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毛洪伟  李芬  郭永聪 《资源科学》2012,34(9):1798-1805
低碳生态城市建设是我国处于城市化快速发展阶段,经济转型的重要举措之一,而对于城市社区既有建筑的绿色改造技术研究是关系到低碳生态城市建设的重要环节。然而现阶段缺乏系统性的低碳生态建设领域的公众认知情况研究和定量化的分析,因此本研究采用问卷调查和半结构式访谈的方法,针对低碳生态城市建设的相关内容、方法和技术,进行低碳生态城建设技术公众认知调查。结果表明,受访者普遍认同低碳生态城市与传统城市规划技术存在差异,认为差异主要存在于控制方式、规划目标、指导思想、信息化手段、规划流程、规划内容、保障体系等方面;认为对于城市片区绿色建筑规模化规划前期需要进行生态诊断与预评估,诊断和评估的对象包括,生态环境、低碳技术条件、能源高效利用与开发潜力、用地适宜性与开发潜力、建设可行性、居民需求和政策条件等方面;大于90%的受访者认为绿色建筑规模化规划评估应该纳入社会人文需求因素,如公共服务设施的便利性、公共空间可达性、社区宜居性、基础设施完备性、居民生活满意度、文脉传承、建筑开放度、就业机会等;27%的受访者认为政府应是低碳社区生态改造的主导者;13.5%的受访者认为是政府应该是社区改造的提倡者,还有少部分(10.8%)的受访者对于政府的定位为资助者。既有社区低碳生态化改造的内涵应包括能源系统改造,环境整治,历史印记保留,建筑物更新保护,拆迁安置等方面的重要内容。对于低碳生态城市的微循环技术体系如微降解、微能源、微冲击、微更生、微交通、微创业、微绿地和微调控等方面也具有一定的认知排序。通过研究结果可清晰地看出下阶段的低碳生态城市建设重点议题和关键方法,以便更好地促进低碳生态城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104855
In this study, we use embeddedness and boundaryless career perspectives to investigate the extent to which Britain's withdrawal from the European Union (‘Brexit’) led business, economics and management academics to consider emigrating. Using a representative survey of two partially overlapping groups, we find that the impact of Brexit was surprisingly broad and nuanced. In particular, individuals who were born in the UK, but had obtained citizenship of another country, and foreign-born academics who obtained UK citizenship prior to the Brexit referendum have considered leaving the country, implying a broad discontent from mobile and less embedded individuals. Surprisingly, we did not find that the reputation of the institution where participants work, or differences in levels of academic seniority, influenced whether they were considering emigrating. More productive researchers are more likely to have considered emigrating, suggesting that Brexit may lead to a ‘hollowing out’ of UK research in the long term. However, personal circumstances, such as having children, or length of tenure, also entered into scholars' intention to emigrate. The results imply that managers should act to address the potential losses, and policy makers need to support the higher education sector, to ensure its sustainable competitive performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research article is to identify the critical success criteria/factors that affect the cloud computing adoption and examine structure, reliability and validity of the criteria in the SMEs industry. This study considers nine types of criteria/factors with fifty-one sub-criteria, which have somewhat previously been used, and creates a ranking model that offers decision makers to measure the prior implementation of cloud computing adoption. A questionnaire-based survey research was used to collect data from 110 firms belonging to the SMEs industry in India. In this paper, the data collected was analysed by an integrated approach. Firstly, an Analytic Hierarchy Process approach was applied to find the significant fact of each criterion as the assessable indices of the cloud computing adoption. Secondly, an Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were used to examine structure, reliability and validity of the criteria. The data was tabulated in a Microsoft Excel sheet and then imported in SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20) for analysis. The findings discovered that ‘Security and Privacy’, ‘Organizational Risk’, ‘Sharing and Collaboration’, ‘Confidentiality’, and ‘Integrity’ have a major effect on the adoption of cloud computing. The research was conducted in the SMEs industry in India, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. The findings and recommendations offer cloud computing service providers as well as users with a better understanding of what affects the cloud computing adoption feature, with a relevant understanding of the current scenario. The research aided in the application of the new technology of cloud computing adoption in the SMEs industry in India through the use of a wide range of criteria. The findings also help organizations study their information technology investments when applying cloud computing.  相似文献   

Science in the USSR has not escaped the general commitment of the authorities to centralized planning. But they have long been dissatisfied with the degree of de facto decentralization and isolation from production of the traditional science planning process, as well as the lack of flexibility of an institution-based system. This article examines the recent response to these problems — comprehensive goal-oriented programme methods of science planning and management, apparently derived from both Soviet and US defence R&D management. The problems of the approach are revelaed, primarily in terms of the excessive bureaucratization of science involved and the continuing isolation of R&D from production. The article concludes by speculating on the significance of the ‘entrepreneurial revolution’ in Western R&D for the Soviet system.  相似文献   

