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随着新冠肺炎疫情防控常态化,传统的课堂教学方式已经受到了很大影响。随着社会的进步,知识更新加速,对高等学校人才培养也提出了更高的要求。为了应对疫情期间的教学需求,长治医学院积极利用超星学习通平台网络开展线上教学。以康复治疗学专业“物理治疗学”课程为例,课程组成员借助学习通平台,进行了课程录播、物理治疗技术操作演示视频录制,并完善了题库和病例库,形成了“课程+操作演示视频+题库+病例库”的课程教学资源库,使教师教学更规范、学生学习更主动。基于学习通平台的“物理治疗学”课程教学资源库建设探索实践经验,并进行总结,力求为后续“物理治疗学”的教与学提供有效支持。  相似文献   

The process of creating and administering traditional tagged anatomy laboratory examinations is time consuming for instructors and limits laboratory access for students. Depending on class size and the number of class, sections, creating, administering, and breaking down a tagged laboratory examination may involve one to two eight‐hour days. During the time that a tagged examination is being created, student productivity may be reduced as the anatomy laboratory is inaccessible to students. Further, the type of questions that can be asked in a tagged laboratory examination may limit student assessment to lower level cognitive abilities and may limit the instructors' ability to assess the students' understanding of anatomical and clinical concepts. Anatomy is a foundational science in the Physical Therapy curriculum and a thorough understanding of anatomy is necessary to progress through the subsequent clinical courses. Physical therapy curricula have evolved to reflect the changing role of physical therapists to primary caregivers by introducing a greater scope of clinical courses earlier in the curriculum. Physical therapy students must have a thorough understanding of clinical anatomy early in the education process. However, traditional anatomy examination methods may not be reflective of the clinical thought processes required of physical therapy students. Traditional laboratory examination methods also reduce student productivity by limiting access during examination set‐up and breakdown. To provide a greater complexity of questions and reduced overall laboratory time required for examinations, the Physical Therapy Program at Mercer University has introduced oral laboratory examinations for the gross anatomy course series. Anat Sci Educ 6: 271–276. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the attributes of students of Physical Therapy, and compares the profiles of students of Physical Therapy in two institutions of higher learning in Israel, Ben Gurion University (BGU) and the Academic College of Judea and Samaria (ACJS), Israel's largest public academic college. This study focuses on this department, where studies have an occupational/applicative/practical orientation and a high status in the higher education system.  相似文献   

针对传统线下教学模式在“物理化学实验”课程开展中所存在的难以满足学生的个性化发展、理论课程和实验课程教学进度不一致及单一教材难以满足多元化的教学需求等问题,结合“雨课堂”应用于教学中的优势,该文探讨了一种基于“雨课堂”的线上线下混合式的教学模式在“物理化学实验”课程中的应用模式,并将该模式引入实际的教学过程中,结合具体的教学实例对教学效果进行多维度的分析。研究表明,基于“雨课堂”的混合式教学模式的引入能很好地调动学生的学习热情,提高学生的学习效率,对“物理化学实验”的教学改革具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Interprofessional education (IPE) in clinical practice is believed to improve outcomes in health care delivery. Integrating teaching and learning objectives through cross discipline student interaction in basic sciences has the potential to initiate interprofessional collaboration at the early stages of health care education. Student attitudes and effectiveness of IPE in the context of a combined gross anatomy course for first‐year students in Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degrees curricula were evaluated. Integrated teams of MD and DPT students participated in part of the gross anatomy dissection course at Mayo Medical School. A survey was administered to 42 MD and 28 DPT students that assessed their attitudes toward IPE and cooperation among health care professionals. Pre‐ and post‐experience surveys were evaluated. Positive comments were related to opportunities for developing a better understanding of the nature and scope of each other's programs, encouraging teamwork and communication, mutual respect, and reducing the perceptual divide between disciplines. Ninety‐two percent of the students agreed that interprofessional learning would help them in becoming a more effective member of the health care team. This initial experience with IPE in gross anatomy provides a basis for continued development of interdisciplinary educational strategies. Anat Sci Ed 1:258–263, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

《物理化学实验》是一门综合基础化学实验课,作为《物理化学》课程的重要组成部分,是以实践的方式培养学生用物理的方法和手段研究化学问题,它是理论课不能取代的。本文在物化实验课程的教学过程方面总结了几点经验,并在实验的评分标准、实验内容以及加大投资、延长实验周期的方式改善教学效果方面提出了一些改革想法。  相似文献   

The International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Sport clearly states that vested agencies must participate in creating a strategic vision and identify policy options and priorities that enable the fundamental right for all people to participate in meaningful physical activity across their life course. Physical literacy is a rapidly evolving concept being used in policy making, but it has been limited by pre-existing and sometimes biased interpretations of the construct. The aim of this article is to present a new model of physical literacy policy considerations for key decision makers in the fields of public health, recreation, sport, and education. Internationally debated definitions of physical literacy and the wider construct of literacy were reviewed in order to establish common pillars of physical literacy in an applicable policy model. This model strives to be consistent with international understandings of what “physical literacy” is, and how it can be used to achieve established and developing public health, recreation, sport, and educative goals.  相似文献   

