通性和互补性联系为重要基础,学科会聚呈现出生命科学、物质科学、工程科学学科群知识结构特征;学科会聚是从邻近知识领域逐渐扩展至遥远知识领域渐进过程,且学科群间的协同共进程度逐步增强。这为我们更好地认识学科交叉融合发展规律,统筹规划学科发展、有重点地开展基础研究等政策制定提供支撑和启示。  相似文献   

Public institutions involved in research that aims to strengthen the productivity, profitability and adaptiveness of industries face a multiplicity of challenges when managing for the emergence of cost effective solutions to problems. We reflect upon the learnings of a Government sponsored Visiting Fellow’s programme that we describe as a knowledge management (KM) intervention within Australia’s primary industries Research, Development and Extension (R, D and E) system. Our central concern is to draw upon the learnings of an internet-based initiative in the United States called eXtension to show how ‘traditional’ D and E activities can be transformed. We argue that organisations and networks involved in such D and E activities need to perceive themselves as belonging to systems that are socio-technical in nature. That is, the development and deployment of cross-jurisdictional and cross-institutional innovations are shaped by both the social interactions between people and the systematic use of technology to support distributed learning. We explain how the elements of an integrated model to support public KM can be developed to create the conditions for enhanced innovation. Our findings have relevance to a wide range of other industry sectors considering contemporary service models involving public and private partnerships.  相似文献   

This paper is a commentary on discursive transformations that occur in stories told about Xerox's photocopier technicians, comparing particularly Orr's brilliant ethnographic study and a later management case study. It argues that significant shifts take place in how knowledge is understood between these accounts so that what begins as elusive, oral, improvised and social becomes increasingly presented as encodable in a structured database, countable, auditable, individualistic. These ideological transformations seem much to do with Xerox's own historic need to rebrand itself, and simply to sell a commercial product. Thus, how knowledge is represented and what knowledge management might mean seems to be heavily influenced by corporate vested interests. The paper stresses the need to capture complexity in case studies if they are to promote a realistic or critical understanding of the organisation.  相似文献   

一般认为,组织学习和知识管理是紧密相关的两个概念,但长期以来,这两个领域的研究存在互相排斥的现象。组织学习的研究者避免使用"知识"一词,而知识管理的研究者也同样避免使用"学习"这一概念。另一方面,也有不少学者认为这两者没有区别,并将学习、知识、知识管理等概念混同使用。文章试图提供一个理论框架,来比较和整合组织学习与知识管理概念,并分析它们对企业业绩的影响。  相似文献   

本文首先分析国内外基于不同学科背景的知识资本管理模式及其存在的局限性;其次,基于知识资本理论、质量管理理论、过程管理理论,提出了知识资本存在于企业就如同质量存在于企业,知识资本管理就如同质量管理,是动态过程管理假设;第三,基于上述假设,构建包括知识资本创造、固化、评估以及知识资产价值实现四个关键子过程的知识资本过程管理模式,以期为我国企业实施知识资本管理描绘一幅线路图;最后,以江苏省电力设计院为例,分析上述管理模式的实际应用状况。  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to demonstrate how a sensemaking model of knowledge enables better and deeper understanding of knowledge management (KM) processes in organisations and the role of information technologies (IT) in these processes. Inspired and informed by a sensemaking view of organisations, the model identifies four types of knowledge, corresponding to four sensemaking levels: the individual, collective, organizational, and cultural. Each knowledge type, as the paper shows, is of different nature and has different characteristics but is constituted and affected by all other knowledge types. An organisation is thus seen as a ‘distributed knowledge system’ composed of numerous instances of these four knowledge types and their dynamic interplay. By drawing from three empirical studies, the paper illustrates how the sensemaking model of knowledge can be applied to investigate different ways companies (try to) manage knowledge and use IT-based systems to improve KM and ultimately company performance. A deeper understanding of these processes through the lens of the model reveals mechanisms and forces underlying KM phenomena that help explain why some processes were successful and others failed. The paper intends to make the following contributions: propose a theoretical framework of knowledge and KM in organizations, which is reasonably comprehensive and empirically grounded and also demonstrate its relevance and usefulness to both researchers and practitioners as they investigate and make sense of specific KM processes and IT applications in practice.  相似文献   