The role of universities has been evolving over the last 20 years, from a focus on teaching and research towards an enabling, partnership role with industry, government and communities in their proximate geographical spaces. Universities are increasingly linked to place. This paper reports on a case study of a peri‐urban Australian university that has chosen to link its identity with the development of its proximate communities. In doing so, a number of levers of change have been employed, amidst ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors that have challenged the institutionalisation of change. The strategies employed by university managers have included: industry, government and community participation in university governance; a cooperative education programme; and changes to systems for promotion, performance and recognition. There have been a number of obstacles to change, some of which continue to beset the embedding of a focus on regional and community engagement. Although at a formative stage, this change is already showing promising results. The change levers employed provide some interesting insights for university managers, academic staff and students of organisational change, more generally.  相似文献   

通常许多专家和学者把核电(核裂变发电)作为低碳发展的首选能源,其理由在于核能是清洁、安全、便宜的能源。文章认为,由于核废料处置的困难,核安全的不确定性,核能并不是想象中的清洁安全便宜的能源。我们必须从切尔诺贝利和日本福岛核事故中吸取教训,重新认识核能发电的安全和环境风险。由于我国的核电技术相对薄弱,铀资源相对不足,核电产业必须科学规划,坚持安全第一,充分考虑核事故对经济、社会和环境的影响。  相似文献   


The discourse of openness has proved to be a very powerful instrument for promoting new research policies and the (neoliberal) reforms of higher education in all so-called ‘advanced economies’. It has triggered positive democracy-, transparency-, and accountability-related associations when used in the context of politics, fair resource distribution when used in the sphere of public service, and free access to information and knowledge when used in the field of science and higher education. At the same time, international research shows that university autonomy is increasingly being attacked, reduced, and marginalized by the same policies. Power instances outside academia impose new criteria, such as ‘accountability,’ ‘performance,’ ‘quality assurance,’ and ‘good practice.’ They also impose ideas about what good research is, which scientific method is to be prioritized, and what good data are. The process of the de-professionalization, polarization, and proletarianization of the academic profession is increasingly affecting academia. However, none of this has much in common with the open-access discourse. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how this discussion applies to Sweden. Courses, forces, and discourses of the national research infrastructure development policy in general, and qualitative data preservation policy in particular, are described and deliberated.  相似文献   

Pasteur’s Quadrant model, published by Stokes in 1997, presents a two-dimensional abstract conceptual framework that proved immensely helpful to study and discuss institutional and policy arrangements in science. However, during the last 10 years the PQ model was also applied in a series of large-scale, survey-based studies worldwide to classify individual modern-day researchers according to their research orientation and performance.This paper argues that such applications are inadequate to capture key characteristics of individual researchers, especially those within the heterogeneous ‘Pasteur type’ group who engage in ‘use-inspired’ basic scientific research. Addressing this shortcoming, Pasteur’s Cube (PC) model introduces a new heuristic tool. Departing from a three-dimensional conceptual framework of research-related activities, the model enables a range of typologies to describe and study the large variety of academics at today’s research-intensive universities. The PC model’s analytical robustness was tested empirically in two interrelated ‘proof of concept’ studies: an exploratory survey among 150 European universities and a follow-up case study of Leiden University in the Netherlands. Both studies, collecting data for the years 2010–2015, applied a metrics-based taxonomy to classify individual academic researchers according to four performance categories: scientific publication output, research collaboration with the business sector, patents filings, and being engaging in entrepreneurial activities.The collective results of both studies provide more clarity on relevant subgroups of use-inspired researchers. The PC model can be used to guide empirical, metrics-based investigations of research activities and productivities, applies this approach to two case studies, and demonstrates the utility of the method while also reinforcing and enriching the growing body of literature showing that cross-sectoral and cross-functional research activities are more scientifically productive than research carried out in isolation of the context of use. Introducing the ‘Crossover Collaborator’ subtype helps to explain why Pasteur type researchers tend to outperform other types of researchers in terms of publication output and citation impact.  相似文献   

Public Research Institutes (PRIs) were established for many reasons, such as to promote defence related research and health related research. Helping domestic industries remains one of the important missions for public research institutes even when the countries have industrialized and firms’ technological capabilities are high. PRIs aim to upgrade existing industries, especially SMEs, as well as spearheading new ones. They can conduct research to solve today’s problems of existing industries and those of next generation technologies which might lead to creation of new industries. Moreover, relationship between PRIs and firms and non-firm actors like universities became more intense, open, horizontal, international, and longer term. To reduce risk and uncertainty inherent in research mentioned above, intermediary roles of PRIs are increasingly important. The emphasis and the ways PRIs help industry change over time and vary across countries as they are integral part of national innovation systems. This makes generalization difficult, but the experiences of five leading PRIs in Germany, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and the US shows that, the balances between contract research vs. longer term research with own initiative, mobility of researchers vs. retaining core researchers, and competitive grants and funds from industry vs. block grants from government are important to keep PRIs relevant to industry needs and maintain research standards. The governance of PRIs is of particular importance to maintain proper balances.  相似文献   