《体育健康课》是高校体育课程改革的结晶,本文就这一课程的建设发表看法,认为它应该是一门具有“整合性”的课程,应该以“主体建构”为指向,构建成“知识,能力,素质三位一体的整合性课程”,并赋予“主体建构”;提出要以多种类型程整合《体育健康课》,以新的课程结构来展现和落实其新的内涵和新的目标。  相似文献   

传统体育课程评价对高职体育课程评价存在弊端。运用文献资料法、归纳法对高职传统课程评价观进行分析与批判,提出高职体育课程评价理念,即量化与质性评价、真实性与情境性评价、过程与结果评价、生成性评价。这些课程评价理念的运用将有效促进高职体育课程的改革。  相似文献   

多年来体育教育专业课程结构的改革使学科科目逐步增加,术科学时逐步减少,武术这一主干普修课程教学时数也随之减少.作者对体育教育专业武术普修课程设置情况进行了研究,在制订教学计划的基本原理指导下,充分考虑学科的内在逻辑性和社会需求,以体现素质教育、培养学生多种能力为目标,对教学内容、教学时数分配以及考核评价等内容进行了分析,对武术教学提出改革建议,为体育教育专业武术普修课的教学改革提供启示与借鉴.  相似文献   

物流人才是我国21世纪最紧缺的12大类人才之一,但目前的高职教育不尽人意。本文就物流专业课程建设分别从核心课程和实训课程两方面给予分析,并提出具体的解决路径。  相似文献   

部门自然地理课程整合是我国高师院校课程改革的现实需要,是丰富课程整合内涵、解决课程门类过多和内容重复问题、促进有效教学的基础性工程。在把握部门自然地理课程结构问题、国内外课程整合现状及发展态势的基础上,基于哲学、心理学、教育学和地理学等理论基础,以关联课程模式、圈层系统模式、中心课程模式、教学案例模式和综合实习基地模式等对部门自然地理进行总体或局部的整合。  相似文献   

中小学《体育与健康》课程标准中,最不易领会和理解的就是三个目标,即课程目标、学习领域目标和水平目标。了解这三个目标的实质和内涵以及它的关系,对从事中小学体育课教学的教师理解和领会《体育与健康》课程标准有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

自然地理学是高等院校地球科学各专业的基础课。开展自然地理学通识教育旨在培养不同学科背景的学生以综合视角观察和认识地球表层的自然地理环境以及全球所面临的人地失衡、资源、环境、经济和社会问题,进而引导学生树立和谐人地共生关系的科学理念。通过系统梳理自然地理学通识教育课程存在的问题,从课程教学培养目的、课堂内容、教学方式与手段、考核方式、教师队伍建设等方面对课程教学改革进行有益探索。  相似文献   

本文针对传统的体育课程评价内容单一而导致课程评价功能缺失的不足,着眼于课程构建的整体观,提出体育课程的评价内容应涉及体育课程编制与实施的各个方面,并结合《体育与健康》新课标,分析探讨了对体育课程的理念、目标、结构以及学生和教师等方面进行评价的意义和方法,丰富和充实了体育课程评价的内容。  相似文献   

高校体育专业开设体能训练课的必要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体能是人类一切生命活动和目标行为的动力基础,体能训练是运动训练的重要组成部分。开设体能训练学课程可以优化课程结构,提高体育专业学生的体质和运动技能,减少运动损伤,满足学生未来职业体能的需要,还可提高学校的竞技能力。在开设该课程时应注意避免教学内容的重复和注重实践环节,设置合理的考核制度。  相似文献   

《无机材料物理化学》是材料学科无机非金属材料工程专业的主干课程,该课程从无机材料科学与工程中的基本共性规律出发,以材料科学的基本科学原理和方法来阐述无机材料组成、结构和性质关系的普遍规律,建设好本门课程对于学科建设和人才培养具有重要的意义。不断对《无机材料物理化学》课程进行教学改革以适应无机材料学科发展的新形式是培养更优秀的专业人才的必然趋势。本文在十余年教学实践经验的总结基础上,对《无机材料物理化学》课程教学实践与教学改革模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

研究重点关注的是英语专业基础阶段内容依托教学教材的建设问题。研究英语专业内容依托系列教材中的《美国自然人文地理》为例,通过教材编写及教材使用人员的反思以及研究人员对教材文本进行的分析,结果表明,该教材内容系统,结构清晰,语言真实,材料直观,板块新颖,具有较强的思想性、发展拓展性、科学性、趣味性、灵活开放性,具有英语专业基础阶段传统的技能本位教材难以比拟的优势。  相似文献   

足球是体育院校的主修课程,在体育教学中占重要地位。足球技战术复杂多样,掌握的难度也很大,在有限的学时内完全掌握的可能性不大,所以课程设计对于足球普修课的教学十分重要。笔者通过对参加实习的2008级学生对足球知识的需求情况进行问卷调查,并与山西师范大学体育学院当前的足球普修课程设计进行了对比分析,提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

体能训练初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体能训练是运动训练的重要内容。体能训练要与技术、心理等训练有机结合。在体能训练中,要灵活选取训练方法,要合理安排运动负荷。  相似文献   

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