基于知识活动视角的客户知识管理模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从客户关系管理流程、知识管理流程、以及驱动因素3个角度对现有客户知识管理模型进行了整理和评析,对知识管理和客户知识管理领域中现有的知识活动进行了整合、分类。在此基础上构建了基于知识活动的客户知识管理模型,模型包括了客户知识获取、客户知识整合、客户知识共享、客户知识使用和客户知识创新5种客户知识活动。进而,每一种客户知识活动进行阐述和说明。最后,提出了研究不足和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

应对技术范式转变挑战:知识管理动态模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在当前知识管理研究的基础上,从技术范式转变对知识管理研究提出的挑战入手,对技术范式转变时期知识管理的理论和现实意义进行探讨。通过对组件知识、架构知识的变化特征及两者对企业吸收能力的影响,企业惯例在变革中所发挥的作用的分析,构建技术范式转变时期知识管理的动态模型,尝试性地对已有知识管理理论做出拓展,为技术范式转变期企业的知识管理实践提供理论依据和现实指导。  相似文献   

本文通过对电子商务模式研究的文献回顾,讨论了电子商务模式分析的基本目标,提出了基于价值分析的电子商务模式的表示的基本步骤,介绍了如何利用E3-Value工具对电子商务模式进行建模和分析。最后用知识资源网站的电子商务模式分析作为例子,说明基于价值的电子商务模式分析的基本过程,并得到一系列知识资源网站商务模式运作的基本对策。  相似文献   

依据知识管理项目经理的工作职责,提出了一种知识管理项目经理素质的评价方法。该方法是针对评价项目经理的素质问题,构建一个评价指标体系,并分别进行基于主观指标的模糊评价和基于考试成绩的客观评价,将主观评价结果与客观评价结果进行综合,使最终评价结果反映主观程度和客观程度。最后给出了一个算例,以说明方法的有效性。  相似文献   

知识管理和知识挖掘在客户关系管理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从知识管理和客户关系管理概念人手,阐述了知识管理和客户关系管理的关系,在此基础上,对知识管理和知识挖掘在客户关系管理系统中的应用作了深入的论述。  相似文献   

Based on an exploratory study of the work and learning processes of highly skilled and experienced knowledge workers, this paper explores an alternative perspective to knowledge management, one that focuses on how individual workers apply knowledge processes to support their day-to-day work activities – broadly characterized as problem solving – and learning practices. Developing the concept of Personal Knowledge Management, the paper presents an emergent model that links distinctive types of problem solving activities with specific cognitive, information, social and learning competencies, supported by an individual, social and organizational enablers.  相似文献   

企业知识管理与知识管理能力审计   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对国外相关献的分析研究,本对企业知识及企业知识管理的内涵进行了阐释。在此基础之上,通过与专家学和企业高层管理人员的广泛交流,提出了知识管理审计理论模型和内容框架,并设立了以度量卡作为企业知识管理能力的评估工具。最后,将此审计体系应用于企业实际测评,发现该审计工具对企业提升技术创新能力和竞争优势提供李较好的知识管理手段。  相似文献   

人力资源管理与知识管理相互联系、相互影响,二者的整合有益于组织绩效的提升。而现有的人力资源管理研究主要从企业的经济合理性出发,更多关注的是企业的经济绩效,较少地考虑企业的社会责任和环境责任;而且现在对于知识管理的研究基本上以显性知识和隐性知识为基础,忽略了以情感与价值观为表征的活性知识。鉴于此,在以往学者构建的人力资源管理模型的基础上,将基于三元知识的知识管理与企业社会责任纳入其中,构建完整的人力资源管理新模式,使企业在日益激烈的竞争中获取并保持其竞争优势以实现企业的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

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