发达国家推动绿色能源发展的历程及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑艳婷  徐利刚 《资源科学》2012,34(10):1855-1863
绿色能源被认为是人类第四次技术革命的突破口,全世界高度关注。近年来我国也积极发展绿色能源,尤其在风能、太阳能等领域的投资快速增加,装机容量迅速增长。我国能源呈现出多元化发展的势头,但绿色能源发展仍面临核心技术欠缺、低端产能过剩等问题。20世纪70年代石油危机以来,美国、日本、德国等发达国家长期持续综合运用法律、经济、金融等手段鼓励绿色能源的技术研发、生产和消费,形成了全面支持发展绿色能源的路线图,积累了大量经验,并建立起各自在绿色能源领域的比较优势。本文系统梳理了发达国家推动绿色能源的发展历程和发展状况,展示发达国家绿色能源定位的演化,研究发达国家推动绿色能源发展过程中的典型特征和最新趋势,以期为我国推动绿色能源发展提供借鉴,并与世界发展最新趋势接轨。  相似文献   

王喜平  姜晔 《软科学》2012,26(2):73-78
运用方向距离函数和Malmquist-Luenberger指数模型,对我国2001~2008年36个工业行业在二氧化碳排放约束条件下的全要素能源效率水平进行测算,并利用核密度法估计了在此期间累积全要素能源效率的分布和动态变化特征,同时考察了影响碳排放约束下工业行业能源效率的各种因素。结果表明:在样本期间内我国各工业行业的全要素能源效率水平均得到不同程度的提高,并且高效率工业行业所占的比重不断提高;行业内企业研发投入、企业平均规模、行业产权结构等都能显著提高能源效率水平,而能源消费结构则与能源效率呈负相关。  相似文献   

黄丽佳  袁勤俭 《现代情报》2017,37(10):114-121
通过对相关文献的回顾,本文对国际网络隐私研究进行了计量分析,发现现有的研究主题集中在"基于移动位置服务的隐私问题研究"、"隐私保护算法研究"、"隐私保护技术研究"、"云计算的隐私安全研究"、"网络隐私权限控制研究"、"社交网站和电子商务中的用户隐私态度与行为研究"、"青少年敏感信息的隐私与安全保护研究"、"数据公开共享策略与国家治理研究"8个方面。研究发现当前研究中存在"利用数据纵向分析网络隐私主题随时间发展变化的研究较少"、"对于一些发展中国家的隐私问题关注度较低"、"国家的治理与业界的隐私政策相对独立缺乏联系"等问题,"大数据时代移动信息和社交信息挖掘过程中的隐私问题"、"在线医疗的隐私问题"等是未来研究值得关注的领域。  相似文献   

领导对员工创造力的期望是否会真的影响员工创造力?通过对112个工作团队分三阶段开展的问卷调研,发现工作场所中领导对员工创造力的期望能提高员工的心理授权进而提升员工创造性绩效,本研究运用自证预言理论对上述“期望效应”机制进行了探讨。研究结果还表明,员工对上级创造力期望的反应呈现出代际差异,领导表现出的这种期望效应会对以80后、90后为代表的新生代群体产生更大影响;对非新生代群体而言,期望效应并不显著。本文贡献在于,从创造力角度发现自证预言在工作情景中的直接证据,并指出这种效应并非普遍存在于不同代际群体。  相似文献   

Events in Italy and the rest of the world were confirming Pareto's predictions … [T]he national government was incapacitated by indecision … It was in this milieu that Italian fascism took root … On aggregate, people had come to feel that they should grow prosperous without having to work hard. As a consequence more energy was invested in connivance and in devising ways of transferring existing wealth than in constructive activity and the production of new wealth. With workers engaged in prolonged strikes and capitalists busy with parasitic or speculative activities yielding quick and easy money, no class was contributing to sustained growth or real property … corporate giants and organised labour were granted whatever concessions they asked for, at the expense of the general public. (C.H. Powers (ed.) in V. Pareto, The Transformation of Democracy, Transl., R. Girola, pp 17-18).  相似文献   

薛冰 《科技广场》2012,(2):25-27
煤炭是我国的主要能源,是国民经济和社会发展不可缺少的物资基础。随着日本核事故的发生,核电发展"被"放缓,而全球煤炭需求将增长。本文主要介绍了煤炭资源在我国国民经济中的需求状况,分析了煤炭产业在我国发展中所面临的一些问题,并提出了煤炭产业发展的一些建议。  相似文献   

煤炭消费的制约因素及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛冰  章朴 《科技广场》2012,(6):131-134
煤炭是我国的主要能源,是国民经济和社会发展不可缺少的物资基础。"十二五"煤炭产业规划中依然提出了我国对煤炭的旺盛需求。但是,随着部分地区产量接近饱和,煤炭行业的安全生产、生态环境压力越来越大,合理控制能源消费总量迫在眉睫。本文主要介绍了我国煤炭资源消费的现状,分析了煤炭产业的制约因素,并提出了煤炭产业发展的一些对策。  相似文献   

基于生物质能源企业视角,将我国生物质能源产业发展阶段特点与动态能力、创新绩效理论相结合,构建包含动态能力、创新模式和创新绩效在内的研究框架。从18个地区35家企业获取一手数据,结合现有文献进行分析,构建结构方程模型,取得相关研究结论。研究表明,学习能力对两种创新模式影响显著,且对渐进式创新影响更强;整合能力对激进式创新具有显著正向影响;两种创新模式对企业创新绩效均具有显著的正向影响,且生物质能源企业采用渐进式创新模式对创新绩效的影响作用更大。最后根据研究得出结论并提出建议。  相似文献   

The title of this paper is not meant to imply comprehensive treatment of developments in Australian science from the 1940s to the 1980s. Its more modest objective is to isolate particular parallels in the debates and rhetoric about science in these two decades. It argues that shifting political and economic contexts condition scientists' preferred strategies of self-legitimation. These shifts may cause major realignments within the scientific power structure. Two such shifts occurred during the 1940s. Coinciding with the outbreak of World War II, the catchcry of ‘science for society’ catalysed unprecedented moves to register science as a key national resource. But the projection of the scientist as social engineer/mediator was not to be realised. With the onset of the Cold War, the scientific community reverted to the defence of autonomy and non-interventionism in scientific organisation. Scientific ‘excellence’ rapidly replaced ‘relevance’ as a justification for government support of science. The appeal to freedom from political interference remains a powerful article of faith within the stratified research hierarchy. Increasingly, however, the rationale of autonomy is out of step with the economic and political climate of the 1980s. Some exploratory observations are made about the legacy of the 1940s in the emerging current political debate about Australia's so-called ‘technological dependence’ and a renewed concern about strategic relationships among science, technology, productivity and national wealth.  相似文献   

中国新能源汽车尤其是电动汽车的快速发展引致铜资源需求快速增长,资源需求和产业链风险不断增大,亟需通过有效的循环利用策略降低对原生资源的需求压力,提升新能源汽车产业链的弹性和可持续性。本文基于中国新能源汽车发展规划,构建了铜资源—零部件—新能源汽车的分层级动态物质流模型,评估循环利用策略有效性,分析中国新能源汽车发展对铜资源的影响。研究表明:①新能源汽车中纯电动汽车是实现铜循环利用的主力,再生铜资源对资源供给总量的乘数效应逐渐显现;②电机和电池是实现新能源汽车中铜资源循环利用的关键零部件,再生铜循环利用水平不断提升;③实施单一循环利用策略的有效性有限,需要通过执行复合策略,在减少原生铜消费的同时,增加再生铜供给,降低铜废料产出。为了发挥再生资源正外部性对资源可持续发展的促进作用,推动原生铜消费与资源需求总量脱钩,需要铜产业、新能源汽车产业、报废汽车回收拆解产业、消费者及政府之间的多主体协同合作,推动中国新能源汽车中铜资源循环利用策略的有效实现。  相似文献   

Although science parks are established globally for decades as an innovation policy instrument to foster growth and networking, there is limited attention given towards research into possible types within these real estate objects. Prior attempts in categorising science parks are characterised by the limited number of cases and/or variables. Science parks are believed to enhance innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic value for firms and regions. Past academic research showed mixed results on these performances and it is reasoned that distinct types within science parks exist that might explain these unclear results. We argue that before we can grasp what science parks can do, we should know what they are. Therefore, a survey on science park characteristics was completed by 82 science park managers in Europe. A cluster analysis was conducted which grouped the 82 participating science parks in three types; ‘research’, ‘cooperative’, and ‘incubator’ locations. Next, differences and similarities of these three types within science parks in Europe were analysed as a basis for advancing the academic debate. The types provide further understanding of science parks and offer researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers a means to compare, market, and benchmark science parks more adequately.  相似文献   

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